13 research outputs found

    Feature selection method for offline signature verification

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    Signature verification is defined as one of the biometric identification method using a person’s signature characteristics. The task of verifying the genuineness of a person signature is a complex problem due to the inconsistencies in the person signatures such as slant, strokes, alignment, etc. Too many features may decrease the False Rejection Rate (FRR) but also increases the False Acceptance Rate (FAR). A low value of FAR and FRR are required to obtain accurate verification result. There is a need to select the best features set of the signatures attributes among them. A combination of the current global features with four new features will be proposed such as horizontal distance, vertical distance, hypotenuse distance and angle. However, the value of FAR may increase if too many features are used which result a slow verification performance. In order to select the best features, the difference between the mean of the standard deviation ratio of each feature will be used. The main objective is to increase the accuracy of verification rate. This can be determined using best features set selected during the features selection process. A selection of signature set with strong feature sets will be used as a control parameter. The parameter is then used to validate the results

    Towards movement-based interaction for tawaf training investigating its suitability for older adults

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    Training of Tawaf (a rite in Hajj- the Muslim pilgrimage) has been limited to traditional method of text-reading and talk-listening. An edutainment approach of virtual environment simulation training could offer a more immersive experience through realistic Tawaf settings. Constructing a more natural interaction style for the virtual training, besides enhancing its realism value, could be the missing link in providing the engagement factor that appeal to older users. This paper describe a preliminary study in finding out a first indication on whether a natural interaction style through body movements could also be suitable for older users. Encouraging results showed that there is little difference in gesture performance of Istilam (a Tawaf gesture) between group of adult participants and group of older (age above 60) participants, suggesting the applicability of movement-based Tawaf training interaction to older adults as well

    Fingerprint image enhancement using median sigmoid filter

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    Quality of fingerprint image is most essential to ensure good performance of minutiae extraction result since it depends heavily on the quality of fingerprint images. Fingerprint image with noise usually will produce spurious minutiae. In this paper, new combination filter called Median Sigmoid (MS) filter is introduced to remove the unwanted noise created during the acquisition process and hence increasing the accuracy of minutiae extraction result. The result shows that MS filter is an effective filter in enhancing the quality of a noisy image

    Composite median wiener filter based technique for image enhancement

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    Image processing begins with image enhancement to improve the quality of the information existing in images for further processing. Noise is any unwanted object that affects the quality of original images. This always happened during the acquisition of images, which cause gaussian noise via photoelectric sensor. Also, impulse noise as well is introduced during transferring of some images from one place to another because of unstable network. Hence, these noises combine to form mixed noise in some images, which change the form and loss of information in the images. Filtering techniques are usually used in smoothing and sharpness of images, extraction the useful information and prepare an image for analysis processing. In this research, a novel technique of hybrid filter for enhancing images degraded by mixed noise has been exhibited. The proposed model of the novel filter uses the concept of two element composite filter. This technique improved the fusion of Median filter and Wiener filter to eliminate mixed form of noise from digital image created during image acquisition process. Composite Median Wiener(CMW) is not two filters in series, yet it can remove the blurredness, keep the image edges, and eliminate the mixed noise from the image. The result of CMW filter application on noisy image shows that it is an effective filter in enhancing the quality image

    Integrating perception into v-hajj: 3D tawaf training simulation application

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    To achieve realism in computer graphics traditionally requires increasingly complex algorithms, along with greater computer power and hardware resources. However, the recent growing integration of perception research into computer graphics offers a more economical solution. Psychophysical experiments are now conducted to find out areas that can be manipulated to transform complex computations to "computation cuts". This perception based approach provides better resource consumption to elements that matters most to humans, so the output is still perceived as visually correct. This paper explores the opportunity to apply perceptual concepts in the development of V-Hajj; a 3D simulation application for Tawaf (a Hajj ritual) training. Recent findings from related psychophysical experiments are discussed to identify at which prospect perception can be applied in V-Hajj. It is ultimately believed that integrating perceptual concepts would help in developing a more efficient and less consumptive real-time rendering techniques that further improve user immersion and interactivity

    Perspectives of gestures for gestural-based interaction systems: towards natural interaction

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    A frequently mentioned benefit of gesture-based input to computing systems is that it provides naturalness in interaction. However, it is not uncommon to find gesture sets consisting of arbitrary (hand) formations with illogically-mapped functions. This defeat the purpose of using gestures as a means to facilitate natural interaction. The root of the issue seems to stem from a separation between what is deemed as gesture in the computing field and what is deemed as gesture linguistically. To find a common ground, this paper explores the fundamental aspects of gestures in the literature of psycho-linguistic-based studies and HCI-based studies. The discussion focuses on the connection between the two perspectives – in the definition aspect through the concept of meaning and context, and in the classification aspect through the mapping of tasks (manipulative or communicative) to gesture functions (ergotic, epistemic or semiotic). By highlighting how these two perspectives interrelate, this paper provides a basis for research works that intend to propose gestures as the interaction modality for interactive systems

    Connected component labeling using components neighbors-scan labeling approach

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    Problem statement: Many approaches have been proposed in previous such as the classic sequential connected components labeling algorithm which is relies on two subsequent raster-scans of a binary image. This method produced good performance in terms of accuracy, but because of the implementation of the image processing systems now requires faster process of the computer, the speed of this technique's process has become an important issue. Approach: A computational approach, called components neighbors-scan labeling algorithm for connected component labeling was presented in this study. This algorithm required scanning through an image only once to label connected components. The algorithm started by scanning from the head of the component's group, before tracing all the components neighbors by using the main component's information. This algorithm had desirable characteristics, it is simple while promoted accuracy and low time consuming. By using a table of components, this approach also gave other advantages as the information for the next higher process. Results: The approach had been tested with a collection of binary images. In practically all cases, the technique had successfully given the desired result. Averagely, from the results the algorithm increased the speed around 67.4% from the two times scanning method. Conclusion: Conclusion from the comparison with the previous method, the approach of components neighbors-scan for connected component labeling promoted speed, accuracy and simplicity. The results showed that the approach has a good performance in terms of accuracy, the time consumed and the simplicity of the algorithm