1,771 research outputs found

    The relationship between the Dark Triad traits and help-seeking attitude in high school students

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    Participants in previous studies on the Dark Triad of personality (Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, and Narcissism) have been mainly college students or older. In the present study, participants were 799 high school students, and the purpose was to identify the factor structure of the Dark Triad and examine differences according to sex, school year, and career direction. Additionally, we investigated the relationship between the Dark Triad and help-seeking attitudes. The results were in line with previous evidence, as the hierarchical factor structure of the Dark Triad was identified. Furthermore, negative influences of Machiavellianism and Psychopathy on help-seeking attitudes were found. On the other hand, there was a positive influence of Narcissism on help-seeking attitudes.Dark Triadとは,マキャベリアニズム,サイコパシー,自己愛傾向の3つの総称である。これまでのDark Triadに関する研究は,大学生以上を対象とした研究が主流である。本研究では,799名の高校生を対象に調査を実施し,Dark Triadの因子構造を確認するとともに,性別,学年,進路による差についても検討し,大学生以上を対象に行われた従来の研究の知見との比較を行うことを目的とした。また,合わせて援助要請との関連についても検討した。その結果,Dark Triadにおいては階層的な因子構造が高校生サンプルにおいても確認された。また,マキャベリアニズム,サイコパシーは援助要請に対してネガティブな関連がみられるのに対して,ナルシシズムはポジティブな関連がみられた

    Predicting Transportation Carbon Emission with Urban Big Data

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    Transportation carbon emission is a significant contributor to the increase of greenhouse gases, which directly threatens the change of climate and human health. Under the pressure of the environment, it is very important to master the information of transportation carbon emission in real time. In the traditional way, we get the information of the transportation carbon emission by calculating the combustion of fossil fuel in the transportation sector. However, it is very difficult to obtain the real-time and accurate fossil fuel combustion in the transportation field. In this paper, we predict the real-time and fine-grained transportation carbon emission information in the whole city, based on the spatio-temporal datasets we observed in the city, that is taxi GPS data, transportation carbon emission data, road networks, points of interests (POIs), and meteorological data. We propose a three-layer perceptron neural network (3-layerPNN) to learn the characteristics of collected data and infer the transportation carbon emission. We evaluate our method with extensive experiments based on five real data sources obtained in Zhuhai, China. The results show that our method has advantages over the well-known three machine learning methods (Gaussian Naive Bayes, Linear Regression, and Logistic Regression) and two deep learning methods (Stacked Denoising Autoencoder and Deep Belief Networks)

    The relationship between help-seeking attitudes and temperament

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    publisher奈良" 本研究の目的は、計画的行動倫理(theory of Planned Behavior; Ajzen, 1991)にそって、援助要請行動の過程を整理し、自殺予防の一助とすることである。本論文では、その一環として援助要請意図の先行要因である「統制認知」に関する遺伝的要因である「気質」による態度への影響を明らかにすることを目的におこなわれた調査結果を報告する。  援助要請態度は、援助要請における過去の経験や認知、更には行動の評価により形成される変数であり、計画的行動倫理においては、意図さらには行動への循環的影響を有することから従属変数として選択された。  気質の測定には、Gray (1970, 1981, 1982, 1987)の強化感受性理論(Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory)に基づきCarver & White (1994) が作成したBIS/BAS Scalesの日本語版(高橋ら, 2007)を用いた。  女子大生70名を対象とした質問紙調査の結果、行動を抑制する不安特性であるBISは、肯定・否定両援助要請態度と破壊表出に有意な影響過程を示し、衝動的特性であるBASの下位因子である駆動からは肯定的援助要請に対し負の影響過程、報酬からは正の影響過程を示した。

    NetSecCC: A scalable and fault-tolerant architecture for cloud computing security

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    How to ensure network security for modern virtual machine based cloud computing platforms is still an open question. This question becomes more important and urgent to solve, as the fast development of cloud computing in recent years. Though there are many existing solutions, they either provide incomplete protection or neglect important intrinsic characteristics in cloud computing. In this paper, we introduce a novel network security architecture for cloud computing (NetSecCC) considering characteristics of cloud computing. Specifically, it 1) provides protection to both external and interne traffics in cloud computing, 2) attains flexible scalability with respect to virtual middlebox load, and 3) achieves fault-tolerant among virtual middlebox failure. Experiments and simulations on our proof-of-concept prototype of NetSecCC validate that NetSecCC is an effective architecture with minimal performance overhead, and that it can be applied to extensive practical promotion in cloud computing

    WITM: Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Using Fine-Grained Wireless Signal

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    With the rapid development of the traffic volume, intelligent traffic monitoring technologies have attracted more and more attention, which can support a broad range of applications, including traffic congestion mitigation, traffic violation management, and automated driving assistance. Therefore, it is important to realize convenient, effective, and intelligent traffic monitoring at low cost. In this paper, we develop a comprehensive traffic monitoring system named WiFi-based intelligent traffic monitoring (WITM), which achieves vehicle detection, vehicle type classification, and vehicle speed estimation by measuring the changes of wireless channel state information. The system shows the advantages of convenient deployment, low cost and easy to expand. The proposed detection processes include three key components, a traffic detection method with moving variance, a convolutional neural network-based learning engine to classify the vehicle types, and a combination method of gradient-based and curve fitting to estimate the vehicle speed. By using the fine-grained wireless signal information, WITM achieves vehicle detection with the accuracy of 93.12% and differentiates vehicle types with an accuracy of 87.27%. In addition, the average error of the vehicle speed estimation is less than 5 km/h

    Multi-Junction Switching in Bi2_2Sr1.6_{1.6}La0.4_{0.4}CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} Intrinsic Josephson Junctions

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    We study the dynamics of multi-junction switching (MJS): several intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) in an array switch to the finite voltage state simultaneously. The number of multi-switching junctions (NN) was successfully tuned by changing the load resistance serially connected to an Bi2_2Sr1.6_{1.6}La0.4_{0.4}CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} IJJ array. The independence of the escape rates of NN in the macroscopic quantum tunneling regime indicates that MJS is a successivesuccessive switching process rather than a collectivecollective process. The origin of MJS is explained by the gradient of a load curve and the relative magnitudes of the switching currents of quasiparticle branches in the current-voltage plane

    Examination of Gender Differences in Dichotomy Beliefs and Age-related Changes

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    publisher奈良" 本研究は、二分法的思考尺度の下位尺度である「二分法的信念」「損得思考」「二分法的選好」への年齢と性別の影響を検討することを目的とし、併せてBig5の要素や幸福感、他者信頼度等の変数との関連性を検討することにより先行研究で示された人格障害等との関連性を検証することを目的に行われた。具体的には、75歳以上の高齢者の年代では、その年代未満よりも二分法的思考傾向が高くなること(仮説1)二分法的思考は女性よりも男性の方が高いこと(仮説2)を検証することを目的に行われた。  その結果、二分法的思考尺度の下位尺度各々とBig5の各要素との有意な関連性が示された。特に神経症傾向との正の相関ならびに幸福感との負の相関が示されたことにより先行研究と一致する結果が得られた。  性別・年代の影響について、仮説1は年代別比較により75歳以上の年代が65歳未満、65歳以上74歳未満の年代に比べて高くなっていたことから支持され、仮説2については、65歳以上74歳未満でのみ有意な性差が確認されたことから部分的支持となった。

    Customized Network Security for Cloud Service

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    Modern cloud computing platforms based on virtual machine monitors (VMMs) host a variety of complex businesses which present many network security vulnerabilities. In order to protect network security for these businesses in cloud computing, nowadays, a number of middleboxes are deployed at front-end of cloud computing or parts of middleboxes are deployed in cloud computing. However, the former is leading to high cost and management complexity, and also lacking of network security protection between virtual machines while the latter does not effectively prevent network attacks from external traffic. To address the above-mentioned challenges, we introduce a novel customized network security for cloud service (CNS), which not only prevents attacks from external and internal traffic to ensure network security of services in cloud computing, but also affords customized network security service for cloud users. CNS is implemented by modifying the Xen hypervisor and proved by various experiments which showing the proposed solution can be directly applied to the extensive practical promotion in cloud computing

    Toxocariasis Might be an Important Cause of Atopic Myelitis in Korea

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    Atopic myelitis is defined as myelitis with atopic diasthesis but the cause is still unknown. Toxocariasis is one of the common causes of hyperIgEaemia that may lead to neurologic manifestations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sero-prevalence of Toxocara specific IgG Ab among the atopic myelitis patients. We evaluated the medical records of 37 patients with atopic myelitis whose conditions were diagnosed between March 2001 and August 2007. Among them, the 33 sera were analyzed for specific serum IgG Ab to Toxocara excretory-secretory antigens (TES). All of 37 patients had hyperIgEaemia. Specific IgE to D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae was detected in 22 (64.7%) and 34 (100%) patients, respectively, of the 34 patients. Thirty-one of 33 patients (93.9%) were found to be positive by TES IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Based on the image findings of eosinophilic infiltrations in the lung and liver, 8 patients had positive results. These results inferred that the prevalence of toxocariasis was high in patients with atopic myelitis. Our results suggest that toxocariasis might be an important cause of atopic myelitis and Toxocara ELISA is essential for evaluating the causes of atopic myelitis