4 research outputs found

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    CODEX IUSTINIANUS: komparativni pogled na značaj u francuskoj i srpskoj kulturi

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    One of the most significant symbols of European legal culture, Codex Iustinianus is represented in the Papyrus Latins Collection of Latin Manuscripts, Collections de Papyrus at the Institute of Paperwork, University of Sorbonne, in the form of four papyrus fragments. Another significant source of knowledge of this legal document in French culture is found in the work of Copus iuris civilis from 1583, by the distinguished professor of Roman law in Heidelberg and Paris, Donysus Gothofredus, who first wrote about the Justinian Code in French. In Serbian culture, we look at the representation in Serbian scientific works relating to the comparative analyzes of Codex Iustinianus with the codes of Emperor Stefan DuÅ”an, as well as Emperor Constantine. The aim of the research is to identify possible heritological parallels based on the relationship between culture and science of the two cultural environments according to the codex as a Roman monument of invaluable material and intangible value.Jedan od najznačajnijih simbola evropske pravne kulture, Codex Iustinianus zastupljen je u kolekciji latinskih rukopisa Papyrus Latins, Collections de Papyrus u Institutu za papirologiju Univerziteta Sorbona, u vidu četiri fragmenta papirusa. Drugi značajan izvor saznanja o ovom pravnom dokumentu u francuskoj kulturi nalazimo u delu Corpus iuris civilis iz 1583. godine, uglednog profesora rimskog prava u Hajdelbergu i Parizu, Dioniza Gothofredusa, koji je prvi pisao o Justinijanovom kodeksu na francuskom jeziku. U srpskoj kulturi posmatramo zastupljenost u srpskim naučnim delima, koja se odnose na komparativne analize Codex Iustinianus sa kodeksima cara Stefana DuÅ”ana, kao i cara Konstantina. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje mogućih heritoloÅ”kih paralela zasnovanih na odnosu kulture i nauke dvaju kulturnih sredina prema kodeksu kao rimskom spomeniku neprocenjive materijalne i nematerijalne vrednosti

    Thermal behaviour and degradation kinetics of apple pomace flours

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    Using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) thermal characteristics and degradation kinetic parameters of apple pomace flours (APF1-5), obtained by dehydration of apple pomace (originating from single and mixed apple varieties, grown both organically and conventionally) and ground to particle size below of 300 mu m, were determined. Glass transition (T-g) close to common storage temperature (21 degrees C) was ascribed to commercial sample and T-g well above it (28-38 degrees C) to APF1-5. Both values of T-g and low water activity (0.2-0.4) prolong APF shelf-life. The kinetic parameters of the thermal degradation process: activation energy (E) in the range from 83 to118 kJ/mol, logarithmic value of pre-exponential factor (ln(A/min(-)1)) in the range from 20 to 28, and rate constant (k(200)) from 0.143 to 0.278 min(-1) were calculated. APF samples were grouped according to rate constant (k(200)) values of thermal degradation process at baking temperature (200 degrees C). Organic samples were found to have a higher thermal stability

    Invisible monuments: a handbook for reading the city

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    Dokumentarna pozoriÅ”na predstava o sećanju na Drugi svetski rat, antifaÅ”ističku borbu i Holokaust u Beogradu. Predstava je nastala u okviru projekta ā€œDvostruki teret - učenje o nacionalsocijalizmu i Holokaustu u Evropiā€. Projekat je podržan od strane Evropske unije.Documentary theatre play about the memory of the Second World War, the anti-fascist struggle and the Holocaust in Belgrade. The performance was created as part of the project "Double Burden - learning about National Socialism and the Holocaust in Europe". The project is supported by the European Union.YouTube link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a5Pe8td1k0]Originalna muzika: Attila Antal. Video: Igor Marković. Koreografija: Rada Kovačević. Scenski pokret: Zvonimir Peranić. Asistent režije i saradnik za dikciju i scenski govor: UroÅ” Novović. Asistentkinja koreografkinje: Natalia KidiÅ”ević. Producentkinja: Jovana Janjić. Saradnici/ce na projektu, profesori/ke Treće beogradske gimnazije: MiloÅ” Bajlovski, Biljana Bogojević, Jelena Kručičanin.Stručni saradnici/ce i konsultanti/kinje: Rena Jeremić Raedle, Nenad LajbenÅ”perger, Ilija Malović, Ana Panić, Tamara Popović, Katarina Pejović, Dubravka Stojanović, Marijana Stojčić, Aleksandar Todosijević.Video dokumentacija: Studio Miroslav.Nosilac projekta: Goethe-Institut Kroatien. Partneri: Documenta - Centar za suočavanje s proÅ”loŔću (Zagreb), Forum za primenjenu istoriju (Beograd), Festival tolerancije - Festival suvremenog židovskog filma (Zagreb), Historijski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine (Sarajevo) i zaklada ā€žStiftung GedenkstƤtten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Doraā€œ (Weimar). Pridruženi partneri: FKVK ZapreÅ”ić, Muzej grada Koprivnice, BITEF teatar (Beograd), Muzej istorije Jugoslavije (Beograd). Å kole: Srednja Å”kola ā€žBan Josip Jelačićā€œ (ZapreÅ”ić), Gimnazija ā€žObalaā€œ (Sarajevo), Gimnazija ā€žFran Galovićā€œ (Koprivnica), Gimnazija ā€žLovassy-LĆ”szlĆ³ā€œ (VeszprĆ©m) i Treća beogradska gimnazija (Beograd).Trajanje 01:13:40 minuta (duration 01:13:40 minutes)