335 research outputs found

    Defensive Cyber Battle Damage Assessment Through Attack Methodology Modeling

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    Due to the growing sophisticated capabilities of advanced persistent cyber threats, it is necessary to understand and accurately assess cyber attack damage to digital assets. This thesis proposes a Defensive Cyber Battle Damage Assessment (DCBDA) process which utilizes the comprehensive understanding of all possible cyber attack methodologies captured in a Cyber Attack Methodology Exhaustive List (CAMEL). This research proposes CAMEL to provide detailed knowledge of cyber attack actions, methods, capabilities, forensic evidence and evidence collection methods. This product is modeled as an attack tree called the Cyber Attack Methodology Attack Tree (CAMAT). The proposed DCBDA process uses CAMAT to analyze potential attack scenarios used by an attacker. These scenarios are utilized to identify the associated digital forensic methods in CAMEL to correctly collect and analyze the damage from a cyber attack. The results from the experimentation of the proposed DCBDA process show the process can be successfully applied to cyber attack scenarios to correctly assess the extent, method and damage caused by a cyber attack

    Ultrafast double magnetization switching in GdFeCo with two picosecond-delayed femtosecond pump pulses

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    The recently discovered thermally induced magnetization switching (TIMS) induced by single femtosecond laser pulses in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo alloys proceeds on the picosecond time-scale. The rate at which data can be changed for use of TIMS in technological devices is limited by the processes leading to thermal equilibrium. In the present work, we address the question of whether it is possible to further excite switching via TIMS well before thermal equilibrium between subsystems is reached. In particular, we investigate the conditions for double thermally induced magnetic switching by the application of two shortly delayed laser pulses. These conditions become relevant for potential applications as it sets both a limit to rewrite data and demonstrates the importance of spatial confinement of a heat pulse to bit size, as neighboring bits may be accidentally re-switched for spatially extended pulse spots. To demonstrate this effect, we theoretically study the switching behavior in a prototypical ferrimagnetic GdFeCo alloy as a function of composition. We use computer simulations based on thermal atomistic spin dynamics and demonstrate the possibility of inducing a second switching event well before thermal equilibrium is reached and define the conditions under which it can occur. Our theoretical findings could serve as a guidance for further understanding of TIMS as well as to act as a guide for future applications

    Atomistic study on the pressure dependence of the melting point of NdFe12

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    We investigated, using molecular dynamics, how pressure affects the melting point of the recently theorised and epitaxially grown structure NdFe12. We modified Morse potentials using experimental constants and a genetic algorithm code, before running two-phase solid-liquid coexistence simulations of NdFe12 at various temperatures and pressures. The refitting of the Morse potentials allowed us to significantly improve the accuracy in predicting the melting temperature of the constituent elements

    Temperature-dependent ferromagnetic resonance via the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation: Application to FePt

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    Using the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch (LLB) equation for ferromagnetic materials, we derive analytic expressions for temperature dependent absorption spectra as probed by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). By analysing the resulting expressions, we can predict the variation of the resonance frequency and damping with temperature and coupling to the thermal bath. We base our calculations on the technologically relevant L10_0 FePt, parameterised from atomistic spin dynamics simulations, with the Hamiltonian mapped from ab-initio parameters. By constructing a multi-macrospin model based on the LLB equation and exploiting GPU acceleration we extend the study to investigate the effects on the damping and resonance frequency in {\backslashmu}m sized structures

    A compartive study of the retentive capability of the Sydney mini-screw with 6mm orthodontic anchorage miniscrews in the tibia and femur of New Zealand rabbits by removal torque test

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    Aim: To investigate the retentive capability of the Sydney Mini-screw with injectable bone cement by removal torque. Method: 16 New Zealand White rabbits were divided evenly into 2 groups, T1 0 week to assess primary stability and T2 8 weeks to test secondary stability. Three groups of miniscrews Sydney Mini-screw with Cement (SMSC) N=12, Sydney Miniscrew without cement (SMS) N=10 and control Aarhus (CA) 6mm screw N=10 were placed randomly and evenly between the right and left tibial and femoral sites. The SMSC and SMS required predrilling of a pilot hole and the SMSC had injectable bone cement PRODENSE. Removal torque was measured and Friedman's Test and two-sample t-test were used for statistical analysis, where appropriate. Results: Removal torque values at T1 for CA, SMS, SMSC were not significantly different (p=0.072) but were significantly different at T2 (p=0.012). Only SMS (p=0.006) showed statistically significant difference between T1 and T2. The different surgical locations at T2 did not statistically differ from each other either (p=0.948). Conclusion: Sydney Miniscrew with and without cement had significantly higher secondary stability and had a trend towards increased primary compared to a normal control miniscrew. More research is required with an increased sample size

    Strain Induced Vortex Core Switching in Planar Magnetostrictive Nanostructures

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    The dynamics of magnetic vortex cores is of great interest because the gyrotropic mode has applications in spin torque driven magnetic microwave oscillators, and also provides a means to flip the direction of the core for use in magnetic storage devices. Here, we propose a new means of stimulating magnetization reversal of the vortex core by applying a time-varying strain gradient to planar structures of the magnetostrictive material Fe81Ga19 (Galfenol), coupled to an underlying piezoelectric layer. Using micromagnetic simulations we have shown that the vortex core state can be deterministically reversed by electric field control of the time-dependent strain-induced anisotropy

    The Nebraska Mathematics Readiness Project: Year 1 Evaluation Report

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    The Nebraska Math Readiness Project (NMRP) is a targeted curriculum designed for seniors who have plans of attending college, yet lack the foundational math skills needed for college-level courses. They are given a fourth-year mathematics class to help them improve their mathematical skills and prepare for required college math courses. The project is a collaboration between community colleges across the state and high schools within the Nebraska school districts

    Thermally induced magnetization switching in Gd/Fe multilayers

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    A theoretical model of Gd/Fe multilayers is constructed using the atomistic spin dynamics formalism. By varying the thicknesses and number of layers we have shown that a strong dependence of the energy required for thermally induced magnetization switching (TIMS) is present; with a larger number of interfaces, lower energy is required. The results of the layer resolved dynamics show that the reversal process of the multilayered structures, similar to that of a GdFeCo alloy, is driven by the antiferromagnetic interaction between the transition-metal and rare-earth components. Finally, while the presence of the interface drives the reversal process, we show here that the switching process does not initiate at the surface but from the layers furthest from it, a departure from the alloy behavior which expands the classes of material types exhibiting TIMS

    Optimal electron, phonon, and magnetic characteristics for low energy thermally induced magnetization switching

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    Using large-scale computer simulations, we thoroughly study the minimum energy required to thermally induced magnetization switching (TIMS) after the application of a femtosecond heat pulse in transition metal-rare earth ferrimagnetic alloys. We find that for an energy efficient TIMS, a low ferrimagnetic net magnetization with a strong temperature dependence is the relevant factor for the magnetic system. For the lattice and electron systems, the key physics for efficient TIMS is a large electron-phonon relaxation time. Importantly, we show that as the cooling time of the heated electrons is increased, the minimum power required to produce TIMS can be reduced by an order of magnitude. Our results show the way to low power TIMS by appropriate engineering of magnetic heterostructures
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