325 research outputs found

    Diffusivity and Weak Clustering in a Quasi 2D Granular Gas

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    We present results from a detailed simulation of a quasi-2D dissipative granular gas, kept in a non-condensed steady state via vertical shaking over a rough substrate. This gas shows a weak power-law decay in the tails of its Pair Distribution Functions (PDF's), indicating fractality and therefore a tendency to form clusters over several size scales. This clustering depends monotonically on the dissipation coefficient, and disappears when the sphere-sphere collisions are conservative. Clustering is also sensitive to the packing fraction. This gas also displays the standard nonequilibrium characteristics of similar systems, including non-Maxwellian velocity distributions. The diffusion coefficients are calculated over all the conditions of the simulations, and it is found that diluted gases are more diffusive for smaller restitution coefficients.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Global, Diffuse, Direct, and Ultraviolet Solar Irradiance Recorded in Malta and Atmospheric Component Influences

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    AbstractGlobal and diffuse shortwave (SW) and global erythemal (UVER) irradiances were measured in Malta, in the middle of Mediterranean Sea. The effect of solar zenith angle on these irradiances is studied using the measurements and simulations developed with a radiative transfer model. The role of ozone, scattering by gases, and aerosols is analyzed. Results show that ozone and Rayleigh scattering are the main drivers responsible for the behavior of UVER variations with SZA. In the case of global and diffuse irradiance, the role of aerosols is the principal determinant

    Comparison of Antibacterial Activity and Wound Healing in a Superficial Abrasion Mouse Model of Staphylococcus aureus Skin Infection Using Photodynamic Therapy Based on Methylene Blue or Mupirocin or Both

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    Background: Antibiotic resistance and impaired wound healing are major concerns in S. aureus superficial skin infections, and new therapies are needed. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) is a new therapeutic approach for infections, but it also improves healing in many wound models. Objective: To compare the antimicrobial activity and the effects on wound healing of aPDT based on Methylene Blue (MB-aPDT) with mupirocin treatment, either alone or in combination, in superficial skin wounds of S. aureus-infected mice. Additionally, to evaluate the clinical, microbiological, and cosmetic effects on wound healing. Materials and Methods: A superficial skin infection model of S. aureus was established in SKH-1 mice. Infected wounds were treated with MB-aPDT, MB-aPDT with a daily topical mupirocin or only with mupirocin. No treatment was carried out in control animals. Daily clinical and microbiological examinations were performed until complete clinical wound healing. Histopathological studies and statistical analysis were performed at the end of the study. Results: MB-aPDT treatment induced the best wound healing compared to mupirocin alone or to mupirocin plus MB-aPDT. Superficial contraction at 24 h and a greater reduction in size at 48 h, quicker detachment of the crust, less scaling, and absence of scars were observed. Histopathological studies correlated with clinical and gross findings. By contrast, mupirocin showed the highest logaritmic reduction of S. aureus. Conclusions: MB-aPDT and mupirocin treatments are effective in a murine superficial skin infection model of S. aureus. One session of MB-aPDT was the best option for clinical wound healing and cosmetic results. The addition of mupirocin to MB-aPDT treatment improved antimicrobial activity; however, it did not enhance wound healing. No synergistic antibacterial effects were detected. © Copyright © 2021 Pérez, Robres, Moreno, Bolea, Verde, Pérez-Laguna, Aspiroz, Gilaberte and Rezusta

    Lifestyle and fat distribution in asthmatic and healthy adolescents

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    Introducción: el objetivo es analizar el estilo de vida, en función del ejercicio y la dieta, de un grupo de adolescentes de la Comunidad de Madrid, teniendo en cuenta género y patología y su relación con el estado nutricional, la distribución de grasa y la función pulmonar. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de 207 sujetos que analizó el estilo de vida a partir del nivel de actividad física (AF) y la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea, el estado nutricional y la distribución de grasa, y la salud respiratoria. Resultados: El grupo de no asmáticos fue más activo (p=0,003) y presentó menor ICT (p=0,001) que el grupo de asmáticos. Se encontraron diferencias significativas dentro del grupo sin asma en nivel de AF siendo los varones más activos (p=0,01) y presentando menor índice cintura-talla (ICT) que las mujeres del mismo grupo (p=0,001). Conclusiones: Los adolescentes no asmáticos fueron más activos y presentaron mejor distribución de grasa que los asmáticosObjectives: objective is to analyze the lifestyle, integrating exercise and diet, of a group of adolescents from the Community of Madrid, taking into account gender and pathology and its relationship with nutritional status, fat distribution and lung function in adolescents with or without asthma. Methods: This was a descriptive study including 207 subjects aged 13.20 ± 0.62 years. Lifestyle was assessed in terms of physical activity (PA) levels, Mediterranean diet, nutritional status, and respiratory health measured through FEV1 (z). Results: In the non-asthma group, boys were more active (p = 0.01) and showed a lower waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) than girls (p = 0.001). Participants without asthma were more active (p = 0.003), and had a better WHtR (p = 0.001) and FEV1 (p = 0.001) than those with asthma. Conclusions: In this Spanish population sample, non-asthmatic adolescents were more active and showed a better nutritional status, fat distribution and respiratory health than their peers with asthmaFinanciado a través de la VII Convocatoria Real Madrid-Universidad Europea (Ref 2015/03RM); Tercer premio en los XV Premios Neumomadrid; Beca Jóvenes Investigadores de la SENP 2015

    Una alternativa poco habitual: la vía intraosea

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    After an intensive literature review, we seek here to implement a recommendation guide when using this route. There is a discussion of the indications and contraindications of the route and insertion techniques and of the key anatomical regions affected.We should note that this is an emergency vascular access for infusion of drugs and fluids, so we will define the specific indications and who is responsible for its implementation and offer a description of the technique in all its steps.The theoretical basis of using this approach is based on the fact that the long bone marrow cavity is occupied by a rich network of sinusoids which drain the large central venous sinus and allowed these drugs and fluids to pass into the general circulation with a speed similar to that at which they would pass to any other peripheral vein. It is a little-known route of choice by the health staff, but very useful in patients with difficult venous access due to circulatory collapse of pathological or traumatic origin. The article therefore seeks to facilitate its use for all concerned.En el presente artículo, tras una intensa revisión bibliográfica, intentaremos implantar una guía de recomendaciones a la hora de utilizar esta vía, para ello expondremos las principales indicaciones y contraindicaciones de la citada vía, así como las técnicas de inserción y principales regiones anatómicas afectas.Debemos tener en cuenta que se trata de un acceso vascular de urgencia para la infusión de fármacos y líquidos, por lo que vamos a delimitar sus indicaciones concretas y a quien corresponde su aplicación, así como la descripción de la técnica en todos sus pasos.La base teórica del uso de esta vía está basada en que la cavidad medular de huesos largos está ocupada por una rica red de capilares sinusoides que drenan al gran seno venoso central y que permite pasar dichos fármacos y líquidos a la circulación general con una rapidez similar a como lo harían por cualquier otra vena periférica.Se trata de una vía de elección poco conocida por el personal sanitario, pero de gran utilidad en pacientes con difícil acceso venoso por colapso circulatorio de origen patológico o traumático, por lo que tras la elaboración de este artículo pretendemos que a todos nos sea un poco más fácil su uso