42 research outputs found

    Family ties of crack cocaine users cared for in a psychiatric emergency department

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    This study characterizes the family ties of crack cocaine users cared for in a psychiatric emergency department in southern Brazil. It is a qualitative study with a series of cases carried out in the city of Maringá, PR, Brazil from April to June 2010. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, analyzed using content analysis, and organized into two categories: family ties as facilitators in the use of crack cocaine and other drugs; and fragmented family ties of crack users. Loss of relational bonds with family and social milieu was observed among the ten studied users in addition to the presence of drugs and violence in the family sphere. Further studies addressing the use of crack and its interface with the family are encouraged, taking into consideration that families have an essential role in the initiation and continuity of drug use.El objetivo del estudio fue conocer el vínculo familiar de usuarios de crack atendidos en una Unidad de Emergencia Psiquiátrica del Sur de Brasil. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, con delineamiento de serie de casos, realizada en el municipio de Maringá, en Paraná, en el período de abril a junio de 2010. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó un guión semiestructurado de entrevista. Los datos fueron analizados siguiendo la técnica de análisis de contenido y organizados en dos categorías: el vínculo familiar como facilitador del uso de crack y otras drogas, y el vínculo familiar fragmentado de los usuarios de crack. Entre los diez usuarios investigados, se evidenció: pérdida de los vínculos relacionales con la familia y con el medio social y, presencia de drogas y violencia en el ambiente familiar. La realización de investigaciones sobre el uso de crack y su interfaz con la familia deben ser estimuladas, ya que las familias poseen un papel fundamental en la iniciación y continuidad del uso de drogas.O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer o vínculo familiar de usuários de crack, atendidos em uma unidade de emergência psiquiátrica do Sul do Brasil. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, com delineamento de série de casos, realizada no município de Maringá, PR, no período de abril a junho de 2010. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se roteiro semiestruturado de entrevista. Os dados foram analisados seguindo a técnica de análise de conteúdo e organizados em duas categorias: o vínculo familiar como facilitador do uso de crack e outras drogas, e o vínculo familiar fragmentado de usuários de crack. Entre os dez usuários investigados, evidenciou-se a perda dos vínculos relacionais com a família e o meio social, presença de drogas e violência no ambiente familiar. A realização de pesquisas sobre o uso de crack e sua interface com a família deve ser estimulada, visto que as famílias possuem papel fundamental na iniciação e continuidade ao uso de drogas

    Grupo de familiares de indivíduos com alteração de linguagem: o processo de elaboração e aplicação das atividades terapêuticas

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    RESUMO Objetivo: descrever o processo de elaboração e aplicação de atividades com grupos de familiares de crianças/adolescentes com alterações de linguagem em acompanhamento fonoaudiológico. Métodos: trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, de grupo focal, sendo que a coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de diário de campo das discussões em supervisões do estágio de Fonoaudiologia em Alterações de Linguagem da instituição de origem e de gravação de áudio e vídeo dos grupos de familiares, contendo transcrição e análise de conteúdo dos dados obtidos. Resultados: as supervisões do estágio estimularam os alunos a amadurecer o raciocínio e levantar questões relevantes à abordagem com a família; nas atividades dos grupos, os participantes foram estimulados a refletirem sobre questões como postura frente às dificuldades, maneira de lidar com a alteração da linguagem, entre outros. Conclusão: o estudo contribuiu para a descrição do amadurecimento dos estagiários ao longo das supervisões, bem como levantou a discussão sobre abordagem do fonoaudiólogo ao familiar, estimulando-o a construir com o sujeito maneiras de beneficiá-lo em sua alteração de linguagem, sem danificar as relações de vínculos e interação

    Are health systems interventions gender blind? examining health system reconstruction in conflict affected states

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    Background Global health policy prioritizes improving the health of women and girls, as evident in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), multiple women’s health initiatives, and the billions of dollars spent by international donors and national governments to improve health service delivery in low-income countries. Countries recovering from fragility and conflict often engage in wide-ranging institutional reforms, including within the health system, to address inequities. Research and policy do not sufficiently explore how health system interventions contribute to the broader goal of gender equity. Methods This paper utilizes a framework synthesis approach to examine if and how rebuilding health systems affected gender equity in the post-conflict contexts of Mozambique, Timor Leste, Sierra Leone, and Northern Uganda. To undertake this analysis, we utilized the WHO health systems building blocks to establish benchmarks of gender equity. We then identified and evaluated a broad range of available evidence on these building blocks within these four contexts. We reviewed the evidence to assess if and how health interventions during the post-conflict reconstruction period met these gender equity benchmarks. Findings Our analysis shows that the four countries did not meet gender equitable benchmarks in their health systems. Across all four contexts, health interventions did not adequately reflect on how gender norms are replicated by the health system, and conversely, how the health system can transform these gender norms and promote gender equity. Gender inequity undermined the ability of health systems to effectively improve health outcomes for women and girls. From our findings, we suggest the key attributes of gender equitable health systems to guide further research and policy. Conclusion The use of gender equitable benchmarks provides important insights into how health system interventions in the post-conflict period neglected the role of the health system in addressing or perpetuating gender inequities. Given the frequent contact made by individuals with health services, and the important role of the health system within societies, this gender blind nature of health system engagement missed an important opportunity to contribute to more equitable and peaceful societies

    Carob trees (Ceratonia siliqua L.) regenerated in vitro can acclimatize successfully to match the field performance of seed-derived plants

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    The use of in vitro regenerated plants in forestry and orchard depends ultimately on the development of efficient transplantation protocols, ensuring high survival rates and successful establishment under field conditions. We tested the performance of micropropagated carob trees (Ceratonia siliqua L.) throughout the acclimatization process in terms of survival, growth and physiological traits, including field comparisons with seed-derived and mother plants. The field trial was 100 %successful, i.e. we found no major differences between micropropagated, seed-derived and mother plants in terms of growth rate, height, number of leaves, photosynthetic efficiency, chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll content and soluble protein content, although these parameters changed significantly during acclimatization. Stomatal conductance (gs) was reduced by fourfold when plants were transferred from in vitro culture to the growth chamber, thus preventing uncontrolled wilting. The photosynthetic rate (PN) was relatively low in vitro, in the growth chamber and the greenhouse, but increased to match seed-derived and mother plants in the field. The chlorophyll a/b ratio in leaves from in vitro and growth chamber plants was typical of shade plants (2.1) but became more characteristic of sun plants in the subsequent acclimatization stages (3.1–3.5). The maximum efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) remained mostly constant at ~0.80 throughout acclimatization, as is typical for healthy, non-stressed plants. We conclude that our micropropagation and acclimatization protocols provide a suitable alternative to traditional mass propagation techniques for the carob tree.M.L. Osório and S. Gonçalves acknowledge a grant from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT, Grant SFRH/BPD/35410/2007 and SFRH/BPD/31534/2006