5,187 research outputs found

    Discovery of a Low-Mass Brown Dwarf Companion of the Young Nearby Star G196-3

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    A substellar-mass object in orbit at about 300 astronomical units (AU) from the young low-mass star G196-3 was detected by direct imaging. Optical and infrared photometry and low- and intermediate-resolution spectroscopy of the faint companion, hereafter referred to as G196-3B, confirms its cool atmosphere and allows its mass to be estimated at 25^{+15}_{-10} Jupiter masses. The separation between both objects and their mass ratio suggest the fragmentation of a collapsing cloud as the most likely origin for G196-3B, but alternatively it could have originated from a proto-planetary disc which has been dissipated. Whatever the formation process was, the young age of the primary star (about 100 Myr) demonstrates that substellar companions can form in short time scales.Comment: Published in Science (13 Nov). One color figur

    Characterization of the known T type dwarfs towards the Sigma Orionis cluster

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    (Abridged) A total of three T type candidates (SOri70, SOri73, and SOriJ0538-0213) lying in the line of sight towards Sigma Orionis were characterized by means of near-infrared photometric, astrometric, and spectroscopic studies. H-band methane images were collected for all three sources and an additional sample of 15 field T type dwarfs using LIRIS/WHT. J-band spectra of resolution of ~500 were obtained for SOriJ0538-0213 with ISAAC/VLT, and JH spectra of resolution of ~50 acquired with WFC3/HST were employed for the spectroscopic classification of SOri70 and 73. Proper motions with a typical uncertainty of +/-3 mas/yr and a time interval of ~7-9 yr were derived. Using the LIRIS observations of the field T dwarfs, we calibrated this imager for T spectral typing via methane photometry. The three SOri objects were spectroscopically classified as T4.5+/-0.5 (SOri73), T5+/-0.5 (SOriJ0538-0213), and T7−1.0+0.5^{+0.5}_{-1.0} (SOri70). The similarity between the observed JH spectra and the methane colors and the data of field ultra-cool dwarfs of related classifications suggests that SOri70, 73, and SOriJ053804.65-021352.5 do not deviate significantly in surface gravity in relation to the field. Additionally, the detection of KI at ~1.25 microns in SOriJ0538-0213 points to a high-gravity atmosphere. Only the K-band reddish nature of SOri70 may be consistent with a low gravity atmosphere. The proper motions of SOri70 and 73 are measurable and are larger than that of the cluster by >3.5 sigma. The proper motion of SOriJ0538-0213 is consistent with a null displacement. These observations suggest that none of the three T dwarfs are likely Sigma Orionis members, and that either planetary-mass objects with masses below ~4 MJup may not exist free-floating in the cluster or they may lie at fainter near-infrared magnitudes than those of the targets (this is H>20.6 mag), thus remaining unidentified to date.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (2014), corrected typo

    Confirming the least massive members of the Pleiades star cluster

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    We present optical photometry (i- and Z-band) and low-resolution spectroscopy (640-1015 nm) of very faint candidate members (J = 20.2-21.2 mag) of the Pleiades star cluster (120 Myr). The main goal is to address their cluster membership via photometric, astrometric, and spectroscopic studies, and to determine the properties of the least massive population of the cluster through the comparison of the data with younger and older spectral counterparts and state-of-the art model atmospheres. We confirm three bona-fide Pleiades members that have extremely red optical and infrared colors, effective temperatures of ~1150 K and ~1350 K, and masses in the interval 11-20 Mjup, and one additional likely member that shares the same motion as the cluster but does not appear to be as red as the other members with similar brightness. This latter object requires further near-infrared spectroscopy to fully address its membership in the Pleiades. The optical spectra of two bona-fide members were classified as L6-L7 and show features of KI, a tentative detection of CsI, hydrides and water vapor with an intensity similar to high-gravity dwarfs of related classification despite their young age. The properties of the Pleiades L6-L7 members clearly indicate that very red colors of L dwarfs are not a direct evidence of ages younger than ~100 Myr. We also report on the determination of the bolometric corrections for the coolest Pleiades members. These data can be used to interpret the observations of the atmospheres of exoplanets orbiting stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (17 pages

    A New Pleiades Member at the Lithium Substellar Boundary

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    We present the discovery of an object in the Pleiades open cluster, named Teide 2, with optical and infrared photometry which place it on the cluster sequence slightly below the expected substellar mass limit. We have obtained low- and high-resolution spectra that allow us to determine its spectral type (M6), radial velocity and rotational broadening; and to detect Hα_\alpha in emission and Li I 670.8 nm in absorption. All the observed properties strongly support the membership of Teide 2 into the Pleiades. This object has an important role in defining the reappearance of lithium below the substellar limit in the Pleiades. The age of the Pleiades very low-mass members based on their luminosities and absence or presence of lithium is constrained to be in the range 100--120 Myr.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    A Behavioral Confirmation and Reduction of the Natural versus Synthetic Drug Bias

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    Research reveals a biased preference for natural versus synthetic drugs; however, this research is based upon self-report and has not examined ways to reduce the bias. We examined these issues in five studies involving 1,125 participants. In a Pilot Study (N = 110), participants rated the term natural to be more positive than the term synthetic, which reveals a default natural-is-better belief. In Studies 1 (N = 109) and 2 (N = 100), after a supposed personality study, participants were offered a thank you “gift” of a natural or synthetic pain reliever. Approximately 86% (Study 1) and 93% (Study 2) of participants chose the natural versus synthetic pain reliever, which provide a behavioral choice confirmation of the natural drug bias. In Studies 3 (N = 350) and 4 (N = 356), participants were randomly assigned to a control or experimental condition and were asked to consider a scenario in which they had a medical issue requiring a natural versus synthetic drug. The experimental condition included a stronger (Study 3) or weaker (Study 4) rational appeal about the natural drug bias and a statement suggesting that natural and synthetic drugs can be good or bad depending upon the context. In both studies, the natural bias was reduced in the experimental condition, and perceived safety and effectiveness mediated this effect. Overall, these data indicate a bias for natural over synthetic drugs in preferences and behavioral choices, which might be reduced with a rational appeal

    Gene Regulation in Ruminants: A Nutritional Perspective

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    This chapter will focus on cellular regulatory programs implemented by the ruminant physiology in order to respond to external stimuli such as nutrition as well as important physiological events such as parturition. The increasing adoption of “omics” technologies and bioinformatics in nutrition and physiology in ruminant research have allowed us to delineate a clearer picture on what regulates major biological process at a molecular level such as milk synthesis and meat quality and fatty acid composition as well as pathological conditions such as ketosis, mastitis, and heat stress. The assembly of such plethora of information in a blend among nutritional research, molecular biology, and novel tools to study the response of the genome to nutrition has led to emerging disciplines such as nutritional genomics or “nutrigenomics.

    Search and characterization of T-type planetary mass candidates in the sigma Orionis cluster

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    (Abridged) We aim to: i) confirm the presence of methane absorption in S Ori 73 (a T-type member candidate of the sig Orionis cluster, 3 Myr, 352 pc) through methane imaging; ii) study S Ori 70 and 73 cluster membership via photometric colors and accurate proper motion analysis; iii) perform a new search to identify additional T-type sig Orionis member candidates with likely masses below 7 Mjup. We obtained HAWK-I (VLT) J, H, and CH4off photometry of an area of 119.15 sq. arcmin in sig Orionis down to Jcomp = 21.7 and Hcomp = 21 mag. Near-infrared data were complemented with optical photometry using images acquired with OSIRIS (GTC) and VISTA as part of the VISTA Orion survey. We derived proper motions by comparison of the new HAWK-I and VISTA images with published near-infrared data taken 3.4 - 7.9 yr ago. S Ori 73 has a red H-CH4off color indicating methane absorption in the H-band and a spectral type of T4 +/- 1. S Ori 70 displays a redder methane color than S Ori 73 in agreement with its latter spectral classification. Our proper motion measurements are larger than the motion of sig Orionis, rendering S Ori 70 and 73 cluster membership uncertain. We identified one new photometric candidate with J = 21.69 +/- 0.12 mag and methane color consistent with spectral type greater than T8. S Ori 73 has colors similar to those of T3-T5 field dwarfs, which in addition to its high proper motion suggests that it is probably a field dwarf located at 170-200 pc. The origin of S Ori 70 remains unclear: it can be a field, foreground mid- to late-T free-floating dwarf with peculiar colors, or an orphan planet ejected through strong dynamical interactions from sig Orionis or from a nearby star-forming region in Orion.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
