66 research outputs found

    Determinants of competence in soybean processing among secondary school students in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Competence in the processing of soybean is constrained by many factors which directly influence the consumption pattern in Nigeria. Youth involvement in soybean processing is a strategy to successfully incorporate soybean utilization in households across Southwest Nigeria. The study identified factors that influence competence in soybean processing among secondary school students in Ibadan metropolis of Oyo state. The study is an offshoot of a training activity embarked by Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, (IAR&T) Ibadan to improve the knowledge of soybean processing among secondary students. Thus, study purposively selected three secondary schools adopted by the Institute and all the senior secondary students formed the study population. However, 30% of the senior students were randomly sampled which gave a total of 203 respondents. Independent variables such as personal characteristics of students, knowledge of benefit of soybean and competence in the processing of soybean were collected using validated questionnaire. Competence was measured in a four-point scale of high competence, average competence, low competence and no competence. Data were described using percentage and mean, and were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Chi square, Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC), and multiple regression analysis. Findings revealed that the mean age of respondents was 15.9 years and majority (57.6%) was female. Highest education attained by mothers (57.1%) was secondary education and majority (62.6%) of mothers was involved in trading. The knowledge of benefit of soybean was high among majority (64.1%) but majority (62.0%) also had low competence in soybean processing. Data analysis revealed a significant relationship (p<0.05) between gender (χ 2=17.7), class of students  (χ 2=20.3) and competence in soybean processing. Level of mothers’ education (65%) and knowledge of benefits of soybean (42%), respectively had positive effect on students’ competence. The study concludes that competence in soybean processing among secondary students is limited to some few products such as soymilk and it is associated with many factors like knowledge of its benefit and mothers’ education

    Investigation of Mortgage Lending: An Overview of Nigerian Practice

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    There has been a growing concern on the rate of default in residential mortgages of lending institutions in Nigeria. The need to salvage the undesirable situation has led to serious research efforts on factors causing default in residential mortgages. The paper therefore assesses the lending practice of lending institutions as possible cause of residential mortgage default. One (1) set of questionnaire was administered on Primary Mortgage Institutions (PMIs) across the Lagos metropolis with the intent of eliciting relevant information. Out of Sixty-five (65) questionnaires administered, only Thirty-six (36) were returned and found good for analysis. Data analysis was done using weighted mean score and rank correlation analysis. It was found that statistical based credit models are seldom used by the lenders while the evolving role of information technology in mortgage lending is yet to be given due attention. Keywords: default, finance, mortgage, practice, residential

    Exploration of Bee keeping as a coping strategy in a deregulated economy

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    This study examined the inputs used in honey production; investigated number ofhives colonized and determined the viability ofhoney production in Oyo State. All eighty-seven registered members ofBeekeepers Association ofNigeria, Oyo State chapter were interviewed through the use of questionnaire. All beekeepers (100%) made use ofbeehive, bee smoker, bee suit, rubber boot, pail andhandgloves; majority ofthe beekeepers (52.5%) colonized between 11 and20 hives and most respondents (65%) collected between 350.7 and 525 liters of honey per season. Almost 98% of the respondents'perceived honey production as a viable venture. From theforegoing, it is recommended that unemployed youths and graduates should be trained on the necessary skills andknowledge requiredfor honey production to make them self-reliant

    Effect of Moringa oleifera Leave Meal on Digestibility and Haematological Parameters, and Health Status of Doe Rabbits

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    The study involved the use of the Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) to feed doe rabbits and determine its effect on their nutrient digestibility and haematological indices. Five (5) treatment diets were formulated to contain MOLM inclusion levels of 0% (control), 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Forty five (45) rabbits of same sex were distributed randomly into five groups of nine animals and replicated three times per treatment having between 24 – 28 weeks of age with initial weight of about 1800 – 2400 g per animal. The does were provided with feed and water throughout the experimental period which lasted eight weeks. Analysis of the Moringa leaf meal (MOLM) on DM basis indicated that the leaves contained 92.15% Dry Matter, 12.85% Crude Protein, 5.10% Ether Extract, 6.57% Crude Fibre, 11.20% Ash, 64.28% Nitrogen Free Extract. The apparent digestibility of CP, CF, EE and NFE were affected (P<0.05) by the graded levels of MOLM inclusion except for the dry matter. The haematological parameters like packed cell volume, white blood cell, lymphocyte, neutrophil and monocyte vary significantly (p<0.05) between treatments. MOLM could be included in rabbit feed at an inclusion level of 25% without any adverse effect on the digestibility performance while blood indices of doe rabbits improved with increasing levels of Moringa oleifera

    Exploration of Bee keeping as a coping strategy in a deregulated economy

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    This study examined the inputs used in honey production; investigated number ofhives colonized and determined the viability ofhoney production in Oyo State. All eighty-seven registered members ofBeekeepers Association ofNigeria, Oyo State chapter were interviewed through the use of questionnaire. All beekeepers (100%) made use ofbeehive, bee smoker, bee suit, rubber boot, pail andhandgloves; majority ofthe beekeepers (52.5%) colonized between 11 and20 hives and most respondents (65%) collected between 350.7 and 525 liters of honey per season. Almost 98% of the respondents'perceived honey production as a viable venture. From theforegoing, it is recommended that unemployed youths and graduates should be trained on the necessary skills andknowledge requiredfor honey production to make them self-reliant

    Prevalence of dementia in Nigeria: a systematic review of the evidence

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    Background The burden of dementia is poorly understood in Nigeria. We sought to gather available epidemiologic evidence on dementia in Nigeria to provide country-wide estimates of its prevalence and associated risks. Methods We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, Global Health, Africa Journals Online (AJOL) and Google Scholar for epidemiologic studies on dementia in Nigeria from 1990 to 2018. We pooled crude estimates using random effects meta-analysis. A meta-regression epidemiologic model, using the United Nations demographics for Nigeria, was used to estimate the absolute number of people living with dementia in Nigeria in 1995 and 2015. Results Our searches returned 835 studies, of which nine were selected. These included 10,820 individuals with a median age of 74.4 years. Heterogeneity ( I2 =98.8%, P<0.001) was high across studies. Five studies were conducted in the South-west, and four studies were rated as high quality. The pooled crude prevalence of dementia in Nigeria was 4.9% (95% confidence interval (CI) 3.0-6.9) with prevalence significantly higher in women (6.7%, 3.6-9.9) compared to men (3.1%, 1.2-5.0). Age 80+ (odds ratio (OR) 1.6, 1.3-1.9), female sex (OR 2.2, 1.4-3.4) and BMI ≀18.5 (OR 3.5, 1.2-10.1) were significant risks for dementia in Nigeria. Using our epidemiologic model, we estimated that the number of dementia cases increased by over 400% over a 20-year period, increasing from 63,512 in 1995 to 318,011 in 2015 among persons aged ≄60 years. Conclusion Our findings suggest the prevalence and cases of dementia have increased in Nigeria over the last two decades. Population-wide response to dementia is lacking

    A comparative analysis of contraceptive use in Africa: evidence from DHS

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    The aim of this article is to show a comparative analysis of contraceptive use in areas of traditionally high fertility that have gone through profound changes. Data have been taken from the latest Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). Logistic regression models were adopted for four selected representative countries, namely Egypt, Mali, Namibia and Niger. There were two selection criteria: data should be recent, and selected countries should have high (Egypt 57.4%; Namibia 46.4%) or low (Mali 7.5%; Niger 10.0%) contraceptive use. The probability of using contraception when a woman has had one to four children is 2.4 times higher than when they have had no children. Contraception data are always gathered at a point of time, but crosssectional data are not sufficient to understand all the mechanisms hidden behind contraceptive use. Different contraceptive behaviours need good estimation tools to develop specific family planning programmes.Web of Scienc

    An Estimate of the Incidence of Prostate Cancer in Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is rated the second most common cancer and sixth leading cause of cancer deaths among men globally. Reports show that African men suffer disproportionately from PCa compared to men from other parts of the world. It is still quite difficult to accurately describe the burden of PCa in Africa due to poor cancer registration systems.We systematically reviewed the literature on prostate cancer in Africa and provided a continentwide incidence rate of PCa based on available data in the regio

    The Problematization of Sexuality among Women Living with HIV and a New Feminist Approach for Understanding and Enhancing Women’s Sexual Lives

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    In the context of HIV, women’s sexual rights and sexual autonomy are important but frequently overlooked and violated. Guided by community voices, feminist theories, and qualitative empirical research, we reviewed two decades of global quantitative research on sexuality among women living with HIV. In the 32 studies we found, conducted in 25 countries and composed mostly of cis-gender heterosexual women, sexuality was narrowly constructed as sexual behaviours involving risk (namely, penetration) and physiological dysfunctions relating to HIV illness, with far less attention given to the fullness of sexual lives in context, including more&nbsp;positive and rewarding experiences such as satisfaction and pleasure. Findings suggest that women experience declines in sexual activity, function, satisfaction, and pleasure following HIV diagnosis, at least for some period. The extent of such declines, however, is varied, with numerous contextual forces shaping women’s sexual well-being. Clinical markers of HIV (e.g., viral load, CD4 cell count) poorly predicted sexual outcomes, interrupting widely held assumptions about sexuality for women with HIV. Instead, the effects of HIV-related stigma intersecting with inequities related to trauma, violence, intimate relations, substance use, poverty, aging, and other social and cultural conditions primarily influenced the ways in which women experienced and enacted their sexuality. However, studies framed through a medical lens tended to pathologize outcomes as individual “problems,” whereas others driven by a public health agenda remained primarily preoccupied with protecting the public from HIV. In light of these findings, we present a new feminist approach for research, policy, and practice toward understanding and enhancing women’s sexual lives—one that affirms sexual diversity; engages deeply with society, politics, and history; and is grounded in women’s sexual rights
