241 research outputs found

    How we are portrayed, is that what we are?

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    Estudio descriptivo que utiliza como fuente de datos material bibliográfico y digital. Tiene por objeto analizar la visión que de la enfermería tiene la sociedad y el papel desarrollado por la profesión enfermera en el ámbito cotidiano. Se constata el escaso impacto de nuestra profesión como autora de artículos de difusión popular en el ámbito de la Educación para la Salud, así como la visión romántica o frívola que la literatura contemporánea y los medios de comunicación ofrecen de la enfermería, como reflejo de una opinión pública muy extendida.Descriptive study using literature and digital material as sources, its aim is to analyse the perception society has of nursing and the role nurses play in daily life. The scarce impact of our profession as authors of dissemination articles in the field of Health Education is a fact. So is the romantic or frivolous view of Nursing that current literature and mass media offer, as a reflection of common public opinion

    La violencia de pareja entre adolescentes: revisión de los programas preventivos actuales y propuesta de intervención

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    El presente trabajo muestra el estado actual de los programas de prevención de la violencia de pareja en adolescentes y jóvenes a través de una búsqueda exhaustiva de literatura reciente sobre este fenómeno. La importancia de este estudio radica en que, para poder implementar programas destinados a la prevención, necesitamos conocer el estado actual en el que nos encontramos en materia de programas y de eficacia de los mismos. Tras analizar los programas de prevención, finalizamos con una propuesta de intervención basada en el taller cinematográfico de 'La Máscara del Amor'. Las conclusiones apuntan a que puede considerarse como una medida eficaz en la prevención de la violencia de pareja entre jóvenes

    Progressive facial hemiatrophy with associated osseous lesions

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    Progressive facial hemiatrophy (PFH) is a rare condition characterized by the slow, progressive appearance of a unilateral facial atrophy that affects the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and bone. We report the case of a 60-year-old female patient whose cutaneous symptoms commenced in 1987 in the form of a purplish erythema on the left side of her face and neck, which subsequently remitted giving rise to an indurated region in the left maxillary region. Since 1995 until the present day, she has developed facial hemiatrophy on the left side accompanied by progressive osseous reabsorption of the upper maxilla and left mandible with atrophy of soft tissue. The association of the onset of PFH with progressive osteolysis of the maxilla has not been previously reported in an adult patient

    Segmentation Based on the Gastronomic Motivations of Tourists: The Case of the Costa Del Sol (Spain)

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    Tourist destinations increasingly sustain their consolidation, promotion, and development from gastronomy. This research aims to contribute to the scientific literature analyzing the relationship between tourism and gastronomy for the specific case of the Costa del Sol (Spain) from tourists’ experiences of different nationalities who have visited the area. The methodology has been based on questionnaires applied to foreign travellers, after the gastronomic tasting of lunch or dinner in typical beach restaurants, called “chiringuitos”. Results show the existence of different segments of tourists based on their attitude towards local cuisine. Three groups have been identified, with different gastronomic predispositions and knowledge, and it is concluded that there are different levels of satisfaction and motivations in tourists, as they are identified in one segment or the other

    Moody’s Ratings Statistical Forecasting for Industrial and Retail Firms

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    Long-term ratings of companies are obtained from public data plus some additional nondisclosed information. A model based on data from firms’ public accounts is proposed to directly obtain these ratings, showing fairly close similitude with published results from Credit Rating Agencies. The rating models used to assess the creditworthiness of a firm may involve some possible conflicts of interest, as companies pay for most of the rating process and are, thus, clients of the rating firms. Such loss of faith among investors and criticism toward the rating agencies were especially severe during the financial crisis in 2008. To overcome this issue, several alternatives are addressed; in particular, the focus is on elaborating a rating model for Moody’s long-term companies’ ratings for industrial and retailing firms that could be useful as an external check of published rates. Statistical and artificial intelligence methods are used to obtain direct prediction of awarded rates in these sectors, without aggregating adjacent classes, which is usual in previous literature. This approach achieves an easy-to-replicate methodology for real rating forecasts based only on public available data, without incurring the costs associated with the rating process, while achieving a higher accuracy. With additional sampling information, these models can be extended to other sectors

    Current understanding of the diagnosis and management of the tendinopathy: An update from the lab to the clinical practice

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    [Abstract] Tendinopathy is labeled by many authors as a troublesome, common pathology, present in up to 30% medical care con- sultations involving musculoskeletal conditions. Despite the lasting interest for addressing tendon pathology, current re- searchers agree that even the exact definition of the term tendinopathy is unclear. Tendinopathy is currently diagnosed as a clinical hypothesis based on the patient symptoms and physical context. One of the main goals of current clinical management is to personalize treatment approaches to adapt them to the many different needs of the population. Tendons are complex structures that unite muscles and bones with two main objectives: to transmit forces and stor- age and release energy. Regarding the tensile properties of the tendons, several authors argued that tendons have higher tensile strength compared with muscles, however, are con- sidered less flexible. Tendinopathy is an accepted term which is used to indicated a variety of tissue conditions that appear in injured tendons and describes a non-rupture damage in the tendon or para- tendon, which is intensified with mechanical loading Even when the pathoetiology of tendinopathy is unclear, there is a wide array of treatments available to treat and manage tendinopathy. Although tendinitis usually debuts with an in- flammatory response, the majority of chronic tendinopathies do not present inflammation and so the choosing of treat- ment should vary depending on severity, compliance, pain and duration of symptoms. The purpose of this article is to review and provide an overview about the currently research of the tendon diagno- sis, management and etiology

    Yeast Biodiversity in Fermented Doughs and Raw Cereal Matrices and the Study of Technological Traits of Selected Strains Isolated in Spain

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    [EN] Bakers use pure microorganisms and/or traditional sourdoughs as the leavening agent for making bread. The performance of each starter and the substances produced by the microorganisms greatly affect the dough rheology and features of breads. Modern sourdoughs inoculated with selected lactic acid bacteria and yeasts are microbiologically stable, safer than traditional sourdoughs, and easy to use. However, the commercial repertoire of baker’s yeasts is still limited. Therefore, there is a demand for new strains of yeast species, capable of conferring distinctive traits to breads made from a variety of agri-food matrices, in the design of innovative starters. In this context, we report the first comprehensive study on yeasts isolated from a wide range of fermented doughs, cereal flours, and grains of Spain. Nine yeast species were identified from 433 isolates, which were distributed among separate clades. Moreover, phenotypic traits of potential technological relevance were identified in selected yeast strains. Mother doughs (MDs) showed the greatest yeast biodiversity, whereas commercial Saccharomyces starters or related and wild strains often dominated the bakery doughs. A metataxonomic analysis of wheat and tritordeum MDs revealed a greater richness of yeast species and percentage variations related to the consistency, flour type, and fermentation time of MDs

    Designing advanced multistatic imaging systems with optimal 2D sparse arrays

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    This study introduces an innovative optimization method to identify the optimal configuration of a sparse symmetric 2D array for applications in security, particularly multistatic imaging. Utilizing genetic algorithms (GAs) in a sophisticated optimization process, the research focuses on achieving the most favorable antenna distribution while mitigating the common issue of secondary lobes in sparse arrays. The main objective is to determine the ideal configuration from specific design parameters, including hardware specifications such as number of radiating elements, minimum spacing, operating frequency range, and image separation distance. The study employed a cost function based on the the point spread function (PSF), the system response to a point source, with the goal of minimizing the secondary lobe levels and maximizing their separation from the main lobe. Advanced simulation algorithms based on physical optics (PO) were used to validate the presented methodology and results.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-113979RB-C21Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-113979RB-C22Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RYC2021-033593-

    Influence of socioeconomic status on SARS-CoV-2 infection in spanish pregnant women. The MOACC-19 Cohort

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    Little is known on socio-economic factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant women. Here, we analyze the relationship between educational, occupational, and housing variables with SARS-CoV-2 infection in a cohort of 988 pregnant women in Spain. Pregnant women were recruited at the University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain, among those delivering from 23 March 2020 onwards or consulting for their 12th week of pregnancy from 26 May 2020 onwards. Information on occupational variables and housing characteristics was self-reported. Pregnant women were tested for a current or past infection of SARS-CoV-2 using both PCR and antibodies detection (ELISA). Logistic regression models were used to analyze factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, adjusting for age and country of origin. Infection by SARS-CoV-2 was not associated with educational level or occupational variables, except for where the pregnant woman was a healthcare worker (odds ratio (OR) = 2.87, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.84-9.79). Housing with four or more rooms (OR = 2.07, 95% CI: 0.96-4.47), four or more people in the household (OR = 1.91, 95% CI: 0.89-4.14), lack of heating (OR = 2.81, 95% CI: 1.24-6.34) and less than 23 square meters per person (OR = 3.97, 95% CI: 1.43-11.1) were the housing characteristics associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Housing characteristics, but not occupational or educational variables, were associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Guidelines on the prevention of COVID-19 should reinforce household measures to prevent pregnant women from becoming infected by their relatives.Funding: This research was funded by the Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III grant number COV20/00923