3,886 research outputs found

    Discourses and strategies: The Reception of Foucault ́s Notion of “Discourse” in Edward Said’s Orientalism

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    Indexación: Revista UNABEl texto intenta poner de relieve la recepción crítica que realiza Said en Orientalismo de la noción de discurso que opera en algunos textos de Michel Foucault, sobre todo en El orden del discurso y Los anormales. La idea es determinar el modo crítico en que Said despliega dicha noción como una forma de hacer operar la especulación teórica foucaultiana en contextos coloniales y poscoloniales.The article highlights the critical reception of the notion of discourse —which operates in many texts of Michel Foucault, especially in The Order of Discourse and Abnormal— in Said´s Orientalism. The idea is to determine the critical way in which Said uses this notion as a form to make foucaultian theoretical speculation operate in colonial and postcolonial contexts.http://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/3.-HERNANDEZ.pd

    Contributions to sustainable ecotourism development from different sectors relationship in protected areas: Viñales National Park (Cuba) experience

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    En el campo de la ciencia se ha venido gestando una revolución con relación al desarrollo local sostenible; es evidente que la actividad turística brinda hoy la posibilidad de poner en práctica esta experiencia. El desarrollo local sostenible con eje en el turismo, es una vía de progreso y de autogestión para las localidades, sin descartar la necesidad de la integración de los demás sectores presentes en la localidad. La gestión en las localidades pretende lograr una vinculación armónica entre las dimensiones económica, ambiental, social y cultural; el Parque Nacional Viñales, Cuba, constituye un ejemplo de desarrollo local sostenible, establecido a partir de la gestión de su patrimonio natural y socio cultural, logrado a través de un adecuado manejo turístico, entre sus actores, lo cual constituye un escenario apropiado para la ejecución de actividades de planificación con plena participación de la población local. Por ello, se pretende analizar el desarrollo local sostenible de manera integral, a partir del manejo ecoturístico de un área natural, con categoría de manejo (Parque Nacional Viñales), a través de un procedimiento, basado en diferentes dimensiones, las cuales expresan la viabilidad de la actividad ecoturística sostenible en función del progreso local.In the field of science it has been developing a revolution in relation to local sustainable development, it is clear that tourism now provides the ability to implement this experience. Local development sustainable tourism management is a way of developing and self-management for local communities, without ruling out the need for the integration of other sectors in the locality. The management aims to achieve localities harmonious linkage between the economic, environmental, social and cultural sectors. Today Viñales National Park, Cuba, is an example of sustainable local development, based on the management of natural and cultural heritage, achieved through accurate management of tourism, by the participating actors. It is today an appropriate setting for the execution planning activities with full participation of the local population. It is therefore, the aim to analyze the local integrated development from the perspective of ecotourism management of a natural area (Viñales National Park), through a procedure, considering different dimensions, which express the viability of ecotourism sustainable based on local progress

    Effect of Vinyl Flooring on the Modal Properties of a Steel Footbridge

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    Damping ratios associated with non structural elements play an important role in mitigating the pedestrian-induced vibrations of slender footbridges. In particular, this paper analyses the effect of vinyl flooring on the modal parameters of steel footbridges. Motivated by the unexpected high experimental damping ratios of the first vibration modes of a real footbridge, whose deck was covered by a vinyl flooring, this paper aims at assessing more accurately the experimental damping ratios generated by this non-structural element on steel footbridges. For this purpose, a laboratory footbridge was built and vinyl flooring was installed on it. Its numerical and experimental modal parameters without and with the vinyl flooring were determined. The operational modal analysis method was used to estimate experimentally the modal parameters of the structure. The damping ratios associated with the vinyl flooring were obtained via the substraction between the experimental damping ratios of the laboratory footbridge with and without the vinyl flooring. An average increase of the damping ratios of 2.069% was observed due to the vinyl flooring installed. According to this result, this type of pavement may be a useful tool to significantly increase the damping ratios of steel footbridges in order to reduce pedestrian-induced vibrationsMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2014-53947-RFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional DPI2014-53947-

    Combination of Direct Viable Count and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (DVC-FISH) as a Potential Method for Identifying Viable Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Oysters and Mussels

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    [EN] Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a human food-borne pathogen with the ability to enter the food chain. It is able to acquire a viable, non-cultivable state (VBNC), which is not detected by traditional methods. The combination of the direct viable count method and a fluorescent in situ hybridization technique (DVC-FISH) makes it possible to detect microorganisms that can present VBNC forms in complex samples The optimization of the in vitro DVC-FISH technique for V. parahaemolyticus was carried out. The selected antibiotic was ciprofloxacin at a concentration of 0.75 mu g/mL with an incubation time in DVC broth of 5 h. The DVC-FISH technique and the traditional plate culture were applied to detect and quantify the viable cells of the affected pathogen in artificially contaminated food matrices at different temperatures. The results obtained showed that low temperatures produced an important logarithmic decrease of V. parahaemolyticus, while at 22 degrees C, it proliferated rapidly. The DVC-FISH technique proved to be a useful tool for the detection and quantification of V. parahaemolyticus in the two seafood matrices of oysters and mussels. This is the first study in which this technique has been developed to detect viable cells for this microorganism.García Hernández, J.; Hernández Pérez, M.; Moreno Trigos, MY. (2021). Combination of Direct Viable Count and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (DVC-FISH) as a Potential Method for Identifying Viable Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Oysters and Mussels. Foods. 10(7):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10071502S11410

    Determination of biosorption mechanism in biomass of agave, using spectroscopic and microscopic techniques for the purification of contaminated water

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    [Abstract] Lead (Pb2+) and copper (Cu2+) are polluting metals due to their toxicity; however, the extraction of these metals is essential for economic development, so it is important to look for efficient and low-cost alternatives that can remove heavy metals from the various bodies of water. One of the alternatives used in this work is biosorption, for which an agroindustrial waste (epidermis from Agave atrovirens) was used to evaluate the affinity of removal of lead and copper in aqueous solutions; in addition, spectroscopy and microscopy techniques were used to elucidate and corroborate the removal and affinity capacity of the agave epidermis for both metals studied. The optimal pH value for the removal of both metals was 3. The adsorption isotherms yielded a qmax of 25.7 and 8.6 mg/g for lead and copper, respectively. Adjusting to the Langmuir-Freundlich model, the adsorption kinetics were pseudo-second order, and it was found that the equilibrium time was at 140 min. The spectroscopy and microscopy analyses corroborated the affinity between metals and functional groups of the agave, as well as with the elemental analysis, which reported 17.38% of lead and 4.25% of copper.[Resumen] El plomo (Pb2+) y el cobre (Cu2+) son metales contaminantes debido a su toxicidad; sin embargo, la extracción de estos metales es indispensable para el desarrollo económico, por lo que es importante buscar alternativas eficientes y de bajo costo que puedan remover metales pesados de los diversos cuerpos de agua. Una de las alternativas utilizadas en este trabajo es la biosorción, para la cual se utilizó un residuo agroindustrial (epidermis de Agave atrovirens), para evaluar la afinidad de remoción del plomo y cobre en soluciones acuosas; adicionalmente, se emplearon técnicas de espesctroscopía y microscopía que permitieron elucidar y corroborar la capacidad de remoción y afinidad que tuvo la epidermis de A. atrovirens para ambos metales estudiados. El valor óptimo de pH para la remoción de ambos metales fue 3. Las isotermas de adsorción arrojaron una qmax de 25.7 y 8.6 mg/g para el plomo y cobre, respectivamente. Ajustando al modelo de Langmuir-Freundlich, las cinéticas de adsorción resultaron de pseudo-segundo orden, se encontró que el tiempo de equilibrio es a los 140 min. El análisis espectroscópico y microscópico, corroboró la afinidad entre metales y grupos funcionales del agave, así como con el análisis elemental, el cual reportó 17.38% de plomo y 4.25% de cobre

    Análisis y estimación gráfica del comportamiento del COVID-19 en Colombia, Santa Marta y Cartagena enfocado a la letalidad.

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    This document presents the analysis of the behavior of daily cases of contagion and deaths from COVID-19. This is carried out to demonstrate the advance of the pandemic from its beginnings and to estimate the impact of this soon of so that health entities are prepared to execute mitigation and containment plans in the population. To achieve its realization, the method of Polynomial Regression and Normal Distribution was used. The results obtained are the curve that models the behavior of cases of contagion and death from the beginning and the prediction of how this will proceed until the end of 2020. The estimation charts model the behavior of COVID-19 based on its ideal procedure.En el presente documento se exterioriza el análisis del comportamiento de los casos diarios de contagio y de muertes por COVID - 19. Esto se lleva a cabo para evidenciar el avance de la pandemia desde sus principios y estimar el impacto de esta en un futuro cercano de forma que los entes de salud estén preparados para ejecutar planes de mitigación y contención en la población. Para lograr su realización se utilizó el método de Regresión Polinomial y Distribución Normal. Los resultados obtenidos son la curva que modela el comportamiento de los casos de contagio y de muerte desde un principio y la predicción del proceder de esta hasta finales del 2020. Las gráficas de estimación modelan el comportamiento del COVID-19 en función de su proceder ideal

    A Photonic Label-Free Biosensor to Detect Salmonella spp. in Fresh Vegetables and Meat

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    [EN] This paper presents a method that can be used to detect and identify Salmonella spp. in fresh meat and vegetable samples using a photonic biosensor with specialized bioreceptors. Detection was based on photon transduction. Silicon-nitride-based resonant cavities were used to capture the change in light response when there is specific binding of the immobilized antibody to the sensor surface against the target antigen. A control immobilization experiment was conducted to validate the immobilization process on the biosensor surface prior to biofunctionalization for Salmonella spp. detection. This experiment involved immobilization of pre-selected antibodies on silicon nitride surfaces. Two types of antibodies were suitable. The first was a specific polyclonal antibody with superior antigen-binding capacity across a wide range of concentrations. The second was a monoclonal antibody designed for effective binding at lower concentrations. Rigorous validation was performed. The outcomes were compared with those of the habitual method used to detect Salmonella spp. (reference method). Replicates from different batches of contaminated meat and vegetable samples were analyzed. This comprehensive approach provides a methodologically robust, highly sensitive, and accurate way of rapidly detecting Salmonella spp. in food samples. It has potential implications for improved food safety and quality controlThis research was financially supported by the AVI (Valencian Innovation Agency) and received funding from the European Union through FEDER funds. The project, identified as INNEST/2021/338, is known as the BACTERIO project , which focuses on Integrated Photonics for integral microbiological control in the agri-food sector .Fernández Blanco, A.; Hernández Pérez, M.; Moreno Trigos, MY.; García Hernández, J. (2023). A Photonic Label-Free Biosensor to Detect Salmonella spp. in Fresh Vegetables and Meat. Applied Sciences. 13(24). https://doi.org/10.3390/app132413103132

    Expressiveness and Instrumentality of Crime Scene Behavior in Spanish Homicides

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    One of the current trends in the study of criminal profiling consists of developing theoretical and methodological typologies to offer information of operational use in police investigations. The objective of this work was to verify the validity of the instrumental/expressive model, so as to establish homicide typologies based on modus operandi relationships, characteristics of the victims, and characteristics of perpetrators. The sample consisted of 448 homicide cases registered in the database of the Homicide Revision Project of the Office of Coordination and Studies of the Spanish Secretary of State and Security. Through multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis, three expressive homicide subtypes were identified (expressive-impulsive, expressive-distancing, and expressive-family), as well as two instrumental homicide subtypes (instrumental-opportunist and instrumental-gratification). The expressive homicide typologies accounted for almost 95% of all of the studied cases, and most of the homicides occurring in Spain were found to take place between individuals who know one another (friends, family members, intimate couples/ex-couples). The findings from this study suggest that the instrumental/expressive model may be a useful framework for understanding the psychological processes underlying homicides, based on the study of relationships between the crime and aggressor characteristics, which may be very helpful in the prioritization of suspect