55 research outputs found

    Thomas Arnold en la obra de Coubertin. El mito de Arnold

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    The aim of this essay is to analyse the writings by Coubertin that cover nearly fifty years of his tireless and prolific handwritten activity. In those pieces of writing the Baron expresses his fascination with Arnold as an educator and a reformer. Coubertin states that Arnold’s pedagogy held sport as the central mechanism, placing Arnold in a privileged position in the physical revival of England. However, Arnold was very little (or not at all) interested in sports. The methodology of this study is historical, based on primary and secondary sources. As a conclusion, Arnold and his reforming actions in Rugby were so important for Coubertin that he defined the Headmaster of Rugby public school as the best educator of modern time, responsible for the spiritual and political recovery which took place in England during the second half of the 19th century.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar escritos de Coubertin, que abarcan casi cincuenta años de su infatigable y prolífica actividad manuscrita, en los que el barón expresa su fascinación por Arnold en sus facetas de pedagogo y reformador. Coubertin sostiene que la pedagogía arnoldiana tenía el deporte como engranaje central, ocupando Arnold un lugar privilegiado en el renacimiento físico de Inglaterra. Sin embargo, Arnold estaba muy poco (o nada) interesado por los deportes. La metodología de este estudio es histórica y se fundamenta en fuentes primarias y secundarias. Como conclusión, para Coubertin fue tan importante Arnold y su acción reformadora en Rugby, que lo definió como el mejor pedagogo de los tiempos modernos y le atribuyó la recuperación espiritual y política que tuvo lugar en Inglaterra desde mediados del siglo XIX

    The Icy Road towards the First Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix 1924

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    The International Olympic Committee (IOC) faced many obstacles in deciding to initiate the first Olympic Winter Games and subse- quently organize in Chamonix, in 1924 the "Winter Sports Week", now considered the first winter Olympics. Pierre de Coubertin's own thoughts about winter sports evolved only slowly, which together with his friendship with Viktor Balck, constituted the main obstacle for the winter Olympics. The success of the Nordic Games, the powerful Swedish nationalistic winter sports festival run by Balck, at the beginning of the twentieth century influenced Coubertin's view that an additional winter Olympic competition was unnecessary. Prior limited inclusion of winter sports, such as figure skating, in the summer Olympic programme made the status of some events unclear. Influential members of the IOC disagreed about their possible place in the programme with Balck leading the opposition to include winter sports. Ultimately the French IOC members' advocacy for winter games in 1921, combined with Balck's retirement from the IOC as a result of his age, was instru- mental in the decision to allow Chamonix to host the first winter festival

    The Boosted Double-Proximal Subgradient Algorithm for Nonconvex Optimization

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    In this paper we introduce the Boosted Double-proximal Subgradient Algorithm (BDSA), a novel splitting algorithm designed to address general structured nonsmooth and nonconvex mathematical programs expressed as sums and differences of composite functions. BDSA exploits the combined nature of subgradients from the data and proximal steps, and integrates a line-search procedure to enhance its performance. While BDSA encompasses existing schemes proposed in the literature, it extends its applicability to more diverse problem domains. We establish the convergence of BDSA under the Kurdyka--Lojasiewicz property and provide an analysis of its convergence rate. To evaluate the effectiveness of BDSA, we introduce a novel family of challenging test functions with an abundance of critical points. We conduct comparative evaluations demonstrating its ability to effectively escape non-optimal critical points. Additionally, we present two practical applications of BDSA for testing its efficacy, namely, a constrained minimum-sum-of-squares clustering problem and a nonconvex generalization of Heron's problem

    Moss establishment success is determined by the interaction between propagule size and species identity

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    Colonization of new habitat patches is a key aspect of metacommunity dynamics, particularly for sessile organisms. Mosses can establish in new patches through fragmentation, with different vegetative structures acting as propagules. Despite the importance of these propagules for successful colonization the specific aspects that favour moss colonization by vegetative propagules remain poorly understood, including the effect of propagule size. We examine the intra- and interspecific variation of establishment and colonization success in culture of propagules of different sizes in six widespread soil moss species of contrasting growth form (Dicranum scoparium, Homalothecium aureum, Hypnum cupressiforme, Ptychostomum capillare, Syntrichia ruralis and Tortella squarrosa). We obtained three different size classes of propagules from artificially fragmented vegetative material, and assessed their establishment under controlled light and temperature conditions. We characterize the size, shape, apparent viability, morphological type and size changes due to hydration states of the propagules, all of them traits with potentially significant influence in their dispersal pattern and establishment. Then we assess the effect of these traits on moss establishment, using indicators of surface establishment (number of established shoots and colonized surface) and biomass production (viable biomass) as proxies of colonization success. The establishment indicators related to colonization surface and biomass production differ among species and propagule sizes. The magnitude of the interspecific differences of all indicators of establishment success was larger at the smaller propagule size class. T. squarrosa was the most successful species, and D. scoparium showed the lowest performance. We also found interspecific differences in the hydration dynamics of the propagules. The process of establishment by vegetative fragments operates differently among moss species. Besides, differences between hydration states in propagules of some species could be part of syndromes for both dispersal and establishment. This study unveils several functional traits relevant for moss colonization, such as wet versus dry area and length of fragments, which may improve our understanding of their spatial dynamic

    Uso de micelas inversas en la síntesis de nanopartículas electroactivas en celdas de ión litio

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    II Encuentro sobre nanociencia y nanotecnología de investigadores y tecnólogos de la Universidad de Córdoba. NANOUC

    Caracterización de la contaminación por metales pesados y reducción de capacidad de almacenamiento hidráulico por azolve de un embalse mexicano

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    José Antonio Alzate is the first reservoir over the Lerma river and most of the sediments eroded in the upper Lerma river basin, an highly urbanized area, are deposited there. Alzate reservoir, accomplish functions for flood control and for water irrigation supply downstream. Recently a bathymetric study was carried out in order to know the new bottom reservoir profile. These levels were compared with those existing before the dam construction in 1959 and the sediment volume accumulation was obtained. Also a sampling of bottom sediments was obtained in order to make an analysis by X ray fluorescence spectrometry to define possible pollution by heavy metals. This paper, discuss the high reduction in reservoir storage capacity (close to 50%) and the sediment pollution which defines the environmental risks associated with their removal. Taking into account the low pollution concentrations of heavy metals measured, which do not exceed the standard international criteria for sediment use in agriculture and the relatively low volume of dredging lower than 65 000 m3 , it is recommended to dredge the area surrounding the intake structure for operation security, considering how important it is in the reservoir functioning.El embalse José Antonio Alzate es el primero sobre el curso del río Lerma y acumula los sedimentos erosionados de la cuenca del Curso Alto del río Lerma (CARL), un área densamente urbanizada. Desde el punto de vista hidráulico, dicho embalse cumple la función de control de avenidas y surte de agua a distritos de riego. La realización reciente de un estudio batimétrico del mismo permitió definir el perfil actual de fondo del terreno. Estos niveles se compararon con los originales (antes de su construcción en 1959) efectuando una estimación del volumen de azolve acumulado. Igualmente se llevó a cabo un muestreo de sedimentos de fondo para su posterior análisis por fluorescencia de rayos X con el fin de determinar su posible contaminación por metales pesados. En este artículo se discuten las implicaciones de la pérdida de capacidad de almacenamiento del embalse (cerca del 50%) y de la contaminación de sus sedimentos determinando los riesgos ambientales asociados por su remoción. Teniendo en cuenta los bajos índices de contaminación por metales pesados, los cuales no sobrepasaron los criterios internacionales para uso de sedimentos en agricultura, y del volumen a dragar inferior a los 65 000 m3 , se concluyó que es recomendable dragar la zona aledaña a la obra de toma para seguridad en la operación de esa estructura que es indispensable para cumplir con las funciones del embalse

    Antipsychotic Medication Influences the Discriminative Value of Acylethanolamides as Biomarkers of Substance Use Disorder.

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    Plasma acylethanolamides (NAEs), including the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA), have been proposed as circulating biomarkers of substance use disorders. However, the concentration of these lipid transmitters might be influenced by the use of drugs prescribed for either the treatment of addiction or the associated psychiatric co-morbidities such as psychosis. As an example, neuroleptics, used for attenuation of psychotic symptoms and sedation, might theoretically interfere with the monoamine-mediated production of NAEs, obstructing the interpretation of plasma NAEs as clinical biomarkers. To solve the lack of information on the impact of neuroleptics on the concentration of NAEs, we evaluated the concentrations of NAEs in a control group and compared them to those present in (a) substance use disorders (SUD) patients that are not prescribed with neuroleptics, and (b) SUD patients (both alcohol use disorder and cocaine use disorder patients) using neuroleptics. The results demonstrate that SUD patients exhibited greater concentrations of NAEs than the control population, affecting all species with the exception of stearoylethanolamide (SEA) and palmitoleoylethanolamide (POEA). Neuroleptic treatment enhanced the concentrations of NAEs, especially those of AEA, linoleoylethanolamide (LEA), and oleoylethanolamide (OEA). This effect of neuroleptic treatment was observed independently of the drug addiction that motivated the demand for treatment (either alcohol or cocaine). This study remarks the need to control the current use of psychotropic medication as a potential confounding variable when considering the use of NAEs as biomarkers in SUDPartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Isolation and characterization of myogenic precursor cells from human cremaster muscle

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    Human myogenic precursor cells have been isolated and expanded from a number of skeletal muscles, but alternative donor biopsy sites must be sought after in diseases where muscle damage is widespread. Biopsy sites must be relatively accessible, and the biopsied muscle dispensable. Here, we aimed to histologically characterize the cremaster muscle with regard number of satellite cells and regenerative fibres, and to isolate and characterize human cremaster muscle-derived stem/precursor cells in adult male donors with the objective of characterizing this muscle as a novel source of myogenic precursor cells. Cremaster muscle biopsies (or adjacent non-muscle tissue for negative controls; N=19) were taken from male patients undergoing routine surgery for urogenital pathology. Myosphere cultures were derived and tested for their in vitro and in vivo myogenic differentiation and muscle regeneration capacities. Cremaster-derived myogenic precursor cells were maintained by myosphere culture and efficiently differentiated to myotubes in adhesion culture. Upon transplantation to an immunocompromised mouse model of cardiotoxin-induced acute muscle damage, human cremaster-derived myogenic precursor cells survived to the transplants and contributed to muscle regeneration. These precursors are a good candidate for cell therapy approaches of skeletal muscle. Due to their location and developmental origin, we propose that they might be best suited for regeneration of the rhabdosphincter in patients undergoing stress urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy.We thank patients and medical personnel for their generous involvement in the study. We also acknowledge the help of Biodonostia Animal and Experimental Operations Facility. This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (RTC-2015-3750-1) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI13/02172, PI16/01430) to A.I., co-funded by the European Union (ERDF/ESF, 'Investing in your future'). N.N.-G. received a studentship from the Department of Education, University and Research of the Basque Government (PRE2013-1-1168). A.L.M. was funded by grants from FIS (PI17/01841 and PI14/00436), CIBERNED and the Basque Government (2015/11038, RIS3 2017222021 and BIO16/ER/022). M.F.L.-C. was supported by the Servicio Andaluz de Salud from the Consejeria de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia, grant PI 0222-2014, co-funded by the European Union (ERDF/ESF). I.M.A was funded by grants from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (PEJ-2014-P-01215 and FJCI-2016-28121)

    Long-term antibiotic therapy in patients with surgery-indicated not undergoing surgery infective endocarditis

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    Background: To date, there is little information regarding management of patients with infective endocarditis (IE) that did not undergo an indicated surgery. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate prognosis of these patients treated with a long-term antibiotic treatment strategy, including oral long term suppressive antibiotic treatment in five referral centres with a multidisciplinary endocarditis team. Methods: This retrospective, multicenter study retrieved individual patient-level data from five referral centres in Spain. Among a total of 1797, 32 consecutive patients with IE were examined (median age 72 years; 78% males) who had not undergone an indicated surgery, but received long-term antibiotic treatment (LTAT) and were followed by a multidisciplinary endocarditis team, between 2011 and 2019. Primary outcomes were infection relapse and mortality during follow-up. Results: Among 32 patients, 21 had IE associated with prostheses. Of the latter, 8 had an ascending aorta prosthetic graft. In 24 patients, a switch to long-term oral suppressive antibiotic treatment (LOSAT) was considered. The median duration of LOSAT was 277 days. Four patients experienced a relapse during follow-up. One patient died within 60 days, and 12 patients died between 60 days and 3 years. However, only 4 deaths were related to IE. Conclusions: The present study results suggest that a LTAT strategy, including LOSAT, might be considered for patients with IE that cannot undergo an indicated surgery. After hospitalization, they should be followed by a multidisciplinary endocarditis team