182 research outputs found

    60S ribosome biogenesis requires rotation of the 5S ribonucleoprotein particle

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    During eukaryotic ribosome biogenesis, nascent ribosomal RNA (rRNA) forms pre-ribosomal particles containing ribosomal proteins and assembly factors. Subsequently, these immature rRNAs are processed and remodelled. Little is known about the premature assembly states of rRNAs and their structural rearrangement during ribosome biogenesis. Using cryo-EM we characterize a pre-60S particle, where the 5S rRNA and its associated ribosomal proteins L18 and L5 (5S ribonucleoprotein (RNP)) are rotated by almost 180 degrees when compared with the mature subunit. Consequently, neighbouring 25S rRNA helices that protrude from the base of the central protuberance are deformed. This altered topology is stabilized by nearby assembly factors (Rsa4 and Nog1),which were identified by fitting their three-dimensional structures into the cryo-EM density. We suggest that the 5S RNP performs a semicircular movement during 60S biogenesis to adopt its final position, fulfilling a chaperone-like function in guiding the flanking 25S rRNA helices of the central protuberance to their final topology

    Diannexin Protects against Renal Ischemia Reperfusion Injury and Targets Phosphatidylserines in Ischemic Tissue

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    Renal ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) frequently complicates shock, renal transplantation and cardiac and aortic surgery, and has prognostic significance. The translocation of phosphatidylserines to cell surfaces is an important pro-inflammatory signal for cell-stress after IRI. We hypothesized that shielding of exposed phosphatidylserines by the annexin A5 (ANXA5) homodimer Diannexin protects against renal IRI. Protective effects of Diannexin on the kidney were studied in a mouse model of mild renal IRI. Diannexin treatment before renal IRI decreased proximal tubule damage and leukocyte influx, decreased transcription and expression of renal injury markers Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin and Kidney Injury Molecule-1 and improved renal function. A mouse model of ischemic hind limb exercise was used to assess Diannexin biodistribution and targeting. When comparing its biodistribution and elimination to ANXA5, Diannexin was found to have a distinct distribution pattern and longer blood half-life. Diannexin targeted specifically to the ischemic muscle and its affinity exceeded that of ANXA5. Targeting of both proteins was inhibited by pre-treatment with unlabeled ANXA5, suggesting that Diannexin targets specifically to ischemic tissues via phosphatidylserine-binding. This study emphasizes the importance of phosphatidylserine translocation in the pathophysiology of IRI. We show for the first time that Diannexin protects against renal IRI, making it a promising therapeutic tool to prevent IRI in a clinical setting. Our results indicate that Diannexin is a potential new imaging agent for the study of phosphatidylserine-exposing organs in vivo

    D-cycloserine augmentation of exposure-based cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and posttraumatic stress disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data

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    Importance: Whether and under which conditions D-cycloserine (DCS) augments the effects of exposure-based cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and posttraumatic stress disorders is unclear. Objective: To clarify whether DCS is superior to placebo in augmenting the effects of cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and posttraumatic stress disorders and to evaluate whether antidepressants interact with DCS and the effect of potential moderating variables. Data Sources: PubMed, EMBASE, and PsycINFO were searched from inception to February 10, 2016. Reference lists of previous reviews and meta-analyses and reports of randomized clinical trials were also checked. Study Selection: Studies were eligible for inclusion if they were (1) double-blind randomized clinical trials of DCS as an augmentation strategy for exposure-based cognitive behavior therapy and (2) conducted in humans diagnosed as having specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or posttraumatic stress disorder. Data Extraction and Synthesis: Raw data were obtained from the authors and quality controlled. Data were ranked to ensure a consistent metric across studies (score range, 0-100). We used a 3-level multilevel model nesting repeated measures of outcomes within participants, who were nested within studies. Results: Individual participant data were obtained for 21 of 22 eligible trials, representing 1047 of 1073 eligible participants. When controlling for antidepressant use, participants receiving DCS showed greater improvement from pretreatment to posttreatment (mean difference, -3.62; 95% CI, -0.81 to -6.43; P = .01; d = -0.25) but not from pretreatment to midtreatment (mean difference, -1.66; 95% CI, -4.92 to 1.60; P = .32; d = -0.14) or from pretreatment to follow-up (mean difference, -2.98, 95% CI, -5.99 to 0.03; P = .05; d = -0.19). Additional analyses showed that participants assigned to DCS were associated with lower symptom severity than those assigned to placebo at posttreatment and at follow-up. Antidepressants did not moderate the effects of DCS. None of the prespecified patient-level or study-level moderators was associated with outcomes. Conclusions and Relevance: D-cycloserine is associated with a small augmentation effect on exposure-based therapy. This effect is not moderated by the concurrent use of antidepressants. Further research is needed to identify patient and/or therapy characteristics associated with DCS response.2018-05-0

    On the notion of home and the goals of palliative care

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    The notion of home is well known from our everyday experience, and plays a crucial role in all kinds of narratives about human life, but is hardly ever systematically dealt with in the philosophy of medicine and health care. This paper is based upon the intuitively positive connotation of the term “home.” By metaphorically describing the goal of palliative care as “the patient’s coming home,” it wants to contribute to a medical humanities approach of medicine. It is argued that this metaphor can enrich our understanding of the goals of palliative care and its proper objectives. Four interpretations of “home” and “coming home” are explored: (1) one’s own house or homelike environment, (2) one’s own body, (3) the psychosocial environment, and (4) the spiritual dimension, in particular, the origin of human existence. Thinking in terms of coming home implies a normative point of view. It represents central human values and refers not only to the medical-technical and care aspects of health care, but also to the moral context

    Электропривод регулирующей трубопроводной арматуры на базе синхронного двигателя с постоянными магнитами

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    Цель работы – создание нового поколения регулирующих взрывозащищенных электроприводов с минимальными габаритными размерами, массой и себестоимостью, не уступающих по точности регулирования и функциональным характеристикам регулирующим электроприводам производства других фирм. В процессе работы был произведен расчет и выбор электропривода. Проведено моделирование и анализ работы привода в разных режимах.The purpose of the work is to create a new generation of regulating explosion-proof electric drives with minimum overall dimensions, weight and cost, which are not inferior in regulation accuracy and functional characteristics to regulating electric drives produced by other companies. During operation electric drive was calculated and selected. Simulation and analysis of the drive operation in different modes were carried out

    Prioritizing research challenges and funding for allergy and asthma and the need for translational research-The European Strategic Forum on Allergic Diseases

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    The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) organized the first European Strategic Forum on Allergic Diseases and Asthma. The main aim was to bring together all relevant stakeholders and decision-makers in the field of allergy, asthma and clinical Immunology around an open debate on contemporary challenges and potential solutions for the next decade. The Strategic Forum was an upscaling of the EAACI White Paper aiming to integrate the Academy's output with the perspective offered by EAACI's partners. This collaboration is fundamental for adapting and integrating allergy and asthma care into the context of real-world problems. The Strategic Forum on Allergic Diseases brought together all partners who have the drive and the influence to make positive change: national and international societies, patients' organizations, regulatory bodies and industry representatives. An open debate with a special focus on drug development and biomedical engineering, big data and information technology and allergic diseases and asthma in the context of environmental health concluded that connecting science with the transformation of care and a joint agreement between all partners on priorities and needs are essential to ensure a better management of allergic diseases and asthma in the advent of precision medicine together with global access to innovative and affordable diagnostics and therapeutics.Peer reviewe

    PET imaging of αvβ3 integrin expression in tumours with 68Ga-labelled mono-, di- and tetrameric RGD peptides

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    Contains fulltext : 97195.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)PURPOSE: Due to the restricted expression of alpha(v)beta(3) in tumours, alpha(v)beta(3) is considered a suitable receptor for tumour targeting. In this study the alpha(v)beta(3)-binding characteristics of (68)Ga-labelled monomeric, dimeric and tetrameric RGD peptides were determined and compared with their (111)In-labelled counterparts. METHODS: A monomeric (E-c(RGDfK)), a dimeric (E-[c(RGDfK)](2)) and a tetrameric (E{E[c(RGDfK)](2)}(2)) RGD peptide were synthesised, conjugated with DOTA and radiolabelled with (68)Ga. In vitro alpha(v)beta(3)-binding characteristics were determined in a competitive binding assay. In vivo alpha(v)beta(3)-targeting characteristics of the compounds were assessed in mice with subcutaneously growing SK-RC-52 xenografts. In addition, microPET images were acquired using a microPET/CT scanner. RESULTS: The IC(50) values for the Ga(III)-labelled DOTA-E-c(RGDfK), DOTA-E-[c(RGDfK)](2) and DOTA-E{E[c(RGDfK)](2)}(2) were 23.9 +/- 1.22, 8.99 +/- 1.20 and 1.74 +/- 1.18 nM, respectively, and were similar to those of the In(III)-labelled mono-, di- and tetrameric RGD peptides (26.6 +/- 1.15, 3.34 +/- 1.16 and 1.80 +/- 1.37 nM, respectively). At 2 h post-injection, tumour uptake of the (68)Ga-labelled mono-, di- and tetrameric RGD peptides (3.30 +/- 0.30, 5.24 +/- 0.27 and 7.11 +/- 0.67%ID/g, respectively) was comparable to that of their (111)In-labelled counterparts (2.70 +/- 0.29, 5.61 +/- 0.85 and 7.32 +/- 2.45%ID/g, respectively). PET scans were in line with the biodistribution data. On all PET scans, the tumour could be clearly visualised. CONCLUSION: The integrin affinity and the tumour uptake followed the order of DOTA-tetramer > DOTA-dimer > DOTA-monomer. The (68)Ga-labelled tetrameric RGD peptide has excellent characteristics for imaging of alpha(v)beta(3) expression with PET