38 research outputs found

    Cocirculation and Coinfection Associated to Zika Virus in the Americas

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    Zika virus, a flavivirus, has arrived to Latin America in 2013. It became evident causing epidemics since 2015, first in Brazil and later in other countries in the region, such as Colombia, with a higher peak in 2016. The World Health Organization (WHO), based on cumulated evidence on its association with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) and microcephaly and other birth defects (also the congenital Zika syndrome, CZS), declared for a period of almost a year, an international public health emergency. Epidemics in the region caused around 1 million cases with also additional complications beyond GBS and the CZS, which in patients with comorbidities lead to deaths. Among the events studied in the region, a number of cases with arboviral coinfections/codetection (dengue and chikungunya) were described and published beginning in Colombia and later in Brazil. In addition to that, cocirculation and still ongoing research on antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) are challenges for physicians and public health authorities, given the implications for clinical manifestations and serological diagnosis in patients with previous exposition to other flaviviruses. We reviewed such aspects in this chapter

    Genome-Wide Linkage Scan of Bipolar Disorder in a Colombian Population Isolate Replicates Loci on Chromosomes 7p21–22, 1p31, 16p12 and 21q21–22 and Identifies a Novel Locus on Chromosome 12q

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    Background/Aims: Bipolar disorder (BP) is a severe psychiatric illness, characterised by alternating episodes of depression and mania, which ranks among the top ten causes of morbidity and life-long disability world-wide. We have previously performed a whole-genome linkage scan on 6 pedigrees segregating severe BP from the well-characterised population isolate of Antioquia, Colombia. We recently collected genotypes for the same set of 382 autosomal microsatellite markers in 9 additional Antioquian BP pedigrees. Here, we report the analysis of the combined pedigree set

    Rentabilidad y competitividad de los cultivos de Mora y Lulo en Eje Cafetero.

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    Para la definición de las zonas óptimas para la producción de los cultivos de mora y lulo en el eje cafetero se realizó un estudio de mapificación en los departamentos de Caldas, Risaralda y Quindío. A fin de seleccionar la muestra se tomo como marco muestral o población objeto a los 778 productores de mora y a los 253 de lulo, de acuerdo con la información suministrada por la UMATA regional. Como herramienta para la toma de información se utilizó una encuesta personal con los productores sobre los aspectos productivos, sociales, económicos, de comercialización, servicios de apoyo y costos de producción. Con base en la zonificación, previamente realizada en los tres departamentos, se definieron siete zonas productoras de mora y seis de lulo en cuyo análisis y priorización se consideraron los criterios de política para el sector hortifrutícola con énfasis en la competitividad de la producción, teniendo en cuenta los problemas fitosanitarios, la rentabilidad, calidad del producto, beneficiarios, organización de la comunidad, facilidad de acceso a los mercados y potencialidad de desarrollo. Los resultados muestran que la vertiente occidental de Risaralda y la occidental de Caldas tienen el máximo potencial para la producción de mora y lulo en el eje cafeteroLulo-Solanum quitoense - Solanum hyporhodiumMora-Rubus ulmifoliu

    Understanding cycling travel distance: The case of Medellin city (Colombia)

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    The relevance of cycling as a mode of transportation is increasingly being recognized in many cities around the world, and the city of Medellin (Colombia) is no exception. To better understand cycling travel behavior in Medellin, we perform a multiple regression to analyze the importance of route characteristics in explaining cycling travel distance. We control for socioeconomic and built environment variables at the origin and destination. Our results reveal that the effects of the socio-economic and built environment characteristics at the origin and destination are modest or statistically insignificant in explaining travel distance. However, the variables that characterize the built and natural environment along the route are significant and appreciably improve the explanatory power of the baseline econometric model. An analysis of interacting effects shows that the interaction between the dedicated infrastructure along the route and the degree of deviation from direct routes has a relevant effect on explaining travel distance. The findings of this work are useful for designing cycling policy and developing more usable cycling infrastructure. © 2020 Elsevier Lt


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    Two populations of Aedes a.egypti from Sahagun (Cordoba) and Anapoima were compared onthe basis oftheir cytogenetic characteristics and their protein phenotypes. The diploid chromosome number for the species 2n = 6 was confirmed. There were no significant differences for the .&tandard measurements ofthe chromosomes in the air-dried when using squash techniques, they showed significant differences for the chromosome length. However, the relative length and the absolute average lengths were similar in the two populations with both procedures. These data support the. idea that these types of values reduce the effects of technicaf manipulations. G and R banding showed similar patterns for the karyotypes of the two populations, and the Cbands confirmed the position ofthe centromere. The three chromosome paii-s are metacentric, and the X chromosome showeda · · cleár and distinct heterochromatic band in the q arm as a sex marker which is absent in the Y chromosome. Electrophoretic patterns of soluble proteins showed the same number ofbands for.both populations of Aedes aegyptibut the average content of protein per band was different. This m ay suggest adaptative responses to the environmental differences in the two geographical pl1:1.ces.Se compararon dos poblaciones de Aedes aegypti de Sahagún (Córdoba) y Anapoima (Cundinamarca ), con base en sus características citogenéticas y sus fenotipos proteicos. Se confirmó para la especie el número diploide 2n= 6. No se' observaron diferencias significativas para las mediciones estándar de los cromosomas con E1l procedimiento de secado al aire, en tanto que al utilizar preparaciones individuales por presión digital, se registraron diferencias significativas en la longitud de los cromosomas. El largo relativo y el valor absoluto promedio de longítud, coincidieron en las dos poblaciones conambos procedimientos; Los datos confirman la idea de que este tipo de mediciones reduce los efectos de las manipulaciones técnicas. Las bandas G y R mostraron patrones similares para los cariotipos de las dos poblaciones y las bandas e confirmaron la posición del centrómero demostrando que los tres pares cromosómicos son metacéntricos y que el crÓmosoma X presenta una clara y conspicua banda intercalar heterocrómática en su brazo CL lo cual representa un marcador sexual ausente en el . cromosoma Y. Los patrones electroforéticos de las protemas solubles mostraron el mismo número de bandas en las dos poblaciones de Aedes aegypti, pero el contenido promedio de protema por banda fue diferente. Esto parece sugerir que se trata de respuestas adaptativas a las diferencias ambientales de las dos localidades

    Pollination ecology of Rodriguezia granadensis (Orchidaceae)

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    En éste artículo describimos la variación fenotípica y ecología de la polinización de la epífita de ramita Rodriguezia granadensis. La especie presenta polimorfismo para el color de las flores (blanco a rosa), lo que lo llevó a hipotetizar que las diferentes formas de color pueden ser polinizadas por diferentes polinizadores. Para evaluar esta hipótesis, se monitorearon cien plantas en campo y se anotó su fenología de floración y polimorfismo en color. Dos picos de floración se presentan en el año. Evaluamos el éxito reproductivo (fitness masculino y femenino) y la visita de los polinizadores potenciales en ambos morfos. Se puso a prueba la producción de frutos por autogamia, geitonogamia, xenogamia y emasculación. La producción de néctar se midió con un refractómetro. Adicionalmente, usamos trampas de fragancia con salicilato de metilo y eugenol para atraer polinizadores potenciales (abejas euglosinas). Presentamos evidencia de la polinización de R. granadensis por abejas euglosinas que buscan néctar. La fluctuación en la producción de néctar y el escaso éxito reproductivo entre los individuos sugiere que la orquídea puede emplear un sistema de atracción/engaño como auto-mimetismo o un fenómeno de recompensas difusas. In this paper we describe the phenotypic variation and pollination ecology of the twig orchid epiphyte Rodriguezia granadensis. The species presents flower color polymorphism (pink to white), suggesting that different color forms might be pollinated by different pollinators. To evaluate this hypothesis, one hundred plants were monitored in the field and their flowering phenology and color polymorphism was noted, two peaks of flowering were noted over the year. We evaluated the reproductive success (pollinaria removal and fruit set) and the visit of potential pollinators to both morphs. Fruit production by autogamy, geitonogamy, xenogamy, and emasculation were compared. Sugar concentration in the nectar was measured with a refractometer. Potential pollinators, euglossini bees, were attracted using methyl salicylate and eugenol. We evidenced that R. granadensis is pollinated by nectar-foraging euglossine bees. The fluctuation in nectar production and the scarce reproductive success among individuals suggests that the orchids may employ an attraction-deceit system as a self-mimetic or a diffuse rewarding phenomenon.

    Strong Amerind/white sex bias and a possible sephardic contribution among the founders of a population in northwest Colombia

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    Historical and genetic evidences suggest that the recently founded population of Antioquia (Colombia) is potentially useful for the genetic mapping of complex traits. This population was established in the 16th-17th centuries through the admixture of Amerinds, Europeans, and Africans and grew in relative isolation until the late 19th century. To examine the origin of the founders of Antioquia, we typed 11 markers on the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome and four markers on mtDNA in a sample of individuals with confirmed Antioquian ancestry, The polymorphisms on the Y chromosome (five biallelic markers and six microsatellites) allow an approximation to the origin of founder men, and those on mtDNA identify the four major founder Native American lineages. These data indicate that similar to 94% of the Y chromosomes are European, 5% are African, and 1% are Amerind. Y-chromosome data are consistent with an origin of founders predominantly in southern Spain but also suggest that a fraction came from northern Iberia and that some possibly had a Sephardic origin. In stark contrast with the Y-chromosome, similar to 90% of the mtDNA gene pool of Antioquia is Amerind, with the frequency of the four Amerind founder lineages being closest to Native Americans currently living in the area. These results indicate a highly asymmetric pattern of mating in early Antioquia, involving mostly immigrant men and local native women. The discordance of our data with blood-group estimates of admixture suggests that the number of founder men was larger than that of women