98 research outputs found

    Börsintroduktioners prestation på lång sikt - en studie av börsintroduktioner på Aktietorget 2005-2010.

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    Syfte: Syftet med studien är att initialt undersöka om anomalin, att börsintroduktioner tycks underprestera på lång sikt, finns på den svenska marknaden. Därefter kommer en ansats göras att försöka förklara urvalet av börsintroduktioners prestation på lång sikt. Frågeställningar: Frågor som besvaras är: Underpresterar börsintroduktioner gjorda på Aktietorget under tidsperioden 2005-2010 på lång sikt, d.v.s. tre års sikt? Kan börsintroduktioners långsiktiga prestation förklaras av företagets branschtillhörighet, ålder, storlek och initial avkastning? Tillvägagångssätt: Börsintroduktioners lånsiktiga presation har utvärderats med hjälp av en kvantitativ datainsamling av aktiekursdata för ett urval av börsintroduktioner på Aktietorget 2005-2010. Presationen har utvärderats med två olika metoder. Därefter har en multipel regressionsmodell använts för att försöka förklara prestationen. Slutsatser: Det går inte att konstatera att börsintroduktioner underpresterar på lång sikt. Denna studie styrker därför inte tidigare forskningsresultat att börsintroduktioner underpresterar på lång sikt. Börsintroduktioners långsiktiga prestation kan förklaras av branschtillhörighet och ålder. Storlek och initial avkastning har ingen påverkan

    När ska jag gå i pension - En studie som undersöker om det finns en optimal pensionsålder

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    Medelpensioneringsåldern i Sverige har länge varit mer eller mindre konstant trots att medellivslängden har ökat. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida det finns en optimal pensionsålder när den förväntade återstående livslängden är en annan än den Pensionsmyndigheten förutsatt och om detta kan förklara den konstanta medelpensioneringsåldern. Studien tillämpar en kvantitativ metod och tittar på totalt konsumtionsutrymme vid olika pensionsåldrar för tre typindivider. Studien finner att det inte finns någon optimal pensionsålder för någon av typindividerna, utan att konsumtionsutrymmet blir större ju senare individen väljer att pensionera sig. Således kan inte andra förväntningar om återstående medellivslängd än de Pensionsmyndigheten har, förklara varför medelpensioneringsåldern länge varit konstant

    TiNi-based films for elastocaloric microcooling. Fatigue life and device performance

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    The global trend of miniaturization and concomitant increase of functionality in microelectronics, microoptics, and various other fields in microtechnology leads to an emerging demand for temperature control at small scales. In this realm, elastocaloric cooling is an interesting alternative to thermoelectrics due to the large latent heat and good down-scaling behavior. Here, we investigate the elastocaloric effect due to a stress-induced phase transformation in binary TiNi and quaternary TiNiCuCo films of 20 μm thickness produced by DC magnetron sputtering. The mesoscale mechanical and thermal performance, as well as the fatigue behavior are studied by uniaxial tensile tests combined with infrared thermography and digital image correlation measurements. Binary films exhibit strong features of fatigue, involving a transition from Lüders-like to homogeneous transformation behavior within three superelastic cycles. Quaternary films, in contrast, show stable Lüders-like transformation without any signs of degradation. The elastocaloric temperature change under adiabatic conditions is −15 K and −12 K for TiNi and TiNiCuCo films, respectively. First-of-its-kind heat pump demonstrators are developed that make use of out-of-plane deflection of film bridges. Owing to their large surface-to-volume ratio, the demonstrators reveal rapid heat transfer. The TiNiCuCo-based devices, for instance, generate a temperature difference of 3.5 K within 13 s. The coefficients of performance of the demonstrators are about 3

    Agerar stora stater utifrån egenintresse? En studie om Frankrikes syn på frihandel.

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    Abstract Large states are not as interdependent as small countries are. Due to the extent of the home market, producers in large countries can sell the greater part of their products at home. Accordingly large countries become less dependent of other states. Large states are consequently in a better position to promote their self- interests internationally than smaller states are. Applying this reasoning on a large state such as France I come to conclude that she probably exerts this policy of self- interest in an area like free trade. This leads to the questions: Which ideas constitute the basis of France view on free trade and how did these ideas evolve? After an ideological analyse, using liberalism and economic nationalism, of texts from de Gaulle and the present French department of finance and industri, I draw the conclusion that France view on free trade is largely influenced by economic nationalism. France especially stresses the importance of maintaining the French national features and the French agriculture, manifestations of French self- interest. These ideas, I claim, is a result of French history and its greatness. France aim is to continue its role as an important world player. Therefore she strives to prevent France from anything that might be harmful to her distinct national character, such as uncontrollable free trade. Keywords: Free trade, France, economic nationalism, de Gaulle, self-interes

    Normal Development : The Photographic Dome and the Children of the Yale Psycho-Clinic

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    Jordbruket, en del av vår identitet En studie om Frankrikes stöd för EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik

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    Abstract The European union experience sometimes difficulties in advancing its work due to the member states? different ambitions and interests. The budget is one common tool that the member states can use in order to implement different policies according to their preferences. A large share of the budget is presently tied up in the CAP, the common agricultural policy. This share could be spent in another area and by doing so the EU could take a slightly different direction. France is the CAP's most energetic defender. But why is its defence so compact? The study examines French official reports from the president, the prime minister and the minister for agriculture and relates these texts to theories about identity and globalisation. My hypothesis claims that the support for the CAP is related to the fact that agriculture, an agriculture not subjected to free trade, is a vital part of the French national identity. This hypothesis is also proven through my results. The defence of the CAP is a question of nationalism. A part of France identity is indeed to be found within its model of agriculture and therefore a threat to the CAP's existence is also a threat to the French national identity. Further more France is opposed to the globalisation since it, in numerous ways, also threatens the CAP and consequently the French national identity. This adds up to the overall purpose of France support for the CAP, the preservation of the nation state in the mind of the French. Keywords: France, identity, globalisation, agriculture, the CA