25 research outputs found

    The Establishment and Function of the Cordon Sanitaire

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    Vladavine Marije Terezije obilježena je brojnim reformama i iskoracima koji će se osjetiti u narednim stoljećima. Kao i Bjelovar, Sanitarni kordon će nakon njezina dolaska na vlast 1740. biti jasnije formiran mnogim reformama od koje se najviÅ”e ističe ona iz Općeg zdravstvenog pravilnika 1770. godine. Bjelovar je nastao kao jedan od odgovora na reorganizaciju Vojne krajine, a početak osnivanja Sanitarnoga kordona vezan je uza sve čeŔće pojave kuge na habsburÅ”kome prostoru koje je trebao spriječiti. Za razliku od Bjelovara, Sanitarni kordon će prestati postojati razvojačenjem Vojne krajine, no njegovo postojanje i razvoj je, kao i ono Bjelovara, bilo jedno do simbola reorganizacije Vojne krajine i cijeloga 18. stoljeća.Numerous reforms and breakthroughs, which were truly felt in the coming centuries, marked Maria Theresa\u27s rule. The Cordon Sanitaire, same as Bjelovar, became ā€“ thanks to numerous reforms ā€“ better organized after her coming to the throne in 1740. The basis for the most prominent among these reforms was the 1770 General Healthcare Book of Rules (Opći zdravstveni pravilnik). Bjelovar was founded as one of the responses to the reorganization of the Military Border, whereas the Cordon Sanitaire was initially established as response to repeated occurrences of the plague in the Habsburg territory, since this situation needed a solution. Unlike Bjelovar, the Cordon Sanitaire ceased to exist after the demilitarization of the Military Border. Nevertheless, its existence and development, same as Bjelovar\u27s, remains one of the symbols of the reorganization of the Military Border and the 18th century in general

    Kosta Strajnić: from Križevci to Dubrovnik

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    Kosta (Konstantin) Strajnić rođen je u Križevcima 1887. godine, a umro je u Dubrovniku 1977. godine. Bio je povjesničar umjetnosti, konzervator, likovni kritičar i mecena. Isprva se priklanja nacionalno-romantičnoj struji naÅ”e moderne umjetnosti koja zagovara nacionalni stil provediv na temelju jugoslavenskog ujedinjenja, no kasnije se priklonio kolorističkom slikarstvu te prema talentu i Ā»Äistoj umjetnostiĀ«. Okupljao je mlade likovne talente i pokuÅ”avao izgraditi dubrovačku likovnu scenu.Kosta (Konstantin) Strajnić was born in Križevci in 1887, and died in Dubrovnik in 1977. He was an art historian, conservator, art critic and patron. At first, he adhered to the national romantic current of our contemporary art, which advocates a national style enforceable on the basis of Yugoslav unification but later swayed toward colouristic painting, talent and ā€œpure artā€. He gathered young artistic talents and endeavoured to build the Dubrovnik art scene

    Solace for the Bereaved in the Seven Humble Songs of King David by Grgur PeÅ”talić: A Historical-Anthropological Analysis

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    U radu se analizira djelo Grgura PeÅ”talića koji se za vrijeme kuge koja je zahvatila Srijem 1795. godine nalazio u Vukovaru kao franjevački gvardijan. Čovjek različitih znanstvenih interesa piÅ”e o kugi kao edukator, tj. posrednik između lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva i države koja u suradnji s crkvom pokuÅ”ava obuzdati epidemiju. Njegovo djelo relativno je nepoznat izvor, osobito u kontekstu promatranja historijske epidemiologije, a ovaj rad pokuÅ”at će ukazati na njegovu vrijednost i u tom aspektu. Osim druÅ”tveno-političke kontekstualizacije, uspoređuje se PeÅ”talićevo tumačenje kuge i predložene protuepidemijske mjere s onim državnima.The poetic work of Grgur PeÅ”talić, the Franciscan friar who witnessed the plague epidemic in Syrmia in 1795, is a valuable source in historiography for various reasons. The main aspect and perspective he offered by exploring a specific case of the plague in this work is dominantly historical-imagological. Particularly discussed in this work are the similarities and dissimilarities of the anti-epidemic measures PeÅ”talić put forward in his work and those suggested by the state. In terms of similarities and dissimilarities it has been assessed whether there was a cooperation between church and state for anti-epidemic purposes; in addition to this, the work is a source that testifies to everyday life during the plague and to the social-political context. Precisely this context and the specificity of the area where the epidemic broke out have been an important factor in the research into the topic of this work. The role of PeÅ”talić as a Franciscan has been examined as well as his activities as a member of the clergy and as a mediator between the local community and the government that was distant from the peripheral area affected by the plague

    Ivan Zakmardi, a Gentleman Friend and Patron of Križevci: the Philanthropic Heritage in Northwest Croatia

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    Ivan Zakmardi Dijankovečki (oko 1600.ā€“1667.) nepravedno je zanemaren u historiografiji, kao i u svojem rodnom kraju. U hrvatskoj povijesti 17. stoljeća istaknuo se kao jedan od utjecajnih pojedinaca jer je ostavio snažan politički i kulturni pečat na prostoru danaÅ”nje sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Premda je u historiografiji najčeŔće spominjan kao protonotar, važna su i njegova dobročinstva, kojima je potpomogao razvoj Å”kolstva, odgojno-obrazovnih institucija i kulture. U članku je prikazana ostavÅ”tina koja je proizaÅ”la iz Zakmardijeva filantropskog karaktera. Naime, Zakmardi je u Križevce doveo pavline s kojima je osnovao Å”kolu. U Varaždinu je pak surađivao s isusovcima s kojima je osnovao sjemeniÅ”te, konvikt i zakladu. U Zagrebu je podigao žrtvenik u crkvi sv. Marka koji je kasnije preseljen u Križevce. Uz to, u Zagrebu je za potrebe gradske Å”kole sagradio dvokatnicu na Gradecu, kao i, a u sklopu danaÅ”nje Zvjezdarnice, zgradu spremiÅ”ta za hranu. Naposljetku, u nastojanju da im pomogne u djelovanju, križevačkim pavlinima i varaždinskim te zagrebačkim isusovcima darovao je i brojne posjede te novac. Pavlinima je pomogao i u Olimju, zahvaljujući čemu je u tom gradu osnovan pavlinski samostan. Svojim dobročinstvima Zakmardi se, dakle, iskazao kao pobornik razvoja odgoja, obrazovanja i kulture.Ivan Zakmardi Dijankovečki (around 1600ā€“1667) has been unjustly overlooked in historiography, as well as in his birthplace. He was distinguished as one of the influential individuals in the Croatian history of the 17th century by leaving a strong mark on politics and culture of todayā€™s northwest Croatia. Although in historiography he was most often referred to as a prothonotary, his benefactions, which helped the development of school education, educational institutions, and culture, are important as well. This article portrays the heritage that emerged from Zakmardiā€™s philanthropic character. In fact, Zakmardi brought Paulines to Križevci, with whom he then founded a school. In Varaždin, he cooperated with Jesuits to found a seminary, a monastery and an endowment. In Zagreb, he erected an altar in St. Markā€™s Church, which was later moved to Križevci. Also, for the needs of the old town school in Zagreb, he erected a two-storey building in Gradec, as well as a food storage building, which is a part of todayā€™s Observatory. Finally, in an effort to support their activities, he donated numerous estates and money to Paulines in Križevci and Jesuits in Varaždin and Zagreb. He also helped the Paulines in Olimje, which led to the establishment of a Pauline monastery in that town. Due to his benefactions, Zakmardi stands out as a supporter of upbringing, education, and culture