20 research outputs found
Between migration and mobility discourses: the performative potential within ‘intra-European movement’
This article displays how discourses around intra-European movement are constructed to reveal the performativity of discourses. Therefore, it mainly aims to deliver theoretical contributions to the field of discursive policy analysis by empirical case study material. The overall argument is that discursive policy analysis benefits from an analytical framework that deals with a refined operationalization including ‘storyline’ and ‘poetic’ elements. This framework is applied to intra-European movement in the cases of the European Commission and the Netherlands. These cases are particularly interesting, since both authorities have competing constructions of ‘intra-European movement’, highlighting ‘migration’ versus ‘mobility’. As such, the article displays the importance of ‘poetic elements’, opens up the discursive black box of discourse analysis and unravels the performative potential of certain discourses
Kritisch bestuurskundig onderwijs. Een pleidooi voor productieve subversiviteit
Welke rol speelt kritiek binnen het bestuurskundig onderwijs? In dit artikel worden
de genormaliseerde opvattingen van het huidige beleidsbestuurskundig onderwijs
bevraagd. Door de zelfpresentatie van bestuurskundige opleidingen te problemati‐
seren bespreken de auteurs de dominantie van instrumentele kennis. Het artikel
benadrukt het belang van kritische kennis en kritische methoden en de rol van ‘pro‐
ductieve subversiviteit’, om bestuurskundige opleidingen te herbronnen.
‘The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think criti‐
cally.’ In dit artikel gaan we na in hoeverre bestuurskundig onderwijs functioneert
volgens deze stelling van Martin Luther King. Want hoe is het gesteld met het kri‐
tische potentieel van bestuurskundig onderwijs? Meer specifiek: wat zijn de bete‐
kenis, positie en potentie van ‘kritiek’ in bestuurskundig onderwijs? Daarbij ver‐
trekken we vanuit de assumptie dat kritisch denkvermogen in onderwijs, en dus
in een pedagogische setting, geen aardige bijkomstigheid maar didactisch noodza‐
kelijk is. In dit artikel verkennen we de belangrijkste uitdagingen. We bespreken
dominante opvattingen van het huidige beleidsbestuurskundig onderwijs en
benadrukken het belang van kritisch bestuurskundige kennis en methoden
Een onverantwoorde inzet op eigen verantwoordelijkheid. ‘Eigen Kracht’ tussen autonomie en controle.
Between mobility and migration. The multi-level governance of intra-European movement
This open access book offers a critical perspective on intra-European mobility and migration by using new empirical data and theoretical discussions. It develops a theoretical and empirical analysis of the consequences of intra-European movement for sending and receiving urban regions in The Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Turkey, Poland and Czech Republic. The book conceptualizes Central and Eastern European (CEE) migration by distinguishing between different types of CEE migrants and consequences. This involves a mapping of migration corridors within Europe, a unique empirical analysis of consequences for urban regions, and an analysis of governance responses. Next to the European and country perspectives on this phenomenon, the book focuses on the local perspective of urban regions where most mobile citizens settle (either permanently or temporarily). This way the book puts the analysis of intra-European movement in the perspective of broader theoretical debates in migration studies and beyond
Social consequences of CEE migration
Migration from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to the Netherlands did not just start with the EU-enlargements of 2004 and 20071. However, after the EU-enlargements in 2004 and 2007, the number of (officially registered) residents from CEE countries in the Netherlands increased rapidly. In the late 1990s, there were about 50,000 CEE residents while in 2003, shortly before the EU-enlargement of 2004, this number grew to 62,000 CEE residents. In 2013, this number increased to almost 180,000 – nearly three times more than in 2003. By far the largest subcategory in the Netherlands is the group of Poles. Their numbers more than tripled between 2004 and 2013 (from almost 36,000 to 111,000). Particularly after 2007, when the Netherlands lifted the transitional restrictions for Poles and residents from the other new member states of 2004, the number of Polish residents in the Netherlands increased rapidly. The other three main CEE migrant categories in the Netherlands are Bulgarians (almost 21,000 persons in 2013), Hungarians (almost 19,500 persons) and Romanians (almost 18,000 persons). The number of Bulgarians in the Netherlands in 2013 was almost five times higher than in 2007, when Bulgaria acceded the EU. Hungary joined the EU in 2004 and one third of the current Hungarian resi
Mapping and analysis of types of migration from CEE countries. Country Report the Netherlands
The objective of this country report about the Netherlands is to describe the size and nature of
migration from Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries to the Netherlands (chapter 2), to identify
two urban regions and six separate municipalities within these regions as research locations for this
study and to collect available information about CEE migrants in these regions (chapter 3) and, finally, to
identify the most relevant types of CEE migrants in the Netherlands (chapter 4). We will start, however,
with a discussion of the available data sources and research about CEE migrants in the Netherlands. In
general, there are three different sources of information about CEE migrants in the Netherlands