269 research outputs found

    Peranan dan tanggung jawab antarabangsa China sebagai negara berkuasa besar

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    China adalah sebuah kuasa semakin meningkat yang hubungan nya dengan Malaysia bukan saja harus dilihat dalam konteks hubungan dagang tetapi juga dalam konteks ASEAN dan pertikaian pulau Spratley. Penelitian ini membincangkan peranan dan tanggung jawab antarabangsa yang dipikul China sebagai sebuah negara berkuasa besar dengan menghuraikan tiga persoalan , iaitu bagaimana dunia perlu memahami peranan China sebagai satu kebangkitan kuasa; gambaran sesuai tanggung jawab China terhadap masyarakat antarabangsa; dan sikap yang dipamerkan China sebagai sebuah kuasa yang semakin meningkat. Hasil penelitian mendapati sejak China melaksanakan dasar transformasi danpintu terbuka kepada dunia luar pada penghujung tahun 1970an, China mencapai Keluaran Negara Kasar (KNK) memberangsangkan yang meletakkannya sebagai kuasa ekonomi kedua terbesar dunia di samping menjadi penggerak utama pertumbuhan ekonomi serantau serta global. Pengekalan China di atas landasan kebangkitan ekonomi politik secara aman merupakan langkah transformasi penting dalam mengadaptasi corak ekonomi politik yang sesuai dengan bagi memenuhi kepentingan mereka. China berusaha melakarkan sejarah sebagai sebuah negara berkuasa besar pendukung prinsip mengutamakan keamanan, pembangunan sejagat, bekerjasama dengan negara lain termasuk mementingkan suasana menang-menang . China menggunakan segala ruang dan peluang bagi memastikan kejayaan pertumbuhan yang konsisten dan membenarkan dunia berkongsi faedah dari kejayaan mereka

    Migrasi dan keselamatan

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    A System’s Analysis of Ethnic Agitations and Antagonisms in Nigeria

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    Political systems are self reinforcing aiming at stability through its mutually coordinating engagements of its structures working to a near functional perfection. The failure of institutional capacity spurts instability exemplified by political and social upheavals demanding for changes sometimes very radical. Violence and sustained agitations are exemplars in many political societies. Competition for access to scarce resources by Nigeria’s ethnically choking polity has often resulted in unending spectre of instabilities since the 1960s. Ethnic agitations against marginalization have underscored the majority-minority interface in Nigeria’s history of political governance. The return of democracy in the late 1990s provided the open space for eruption of State suppressed grievances. The agitations in the Niger Delta for a new phase of fiscal federalism to sustained farmers-herder clashes across the country are notable indications. Political inclusivity and a fair system of distribution of national resources hold the promise for stability in Nigeria. Keywords: instability, system, conversion, agitation

    Penyeludupan senjata api di sempadan Malaysia-Thailand dan ancamannya ke atas keselamatan insan

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    Rantau Asia Tenggara berhadapan pelbagai konflik bersenjata dan peperangan. Keadaan bertambah buruk dengan lambakan senjata api pasca Perang Dingin. Malaysia tersepit di antara jiran yang berkonflik dengan kedudukannya di laluan perairan perdagangan utama dunia tidak terkecuali daripada menerima tempias aktiviti jenayah rentas sempadan penyeludupan senjata api kecil dan ringan (SKR). Pelaksanaan undang-undang senjata api yang ketat di Malaysia seakan tidak berbisa dengan kemasukan haram SKR secara berterusan melalui sempadan darat dan perairan negara. Objektif artikel ini adalah untuk membincangkan konsep keselamatan insan, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi aktiviti penyeludupan SKR ke Malaysia serta ancamannya ke atas keselamatan insan. Kajian dijalankan secara kualitatif di mana data primer diperolehi melalui kaedah temubual bersama agensi penguatkuasaan dan keselamatan Malaysia dan Thailand, pesalah senjata api, pemberi maklumat dan organisasi bukan kerajaan, kerja lapangan di dalam negara dan sempadan Malaysia-Thailand, kaedah kepustakaan dan analisis dokumen. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa faktor dalaman dan faktor luar telah mempengaruhi peningkatan penyeludupan SKR dan jenayah berkaitannya yang mampu menggugat keselamatan insan di Malaysia

    Political Transitions and the Sustenance of Identity Politics in Nigeria

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    The recourse to individual or group identity in the articulation and pursuit of interests by social forces is a major facet of Nigeria’s political process. This is manifested by the increasing deployment of hitherto suppressed identities of ethnicity, religion and regionalism among others, in the contest for political and economic power by various contending forces. It will appear that the resurgence of identity politics is a worldwide phenomenon, and therefore, not restricted to Nigeria. However, the specificity of the Nigerian milieu is conspicuously manifested in various junctures of the national political trajectory, whenever spoils of power are up for grabs. Accordingly, it is hereby contended that identity politics as presently manifested in Nigeria is much a tool for political contest and bargain as it is for personal aggrandizement by the contending political forces. The way out is the total democratization of the national political economy and the attendant institutionalisation of political and economic contest based on popular-democratic grounds as opposed to the prevailing ethno-religious and other primordial grounds. Keywords: identity politics, contending forces, political trajectory, aggrandisement DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-12-07 Publication date: December 31st 201

    Makna dan pengalaman kerjasama daripada perspektif kontraktor pembinaan kelas A Melayu di Lembah Klang

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    The study sought to understand the meaning of cooperation by the class A Malay construction contractors and how phenomenon of cooperation takes place. As such, this study explains the meaning and the experience of cooperation based on the practice of selected class A Malay construction contractors in Klang Valley. Phenomenology was used to understand and uncover the cooperation experiences in the career of these class A Malay construction contractors. The narators in this study were class A Malay construction contractors who volunteered to participate and were willing to share their experiences. They have been involved in the business between 15 to 25 years as construction contractors. Criteria based purposive sampling was used to select narators. An open conversation technique was carried out to garner data. The open conversation was tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Analysis began as soon as the data were collected. This study assumed that the class A Malay construction contractors experienced cooperation as they undertook the day-to-day activities in running their business. The experiences of the narators revealed that there were several themes, which described the phenomenon of cooperation. A detailed analysis was carried out to identify the themes and categories in order to answer the research questions. These themes were categorized into (i) the meaning of cooperation, (ii) reasons for cooperation, (iii) enhancing cooperation, and (iv) forms of cooperation. Basically, there were several significant meanings of cooperation in the light of a contractor’s task. The study showed that the meanings of cooperation were perceived as working together, partnership, and group work. These three meanings were intertwined and present in all aspects of construction contractors. In addition, the study revealed the sources of cooperation which included aspects of awareness and realization, cultural practice and principles, survival, and competition. In fact, the study identified four elements that enhanced cooperation among the contractors, which were understanding, sincerity, compatibility and experience, and good relationship.Cooperation experienced by the narators was inclusive, that is, it involved all parties concerned in completing a given task. The concerned parties included financial institutions, contractors and construction material suppliers. The cooperation among the contractors was not formal. It was more like a mutual understanding and trust to see the success of certain projects. It could be concluded that the experience of cooperation among the class A Malay construction contractors, was a significant meaning and values within the culture and the Malay individuals themselves which had been rooted for centuries. In fact, the cooperation did not only benefit other members in the business, but also was in a form of an agreement that cooperation was seen as the best formula for those who wanted to lead a conducive, harmonious, peaceful and happy life. This research suggests that continuous and concrete efforts need to be taken to enhance the values of cooperation which are diminishing. They are also encouraged to inculcate the value of cooperation among their business partners

    The Role of Psychological Factors in the Process of Reading

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    Among the reader factors, psychological factors play crucial part in the process of reading. In an educational system, psychological factors that have been widely acknowledged by researchers can be viewed as an important element in assessing students’ academic failure (Lee and Shute, 2010; Zins et al., 2004). Moreover, previous researches indicated that psychological factors have definite influence on the process of reading. Therefore, considering these factors in teaching curriculum could be profitable to the students. The present study focused on the importance of the psychological factors in the process of reading, and revealed the potential for future studies on these factors.   Keywords: Psychological Factors, Reading Comprehension  


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    Background and Purpose: In the modern globalisation epoch, security threats no longer concern the state’s hostilities, military operation, or nuclear proliferation. It involves non-traditional menaces like human trafficking, which is believed to escalate quickly. The goal of this research is to identify human trafficking activities and to reveal the experiences of victims in the Southeast Asia region, particularly in Malaysia.   Methodology: This study used a qualitative method through a case study approach. It involved an in-depth interview session with five primary informants (represented as Cases 1 to 5) who were the victims of human trafficking from Bangladesh, a government officer from related agency, two local academicians and a representative of Bangladesh foreign workers’ vending system company.   Findings: The study discovered that human trafficking crimes produce detrimental effects on the survival of the victims, especially on the economic and individual security aspect. Their wages are not fully paid and their freedom to socialize is restricted.   Contribution: This study calls for policy formulation and policy implementation to protect the interest and security of people despite their citizenship which is considered the most trustworthy, relevant and universal approach in rectifying these illegal activities within Southeast Asia region especially in Malaysia. Keywords: Bangladesh, labour migration, human security, human trafficking.   Cite as: Dolhan, N., Othman, Z., & Idris, N. A. (2021). Human trafficking and human security in Southeast Asia: A case study of Bangladeshi foreign workers in Malaysia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 6(1), 136-155. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol6iss1pp136-15

    The impact of employee engagement program in reducing absenteeism at workplace: A case of government-linked company (GLC) in Malaysia

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    Employee engagements program plays important roles in the employer and employees relationship. The effective engagement programs will contribute to increase the attendance rates and reduce absenteeism in most organization.Furthermore, sense of belonging can drive employees to perform their daily routine tasks in conducive environment.In most cases, effective engagement programs will give indirect impact to the organization performance

    Assessing The Quality of Educational Services in Nyala University From The Perspectives of Students – Statistical Study

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    AbstractThe problem of the study is represented in students' views, as recipients, towards the educational services, and what are the factors of educational services in university of Nyala. The study aims at assessing the quality of educational services identifying the services' main factorsfrom students' points of views. The study population are the students themselves. A stratified random sample has been designed and data-based questionnaire is collected. The sample size was 476 units. A descriptive statistics, factor analysis and chi square test were used as statistical tools. For extraction factors the principal components were used whereas varimax for rotation and Kaiser criterion were used for the number of factors. Data is analyzed using software package of SPSS. After the literature review, results were discussed and the researcher has come up to the following findings: There are seven factors covering the Educational Services; including: academic staff, employees, reputation, facilities, transportation, restrooms and umbrellas and the means of communication devices. Factors above explain 60.08 % of the total variance.  Male and female students views are differently expressed on educational services quality, where no significant difference on quality of services in term of different academic levels. As for students no differences have been recorded in both scientific and theoretical studies.