111 research outputs found

    Characterization of the size and location of dyssynchronous regions in patients undergoing CRT

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    The amount and location of left ventricular (LV) mechanical dyssynchrony affects an individual’s ability to respond positively to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) [Bax et al JACC 2005]. By using high temporal resolution short-axis cines, it is possible to derive radial motion curves throughout the LV. These radial motion curves can be used to create maps showing dyssynchronous regions in patients enrolled for CRT. The objective of this study was to characterize the size and location of areas of mechanical dyssynchrony in patients scheduled for CRT by comparing their radial wall motion curves to radial motion curves from normal subjects

    A method to determine regional mechanical left ventricular dyssynchrony based on high temporal resolution short axis SSFP cine images

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    Left ventricular (LV) mechanical dyssynchrony has been proposed as a parameter to select patients for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) [Bax et al JACC 2005].Several recent studies have shown that placing the LV pacing lead in the most delayed regions yields a better response to CRT [Ansalone et al JACC 2002]. However, most imaging-based methods assess global LV dyssynchrony providing a single value for the entire LV. Regional maps of LV dyssynchrony are required for planning LV lead placement. The objective of this study was to develop a method to create a map of regional left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony based on short-axis SSFP cine images

    MRI Techniques for Cardiovascular Imaging

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    Over the last several years, cardiovascular MRI has benefited from a number of technical advances which have improved routine clinical imaging techniques. As a result, MRI is now well positioned to realize its longstanding promise of becoming the comprehensive cardiac imaging test of choice in many clinical settings. This may be achieved using a combination of basic advanced techniques. In this overview, the basic cardiac MRI techniques which are clinically useful are reviewed, and the recent technical advances which are clinically promising are described. These advances include routine black blood and cine bright blood techniques that are high speed (slice), multislice whole heart perfusion imaging methods, and recently emerging real-time imaging methodologies. J Magn. Reson. Imaging 1999;10:590–601. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Exploring magnetohydrodynamic voltage distributions in the human body : Preliminary results

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to noninvasively measure regional contributions of vasculature in the human body using magnetohydrodynamic voltages (VMHD) obtained from electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings performed inside MRI's static magnetic field (B0). Integrating the regional VMHD over the Swave-Twave segment of the cardiac cycle (Vsegment) provides a non-invasive method for measuring regional blood volumes, which can be rapidly obtained during MRI without incurring additional cost. METHODS: VMHD was extracted from 12-lead ECG traces acquired during gradual introduction into a 3T MRI. Regional contributions were computed utilizing weights based on B0's strength at specified distances from isocenter. Vsegment mapping was performed in six subjects and validated against MR angiograms (MRA). RESULTS: Fluctuations in Vsegment, which presented as positive trace deflections, were found to be associated with aortic-arch flow in the thoracic cavity, the main branches of the abdominal aorta, and the bifurcation of the common iliac artery. The largest fluctuation corresponded to the location where the aortic arch was approximately orthogonal to B0. The smallest fluctuations corresponded to areas of vasculature that were parallel to B0. Significant correlations (specifically, Spearman's ranked correlation coefficients of 0.96 and 0.97 for abdominal and thoracic cavities, respectively) were found between the MRA and Vsegment maps (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: A novel non-invasive method to extract regional blood volumes from ECGs was developed and shown to be a rapid means to quantify peripheral and abdominal blood volumes

    Slice Location Dependence of Aortic Regurgitation Measurements with MR Phase Velocity Mapping

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    Although several methods have been used clinically to assess aortic regurgitation (AR), there is no “gold standard” for regurgitant volume measurement. Magnetic resonance phase velocity mapping (PVM) can be used for noninvasive blood flow measurements. To evaluate the accuracy of PVM in quantifying AR with a single imaging slice in the ascending aorta, in vitro experiments were performed by using a compliant aortic model. Attention was focused on determining the slice location that provided the best results. The most accurate measurements were taken between the aortic valve annulus and the coronary ostia where the measured (Y) and actual (X) flow rate had close agreement (Y = 0.954 × + 0.126, r2 = 0.995, standard deviation of error = 0.139 L/min). Beyond the coronary ostia, coronary flow and aortic compliance negatively affected the accuracy of the measurements. In vivo measurements taken on patients with AR showed the same tendency with the in vitro results. In making decisions regarding patient treatment, diagnostic accuracy is very important. The results from this study suggest that higher accuracy is achieved by placing the slice between the aortic valve and the coronary ostia and that this is the region where attention should be focused for further clinical investigation

    Evaluation of the Precision of Magnetic Resonance Phase Velocity Mapping for Blood Flow Measurements

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    Evaluating the in vivo accuracy of magnetic resonance phase velocity mapping (PVM) is not straightforward because of the absence of a validated clinical flow quantification technique. The aim of this study was to evaluate PVM by investigating its precision, both in vitro and in vivo, in a 1.5 Tesla scanner. In the former case, steady and pulsatile flow experiments were conducted using an aortic model under a variety of flow conditions (steady: 0.1–5.5 L/min; pulsatile: 10–75 mL/cycle). In the latter case, PVM measurements were taken in the ascending aorta of ten subjects, seven of which had aortic regurgitation. Each velocity measurement was taken twice, with the slice perpendicular to the long axis of the aorta. Comparison between the measured and true flow rates and volumes confirmed the high accuracy of PVM in measuring flow in vitro (p \u3e 0.85). The in vitro precision of PVM was found to be very high (steady: y = 1.00x + 0.02, r = 0.999; pulsatile: y = 0.98x + 0.72, r = 0.997; x: measurement #1, y: measurement #2) and this was confirmed by Bland-Altman analysis. Of great clinical significance was the high level of the in vivo precision (y = 1.01x − 0.04, r = 0.993), confirmed statistically (p = 1.00). In conclusion, PVM provides repeatable blood flow measurements. The high in vitro accuracy and precision, combined with the high in vivo precision, are key factors for the establishment of PVM as the “gold-standard” to quantify blood flow