589 research outputs found

    The Globular Cluster Luminosity Function as a Distance Indicator: Dynamical Effects

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    The dynamical evolution of the globular cluster systems in galaxies is predicted, based on the standard dynamical theory normalized to the example of the Milky Way. The major processes varying with the galactocentric distance are the tidal shocks and dynamical friction. Our simple model explains, on a quantitative basis, the observed differences of the inner and outer populations of globular clusters. We can thus calculate corrections for dynamical evolution for the luminosity function of globular clusters with the assumption that the initial luminosity function is identical in all galaxies (and we can test this assumption as well, in certain cases). Then we can compute the expected distribution of absolute magnitudes and compare it with the observed distribution of apparent magnitudes to estimate the distance moduli for M31 and M87. Using this new method we find dm(M31)=24.05 +- 0.23, dm(M87)=30.83 +- 0.17, as compared to current best estimates using other methods of dm(M31)=24.30 +- 0.20, dm(M87)=31.0 +- 0.1. As a check on the method we compute, and compare with observations, the differences between the inner and outer globular clusters in all three galaxies. This new method, coupled with HST observations, promises to provide an independent method of estimating distances to galaxies with recession velocities < 10,000 km/s, or D < 100 Mpc.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; submitted to ApJ Letter

    The Expected Mass Function for Low Mass Galaxies in a CDM Cosmology: Is There a Problem?

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    It is well known that the mass function for_halos_ in CDM cosmology is a relatively steep power law for low masses, possibly too steep to be consistent with observations. But how steep is the_galaxy_ mass function? We have analyzed the stellar and gas mass functions of the first massive luminous objects formed in a \Lambda CDM universe, as calculated in the numerical simulation described in Gnedin (2000ab). We found that while the dark matter mass function is steep, the stellar and gas mass functions are flatter for low mass objects. The stellar mass function is consistently flat at the low mass end. Moreover, while the gas mass function follows the dark matter mass function until reionization at z~7, between z=7 and z=4, the gas mass function also flattens considerably at the low mass end. At z=4, the gas and stellar mass functions are fit by a Schechter function with \alpha ~ -1.2 +/- 0.1, significantly shallower than the dark matter halo mass function and consistent with some recent observations. The baryonic mass functions are shallower because (a) the dark matter halo mass function is consistent with the Press-Schechter formulation at low masses n(M) M^-2 and (b) heating/cooling and ionization processes appear to cause baryons to collect in halos with the relationship M_b M_d^4 at low masses. Combining (a) and (b) gives n(M_b) M_b^-5/4, comparable to the simulation results. Thus, the well known observational fact that low mass galaxies are underabundant as compared to expectations from numerical dark matter simulations or Press-Schechter modeling of CDM universes emerges naturally from these results, implying that perhaps no ``new physics'' beyond the standard model is needed.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 17 pages including 6 figure

    Evidence for coupling between the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and the Milky Way warp

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    Using recent determinations of the mass and orbit of Sagittarius, I calculate its orbital angular momentum. From the latest observational data, I also calculate the angular momentum of the Milky Way's warp. I find that both angular momenta are directed toward l=270, b=0, and have magnitude 2-8x10^12 M_Sun kpc km s^-1, where the range in both cases reflects uncertainty in the mass. The coincidence of the angular momenta is suggestive of a coupling between these systems. Direct gravitational torque of Sgr on the disk is ruled out as the coupling mechanism. Gravitational torque due to a wake in the halo and the impulsive deposition of momentum by a passage of Sgr through the disk are still both viable mechanisms pending better simulations to test their predictions on the observed Sgr-MW system.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in the February 1 issue of ApJ

    Turbulent Flow-Driven Molecular Cloud Formation: A Solution to the Post-T Tauri Problem?

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    We suggest that molecular clouds can be formed on short time scales by compressions from large scale streams in the interstellar medium (ISM). In particular, we argue that the Taurus-Auriga complex, with filaments of 10-20 pc ×\times 2-5 pc, most have been formed by H I flows in â‰Č3\lesssim 3Myr, explaining the absence of post-T Tauri stars in the region with ages ≳3\gtrsim 3 Myr. Observations in the 21 cm line of the H I `halos' around the Taurus molecular gas show many features (broad asymmetric profiles, velocity shifts of H I relative to 12^{12}CO) predicted by our MHD numerical simulations, in which large-scale H I streams collide to produce dense filamentary structures. This rapid evolution is possible because the H I flows producing and disrupting the cloud have much higher velocities (5-10 kms) than present in the molecular gas resulting from the colliding flows. The simulations suggest that such flows can occur from the global ISM turbulence without requiring a single triggering event such as a SN explosion.Comment: 26 pages, 12 ps figures. Apj accepte

    Analysis of Clumps in Molecular Cloud Models: Mass Spectrum, Shapes, Alignment and Rotation

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    Observations reveal concentrations of molecular line emission on the sky, called ``clumps,'' in dense, star-forming molecular clouds. These clumps are believed to be the eventual sites of star formation. We study the three-dimensional analogs of clumps using a set of self-consistent, time-dependent numerical models of molecular clouds. The models follow the decay of initially supersonic turbulence in an isothermal, self-gravitating, magnetized fluid. We find the following. (1) Clumps are intrinsically triaxial. This explains the observed deficit of clumps with a projected axis ratio near unity, and the apparent prolateness of clumps. (2) Simulated clump axes are not strongly aligned with the mean magnetic field within clumps, nor with the large-scale mean fields. This is in agreement with observations. (3) The clump mass spectrum has a high-mass slope that is consistent with the Salpeter value. There is a low-mass break in the slope at \sim 0.5 \msun, although this may depend on model parameters including numerical resolution. (4) The typical specific spin angular momentum of clumps is 4×1022cm2s−14 \times 10^{22} {\rm cm^2 s^{-1}}. This is larger than the median specific angular momentum of binary stars. Scaling arguments suggest that higher resolution simulations may soon be able to resolve the scales at which the angular momentum of binary stars is determined.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, to appear in 2003 July 20 Ap

    Cooling flows and quasars: II. Detailed models of feedback modulated accretion flows

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    Most elliptical galaxies contain central black holes (BHs), and most also contain significant amounts of hot gas capable of accreting on to the central BH due to cooling times short compared to the Hubble time. Why therefore do we not see AGNs at the center of most elliptical galaxies rather than in only (at most) a few per cent of them? We propose here the simple idea that feedback from accretion events heats the ambient gas retarding subsequent infall. In this context, we present a class of 1D hydrodynamical evolutionary sequences for the gas flows in elliptical galaxies with a massive central BH. The resulting evolution is characterized by strong oscillations, in which very fast and energetic bursts of the BH are followed by longer periods in which the X-ray galaxy emission comes from the coronal gas. We also allow for departures from spherical symmetry by examining scenarios in which the central engine is either an ADAF or a more conventional accretion disk that is optically thick except for a polar region. In all cases the duty cycle (fraction of the time that the system will be seen as an AGN) is quite small and in the range 10^{-4} - 10^{-3}. Thus, for any reasonable value of the efficiency, the presence of a massive BH at the center of a galaxy seems to be incompatible with the presence of a long-lived cooling flow.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures. Main additions concern observed Compton temperatures and few extra numerical models. Conclusions unchanged. 1 new table and 3 new figures. Accepted for publication on ApJ (main journal

    Accretion of gas onto nearby spiral galaxies

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    We present evidence for cosmological gas accretion onto spiral galaxies in the local universe. The accretion is seen through its effects on the dynamics of the extra-planar neutral gas. The accretion rates that we estimate for two nearby spiral galaxies are of the order of their star formation rates. Our model shows that most of the extra-planar gas is produced by supernova feedback (galactic fountain) and only 10-20 % comes from accretion. The accreting material must have low specific angular momentum about the disc's spin axis, although the magnitude of the specific angular-momentum vector can be higher. We also explore the effects of a hot corona on the dynamics of the extra-planar gas and find that it is unlikely to be responsible for the observed kinematical pattern and the source of accreted gas. However, the interaction with the fountain flow should profoundly affect the hydrodynamics of the corona.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
