422 research outputs found

    Choice of antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients with critical coronary artery stenosis

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    Sixty patients with stages II-III AH were studied. ABPM was performed in all the patients. DBPP was assessed by the degree of nocturnal BP lowering. Patients were randomized into groups receiving perindopril or losartan potassium. Perindopril was prescribed at a dose of 4 mg/day with subsequent rising up to 8 mg/day during 7 days. The initial dose of losartan potassium was 25 mg with subsequent rising up to 50 mg 2 times a day. The duration of observation was 8 weeks. Thus, perindopril therapy in hypertensive patients in the preoperative CABG period increased the number of people with normal BP profileyesБелгородский госуниверсите

    Course of acute coronary syndrome in patients with fraillty

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    The goal of this study was to study the course and outcome of acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation and without ST-segment elevation in patients of older age groups with frailt

    Influence mechanisms of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (spironolactone) among elderly patients with chronic heartfailure against ischemic disease

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    It was determined that a significant positive dynamics of TNF-synthesis suppression by 67.0% (p 0.0001) was established in the 4th group of patients taking combined therapy with the blocker of mineralocorticoid receptors with spironolacton

    Twenty-four-hour profile of peripheral and central blood pressure in young patients with high-normal blood pressure and hypertension

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    Aim. To evaluate indicators of daily monitoring of peripheral and central blood pressure in young patients with high-normal blood pressure (HNBP) and essential hypertension (HTN).Material and methods. One hundred twelve patients with HNBP or untreated hypertension aged 25-44 years were included. General clinical investigations were performed. An office blood pressure (BP) were assessed using an automatic BP monitor OMRON M2 Basic. Twenty-four-hour ambulotary BP monitoring (ABPM) on the brachial artery and aorta was carried out for 24 hours using the BpLAB system (OOO Petr Telegin) with an integrated Vasotens system. Depending on BP, patients were divided into groups: with HNBP and hypertension. Statistical processing and comparative analysis of the obtained data were carried out.Results. HNBP group consisted of 47 patients, while the HTN group consisted of 65 patients. The mean age of patients was 34,7±3,2 years. The parameters of daytime and nighttime peripheral BP had significant differences between the HNBP and HTN groups. Aortic BP monitoring revealed following differences: in patients with HTN, central BP values during the day and at night reflected higher values compared to patients from the HNBP group. The number of dippers for peripheral systolic blood pressure (SBP) was more by a quarter (p=0,038) in the HNBP group than in the HTN group. There were no differences in the reduction of diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The reduction in aortic SBP between the groups of HNBP and HTN were comparable. Among hypertensive patients, DBP dippers on the aorta were 20% higher (p=0,04) than in the HNBP group. According to the augmentation and the amplification index reduced to heart rate, there were no significant differences between the groups.Conclusion. Intergroup and intragroup differences were revealed depending on the types of 24-hour profile depending on peripheral and central BP. Reference values and predictive value of central BP require further research

    Development of structural components of future technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general disciplines in college

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    The relevance of the problem stems from the necessity to develop and implement the formation model for structural components of future technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional disciplines. The purpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical study, to develop and approbate a model that forms the structural components of future maintenance and repair of automobile technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional discipline “Materials science”. The leading method towards studies of this problem is technologies and methods of educational process modeling; works on educational research methodology. The article theoretically proves, develops and approbates a formation model for future maintenance and repair of automobiles technicians’ professional competencies during their studies of general professional discipline “Materials science”. This article may be useful for developing the competence-oriented content for training courses aimed at the formation of structural components of professional competencies. © 2016 Kopilov et al

    Global gene expression analysis of cross-protected phenotype of pectobacterium atrosepticum

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    © 2017 Gorshkov et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The ability to adapt to adverse conditions permits many bacterial species to be virtually ubiquitous and survive in a variety of ecological niches. This ability is of particular importance for many plant pathogenic bacteria that should be able to exist, except for their host plants, in different environments e.g. soil, water, insect-vectors etc. Under some of these conditions, bacteria encounter absence of nutrients and persist, acquiring new properties related to resistance to a variety of stress factors (cross-protection). Although many studies describe the phenomenon of cross-protection and several regulatory components that induce the formation of resistant cells were elucidated, the global comparison of the physiology of cross-protected phenotype and growing cells has not been performed. In our study, we took advantage of RNA-Seq technology to gain better insights into the physiology of cross-protected cells on the example of a harmful phytopathogen, Pectobacterium atrosepticum (Pba) that causes crop losses all over the world. The success of this bacterium in plant colonization is related to both its virulence potential and ability to persist effectively under various stress conditions (including nutrient deprivation) retaining the ability to infect plants afterwards. In our previous studies, we showed Pba to be advanced in applying different adaptive strategies that led to manifestation of cell resistance to multiple stress factors. In the present study, we determined the period necessary for the formation of cross-protected Pba phenotype under starvation conditions, and compare the transcriptome profiles of non-adapted growing cells and of adapted cells after the cross-protective effect has reached the maximal level. The obtained data were verified using qRT-PCR. Genes that were expressed differentially (DEGs) in two cell types were classified into functional groups and categories using different approaches. As a result, we portrayed physiological features that distinguish cross-protected phenotype from the growing cells


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    To survive in a tough competitive environment universities must reduce costs while improving the quality of education. The best economic effect can be obtained only by the improvement of business processes at a university vertically and horizontally at the same time. Having calculated the strategic vector of the higher education system development as a whole, the Ministry of Education and Science set a task of reducing the number of administrative and support staff to state-owned high schools. However, this is possible only on the basis of improved productivity and changes in the organizational structure of universities. The most promising direction is to establish teaching and research departments capable of achieving a synergistic organizational and managerial effect by integrating human resources of several departments. This direction is followed by leading Russian universities, including Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The paper describes a methodology to produce a matrix of core labor processes and functions of the teaching and support staff within the core business processes of a department. It is proved that the organizational and technical component in the operation of the teaching and support staff of the department is increasing; therefore many employees of the teaching and support staff logically move to a new job status of a manager. One of the Standard Operations Procedures is provided as an example. The key provisions of the paper have a heuristic potential to improve the business model of an innovative university and the quality of strategic human resource forecasting.Для выживания в жесткой конкурентной борьбе университеты обязаны сокращать расходы, повышая при этом качество образования. Наиболее значимый экономический эффект может быть получен только вследствие совершенствования бизнес-процессов вуза одновременно как по вертикали, так и по горизонтали. Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации, рассчитав вектор стратегического развития системы высшего образования в целом, поставило перед государственными вузами задачу сокращения численности административно-хозяйственного и вспомогательного персонала. Однако такое возможно только на основе повышения производительности его труда и изменения организационной структуры вузов. Наиболее перспективным направлением является создание учебно-научных департаментов, которые способны, интегрируя кадровый потенциал ряда кафедр, добиться синергетического организационно-управленческого эффекта. По этому пути идут ведущие российские университеты, в том числе и Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации. В статье представлена методика составления Матрицы основных трудовых процессов и функций учебно-вспомогательного персонала в рамках основных бизнес-процессов кафедры, доказано возрастание организационно-технической составляющей в трудовой функции учебно-вспомогательного персонала кафедры, что логично обусловливает переход многих сотрудников учебно-вспомогательного персонала в новый должностной статус менеджера, приведен пример одного из разработанных Регламентов по выполнению трудовых операций. Основные положения статьи обладают эвристическим потенциалом для совершенствования бизнес-модели инновационного вуза, повышения качества стратегического кадрового прогнозирования

    Predicted facies, sedimentary structures and potential resources of Jurassic petroleum complex in S-E Western Siberia (based on well logging data)

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    This paper is devoted to the current problem in petroleum geology and geophysics- prediction of facies sediments for further evaluation of productive layers. Applying the acoustic method and the characterizing sedimentary structure for each coastal-marine-delta type was determined. The summary of sedimentary structure characteristics and reservoir properties (porosity and permeability) of typical facies were described. Logging models SP, EL and GR (configuration, curve range) in interpreting geophysical data for each litho-facies were identified. According to geophysical characteristics these sediments can be classified as coastal-marine-delta. Prediction models for potential Jurassic oil-gas bearing complexes (horizon J[1]{1}) in one S-E Western Siberian deposit were conducted. Comparing forecasting to actual testing data of layer J[1]{1} showed that the prediction is about 85%

    Testing of chickens experimentally infected with A/H9N2 avian influenza virus isolates for their immune responses

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    Data on tests of chickens for their immune responses to infection with low pathogenic А/Н9N2 avian influenza virus isolates belonging to Y-280 and G1 genetic lines are presented in the paper. CD4⁺/CD8⁺ ratios were determined with flow cytometry for initial immune status examination and for detection of apparent immune system disorders. Quantitative analysis of peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations in chickens revealed changes characteristic of the immune suppression. Analysis of dynamics of T- and B-lymphocyte levels in blood of the infected chickens revealed decrease in relative T-lymphocyte counts and increase in relative B-lymphocyte counts. T-lymphocyte subpopulation composition expressed as CD4⁺/CD8⁺ ratio (%) changed after the infection: CD4⁺ cell proportion was found to decrease whereas CD8⁺ cell proportion increased. According to literature data, immune response activated by vaccination induces the reverse dynamics towards to increase in CD4⁺/CD8⁺ ratio. Both cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity play role in development of the immune response in chickens infected with avian influenza viruses. Apparent humoral immune response was detected by serological tests of sera taken from chickens on day 14 after infection. Mean specific anti-A/H9N2 AIV antibody titre in all groups of test chickens infected with low pathogenic avian influenza virus isolates was higher than 6 log₂ . High level of specific antibodies to avian influenza virus was indicative of postvaccinal humoral immune response development


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    Aim. To invent a model for coronary atherosclerosis risk prediction in patients with visceral obesity and to conduct comparison research for this model with the other known Framingham and PROCAM.Material and methods. Totally 67 men included, of the age 40-65 (50,95±6,54 y.o.) without angina pectoris and clinical signs of another localization atherosclerosis. Patients had general obesity of I-III grade with BMI 35,16±3,32 kg/m , and visceral obesity by the thickness of epicaridal fat >7 mm. After coronary arteriography or multidetector computed tomography of coronary arteries we selected 2 comparison groups: group I (n=25) — patients with coronary atherosclerosis, group II (n=42) — without. For the invention of the prognostic score we used regression model with regression and optimal scaling.Results. Potential predictors of coronary atherosclerosis riskas a result of two groups comparison were: arterial hypertension, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, triglycerides, leptin, adiponectin and C-rective protein. As the result of regression analysis each predictor got its own significance mark. The rate of correctclassifications reached 79,1% that shows good prognostic value of this regression model. While using Framingham and PROCAM model the prognostic value of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis was 24,6% and 21,6% lower, resp., than the new risk assessment. Conclusion. The model invented of the risk assessment in visceral obesity patients makes it possible to take into account the main pathogenetic mechanisms that connect obesity and coronary atherosclerosis