192 research outputs found

    Empirically supported affirmative psychological interventions for transgender and non-binary youth and adults: A systematic review.

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    Research suggests that transgender and non-binary (TGNB) individuals experience lower levels of psychological well-being than the general population. Although practice recommendations and guidelines exist, there is a paucity of studies evaluating the effects of psychological interventions on this group. This systematic review aimed to synthesize and analyze existing empirical affirmative psychological interventions for TGNB individuals to assess their efficacy. Eight databases (PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Scopus, LILACS, Cochrane, ProQuest, Google Scholar) were searched from January 2010 to June 2022 to identify relevant studies. Included studies needed to be randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental, or uncontrolled pre-post. Twenty-two articles were included, of which eight had TGNB participants only, two had mixed samples with separated outcome data for TGNB participants, and 12 had mixed samples with no disaggregated data. Experimental designs, participant samples, assessed variables, and type of interventions varied widely across studies, thus preventing comparisons. Overall results suggest improvements in psychological distress, depression, anxiety, suicidality, substance-related risk behaviors, coping skills/emotion regulation, stress appraisal, self-esteem, self-acceptance, social support, minority stress, resilience, hope, positive identity, and identity acceptance, although conclusions are limited by moderate-to-high risk of bias. Future research should implement more consistent and rigorous methodological designs to assess and compare intervention efficacy.This work was supported by the Research Group in Clinical and Health Psychology OSAKLINIK (#IT 1450-22) at the University of the Basque Country

    VineSens: An Eco-Smart Decision-Support Viticulture System

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    [Abstract] This article presents VineSens, a hardware and software platform for supporting the decision-making of the vine grower. VineSens is based on a wireless sensor network system composed by autonomous and self-powered nodes that are deployed throughout a vineyard. Such nodes include sensors that allow us to obtain detailed knowledge on different viticulture processes. Thanks to the use of epidemiological models, VineSens is able to propose a custom control plan to prevent diseases like one of the most feared by vine growers: downy mildew. VineSens generates alerts that warn farmers about the measures that have to be taken and stores the historical weather data collected from different spots of the vineyard. Such data can then be accessed through a user-friendly web-based interface that can be accessed through the Internet by using desktop or mobile devices. VineSens was deployed at the beginning in 2016 in a vineyard in the Ribeira Sacra area (Galicia, Spain) and, since then, its hardware and software have been tested to prevent the development of downy mildew, showing during its first season that the system can led to substantial savings, to decrease the amount of phytosanitary products applied, and, as a consequence, to obtain a more ecologically sustainable and healthy wine.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-R

    A survey for gregarines (Protozoa: Apicomplexa) in arthropods in Spain

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    Gregarines thrive in the digestive tract of arthropods and may be deleterious to their hosts, especially when present in high densities. The impact of parasites on these invertebrates may affect both the ecosystem equilibrium and human economic activities. However, information available on gregarines in Spain is limited. Therefore, a microscopic study on prevalence of gregarine infection in 560 insects and crustaceans was undertaken in Madrid and Tarragona. Gregarina ormierei (78% prevalence), Stylocephalus gigas (56 %), Oocephalus hispanus (13 %) and Actinocephalus permagnus (only one infected out of six beetles examined) were found in coleopteran hosts. Gregarina ovata and G. chelidurellae showed moderate frequency of infection (35 %) in dermapterans. An undescribed Gregarina sp. (76 % prevalence) was observed for the first time in freshwater decapod crustaceans. Interestingly, G. ormierei showed a noticeable phenotypic dimorphism, which justifies its redescription based on modern taxonomic criteria. Sequences of the 18S rRNA gene could be obtained only in the presence of highly prevalent gregarines. G. ormierei and Gregarina sp. were related (85 and 94 % identity by BLASTN, respectively) to G. basiconstrictonea and G. cloptoni, respectively, whereas S. gigas was closely related to both Xiphocephalus ellisi and S. giganteus (> 97 % identity). Phylogenetic trees based on ribosomal sequences unequivocally grouped these new isolates either with the Gregarinidae (G. ormierei and Gregarina sp.) or the Stylocephalidae (S. gigas)

    Arc-parallel vs back-arc extension in the Western Gibraltar arc : is the Gibraltar forearc still active?

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    Extremely tight arcs, framed within the Eurasia-Africa convergence region, developed during the Neogene on both sides of the western Mediterranean. A complex interplate deformation zone has been invoked to explain their structural trend-line patterns, the shortening directions and the development of back-arc basins. Updated structural and kinematic maps, combined with earthquake data covering the complete hinge zone of the western Gibraltar arc help us to explore the mode of strain partitioning from 25My ago to present. During the Miocene, the strain partitioning pattern showed arc-perpendicular shortening in the active orogenic wedge -assessed from the radial pattern of tectonic transport directions- accompained by subhorizontal stretching. Structures accommodating stretching fall into two categories on the basis of their space distribution and their relationships with the structural trend-line pattern: i) arc-parallel stretching structures in the external wedge (mainly normal faults and conjugate strike-slip faults); and ii) extensional faults developed in the hinterland zone in which transport directions are centripetal towards the Alborán back-arc basin. Pliocene to Recent deformational structures together with focal solutions from crustal earthquakes (n=167; 1.

    Conocimiento y destrezas iniciales de los alumnos que acceden a cursos introductorios de física en 6 universidades iberoamericanas : cambio a lo largo del primer curso e incidencia en el éxito académi

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    Este trabajo forma parte de un estudio más extenso, financiado por la AECID, sobre la formación inicial de los alumnos que acceden a cursos de Física en varias universidades iberoamericanas, y de su influencia en el rendimiento académico en el primer curso. La muestra incluye alumnos de las universidades de Alcalá (España), Católica del Norte (Antofagasta, Chile), Santiago (Chile), San Luis (Argentina), San Juan (Argentina) y Tecnológico de Monterrey (México). En primer lugar se ilustra el grado alcanzado en la comprensión de conceptos físicos básicos, en destrezas relevantes para el estudio de la Física y en la capacidad de razonamiento científico. En la segunda parte se muestra como varía la comprensión de los conceptos en el primer año universitario y se analiza mediante un estudio correlacional la influencia de la formación inicial en el éxito académico

    Estudio piloto de unidades didácticas sobre arquitectura bioclimática

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    Se presentan los resultados de un estudio piloto sobre Unidades Didácticas (U.D.) elaboradas dentro del PSE-ARFRISOL cuyo objetivo es promover el cambio de mentalidad respecto al ahorro energético. La finalidad es comprobar la viabilidad de las mismas y su perfeccionamiento. La evaluación se realiza con pruebas completadas por los escolares, e informes y fichas cumplimentados por los profesores colaboradores (P.C.). La muestra está constituida por 12 centros escolares de cuatro Comunidades Autónomas y abarca desde Infantil hasta 3º de ESO. En los informes los profesores indican que los contenidos son apropiados para el currículo oficial vigente y que los alumnos realizan los aprendizajes esperados. En particular, resaltan que las Unidades son motivadoras e interesantes y el papel de las actividades experimentales incluidas

    Influencia de la variabilidad en la virulencia de diferentes aislados de Toxoplasma gondii sobre las lesiones de encéfalos fetales ovinos

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    Trabajo presentado a la: XXXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica Veterinaria (SEAPV). 1 octubre. Congreso virtual.Peer reviewe

    Associations of accumulated persistent organic pollutants in breast adipose tissue with the evolution of breast cancer after surgery

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    Dr. JP Arrebola is under contract within the Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC-2016-20155, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain). This study was supported by research grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Junta de Andalucía and European Regional Development Fund – FEDER (PI-0513/2012, PI16/01858, PI18/01573, PI20/01568).Chronic exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is suspected to contribute to the onset of breast cancer, but the impact on the evolution of patients after diagnosis is unclear. We aimed to analyze the contribution of long-term exposure to five POPs to overall mortality, cancer recurrence, metastasis, and development of second primary tumors over a global follow-up of 10 years after surgery in breast cancer patients in a cohort study. Between 2012 and 2014, a total of 112 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients were recruited from a public hospital in Granada, Southern Spain. Historical exposure to POPs was estimated by analyzing their concentrations in breast adipose tissue samples. Sociodemographic data were collected through face-to-face interviews, while data on evolution tumor were retrieved from clinical records. Statistical analyses were performed using Cox regression (overall survival, breast cancer recurrence or metastasis) and binary logistic regression models (joint outcome variable). We also tested for statistical interactions of POPs with age, residence, and prognostic markers. The third vs first tertile of hexachlorobenzene concentrations was associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality (Hazard Ratio, HR = 0.26; 95 % Confidence Interval, CI = 0.07-0.92) and of the appearance of any of the four events (Odds Ratio = 0.37; 95 % CI = 0.14-1.03). Polychlorinated biphenyl 138 concentrations were significantly and inversely associated with risk of metastasis (HR = 0.65; 95 % CI = 0.44-0.97) and tumor recurrence (HR = 0.69; 95 % CI = 0.49-0.98). Additionally, p,p & PRIME;dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene showed inverse associations with risk of metastasis in women with ER-positive tumors (HR = 0.49; 95 % CI = 0.25-0.93) and in those with a tumor size <2.0 cm (HR = 0.39; 95 % CI = 0.18-0.87).Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain RYC-2016-20155Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIJunta de AndalucíaEuropean Regional Development Fund – FEDER (PI-0513/2012, PI16/01858, PI18/01573, PI20/01568)University of Granada / CBU

    Diverse strategies for copper production in Chalcolithic Iberia

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    Our understanding of early copper metallurgy in the Iberian Peninsula is mostly based on analysis from well-studied regions in the Southeast and Southwest. This paper focuses on two recently recovered Chalcolithic metallurgical assemblages outside these traditional research foci: two slagged crucibles from Lugar Viejo III (Zaragoza) and two large slag cakes from Cueva del Cañaveralejo (Córdoba). Analysis of the compositions and microstructures of the artifacts using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) suggests they are related to primary copper production, namely smelting in crucible-furnaces under relatively oxidizing conditions, as is standard for this period. The slag layers on crucibles from Lugar Viejo indicate the production of copper with minor amounts of arsenic, also typical for this period. Of special note is the use of organic temper in the crucibles from Lugar Viejo, a practice found at the nearby site of Moncín but rare at other sites in Iberia. However, the slags from Cueva del Cañaveralejo are atypical in their large size (approx. 125 g each), fayalitic composition, unusual efficiency as demonstrated by a low copper content, and lack of arsenic; furthermore, the high sulfur content raises the possibility of the use of sulfidic ores. Results from both sites are compared against published data from well-known sites such as Los Millares, Las Pilas, Almizaraque, and Bauma del Serrat del Pont. The new data from Lugar Viejo and Cueva del Cañaveralejo reinforce the interpretation of metallurgy in the Iberian Peninsula as a low-skilled, conservative technology but also indicate the need for more research into regional variations. (See Supplementary Data 1 for a summary in Spanish)

    Paleografía humana durante el Tardiglaciar y Holoceno inicial en el ámbito mediterráneo del Ne ibérico

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    En el NE mediterráneo de la Península Ibérica, el perído comprendido entre el Tardiglaciar y el Holoceno muestra una dinámica demográfica y cultural en la que se alternan momentos de abundancia de registro y diversidad de evidencias con fases de escasez y casos aislados. Los tecno-complejos microlaminares, que se inician durante el GI-1, rompen con el vacío del Pleniglaciar y parecen perdurar en el tiempo de forma discontinua hasta los inicios del Holoceno. Este hecho genera un escenario de convergencia cronológica con las escasas evidencias sauveterrienses y el Mesolítico de muescas y denticulados. Ambos aparecen en el registro coincidiendo con el tránsito Pleistoceno-Holoceno. La perduración de los conjuntos atribuídos al Paleolítico superior final rompe con la homgeneidad cronológica del proceso observada en los territorios cercanos, mostrando las peculiaridades de la ocupación en un territorio concreto dentro de la evolución cultural de la Cuenca del Ebro y el Levante mediterráne