144 research outputs found


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    PENILAIAN PEMOTONGAN AYAM DITINJAU DARI ASPEKFISIK DAN ESTETIKA DI RPU PEUNAYONGKOTA BANDA ACEHABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menilai hasil pemotongan ayam di rumah potong unggas (RPU) Peunayong Kota Banda Aceh. Aspek fisik diamati dari terputusnya tiga saluran yaitu esofagus, trakea, dan pembuluh darah (Vena jugularis dan arteri karotis), sedangkan aspek estetika pemotongan ayam dinilai berdasarkan yang dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dari petugas pemotongan dan dari penilaian kebersihan tempat pemotongan, cara penanganan pemotongan, wadah tempat setelah ayam dipotong serta kebersihan dan ketajaman pisau. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemotongan ayam di RPU Peunayong Kota Banda Aceh telah memenuhi aspek fisik namun belum memenuhi aspek estetika.Assesment of physical and aesthetic aspect of the poultry slaughterhouse in Peunayong Banda AcehThis study was done to assess the slaughtering procedures of chicken in Peunayong Banda Aceh. Based on the in the chicken slaughter House of Peunayong physical and aesthetical aspect. Physical aspect were analyzed based on visual observation whereas those on aesthetical were done according to questioneran evaluation on the hygiene of process. Data obtained was analyzed descriptively. Result showed chicken slaughtering procedures at the chicken slaughtering, House of Peunayong Banda Aceh has fulfilled the physical standard, but not aesthetical regment.

    Guía de ayuda de la ROA para la solicitud de proyectos europeos

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    Analisis Kebutuhan Modul Sistem Pernapasan Manusia Berbasis Multimedia Autoplay pada Program Studi Pendididikan Biologi

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    This study aims to determine the module needed in the course of Respiratory Systems in Humans biology education program IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. The development module respiratory system in humans based multimedia autoplay this aims to determine the response of lecturers to learning media based on multimedia autoplay. The analysis is based on the first stage of the ADDIE development model, namely Analysis. The technique of data collection is carried out by distributing questionnaires to lecturers of biology courses, especially lecturers who teach material on the respiratory system in humans. The results of the module needs analysis get information that lecturers during the learning of the respiratory system in humans have never used module learning based on multimedia autoplay, so students find it difficult to understand the material presented, because the material of the respiratory system in humans is considered abstract also takes a long time. In learning in the form of multimedia autoplay also becomes an obstacle in biology lectures, especially in the respiratory system material in humans. Therefore it is necessary to have media in the respiratory system material in humans so that learning becomes more practical

    Infectious keratitis: a molecular and clinical study

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    Infectious keratitis is a sight threatening disease which can cause permanent visual loss if not diagnosed and treated at an early stage. It can be caused by different types of microbes which are either commensals or transferred from the environment. To fight against these threats, the ocular surface (OS) has developed innate and adaptive immune mechanisms. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are natural effectors on the OS with actions that range from microbicidal effects to cell signalling. Human beta defensin (hBD) 1-3 and 9, Liver expressed antimicrobial peptide (LEAP) 1 and 2, human cathelicidin (LL37), ribonuclease7 (RNase7) are the main AMPs on the OS. In this work, the pattern of ocular AMPs gene expression in human OS cells treated with Acanthamoeba castellanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) was studied and established. This was examined by quantitative real-time PCR (RT-PCR) using the Taqman assay. Among the studied AMPs, hBD3 gene showed the most significant increase in human OS cells infected with Acanthamoeba. LL37 demonstrated the highest level of gene expression in the samples infected with bacteria. In a different study, the gene expression of two AMPs (hBD3 and 9) was studied in OS samples taken from patients with different types of infectious keratitis both during and after the infection. This was compared with the expression in healthy subjects. Impression cytology (IC) was used to obtain samples of OS epithelium from recruited subjects. An optimized method for RNA extraction of IC samples was developed. Corresponding to the results of the in vitro study, hBD3 showed an overall up-regulation in all categories whereas hBD9 was down-regulated. These changes were most significant in patients with acute Acanthamoeba keratitis. The gene expression of both hBD3 and 9 showed a tendency towards returning to the levels found in healthy subjects when healing of the corneal infection was complete. In another study carried out to examine the antimicrobial activity of hBD3 we were surprised to find that we could not replicate this. We were unable to reproduce the previously reported antimicrobial activity of hBD3 but were able to demonstrate that the antimicrobial effect could be attributed to the acidic solvent used in preparing the hBD3 protein. The clinical significance of application of corneal densitometry as measured by the Pentacam system was assessed for the first time in patients with infectious keratitis. We demonstrated that corneal densitometry varied with levels of inflammation and was not confined to the site of infection only. It affected the whole cornea and reverted towards normal values as the inflammation settled when the infection was brought under control. We were able to demonstrate that densitometry can be used as a measure of the corneal response to infection and inflammation and could be used to monitor response to therapy. Finally, separate comprehensive prospective and retrospective studies of the clinical profile of severe infectious keratitis in Nottinghamshire were conducted. These two studies covered a total period of 7 years. The results of both studies were similar. Indeed, OS disease, CL wear and previous ocular surgery were found to be the most common risk factors. Positive results of corneal scraping were obtained only in about 40% of cases. Acanthamoeba, S. aureus, and P. aeruginosa were the most frequent causative organisms. Fortified topical antibiotics were effective in treating most cases. Therapeutic corneal grafting was found to be an effective and safe procedure in refractive infectious keratitis

    Isolation, characterization, and hydrolytic activities of Geobacillus species from Jordanian hot springs

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    The present study was conducted to isolate, identify, characterize and to determine the enzymatic activities of the thermophilic Geobacillus species from five Jordanian hot springs. Based on phenotypic characters, eight thermophilic isolates were identified and belonged to the genus Geobacillus. The Geobacillus isolates were abundant in all investigated hot springs. The optimal temperature for growth of the isolates was 60 to 65°C and the optimal pH was 6 to 8. Colonies were light yellow circular to rhizoid. The bacterial cells were Gram positive rods and endospore forming. All isolates produced amylase, caseinase, alkaline and acid phosphatases, esterase (C4), esterase lipase (C8), α-Galactosidase, β-Glucuronidase, β-Glucosidase, and N-Acetyl-β-glucosaminidase. Seven isolates produced leucine and valine arylamidases and five isolates produced naphthol-AS-B1- phsphohydrolase. Lipase (C14) activity from two isolates and α-chymotrypsin activity from three isolates were also detected. The phenotypic characterization of those isolates was confirmed by genotypic method using 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Maximal homology of all eight  isolates to genus Geobacillus was observed. Five of these isolates showed greater than 98% homology with Geobacillus stearothermophilus and one isolate showed 100% homology with Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius. Therefore, 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis can be considered as a valuable genotypic tool for the identification and characterization of thermophilic bacteria at genus level. Moreover, enzymatic products of those isolates could receive considerable attention due to their potential applications in biotechnology.Keywords: Thermophiles, Geobacillus, hydrolytic enzymes, hot spring, 16S rRNA

    CSR disclosure in the Syrian Islamic bank:motivations and challenges

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation and Disclosure in the Banking Sector: the case of banks with Islamic identity in Syria. This study aims to explore Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD) in Syrian banks which have an Islamic identity, investigating their motivations when implementing and disclosing CSR and the challenges banks have faced. This study employed content analysis to extract knowledge from 33 annual reports published by three banks which have Islamic identity in Syria over the period 2008–2020. Semi-structured interviews were then conducted with five participants who are aware of CSRD policy in the banks in the sample, in order to gain a fuller understanding of their motivations in relation to CSR and any challenges they faced. This article draws on the overlap between Stakeholder and Legitimacy theories in order to explain the motivations of the banks in question. The study found that banks which have an Islamic identity increased their levels of CSR implementation during the conflict crisis but were not publishing details on these activities because of a concern regarding the Islamic modesty around charitable actions and to avoid upsetting the sensibility of beneficiaries. Interviewees commented that in the time of conflict crisis, many Syrians needed relief and support. Because of this, banks in our research sample decided to take responsibility to lessen the negative impact of the conflict crisis on the Syrian community. In addition, the analysis revealed that banks engaged with Environment and Human Right issues after 2013 because they wanted to fulfil the requirements of their national partners

    Improving the bees algorithm for complex optimisation problems

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    An improved swarm-based optimisation algorithm from the Bees Algorithm family for solving complex optimisation problems is proposed. Like other Bees Algorithms, the algorithm performs a form of exploitative local search combined with random exploratory global search. This thesis details the development and optimisation of this algorithm and demonstrates its robustness. The development includes a new method of tuning the Bees Algorithm called Meta Bees Algorithm and the functionality of the proposed method is compared to the standard Bees Algorithm and to a range of state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms. A new fitness evaluation method has been developed to enable the Bees Algorithm to solve a stochastic optimisation problem. The new modified Bees Algorithm was tested on the optimisation of parameter values for the Ant Colony Optimisation algorithm when solving Travelling Salesman Problems. Finally, the Bees Algorithm has been adapted and employed to solve complex combinatorial problems. The algorithm has been combined with two neighbourhood operators to solve such problems. The performance of the proposed Bees Algorithm has been tested on a number of travelling salesman problems, including two problems on printed circuit board assembly machine sequencing

    Infectious keratitis: a molecular and clinical study

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    Infectious keratitis is a sight threatening disease which can cause permanent visual loss if not diagnosed and treated at an early stage. It can be caused by different types of microbes which are either commensals or transferred from the environment. To fight against these threats, the ocular surface (OS) has developed innate and adaptive immune mechanisms. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are natural effectors on the OS with actions that range from microbicidal effects to cell signalling. Human beta defensin (hBD) 1-3 and 9, Liver expressed antimicrobial peptide (LEAP) 1 and 2, human cathelicidin (LL37), ribonuclease7 (RNase7) are the main AMPs on the OS. In this work, the pattern of ocular AMPs gene expression in human OS cells treated with Acanthamoeba castellanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) was studied and established. This was examined by quantitative real-time PCR (RT-PCR) using the Taqman assay. Among the studied AMPs, hBD3 gene showed the most significant increase in human OS cells infected with Acanthamoeba. LL37 demonstrated the highest level of gene expression in the samples infected with bacteria. In a different study, the gene expression of two AMPs (hBD3 and 9) was studied in OS samples taken from patients with different types of infectious keratitis both during and after the infection. This was compared with the expression in healthy subjects. Impression cytology (IC) was used to obtain samples of OS epithelium from recruited subjects. An optimized method for RNA extraction of IC samples was developed. Corresponding to the results of the in vitro study, hBD3 showed an overall up-regulation in all categories whereas hBD9 was down-regulated. These changes were most significant in patients with acute Acanthamoeba keratitis. The gene expression of both hBD3 and 9 showed a tendency towards returning to the levels found in healthy subjects when healing of the corneal infection was complete. In another study carried out to examine the antimicrobial activity of hBD3 we were surprised to find that we could not replicate this. We were unable to reproduce the previously reported antimicrobial activity of hBD3 but were able to demonstrate that the antimicrobial effect could be attributed to the acidic solvent used in preparing the hBD3 protein. The clinical significance of application of corneal densitometry as measured by the Pentacam system was assessed for the first time in patients with infectious keratitis. We demonstrated that corneal densitometry varied with levels of inflammation and was not confined to the site of infection only. It affected the whole cornea and reverted towards normal values as the inflammation settled when the infection was brought under control. We were able to demonstrate that densitometry can be used as a measure of the corneal response to infection and inflammation and could be used to monitor response to therapy. Finally, separate comprehensive prospective and retrospective studies of the clinical profile of severe infectious keratitis in Nottinghamshire were conducted. These two studies covered a total period of 7 years. The results of both studies were similar. Indeed, OS disease, CL wear and previous ocular surgery were found to be the most common risk factors. Positive results of corneal scraping were obtained only in about 40% of cases. Acanthamoeba, S. aureus, and P. aeruginosa were the most frequent causative organisms. Fortified topical antibiotics were effective in treating most cases. Therapeutic corneal grafting was found to be an effective and safe procedure in refractive infectious keratitis