26 research outputs found

    Dose estimation using quartz OSL in the non-linear region of the growth curve

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    The reliability of equivalent-dose determinations on quartz made with the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol is examined using a suite of sedimentary samples for which the equivalent dose is expected to be >200 Gy. Experiments on one sample were used to evaluate the precision obtained using the standard measurement procedure with (a) a range of preheat temperatures, and (b) a single pre-heat temperature. The precision is compared with that achieved using SAR for a repeated dose point after an initial pre-heat, and for a known dose given before the initial pre-heat. It is concluded that, at least for this sample, the scatter in OSL measurements dominates the spread in the estimates of De.</p

    Electron-trapping probability in natural dosemeters as a function of irradiation temperature

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    The electron-trapping probability in OSL traps as a function of irradiation temperature is investigated for sedimentary quartz and feldspar. A dependency was found for both minerals; this phenomenon could give rise to errors in dose estimation when the irradiation temperature used in laboratory procedures is different from that in the natural environment. No evidence was found for the existence of shallow trap saturation effects that could give rise to a dose-rate dependency of electron trapping.</p

    Computed tomography (CT) as a nondestructive test method used for composite helicopter components

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 3775(0603-91) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Simultaneous expression and regulation of G‐CSF and IL‐6 mRNA in adherent human monocytes and fibroblasts

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    The regulation of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) mRNA was studied in human adherent monocytes in response to the protein kinase C activator, oleolyl-acetylglycerol (OAG), the calcium-ionophore A23187 and the cyclic AMP elevating agents, dibutyryl c-AMP (DBcAMP), cholera toxin and isobutyl-methylxanthine (IBMX). G-CSF and IL-6 transcripts were simultaneously expressed in response to OAG, A23187, DBcAMP, IBMX and cholera toxin. However, the time course demonstrated a difference; a rapid induction by OAG and A23187 and a delayed pattern by cAMP elevating agents. In addition it appeared that the induction of CSFs by DBcAMP was independent of the adherence procedure or the presence of fetal bovine serum but could be counteracted by the simultaneous addition of H8, an inhibitor of the cAMP dependent kinases. Finally, experiments were performed to study in how far comparable mechanisms operate in other cell types. Human fetal lung fibroblasts were stimulated with A23187, DBcAMP and OAG. All these agents induced simultaneous expression of G-CSF and IL-6 mRNA and secretion of proteins, indicating that different signalling pathways exist in both cell types which regulate the expression of both genes

    Is conservative treatment for adenocarcinoma in situ of the cervix safe?

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    Jusque vers 1800, la ville de Mitau est perçue essentiellement comme une citĂ© germanique, sans vĂ©ritable prise en compte de la diversitĂ© des nations qui y vivent, au premier rang desquelles les Lettons. Progressivement, le dĂ©sintĂ©rĂȘt apparent pour les autres peuples fait place Ă  une rĂ©flexion concernant la transmission des modes de vie, des mƓurs et des langues par la frĂ©quentation quotidienne. Pour les observateurs allemands ou français, le trait typique de la sociĂ©tĂ© locale apparaĂźt dĂ©sormais ĂȘtre le « mĂ©lange », dont la dĂ©finition peut considĂ©rablement varier.Bis 1800 wird die Stadt Mitau hauptsĂ€chlich als eine deutsche Stadt wahrgenommen, wobei die dort befindlichen Nationen wie ausgeklammert werden, allen voran die Letten. AllmĂ€hlich wird anstatt des scheinbar mangelnden Interesses fĂŒr andere Völker die Frage der Vermittlung der Lebensweisen, der Sitten und der Sprachen durch den alltĂ€glichen Umgang thematisiert. FĂŒr deutsche und französische Beobachter scheint nun der typische Zug dieser Gesellschaft im « Gemisch » zu liegen, das allerdings unterschiedlich definiert werden kann.Until 1800 the city of Mitau was primarily perceived as a German town, without taking into account the diversity of the nations living there, in particular the Latvians. Progressively, instead of the apparent lack of interest for other people, some reflections begin to be formulated about the transmission of ways of life, habits and languages via everyday life. For German and French observers, the characteristic seemed to be one of “mixing”, the definition of which could vary