11 research outputs found

    Diversidad genética y distribución regional de cepas de Mycobacterium bovis del ganado en México

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    The molecular fingerprints of 878 isolates of Mycobacterium bovis from cattle, mostly dairy cattle, collected from cattle between 2009 and 2010 in different regions of Mexico were obtained by spoligotyping. Seventy-two percent (72 %) of the spoligotypes fell into nine clusters, and 27 % of the isolates fell into only two spoligotypes; 149 were orphan spoligotypes. The two predominant spoligotypes, arbitrarily designated as SP1 and SP2, were found in almost all States in Mexico, especially in central Mexico, where a concentration of dairy cattle is known. In spite of the wide distribution of spoligotypes observed, some show high regional preference, especially those in geographically distant regions. Only a few spoligotypes show patterns completely different from those shown by the most frequent spoligotypes, suggesting strange sources of infection or the formation of new genetic lines derived from non-lethal mutations. Most States with predominantly high dairy cattle populations showed similar spoligotypes, suggesting exchange of animals between regions. Some spoligotypes are common to dairy and beef cattle, suggesting transmission between populations, most probably due to the movement of dairy cattle to non-dairy regions.Se obtuvieron patrones moleculares (espoligotipos) de 878 aislados de Mycobacterium bovis de ganado de diferentes regiones de México entre los años 2009 y 2010. Setenta y dos por ciento (72 %) de los espoligotipos cayeron en nueve grupos y 27 % de los aislados dentro de sólo dos espoligotipos; 149 fueron espoligotipos individuales. Los dos espoligotipos predominantes, arbitrariamente identificados como SP1 y SP2, se distribuyen en la mayor parte del territorio nacional, en especial en la zona centro de México en ganado especializado en producción de leche. A pesar de la amplia distribución geográfica de los espoligotipos de mayor frecuencia, algunos muestran cierta localización, en especial los encontrados en zonas geográficas distantes, como es el caso de Chihuahua y Baja California. Aunque pocos, algunos espoligotipos muestran patrones moleculares distintos a los mostrados por los espoligotipos de mayor frecuencia, sugiriendo fuentes de infección desconocida. La mayoría de los Estados con ganadería predominantemente lechera muestran espoligotipos comunes, lo que sugiere intercambio regional frecuente de ganado. Algunos espoligotipos son comunes en ganado para leche y ganado para carne, lo que sugiere transmisión entre estas dos poblaciones; se desconoce, sin embargo, si los animales de carne infectados provienen de explotaciones extensivas o si son de engordas ubicadas dentro de la explotación lechera. Se propone la tipificación rutinaria de aislados de M. bovis obtenidos en todos los laboratorios de diagnóstico y mejorar la captura de información epidemiológica de los casos, para hacer mejores conclusiones epidemiológicas de la distribución espacial de las cepas de este agente en el territorio nacional

    Liver fibrosis secondary to bile duct injury: correlation of Smad7 with TGF-β and extracellular matrix proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Liver fibrosis is the result of continuous liver injury stemming from different etiological factors. Bile duct injury induces an altered expression of TGF-β, which has an important role in liver fibrosis because this cytokine induces the expression of target genes such as collagens, PAI-1, TIMPs, and others that lead to extracellular matrix deposition. Smad7 is the principal inhibitor that regulates the target gene transcription of the TGF-β signaling. The aim of the study was to determine whether Smad7 mRNA expression correlates with the gene expression of <it>TGF-β, Col I</it>, <it>Col III</it>, <it>Col IV</it>, or <it>PAI-1 </it>in liver fibrosis secondary to bile duct injury (BDI).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Serum TGF-β concentration was higher in BDI patients (39 296 pg/ml) than in liver donors (9008 pg/ml). Morphometric analysis of liver sections showed 41.85% of tissue contained fibrotic deposits in BDI patients. mRNA expression of Smad7, Col I, and PAI-1 was also significantly higher (<it>P </it>< 0.05) in patients with BDI than in controls. Smad7 mRNA expression correlated significantly with TGF-β concentration, Col I and Col III expression, and the amount of fibrosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We found augmented serum concentration of TGF-β and an increase in the percentage of fibrotic tissue in the liver of BDI patients. Contrary to expected results, the 6-fold increase in <it>Smad7 </it>expression did not inhibit the expression of <it>TGF-β, collagens</it>, and <it>PAI-1</it>. We also observed greater expression of Col I and Col III mRNA in BDI patients and significant correlations between their expression and TGF-β concentration and Smad7 mRNA expression.</p

    Downregulation of hippocampal NR2A/2B subunits related to cognitive impairment in a pristane-induced lupus BALB/c mice.

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    Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) is associated with learning and memory deficit. Murine model of lupus induced by pristane in BALB/c mice is an experimental model that resembles some clinical and immunological SLE pathogenesis. Nevertheless, there is no experimental evidence that relates this model to cognitive dysfunction associated with NR2A/2B relative expression. To evaluate cognitive impairment related to memory deficits in a murine model of lupus induced by pristane in BALB/c mice related to mRNA relative expression levels of NR2A/2B hippocampal subunits in short and long-term memory task at 7 and 12 weeks after LPS exposition in a behavioral test with the use of Barnes maze. A total of 54 female BALB/c mice 8-12 weeks old were included into 3 groups: 7 and 12 weeks using pristane alone (0.5 mL of pristane) by a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection. A control group (single i.p. injection of 0.5 mL NaCl 0.9%) and pristane plus LPS exposure using single i.p. pristane injection and LPS of E. coli O55:B5, in a dose of 3mg/kg diluted in NaCl 0.9% 16 weeks post-pristane administration. To determine cognitive dysfunction, mice were tested in a Barnes maze. Serum anti-Sm antibodies and relative expression of hippocampal NR2A/2B subunits (GAPDH as housekeeping gene) with SYBR green quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and 2-ΔΔCT method were determined in the groups. Downregulation of hippocampal NR2A subunit was more evident than NR2B in pristane and pristane+LPS at 7 and 12 weeks of treatment and it is related to learning and memory disturbance assayed by Barnes maze. This is the first report using the murine model of lupus induced by pristane that analyzes the NMDA subunit receptors, finding a downregulation of NR2A subunit related to learning and memory disturbance being more evident when they were exposed to LPS

    CCR2/CCL2 and CMKLR1/RvE1 chemokines system levels are associated with insulin resistance in rheumatoid arthritis.

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been associated with insulin resistance (IR). Due to an excess in storage of white adipose tissue, IR has an inflammatory process that overlaps with RA. This is performed by the activation/migration of monocytes carried out by the CCR2/CCL2 and CMKLR1/RvE1 chemokines systems. Furthermore, these can potentiate chronic inflammation which is the central axis in the immunopathogenesis of RA. We evaluated the association between the relative expression of CCR2 and CMKLR1 and the serum levels of their ligands CCL2 and RvE1, in the context of adiposity status with IR as a comorbidity in RA. We studied 138 controls and 138 RA-patients classified with and without IR. We evaluated adiposity, RA activity, IR status and immunometabolic profiles by routine methods. Insulin, CCL2 and RvE1 serum levels were determined by ELISA. Relative expression of CCR2, CMKLR1 and RPS28 as constitutive gene by SYBR green RT-qPCR and 2-ΔΔCT method. Increased measurements were observed of body adiposity and metabolic status as follows: RA with IR>control group with IR>RA without IR> control group without IR. CCR2 and CMKLR1 relative expression was increased in RA without IR versus control without IR. CCR2: 2.3- and 1.3-fold increase and CMKLR1: 3.5- and 2.7-fold increase, respectively. Whereas, CCR2 expression correlates with CMKLR1 expression (rho = 0.331) and IR status (rho = 0.497 to 0.548). CMKLR1 expression correlates with inflammation markers (rho = 0.224 to 0.418). CCL2 levels were increased in the RA groups but levels of RvE1 were increased in RA without IR. We conclude that in RA with IR, the chemokine receptors expression pattern showed a parallel increase with their respective ligands. RA and IR in conjunction with the pathological distribution of body fat mass might exacerbate chronic inflammation. These results suggest that high CCL2 levels and compensatory RvE1 levels might not be enough to resolve the inflammation by themselves

    ¿Por qué si el agua es transparente uno ve el mar azul? Lo que se preguntan los niños sobre ciencias contestado en breves relatos de expertos

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    Este libro, cuyo título es precisamente una de las preguntas de los niños, una de aquellas que quizás nos hicimos cuando teníamos esas edades, nos mostró lo cerca que está la ciencia de cada uno, todas las inquietudes que se tienen sobre la misma y la oportunidad que tenemos si enriquecemos la escuela con espacios que permitan aprovechar dichas preguntas para enseñarles a pensar a nuestros niños, a despertar su curiosidad y a seguir teniendo ideas maravillosas