13,996 research outputs found

    PFTijah: text search in an XML database system

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    This paper introduces the PFTijah system, a text search system that is integrated with an XML/XQuery database management system. We present examples of its use, we explain some of the system internals, and discuss plans for future work. PFTijah is part of the open source release of MonetDB/XQuery

    Disease suppressive soilless culture systems; characterisation of its microflora

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    The trend in glasshouse horticulture has always been to start culture systems as aseptic as possible. However, several root diseases still cause problems under these conditions. The present paper shows the importance of the microflora to suppress Pythium aphanidermatum, a fungal root pathogen which is a serious threat in cucumber. Introduced single antagonists as well as the indigenous microflora suppressed pythium root and crown rot. Pseudomonas fluorescens, Streptomyces griseoviridis, Pythium oligandrum, and 2 isolates of Trichoderma harzianum reduced the disease occurrence by 60 ␘r more in several, but not all, of the experiments. The indigenous microflora showed a very constant disease suppression of 50 to 100 &Eth;This was tested in experiments where P. aphanidermatum was added to sterilised and non-sterilised rockwool, and to sterilised rockwool that had been recolonised with the original microflora. Suppressiveness correlated with the number of filamentous actinomycetes present in the nutrient solution in the rockwool slabs. If a beneficial microflora is present in the cropping system, it should not be disturbed or eradicated by treatments such as disinfection of the recirculated nutrient solution. Therefore, the effects of different disinfection procedures on the composition of the microflora were compared. Numbers of filamentous actinomycetes in the nutrient solution in the tank after the disinfection treatment were highest without disinfection, intermediate after slow filtration, and lowest after UV treatment. Numbers of actinomycetes in the slabs, i.e. around the roots, were not distinctly different between the treatments. The implication of potential shifts in the microbial populations due to certain treatments for the disease development is not known. Increased knowledge on the beneficial microflora and the treatments that influence the composition of such a microflora, will stimulate the exploitation of microbially balanced and optimised soilless culture systems

    Generalized momenta of mass and their applications to the flow of compressible fluid

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    We present a technique that allows to obtain certain results in the compressible fluid theory: in particular, it is a nonexistence result for the highly decreasing at infinity solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations, the construction of the solutions with uniform deformation and the study of behavior of the boundary of a material volume of liquid.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of the International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Lyon, 2006, France. In pres

    Determinants of Rural Development in Edo State, Nigeria: An Overview

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    About 70% of the total population in Nigeria lives in the rural areas, while half of this population is without proper-formal education (World Bank 2005). Data for this study which is on the Determinants of rural Development in Edo State, Nigeria were collected through the primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected through the random administration of (250) questionnaires on respondents in five selected rural communities in Edo State. Simple percentage was used to analyze data. Results from this study show that good transportation system, increase in grants and revenue allocation, provision of infrastructural facilities, quality education, quality housing, employment opportunities and provision of micro credit scheme are impetus to the development of rural communities. The study further recommends that government should pay more attention to the economic and infrastructural development of rural communities; government should see rural areas as potential ports for economic and socio-cultural development of the nation and not as a burden, so as to bridge the gap between rural and urban environments.Keywords: Determinants, Rural, Environments, Conceptualization andDevelopmen

    An assessment of tax reliefs and economic development in Nigeria

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    The mission of any government is the maximization of the social welfare of its citizens. In achieving this, government provides certain amenities to the citizens such as good roads, sound health, education, law and order. The provision of these are found to be cash consuming which the government may not be able to meet on its own without imposing compulsory levy on the citizens. Therefore, in as much as the imposition of tax is inevitable, some measures are put in place by the government to reduce the burden of tax on taxpayers. This is aimed at providing the tax payers with a sufficient disposable income which its resultant effect is the improvement of standard of living of the citizenry. For the purpose of the study, four private universities in Nigeria were purposively selected out of 34 licensed private universities in Nigeria. Questionnaires were administered to thirty lecturers in each of those four selected private universities which gave a total of 120 respondents. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data collected and Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to test the hypotheses formulated. The result of the analysis showed that, though, there are tax reliefs provisions for the reduction of tax liability, the reliefs system in Nigeria is not efficient and adequate to improve the standard of living

    Reservaatbeheer met zoogkoeien kost geld

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    Bij de huidige vleesprijzen zijn de opbrengsten van de vleesveehouderij laag en kan een zoogkoeienhouder geen pacht betalen, maar moet hij een vergoeding krijgen om met het begrazen van natuurterreinen een inkomen te halen

    Intercalibration of Boreal and Tethyan timescales: the magneto-biostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic and the latest Early Triassic from Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway

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    An integrated bio-magnetostratigraphic study of the latest Early Triassic to the upper parts of the Middle Triassic, at Milne Edwardsfjellet in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard, allows a detailed correlation of Boreal and Tethyan biostratigraphies. The biostratigraphy consists of ammonoid and palynomorph zonations, supported by conodonts, through some 234 m of succession in two adjacent sections. The magnetostratigraphy consists of ten substantive normal–reverse polarity chrons defined by sampling at 150 stratigraphic levels. The magnetization is carried by magnetite and an unidentified magnetic sulphide, and is difficult to fully separate from a strong present-day like magnetization. The bio-magnetostratigraphy from the late Olenekian (Vendomdalen Member) is supplemented by data from nearby Vikinghøgda. The early and mid-Anisian has a high sedimentation rate, comprising over half the ca. 140-m thickness of the Botneheia Formation, whereas the late Anisian and lower Ladinian is condensed into about 20 m. The two latest Boreal Ladinian ammonoid zones are absent due to erosional truncation below the Tschermakfjellet Formation. Correlation to Tethyan bio-magnetostratigraphies shows the traditional base of the Boreal Anisian (base of G. taimyrensis Zone) precedes the base Anisian (using here definitions based on the Desli Caira section in Romania). The Boreal upper Anisian G. rotelliforme and F. nevadanus ammonoid zones correlate to most of the Tethyan Pelsonian and Illyrian substages. The base Ladinian defined in the Tethyan global boundary stratotype and point (GSSP) is closely equivalent to the traditional base of the Boreal Ladinian at the I. oleshkoi Zone. The latest Olenekian to early Anisian magnetic polarity timescale is refined using the Spitsbergen data

    Samenwerking tussen onderwijs, onderzoek en ondernemers

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    Kunnen mbo-leerlingen en hao-studenten een bijdrage leveren aan duurzaam onkruidbeheer (dob)? En hoe krijg je functionele agrobiodiversiteit (fab) als vast onderdeel binnen het groene onderwijs? Dit zijn twee voorbeelden in de praktijk die tot projecten hebben geleid waarbij leerlingen, studenten, docenten, onderzoekers en adviseurs hebben samengewerk

    Groen onderwijs en Telen met Toekomst

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    Wat betekenen de nieuwe mestregels voor de bedrijfsvoering van een bollenteler?” Drie plantenteeltleerlingen van het mbo in Hoorn kregen eind 2005, op verzoek van het praktijknetwerk Telen met toekomst de opdracht om de bemestingsplannen van enkele bedrijven door te rekenen. Ze werden begeleid door een onderzoeker van het toenmalige proefbedrijf van PPO in Sint Maartensvlotbrug. “Zeer leerzaam,” vonden de leerlingen. Het is een manier om nieuwe kennis te ontsluiten waarbij onderzoekers, onderwijs en ondernemers samenwerken. Het was een van de eerste projecten waarbij het groene onderwijs een rol speelde in dit project. Maar er is meer mogelijk
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