463 research outputs found

    Extensional tectonics and collapse structures in the Suez Rift (Egypt)

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    The Suez Rift is a 300 km long and 50 to 80 km wide basin which cuts a granitic and metamorphic shield of Precambrian age, covered by sediments of Paleozoic to Paleogene age. The rift structure is dominated by tilted blocks bounded by NW-SE normal faults. The reconstruction of the paleostresses indicates a N 050 extension during the whole stage of rifting. Rifting began 24 My ago with dikes intrusions; main faulting and subsidence occurred during Early Miocene producing a 80 km wide basin (Clysmic Gulf). During Pliocene and Quaternary times, faulting is still active but subsidence is restricted to a narrower area (Present Gulf). On the Eastern margin of the gulf, two sets of fault trends are predominant: (1) N 140 to 150 E faults parallel to the gulf trend with pure dip-slip displacement; and (2) cross faults, oriented NOO to N 30 E that have a strike-slip component consistent with the N 050 E distensive stress regime. The mean dip cross fault is steeper (70 to 80 deg) than the dip of the faults parallel to the Gulf (30 to 70 deg). These two sets of fault define diamond shaped tilted block. The difference of mechanical behavior between the basement rocks and the overlying sedimentary cover caused structural disharmony and distinct fault geometries

    Contribution à la modélisation par éléments finis des structures en béton armé soumises à des avalanches de neige : Application à la structure de protection de Taconnaz

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    Snow avalanches threaten people and also different types of civil engineering structures in mountainous areas. This PhD thesis focuses on a protective RC (Reinforced Concrete) structure consisting of an L-shaped wall. The objective of this study is to calibrate and validate a 2D FE (Finite Element) model in order to explore the mechanical behavior of such RC structures loaded by snow avalanche pressure fields and to assess their vulnerability when exposed to this kind of natural hazard. Four constitutive laws describing the concrete rheology were tested to describe the collapse of the RC wall. A physical 1/6-scale model permitted obtaining, via a pushover test, useful experimental data for the calibration of the proposed FE models. Two concrete models allowed converging to a relevant collapse of the structure in agreement with the experimental observations. Then, the calibrated FE model was used to investigate the mechanical response of the wall under avalanche loading. According to the impulse of the loading signal, three regimes can occur (quasi-static, dynamic or impulsive). In the case of dense-snow avalanches, the results show that the mechanical response of this structure can be described as quasi-static. However, avalanche signals depend on many factors (type of avalanche, density, temperature, etc.) and several types of responses can potentially develop. Finally, the vulnerability and the reliability of the RC wall were studied to show the influence of the geometry and the material properties on the capacity of the protective structure. In fine, these results will be used in an integrated risk framework in order to help decision makers.En zone de montagne, les avalanches de neige menacent les personnes et également les structures de génie civil. Ce travail de thèse se focalise sur une structure de protection en BA (Béton Armé) de type mur en L. L'objectif est de caler et valider un modèle EF (Elément Fini) 2D afin d'étudier le comportement de tels ouvrages sous l'effet de champs de pression induits par des avalanches de neige dense et d'évaluer leur vulnérabilité face à cet aléa naturel. Quatre lois de comportement décrivant la rhéologie du béton ont été testées en vue de reproduire le plus précisément possible la ruine du mur en BA. Un modèle physique de la structure à échelle 1/6 a permis, via un test pushover, d'obtenir des données expérimentales utiles pour le calage des modèles EF proposés. Seulement deux des lois de comportement ont permis de converger vers un mode de ruine pertinent et en accord avec les observations expérimentales. Le modèle EF une fois calé a ensuite été utilisé afin d'investiguer la réponse mécanique de l'ouvrage sous sollicitation avalancheuse. En fonction de l'impulsion du signal de chargement, trois régimes peuvent être obtenus (quasi-statique, dynamique et impulsionnel). Dans le cas d'une avalanche de neige dense, les résultats montrent que la réponse mécanique de la structure en question peut être considérée comme quasi-statique. Toutefois, les signaux avalancheux dépendant de nombreux facteurs (type d'avalanche, densité, température, etc.), différents types de réponses peuvent potentiellement se développer. Pour finir, la vulnérabilité et la fiabilité du mur en BA ont été étudiées afin de préciser l'influence d'une part de la géométrie et d'autre part des caractéristiques des matériaux sur la capacité de protection qu'offre ce type d'ouvrage. In fine, ces résultats pourront être utilisés dans un cadre de gestion intégrée du risque

    Catherine COLLOMP, RĂ©sister au nazisme. Le Jewish Labor Committee, New York, 1934-1945

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    Le Jewish Labor Committee, organisation syndicale juive, fut fondé à New York en 1934. Son influence dans le mouvement ouvrier américain a été documentée, mais une part importante de son histoire était restée jusqu’alors méconnue : son rôle dans la lutte contre le nazisme. Catherine Collomp, professeur émérite à l’université Paris-Diderot, vient combler cette lacune avec son nouvel ouvrage intitulé Résister au nazisme. Le Jewish Labor Committee, New York, 1934-1945. Alors que les syndicats a..

    Some theoretical aspects in computational analysis of adhesive lap joints

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    This paper is devoted to the numerical analysis of bidimensional bonded lap joints. For this purpose, the stress singularities occurring at the intersections of the adherend-adhesive interfaces with the free edges are first investigated and a method for computing both the order and the intensity factor of these singularities is described briefly. After that, a simplified model, in which the adhesive domain is reduced to a line, is derived by using an asymptotic expansion method. Then, assuming that the assembly debonding is produced by a macro-crack propagation in the adhesive, the associated energy release rate is computed. Finally, a homogenization technique is used in order to take into account a preliminary adhesive damage consisting of periodic micro-cracks. Some numerical results are presented

    Size of snow particles in a powder-snow avalanche

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    The size of the snow particles involved in a powder-snow avalanche is a key parameter of the local dynamic of the flow. An experimental device has been realized to collect snow particles within powder-snow avalanches. Snow particles have been captured in the powder-snow part of an avalanche triggered artificially on the experimental test site of the vallée de la Sionne. The collected particles have been photographed and the pictures digitized. An image analysis tool to evaluate the size of the collected particles have been developed for the purpose of this study. The obtained order of magnitude is 0.2mm

    Catherine COLLOMP, RĂ©sister au nazisme. Le Jewish Labor Committee, New York, 1934-1945

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    Le Jewish Labor Committee, organisation syndicale juive, fut fondé à New York en 1934. Son influence dans le mouvement ouvrier américain a été documentée, mais une part importante de son histoire était restée jusqu’alors méconnue : son rôle dans la lutte contre le nazisme. Catherine Collomp, professeur émérite à l’université Paris-Diderot, vient combler cette lacune avec son nouvel ouvrage intitulé Résister au nazisme. Le Jewish Labor Committee, New York, 1934-1945. Alors que les syndicats a..

    An experimental study of particle-driven gravity currents on steep slopes with entrainment of particles

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    International audienceResults of laboratory experiments are presented in which a finite suspension of sawdust particles was released instantaneously into a rectangular channel immersed in a water tank. Two kinds of gravity currents were studied: currents with or without entrainment of particles from the bed. Experiments were repeated for two slopes: 30° and 45°. We observed that the velocity of the front was significantly in-creased as particle entrainment occurred. In addition, our experiments showed that the front kept a quasi-constant velocity for both runs. This might suggest that the flow regime corresponded to the "slumping regime" or "adjustment phase" described earlier by Huppert and Simpson (1980)

    A Novel Protocol Using Small-Scale Spray-Drying for the Efficient Screening of Solid Dispersions in Early Drug Development and Formulation, as a Straight Pathway from Screening to Manufacturing Stages

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    This work describes a novel screening strategy that implements small-scale spray-drying in early development of binary amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs). The proposed methodology consists of a three-stage decision protocol in which small batches (20–100 mg) of spray-dried solid dispersions (SDSDs) are evaluated in terms of drug–polymer miscibility, physical stability and dissolution performance in bio-predictive conditions. The objectives are to select the adequate carrier and drug-loading (DL) for the manufacturing of robust SDSD; and the appropriate stabilizer dissolved in the liquid vehicle of SDSD suspensions, which constitutes the common dosage form used during non-clinical studies. This methodology was verified with CDP146, a poorly water soluble (<2 µg/mL) API combined with four enteric polymers and four stabilizers. CDP146/HPMCAS-LF 40:60 (w/w) and 10% (w/v) PVPVA were identified as the lead SDSD and the best performing stabilizer, respectively. Lead SDSD suspensions (1–50 mg/mL) were found to preserve complete amorphous state during 8 h and maintain supersaturation in simulated rat intestinal fluids during the absorption window. Therefore, the implementation of spray-drying as a small-scale screening approach allowed maximizing screening effectiveness with respect to very limited API amounts (735 mg) and time resources (9 days), while removing transfer steps between screening and manufacturing phases
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