49 research outputs found

    Testing a community-based distribution approach to reproductive health service delivery in Senegal (a study of community agents in Kébémer)

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    The Division of Reproductive Health (DSR) of the Senegal Ministry of Health and Social Action, in partnership with the Population Council’s FRONTIERS in Reproductive Health program and Management Sciences for Health (MSH), conducted a study to test and compare three ways of providing reproductive health services to rural communities in the Kébémer district of Senegal in terms of their effectiveness, cost, and cost-effectiveness. FRONTIERS and MSH collaborated with the DSR to design the interventions, MSH supported the DSR in implementing the interventions, and FRONTIERS undertook the evaluation. This study, funded by USAID, responded to the recommendations of a 1999 workshop, organized by FRONTIERS and the DSR, on the community-based distribution (CBD) approach, which defined alternative CBD models appropriate for Senegal. The DSR sees the development of community-based service delivery models as essential for the future of health care in Senegal. As noted in this report, the general objective of the study was to contribute to the development of an integrated cost-effective program to increase the accessibility and availability of reproductive health information and services in rural areas of Senegal

    Inheritance of fresh seed dormancy in Spanish-type peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.): bias introduced by inadvertent selfed flowers as revealed by microsatellite markers control

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    Production and seed quality in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) can be reduced substantially by in situ germination under unpredictable rainfed environments. Inheritance of fresh seed dormancy in Spanish x Spanish crosses was studied with two sets of segregating populations, an F2 population derived from true F1 hybrids identified with peanut microsatellites markers and other populations (F2, BC1P1S and BC1P2S) from randomly-selected F1 individuals. In the F2 population developed with true F1 hybrids, the chi square test was not significant for the deviation from the expected 3:1 (dormant: non-dormant) ratio. In addition, the bimodal frequency distribution curve with the F2 population gave more evidence that fresh seed dormancy is controlled by a single dominant gene. The average frequency (48%) of true F1 hybrids give evidence that deviations from expected ratios in the populations (F2 and BC1P1S) developed from non-tested F1 individuals, is most likely due to inadvertent selfs. This study emphasized the need to identify with molecular markers the cross progenies in self-pollinated crops as peanutbefore testing for any trait

    Effets de la distance de prélèvement par rapport au pied de Eucalyptus camaldulensis dehn sur les paramètres physico-chimiques du sol en zone sudsoudanienne côtière (Sénégal –Base Casamance)

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    Les effets des arbres sur les propriétés physico-chimiques du sol sont très variables d’une espèce à une autre. L’objectif de ce travail est de contribuer à l’évaluation de l’effet de la distance de prélèvement par rapport au pied de E. camaldulensis sur les propriétés physico-chimiques du sol. Pour ce faire, des prélèvements de sol ont été effectués dans trois sites différents: Oussouye, Boukitingho et Boucotte Diembéring, à l’horizon 0-20 cm. Ces prélèvements ont été faits sur différentes distances par rapport à E. camaldulensis: à 0 m, 10 m, 20m et à 30 m du pied. Quatre arbres ont été choisis au hasard par site. Sur chaque arbre, un (1) échantillon composite a été formé par distance suivant l’orientation Est-Ouest, Nord-Sud. Le facteur étudié a été la distance de prélèvement par rapport à E. camaldulensis. Au total 48 échantillons de sol ont été prélevés dans les trois sites. Ces échantillons ont été analysés au laboratoire de l’Institut National de Pédologie. L’analyse des résultats a montré que la distance de prélèvement par rapport à E. camaldulensis n’a pas d’effets significatifs sur les paramètres physiques du sol, quel que soit le site (P≥0,37). La texture du sol est sablo-limoneuse. Un pH relativement acide a été noté quel que soit le traitement. Aucune différence significative n’a été notée entre le carbone et la matière organique mesurés avec respectivement P≥0,19 pour le carbone et P≥0,14 pour la matière organique. Il ressort des analyses chimiques, que la distance par rapport à E. camaldulensis n’a pas d’effets significatifs sur les propriétés chimiques du sol. Les caractéristiques chimiques du sol à différentes distances de E. camaldulensis ne semblent pas être influencées par l’espèce, quelle que soit la distance et quel que soit le site (P>0,05).The effects of trees on soil physical and chemical properties are very variable depending on species. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on soil physical and chemical properties. For that, soilsamples were taken from 0 to 20cm from the surface in three different sites: Oussouye, Boukitingho and Boucotte Diembéring. These soil samples were taken from various distances (0, 10, 20 and 30m) from E. camaldulensis trees. Four trees of E. camaldulensis were randomly chosen by site. A round each tree, a composite sample was made at each distance level. A total of 48 composite samples were taken in the three sites. These samples were taken to the laboratory of National Institute of Pedology for the analyses to determine the soil physical and chemical properties (texture, pH, carbone and organic matter). The studied factors were the distance of sampling from E. camaldulensis and the species. The distance of sampling had no significant effects (P=0. 37) on the soil physical parameters. The soil texture was sandy silt. The soil pH was relatively acid. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between soil carbon and organic matter content. The sampling distance had no significant effects (P > 0. 05) on the soil chemical properties. The chemical characteristics of the soil from different distances from E. camaldulensis were not influenced by the species

    Genetic mapping of wild introgressions into cultivated peanut: a way toward enlarging the genetic basis of a recent allotetraploid

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Peanut (<it>Arachis hypogaea </it>L.) is widely used as a food and cash crop around the world. It is considered to be an allotetraploid (2n = 4x = 40) originated from a single hybridization event between two wild diploids. The most probable hypothesis gave <it>A. duranensis </it>as the wild donor of the A genome and <it>A. ipaënsis </it>as the wild donor of the B genome. A low level of molecular polymorphism is found in cultivated germplasm and up to date few genetic linkage maps have been published. The utilization of wild germplasm in breeding programs has received little attention due to the reproductive barriers between wild and cultivated species and to the technical difficulties encountered in making large number of crosses. We report here the development of a SSR based genetic map and the analysis of genome-wide segment introgressions into the background of a cultivated variety through the utilization of a synthetic amphidiploid between <it>A. duranensis </it>and <it>A. ipaënsis</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two hundred ninety eight (298) loci were mapped in 21 linkage groups (LGs), spanning a total map distance of 1843.7 cM with an average distance of 6.1 cM between adjacent markers. The level of polymorphism observed between the parent of the amphidiploid and the cultivated variety is consistent with <it>A. duranensis </it>and <it>A. ipaënsis </it>being the most probable donor of the A and B genomes respectively. The synteny analysis between the A and B genomes revealed an overall good collinearity of the homeologous LGs. The comparison with the diploid and tetraploid maps shed new light on the evolutionary forces that contributed to the divergence of the A and B genome species and raised the question of the classification of the B genome species. Structural modifications such as chromosomal segment inversions and a major translocation event prior to the tetraploidisation of the cultivated species were revealed. Marker assisted selection of BC<sub>1</sub>F<sub>1 </sub>and then BC<sub>2</sub>F<sub>1 </sub>lines carrying the desirable donor segment with the best possible return to the background of the cultivated variety provided a set of lines offering an optimal distribution of the wild introgressions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The genetic map developed, allowed the synteny analysis of the A and B genomes, the comparison with diploid and tetraploid maps and the analysis of the introgression segments from the wild synthetic into the background of a cultivated variety. The material we have produced in this study should facilitate the development of advanced backcross and CSSL breeding populations for the improvement of cultivated peanut.</p

    Etude de la Variabilité Morphologique de Saba Senegalensis (A. DC.) Pichon en Casamance (Sénégal)

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    This study was carried out to better understand the distribution of Saba senegalensis, through an analysis of its morphological variability in different areas of production in Casamance. Leaf and fruit samples were taken from 150 individuals across six (06) sites with high yield. Thirteen (13) morphological descriptors were used. Diembéring, Nyassia and Badiatte individual have a more important foliar development. It is defined by longer leaves (13.69 cm) and longer petioles (1.36 cm) in Diembering and broad leaves (6.26 cm) with short petioles (1.08 cm) inNyassia. InThionk Essyl, SaréBocar and Saré Sara, S. senegalensis individuals are characterized by smaller leaves with 5.77 cm on average. For morphological descriptors related to fruits and seeds, Nyassia and Thionk Essyl show better fruit development. From the results, it appears that the variability of the morphological descriptors studied follows the geographical origin but for some descriptors related to the leaves, their variability is also linked to the genome.Cette étude contribue à une meilleure connaissance de l’espèce Saba senegalensis, à travers une analyse de sa variabilité morphologique selon les zones de production en Casamance. Elle est réalisée dans six (06) sites à fort potentiel de production où des prélèvements de feuilles et de fruits ont été effectués sur 150 individus. Treize (13) descripteurs morphologiques ont été retenus. Les populations de Diembéring et de Nyassia présentent un développent foliaire plus important. Il est défini par des feuilles (13,69 cm) et des pétioles (1,36 cm) plus longs à Diembéring, et des feuilles relativement larges (6,26cm) à Nyassia. Au niveau des sites de Thionk Essyl, Saré Bocar et Saré Sara, l’espèce Saba sengalensis est caractérisée par des feuilles moins larges, avec une moyenne de 5,77 cm. Pour les descripteurs morphologiques relatifs aux fruits et graines, Nyassia et Thionk Essyl présentent un meilleur développement. Il ressort des analyses que, la variabilité des descripteurs morphologiques étudiées suit l’origine géographique mais pour certains descripteurs relatifs aux feuilles, leur variabilité serait liée aussi au génome