40 research outputs found

    Laser Formation of Semiconductor Coatings using Droplet Technology

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    AbstractThe results on laser production of semiconductor nanoparticles under continuous laser action of near-by infrared range (up to 106W/cm2) on a massive PbX sample in a liquid are presented. The method of drop deposition for setting PbX quantum dots on a substrate has been considered. With the use of a simulation model there have been described the features of forming a deposited layer in the process of drop evaporation

    Light Quark Masses in Multi-Quark Interactions

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    We suggest and discuss in detail a multi-quark three flavor Lagrangian of the Nambu -- Jona-Lasinio type, which includes a set of effective interactions proportional to the current quark masses. It is shown that within the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking regime, the masses of the pseudo Goldstone bosons and their chiral partners, members of the low lying scalar nonet, are in perfect agreement with current phenomenological expectations. The role of the new interactions is analyzed.Comment: 8 pages, published versio

    Large Mass Invariant Asymptotics of the Effective Action

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    We study the large mass asymptotics of the Dirac operator with a nondegenerate mass matrix m={diag}(m_1,m_2,m_3) in the presence of scalar and pseudoscalar background fields taking values in the Lie algebra of the U(3) group. The corresponding one-loop effective action is regularized by the Schwinger's proper-time technique. Using a well-known operator identity, we obtain a series representation for the heat kernel which differs from the standard proper-time expansion, if m_1\ne m_2\ne m_3. After integrating over the proper-time we use a new algorithm to resum the series. The invariant coefficients which define the asymptotics of the effective action are calculated up to the fourth order and compared with the related Seeley-DeWitt coefficients for the particular case of a degenerate mass matrix with m_1=m_2=m_3.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, no figure

    The level of blood plasma mitochondrial DNA upon acute myocardium damage in experiment

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    The aim of the present investigation is to study the level of plasma mtDNA as a potential marker of cardiomyocyte damage in 2 and 4 h after subcutaneous injection of adrenaline and during the formed morphological alterations of the myocardium (3 days). Methods. Real time PCR. Male Wistar rats were used as the experimental animals. Results. It was shown that during the increase in the activity of cytolysis biomarkers, at the first hours after adrenaline injection, no reliable increase is observed in the level of free circulating blood mtDNA. A tendency of 2.5-fold increase in this parameter was established at the third day after adrenaline injection during the development of acute inflammatory process in the myocardium. On the whole, further researches are needed on the dynamics of mtDNA level upon acute damage of the myocardium in experimental and clinical investigations for unbiased estimation of the prospects of using the parameter in laboratory diagnostics. Keywords: mitochondrial DNA, cardiovascular diseases, adrenaline myocarditis, cytolysis biomarkers.Цель. Изучить уровень мтДНК плазмы крови как возможного маркера повреждений кардиомиоцитов через 2 и 4 ч после подкожной инъекции адреналина и на фоне сформированных морфологических изменений миокарда (3-и сут). Методы. Полимеразная цепная реакция в реальном времени. В экспериментах использовали самцов крыс линии Вистар. Результаты. Показано, что наряду с увеличением активности биомаркеров цитолиза в первые часы после введения адреналина значимого повышения уровня свободно циркулирующей мтДНК крови не происходит. Установлена тенденция к 2,5-кратному возрастанию данного показателя на 3-и сут после инъекции адреналина на фоне развития острого воспалительного процесса в миокарде. Выводы. В целом для объективной оценки перспектив этого показателя в лабораторной диагностике инфаркта миокарда необходимо дальнейшее изучение динамики уровня мтДНК при острых повреждениях миокарда в экспериментальных и клинических исследованиях. Ключевые слова: митохондриальная ДНК, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, адреналиновый миокардит, биомаркеры цитолиза.Мета. Вивчити рівень мтДНК плазми крові як можливого маркера пошкоджень кардіоміоцитиів через 2 і 4 год після підшкірної ін’єкції адреналіну та на фоні сформованих морфологічних змін міокарда (3-тя доба). Методи. Полімеразна ланцюгова реакція у реальному часі. В експериментах використано самців щурів лінії Вістар. Результати. Показано, що поряд із збільшенням активності біомаркерів цитолізу в перші години після введення адреналіну суттєвого підвищення рівня вільно циркулюючої мтДНК крові не відбувається. Встановлено тенденцію до 2,5-разового зростання даного показника на 3-тю добу після ін’кції адреналіну на фоні розвитку гострого запального процесу в міокарді. Висновки. У цілому для об’єктивної оцінки перспектив цього показника у лабораторній діагностиці інфаркта міокарда необхідно подальше вивчення динаміки рівня мтДНК при гострих ураженнях міокарда в експериментальних і клінічних дослідженнях. Ключові слова: мітохондріальна ДНК, серцево-судинні захворювання, адреналіновий міокардит, біомаркери цитолізу

    Measurement of RudsR_{\text{uds}} and RR between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector

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    Using the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+ee^+e^- collider, we have measured the values of RudsR_{\text{uds}} and RR at seven points of the center-of-mass energy between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV. The total achieved accuracy is about or better than 3.3%3.3\% at most of energy points with a systematic uncertainty of about 2.1%2.1\%. At the moment it is the most accurate measurement of R(s)R(s) in this energy range

    New precise determination of the \tau lepton mass at KEDR detector

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    The status of the experiment on the precise τ\tau lepton mass measurement running at the VEPP-4M collider with the KEDR detector is reported. The mass value is evaluated from the τ+τ\tau^+\tau^- cross section behaviour around the production threshold. The preliminary result based on 6.7 pb1^{-1} of data is mτ=1776.800.23+0.25±0.15m_{\tau}=1776.80^{+0.25}_{-0.23} \pm 0.15 MeV. Using 0.8 pb1^{-1} of data collected at the ψ\psi' peak the preliminary result is also obtained: ΓeeBττ(ψ)=7.2±2.1\Gamma_{ee}B_{\tau\tau}(\psi') = 7.2 \pm 2.1 eV.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; The 9th International Workshop on Tau-Lepton Physics, Tau0

    Search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV with the KEDR Detector

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    We report results of a search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation at center-of-mass energies between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV performed with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+ e- collider. The upper limit on the leptonic width of a narrow resonance Gamma(R -> ee) Br(R -> hadr) < 120 eV has been obtained (at 90 % C.L.)

    Measurement of \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->e^+e^-) and \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->\mu^+\mu^-)

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    The products of the electron width of the J/\psi meson and the branching fraction of its decays to the lepton pairs were measured using data from the KEDR experiment at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider. The results are \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->e^+e^-)=(0.3323\pm0.0064\pm0.0048) keV, \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->\mu^+\mu^-)=(0.3318\pm0.0052\pm0.0063) keV. Their combinations \Gamma_{ee}\times(\Gamma_{ee}+\Gamma_{\mu\mu})/\Gamma=(0.6641\pm0.0082\pm0.0100) keV, \Gamma_{ee}/\Gamma_{\mu\mu}=1.002\pm0.021\pm0.013 can be used to improve theaccuracy of the leptonic and full widths and test leptonic universality. Assuming e\mu universality and using the world average value of the lepton branching fraction, we also determine the leptonic \Gamma_{ll}=5.59\pm0.12 keV and total \Gamma=94.1\pm2.7 keV widths of the J/\psi meson.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Measurement of main parameters of the \psi(2S) resonance

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    A high-precision determination of the main parameters of the \psi(2S) resonance has been performed with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e^{+}e^{-} collider in three scans of the \psi(2S) -- \psi(3770) energy range. Fitting the energy dependence of the multihadron cross section in the vicinity of the \psi(2S) we obtained the mass value M = 3686.114 +- 0.007 +- 0.011 ^{+0.002}_{-0.012} MeV and the product of the electron partial width by the branching fraction into hadrons \Gamma_{ee}*B_{h} = 2.233 +- 0.015 +- 0.037 +- 0.020 keV. The third error quoted is an estimate of the model dependence of the result due to assumptions on the interference effects in the cross section of the single-photon e^{+}e^{-} annihilation to hadrons explicitly considered in this work. Implicitly, the same assumptions were employed to obtain the charmonium leptonic width and the absolute branching fractions in many experiments. Using the result presented and the world average values of the electron and hadron branching fractions, one obtains the electron partial width and the total width of the \psi(2S): \Gamma_{ee} =2.282 +- 0.015 +- 0.038 +- 0.021 keV, \Gamma = 296 +- 2 +- 8 +- 3 keV. These results are consistent with and more than two times more precise than any of the previous experiments

    Magnetic Catalysis: A Review

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    We give an overview of the magnetic catalysis phenomenon. In the framework of quantum field theory, magnetic catalysis is broadly defined as an enhancement of dynamical symmetry breaking by an external magnetic field. We start from a brief discussion of spontaneous symmetry breaking and the role of a magnetic field in its a dynamics. This is followed by a detailed presentation of the essential features of the phenomenon. In particular, we emphasize that the dimensional reduction plays a profound role in the pairing dynamics in a magnetic field. Using the general nature of underlying physics and its robustness with respect to interaction types and model content, we argue that magnetic catalysis is a universal and model-independent phenomenon. In support of this claim, we show how magnetic catalysis is realized in various models with short-range and long-range interactions. We argue that the general nature of the phenomenon implies a wide range of potential applications: from certain types of solid state systems to models in cosmology, particle and nuclear physics. We finish the review with general remarks about magnetic catalysis and an outlook for future research.Comment: 37 pages, to appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Yee. Version 2: references adde