91 research outputs found
Pollinators, pests and yield-Multiple trade-offs from insecticide use in a mass-flowering crop
Multiple trade-offs likely occur between pesticide use, pollinators and yield (via crop flowers) in pollinator-dependent, mass-flowering crops (MFCs), causing potential conflict between conservation and agronomic goals. To date, no studies have looked at both outcomes within the same system, meaning win-win solutions for pollinators and yield can only be inferred. Here, we outline a new framework to explore these trade-offs, using red clover (Trifolium pratense) grown for seed production as an example. Specifically, we address how the insecticide thiacloprid affects densities of seed-eating weevils (Protapion spp.), pollination rates, yield, floral resources and colony dynamics of the key pollinator, Bombus terrestris. Thiacloprid did not affect the amount of nectar provided by, or pollinator visitation to, red clover flowers but did reduce weevil density, correlating to increased yield and gross profit. In addition, colonies of B. terrestris significantly increased their weight and reproductive output in landscapes with (compared with without) red clover, regardless of insecticide use. Synthesis and applications. We propose a holistic conceptual framework to explore trade-offs between pollinators, pesticides and yield that we believe to be essential for achieving conservation and agronomic goals. This framework applies to all insecticide-treated mass-flowering crops (MFCs) and can be adapted to include other ecological processes. Trialling the framework in our study system, we found that our focal insecticide, thiacloprid, improved red clover seed yield with no detected effects on its key pollinator, B. terrestris, and that the presence of red clover in the landscape can benefit pollinator populations
The gender differences in growth hormone-binding protein and leptin persist in 80-year-old men and women and is not caused by sex hormones.
objective Leptin and growth hormone-binding protein (GHBP) both show gender differences that might be explained by sex hormones. To study the potential relevance of oestradiol and testosterone, we have examined 80-year-old subjects in whom oestradiol is higher in men than in women. The interrelationships between leptin, insulin, GHBP and fat mass in this age group were also investigated. design and subjects Ninety-four subjects (55 females and 39 males), all 80 years old, were investigated in a community-based study. None of the investigated subjects was being treated for diabetes mellitus and none of the women had oestrogen replacement. methods Levels of testosterone, oestradiol, SHBG, IGF-I, GHBP, glucose, insulin and leptin were analysed. Body composition was measured with bioimpedance analysis (BIA). results As in younger age groups, serum leptin, the ratio leptin/kilogram fat mass and serum GHBP were higher in the women (all, P 0·1). Leptin correlated to kilogram fat mass in both women (r = 0·55, P 0·2). Insulin and leptin were significantly associated with GHBP, both in women (r = 0·48, P < 0·001 and r = 0·43, P = 0·001, respectively) and in men (r = 0·40, P = 0·01 and r = 0·34, P = 0·03, respectively). conclusions Although the 80-year-old men had higher oestradiol levels than the women, the women had higher levels of leptin and GHBP. There were no correlations between sex hormones and leptin and GHBP, which indicates that the gender differences are not caused by sex hormones in old age. In contrast to studies in younger subjects, GHBP did not correlate to fat mass in the investigated 80-year-old men and women. In the older subjects investigated, as in younger subjects, GHBP was significantly correlated with leptin and insulin
Gambling: Electronic friends or a threat to one's health and personal development?
Gambling has become quite common in Sweden. The Swedish National Institute of Public Health (2010) has reported that about 70% of the Swedish population has gambled at least once during the last 12 months. Half of the population had gambled with money by 18 years of age and about 11% had gambled for the first time when they were 12-years-old or younger. In the report from the Swedish National Institute of Public Health, gambling problems are related to health problems and risky alcohol consumption. The highest problem rate is found among men aged 18 to 24; almost 1 in 10 had some gambling problems. The share of problem gamblers is found to be twice as high among the under-age gamblers as it is among the population as a whole. Young people gamble less but develop gambling problems to a larger extent than adult gamblers. In this article young people's gambling and their gambling careers are analysed as a natural part of their internalisation of other adult habits
Pollinatörers exponering för växtskyddsmedel via pollen, nektar och luft i jordbrukslandskapet
Syftet med projekt, AirBeeSafe, var att öka kunskapen om bin och andra pollinerande insekters exponering för olika växtskyddsmedel i odlingslandskapet. Projektet utfördes i ett samarbete mellan SLU Centrum för kemiska bekämpningsmedel i miljön (CKB) och Biologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, samt lantbrukare och biodlare. Finansiering gavs av Naturvårdsverket och det strategiska forskningsområdet BECC, Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate. Under 2020 och 2021 studerades åtta lokaler i Skåne under upp till tolv veckor, fördelat på tre tidsperioder, maj till oktober. Provlokalerna valdes utifrån en gradient av jordbruksintensitet. Honungsbin (Apis mellifera) användes som modellorganism och i varje lokal placerades två bisamhällen. Prover av luft (154 st), pollen (114 st), bivävnad (65 st), och nektar (66 st) samlades in och analyserades kvantitativt för koncentrationen av upp till 108 växtskyddsmedel. För att uppskatta risker för bin och andra pollinatörer viktades de funna halterna av växtskyddsmedel med deras akuta toxicitet för honungsbin. Dessa riskindex för enskilda ämnen summerades sedan för alla substanser funna i ett prov. Insamlat pollen identifierades till växtart eller grupp. Uppmätta summahalter och riskindex för luft ökade med ökande andel åkermark i det omgivande landskapet, medan det för pollen inte fanns något sådant samband. Generellt var det ofta några få ämnen som gav ett stort utslag på riskindexet. Pollen var den matris där flest ämnen detekterades och där höga summahalter och högst riskindex förekom. Det ämne som utgjorde störst risk i pollen var insekticiden indoxakarb, följt av betydligt lägre värden för fungiciden penkonazol och insekticiderna acetamiprid och imidakloprid. Pollenidentifieringen visade att både grödor och vilda växter bidrar till risken. I luft var herbiciden prosulfokarb och fungiciden penkonazol de mest riskfyllda ämnena. Indoxakarb var även det mest riskfyllda ämnet utifrån analysen av bivävnad, medan insekticiden tiakloprid var ett riskfyllt ämne som förekom i både bin och nektar. Indoxakarbs godkännande som växtskyddsmedel har dock gått ut (september 2022), liksom godkännandena för imidakloprid (2018) och tiakloprid (2021), så fynden av de ämnena bör minska på sikt och göra att riskbilden för bin och andra pollinatörer förändras. Riskindexen för pollen, bivävnad och nektar var statistiskt relaterade, medan riskindexet för luft var orelaterat till de tre andra matriserna. Luftprover verkar alltså kunna ge en något annan bild av riskerna för bin och andra pollinatörer än prover av de andra matriserna. I framtida övervakning av risker från växtskyddsmedel för bin och andra pollinatörer föreslås, av praktiska och etiska skäl samt med tanke på ekologisk relevans, att detta i första hand sker genom bestämning av halter i pollen insamlat av honungsbin och beräkning av riskindex baserade på akut toxicitet för honungsbin. Då riskindex baserade på lufthalter inte relaterade till riskindex baserade på pollenhalter kan man också tänka sig kompletterande mätningar av luft
Hunting for health, well-being, and quality of life
Health, well-being, quality of life, and lifestyle are central concepts within health science, although generally accepted definitions are still lacking. Lifestyle can either be seen as an independent variable and the cause of unhealthy behaviour or as a dependent variable, which is affected by conditions in the society. In the first case, the attention is directed on each individual case: maintaining or improving health requires changes in lifestyle and living habits. In this perspective, diet and physical activity are important features for health promotion. In the second case the attention is rather directed on structural conditions in society, for example the food industry, the lunches for children at school, and the “fast food” industry should be influenced to protect human health. The structural perspective has, so far, received restricted impact when it concerns prevention and promotion of health. Processes of individualisation in the society have to an increasing extent viewed health as an affair for the individual. The benefits of physical activity, healthy food and beverage, social support, and joy are documented scientifically. In general, the trend towards increasing responsibility for one's lifestyle and health is positive, but might reinforce the inequality in health. With an even harder climate in society there might be a risk that individual health projects undermine the solidarity and the will to accept costs for medical treatment and care for people who risk their health through an unhealthy and risk-taking lifestyle. However, we argue that peoples’ well-being and quality of life presupposes a society that stands up for all people
Depletion of the m1A writer TRMT6/TRMT61A reduces proliferation and resistance against cellular stress in bladder cancer
BackgroundBladder cancer (BLCA) is a common and deadly disease that results in a reduced quality of life for the patients and a significant economic burden on society. A better understanding of tumorigenesis is needed to improve clinical outcomes. Recent evidence places the RNA modification m1A and its regulatory proteins TRMT6/TRMT61A and ALKBH3 in BLCA pathogenesis.MethodsTRMT6/TRMT61A, ALKBH1, and ALKBH3 expression was examined in human BLCA cell lines and a normal urinary tract epithelium cell line through qRT-PCR and western blot analysis. Prestoblue Cell Viability Reagent, wound-healing assay, and live-cell imaging-based cell displacement analysis, were conducted to assess proliferation, migration, and displacement of this BLCA cell line panel. Cell survival was assessed after inducing cellular stress and activating the unfolded protein response (UPR) with tunicamycin. Moreover, siRNA-mediated gene silencing in two BLCA cell lines (5637 and HT1197) was conducted to investigate the biological roles of TRMT6/TRMT61A.ResultsHeterogeneous morphology, proliferation, displacement, tunicamycin sensitivity, and expression levels of m1A regulators were observed among the panel of cell lines examined. In general, TRMT61A expression was increased in BLCA cell lines when compared to SV-HUC-1. Depletion of TRMT6/TRMT61A reduced proliferation capacity in both 5637 and HT1197 cell lines. The average cell displacement of 5637 was also reduced upon TRMT6/TRMT61A depletion. Interestingly, TRMT6/TRMT61A depletion decreased mRNA expression of targets associated with the ATF6-branch of the UPR in 5637 but not in HT1197. Moreover, cell survival after induction of cellular stress was compromised after TRMT6/TRMT61A knockdown in 5637 but not in HT1197 cells.ConclusionThe findings suggest that TRMT6/TRMT61A plays an oncogenic role in BLCA and is involved in desensitizing BLCA cells against cellular stress. Further investigation into the regulation of TRMT6/TRMT61A expression and its impact on cellular stress tolerance may provide insights for future BLCA treatment
Der Konflikt in Afghanistan : Historischer und gesellschaftlicher Hintergrund, Evolution und Lageentwicklung – ein Positionspapier
This study is part of a larger project, the aim of which is to elucidate “mental health nurses” attitudes towards their patients'. In this study, nurses' and patients' attitudes are described from the perspective of both parties using a qualitative approach. The informants were selected from a rehabilitation unit for young adults, below 40, suffering from psychosis at a psychiatric clinic that provides acute psychiatric care. The informant group consisted of three dyads: three patients with various diagnoses and three nurses with primary responsibility for the patients' daily care. The aim of this particular study was to extend our preliminary understanding of nurses' attitudes towards psychiatric patients in the context of psychiatric in-patient care, by elucidating the patient's “inner” picture of her/his past, present and future and the nurse's picture of the same patient's past, present and future. Data were collected and analysed using a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach and the narrative picturing technique. For each picture and group, 15 related sub-themes emerged, on the basis of which six themes were formulated. The findings show that the nurses overrate their own importance when it comes to the patient's well-being on the ward. All the nurses emphasize confirmation and safety as the basis of their nursing care, while in the patient's picture the nurses represent a replication of childhood demands, which probably means that nursing care risks becoming a continuation of the patient's childhood estrangement
Intestinal Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Cells Are Controlled by Mucosal Afferent Nerves
Background: The maintenance of the intestinal epithelium is of great importance for the survival of the organism. A possible nervous control of epithelial cell renewal was studied in rats and mice. Methods: Mucosal afferent nerves were stimulated by exposing the intestinal mucosa to capsaicin (1.6 mM), which stimulates intestinal external axons. Epithelial cell renewal was investigated in the jejunum by measuring intestinal thymidine kinase (TK) activity, intestinal H-3-thymidine incorporation into DNA, and the number of crypt cells labeled with BrdU. The influence of the external gut innervation was minimized by severing the periarterial nerves. Principal Findings: Luminal capsaicin increased all the studied variables, an effect nervously mediated to judge from inhibitory effects on TK activity or H-3-thymidine incorporation into DNA by exposing the mucosa to lidocaine (a local anesthetic) or by giving four different neurotransmitter receptor antagonists i.v. (muscarinic, nicotinic, neurokinin1 (NK1) or calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) receptors). After degeneration of the intestinal external nerves capsaicin did not increase TK activity, suggesting the involvement of an axon reflex. Intra-arterial infusion of Substance P (SP) or CGRP increased intestinal TK activity, a response abolished by muscarinic receptor blockade. Immunohistochemistry suggested presence of M3 and M5 muscarinic receptors on the intestinal stem/progenitor cells. We propose that the stem/progenitor cells are controlled by cholinergic nerves, which, in turn, are influenced by mucosal afferent neuron(s) releasing acetylcholine and/or SP and/or CGRP. In mice lacking the capsaicin receptor, thymidine incorporation into DNA and number of crypt cells labeled with BrdU was lower than in wild type animals suggesting that nerves are important also in the absence of luminal capsaicin, a conclusion also supported by the observation that atropine lowered thymidine incorporation into DNA by 60% in control rat segments. Conclusion: Enteric nerves are of importance in maintaining the intestinal epithelial barrier.Original Publication:Ove Lundgren, Mats Jodal, Madeleine Jansson, Anders T Ryberg and Lennart Svensson, Intestinal Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Cells Are Controlled by Mucosal Afferent Nerves, 2011, PLOS ONE, (6), 2, 16295.http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0016295Copyright: Public Library of Science (PLoS)http://www.plos.org
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