8 research outputs found

    Intron-assisted, viroid-based production of insecticidal circular double-stranded RNA in Escherichia coli

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    [EN] RNA interference (RNAi) is a natural mechanism for protecting against harmful genetic elements and regulating gene expression, which can be artificially triggered by the delivery of homologous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). This mechanism can be exploited as a highly specific and environmentally friendly pest control strategy. To this aim, systems for producing large amounts of recombinant dsRNA are necessary. We describe a system to efficiently produce large amounts of circular dsRNA in Escherichia coli and demonstrate the efficient insecticidal activity of these molecules against Western corn rootworm (WCR, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte), a highly damaging pest of corn crops. In our system, the two strands of the dsRNA are expressed in E. coli embedded within the very stable scaffold of Eggplant latent viroid (ELVd), a small circular non-coding RNA. Stability in E. coli of the corresponding plasmids with long inverted repeats was achieved by using a cDNA coding for a group-I autocatalytic intron from Tetrahymena thermophila as a spacer. RNA circularization and large-scale accumulation in E. coli cells was facilitated by co-expression of eggplant tRNA ligase, the enzyme that ligates ELVd during replication in the host plant. The inserted intron efficiently self-spliced from the RNA product during transcription. Circular RNAs containing a dsRNA moiety homologous to smooth septate junction 1 (DvSSJ1) gene exhibited excellent insecticide activity against WCR larvae. Finally, we show that the viroid scaffold can be separated from the final circular dsRNA product using a second T. thermophila self-splicing intron in a permuted form.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain; co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund) [BIO2017-83184-R] and [BIO2017-91865-EXP]; Universitat Politecnica de Valencia [PAID-01-17]. We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Ortolá-Navarro, B.; Cordero, T.; Hu, X.; Daròs, J. (2021). Intron-assisted, viroid-based production of insecticidal circular double-stranded RNA in Escherichia coli. RNA Biology. 18(11):1846-1857. https://doi.org/10.1080/15476286.2021.1872962S18461857181

    RNAi-mediated silencing of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) endogenous genes using orally-supplied double-stranded RNAs produced in Escherichia coli

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    BACKGROUND: The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, is a major pest affecting fruit and vegetable production worldwide, whose control is mainly based on insecticides. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) able to down-regulate endogenous genes, thus affecting essential vital functions via RNA interference (RNAi) in pests and pathogens, is envisioned as a more specific and environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional insecticides. However, this strategy has not been explored in medfly yet. RESULTS: Here, we screened seven candidate target genes by injecting in adult medflies gene-specific dsRNA hairpins transcribed in vitro. Several genes were significantly down-regulated, resulting in increased insect mortality compared to flies treated with a control dsRNA targeting the green fluorescent protein (GFP) complementary DNA (cDNA). Three of the dsRNAs, homologous to the beta subunit of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase (ATPsynbeta), a vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase), and the ribosomal protein S13 (RPS13), were able to halve the probability of survival in only 48 h after injection. We then produced new versions of these three dsRNAs and that of the GFP control as circular molecules in Escherichia coli using a two-self-splicing-intron-based expression system and tested them as orally-delivered insecticidal compounds against medfly adults. We observed a significant down-regulation of V-ATPase and RPS13 messenger RNAs (mRNAs) (approximately 30% and 90%, respectively) compared with the control medflies after 3 days of treatment. No significant mortality was recorded in medflies, but egg laying and hatching reduction was achieved by silencing V-ATPase and RPS13. CONCLUSION: In sum, we report the potential of dsRNA molecules as oral insecticide in medfly

    Heterologous expression of circular RNAs in Escherichia coli for analyzing the ligation process of chloroplastic viroids and producing double-stranded RNAs with insecticidal activity

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    [ES] Los viroides, genomas mínimos de RNA circular no codificante, monocatenarios y muy estructurados, parasitan factores celulares de las plantas para replicarse autónomamente, establecer infecciones sistémicas y usualmente causar enfermedades. Los de la familia Avsunviroidae se replican y acumulan en cloroplastos por un mecanismo de círculo rodante simétrico. Una RNA polimerasa cloroplástica produce concatémeros lineales de polaridad complementaria que son reducidos a monómeros por las ribozimas de cabeza de martillo (HHR) del concatémero. Producen extremos 5'-hidroxilo y 2',3'-fosfodiéster cíclico, que la isoforma cloroplástica de la tRNA ligasa convierte en enlaces 5',3'-fosfodiéster intramoleculares, generando viroides circulares de polaridad complementaria que pueden entrar en otra ronda de transcripción, simétrica a ésta. En esta Tesis se han analizado las secuencias y estructuras viroidales esenciales para su circularización, usando como modelo el viroide latente de berenjena (ELVd), que induce infecciones asintomáticas en berenjena. Expresamos en Escherichia coli precursores del ELVd(+) lineales flanqueados por dos copias de su HHR. Su procesamiento genera monómeros con los extremos adecuados para la ligación por la tRNA ligasa de la berenjena, que es coexpresada. Mutaciones puntuales y deleciones en el sitio nativo de ligación sugieren que solo el dominio HHR es esencial para la circularización. La conservación de la secuencia y estructura de la HHR con las del sustrato natural del enzima (los tRNAs) nos hacen proponer que la HHR del ELVd secuestra la ligasa mimetizando las características generales del bucle anticodón de los tRNAs. Este sistema de expresión permite también producir RNAs recombinantes, insertándolos en una posición particular del RNA del ELVd. Las quimeras son procesadas por las HHRs flanqueantes y sus extremos ligados por la tRNA ligasa. El andamiaje viroidal circular, compacto y posiblemente asociado a la ligasa, permite aumentar la vida media del RNA de interés y su acumulación en la bacteria. En esta Tesis adaptamos el sistema para producir RNAs de doble cadena (dsRNAs) que desencadenen interferencia por RNA (RNAi), un mecanismo de defensa y regulación génica eucariota basado en la complementariedad de bases entre RNAs. dsRNAs complementarios a genes endógenos reducen los niveles de sus transcritos y generan fenotipos de pérdida de función. Los insectos pueden tomar dsRNAs del ambiente, internalizarlos en sus células y distribuirlos sistémicamente, haciendo al RNAi una estrategia prometedora para el control de plagas. Para producir dsRNAs, separamos las repeticiones invertidas del gen diana que genera la horquilla con el cDNA de un intrón autocatalítico del grupo I de Tetrahymena thermophila, aumentando la estabilidad de los plásmidos de expresión. El intrón es eliminado tras la transcripción, resultando en una molécula viroidal de la que protruye el dsRNA de interés. Flanquear las repeticiones invertidas con una copia adicional permutada del intrón permite separar el ELVd del producto final, un dsRNA circular cerrado en ambos lados por pequeños bucles. Ambas moléculas poseen actividad reguladora: las quimeras viroide-dsRNA con homología al gen de la unión septada suave 1 del gusano de la raíz del maíz (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) exhiben actividad insecticida oral contra las larvas similar a la de horquillas sintetizadas in vitro, y los dsRNAs circulares sin andamiaje viroidal homólogos al gen de la ATPasa vacuolar (subunidad A) y la proteína ribosomal S13 silencian eficientemente estos genes en adultos de la mosca del Mediterráneo (Ceratitis capitata); este caso es de especial relevancia al ser la primera demostración del RNAi para el control de esta plaga. En conclusión, a pesar de su limitada relevancia agrícola, el ELVd es útil para investigar la biología molecular de la familia Avsunviroidae y una poderosa herramienta biotecnológica en combinación con el sistema de expresión en E. coli.[CA] Els viroides, genomes mínims d'RNA circular no codificant, monocatenaris i molt estructurats, parasiten factors cel·lulars de les plantes per a replicar-se autònomament, establir infeccions sistèmiques i usualment causar malalties. Els de la família Avsunviroidae es repliquen i acumulen en cloroplasts per un mecanisme de cercle rodant simètric. Una RNA polimerasa cloroplàstica produeix concatèmers lineals de polaritat complementària que són reduïts a monòmers per els ribozims de cap de martell (HHR) del concatèmer. Produeixen extrems 5'-hidroxil i 2',3'-fosfodièster cíclic, que la isoforma cloroplàstica de la tRNA lligasa converteix en enllaços 5',3'-fosfodièster intramoleculars, generant viroides circulars de polaritat complementària que poden entrar en una nova ronda de transcripció, simètrica a la primera. En aquesta Tesi s'han analitzat les seqüències i estructures viroidals essencials per a la seua circularització, emprant com a model el viroide latent d'albergínia (ELVd), que indueix infeccions asimptomàtiques en albergínia. Expressem en Escherichia coli precursors de l'ELVd(+) lineals flanquejats per dos còpies del seu HHR. El seu processament produeix monòmers amb els extrems apropiats per a la lligació mediada per la tRNA ligasa de l'albergínia, que és coexpressada. Mutacions puntuals i delecions en el lloc nadiu de lligació suggereixen que només el domini HHR és essencial per a la circularització. La conservació de la seqüència i estructura del HHR amb les del substrat natural de l'enzim (els tRNAs) ens fan proposar que el HHR de l'ELVd segresta la lligasa mimetitzant les característiques generals del bucle anticodó dels tRNAs. Aquest sistema d'expressió també permet produir RNAs recombinants, inserint-los en una posició particular de l'RNA de l'ELVd. Les quimeres són processades pels HHR flanquejants i els seus extrems lligats per la tRNA lligasa. L'RNA viroïdal circular, compacte i possiblement associat a la lligasa, permet augmentar la vida mitjana de l'RNA d'interés i la seua acumulació en els bacteris. En aquesta Tesi adaptem el sistema per a produir RNAs de doble cadena (dsRNAs) que desencadenen interferència per RNA (RNAi), un mecanisme de defensa i regulació gènica eucariota basat en la complementarietat de bases entre RNAs. dsRNAs complementaris a gens endògens redueixen els nivells dels seus transcrits i generen fenotips de pèrdua de funció. Els insectes poden prendre dsRNAs de l'ambient, internalitzar-los en les seues cèl·lules i distribuir-los sistèmicament, fent a l'RNAi una estratègia prometedora en el control de plagues. Per a produir dsRNAs, separem les repeticions invertides del gen diana que genera la forqueta amb el cDNA d'un intró autocatalític del grup I de Tetrahymena thermophila, augmentant l'estabilitat dels plasmidis d'expressió. L'intró és eliminat després de la transcripció, resultant en una molècula viroïdal de la qual protrueix el dsRNA d'interés. Flanquejar les repeticions invertides amb una còpia addicional permutada de l'intró permet separar l'ELVd del producte final, un dsRNA circular tancat als dos costats per xicotets bucles. Els dos tipus de molècules posseeixen activitat reguladora: les quimeres viroide-dsRNA amb homologia al gen de la unió septada suau 1 del cuc de l'arrel de la dacsa (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) exhibeixen activitat insecticida oral contra les larves similar a la de forquetes sintetitzades in vitro, i els dsRNAs circulars sense l'RNA viroïdal homòlegs al gen de la ATPasa vacuolar (subunitat A) i la proteïna ribosomal S13 silencien eficientment aquests gens en adults de la mosca del Mediterrani (Ceratitis capitata); aquest cas és d'especial rellevància perquè és la primera demostració de l'RNAi per al control d'aquesta plaga. En conclusió, malgrat la seua limitada rellevància agrícola l'ELVd és útil per a investigar la biologia molecular de la família Avsunviroidae i una poderosa ferramenta biotecnològica en combinació amb el sistema d'expressió en E. coli.[EN] Viroids, minimal genomes of non-coding circular RNA, single-stranded and highly structured, parasitize plant cellular factors to replicate autonomously, establish systemic infections, and typically cause disease. Those of the family Avsunviroidae replicate and accumulate in chloroplasts by a symmetrical rolling circle mechanism. A chloroplast RNA polymerase produces linear concatemers of complementary polarity that are reduced to monomers by the hammerhead ribozymes (HHR) of the concatemer. They produce 5'-hydroxyl and 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester ends, which the chloroplastic isoform of tRNA ligase converts to intramolecular 5',3'-phosphodiester bonds, generating circular viroids of complementary polarity that can enter another round of transcription, symmetric to the first one. In this Thesis, the viroid sequences and structures essential for its circularization have been analyzed, using as a model the eggplant latent viroid (ELVd), which induces asymptomatic infections in eggplant. We expressed in Escherichia coli linear ELVd(+) precursors flanked by two copies of its HHR. Its processing generates monomers with suitable ends for ligation by the eggplant tRNA ligase, which is co-expressed. Point mutations and deletions at the wild-type ligation site suggest that only the HHR domain is essential for circularization. The conservation of the sequence and structure of the HHR with those of the natural substrate of the enzyme (the tRNAs) lead us to propose that the HHR of the ELVd hijacks the ligase, mimicking the general characteristics of the anticodon loop of the tRNAs. This expression system also allows the production of recombinant RNAs, inserting them into a particular position of the ELVd RNA. Chimeras are processed by flanking HHRs and their ends ligated by the tRNA ligase. The compact, circular viroidal scaffold, possibly associated with the ligase, allows increasing the half-life of the RNA of interest and its accumulation in the bacteria. In this Thesis we adapt the system to produce double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) that trigger RNA interference (RNAi), a eukaryotic gene regulation and defense mechanism based on base complementarity between RNAs. dsRNAs complementary to endogenous genes reduce the levels of their transcripts and generate loss-of-function phenotypes. Insects can take dsRNAs from the environment, internalize them into cells, and distribute them systemically, making RNAi a promising pest control strategy. To produce dsRNAs, we separated the inverted repeats of the target gene that generates the hairpin with the cDNA of a group-I autocatalytic intron from Tetrahymena thermophila, increasing the stability of the expression plasmids. The intron is removed after transcription, resulting in a viroidal molecule from which the dsRNA of interest protrudes. Flanking the inverted repeats with an additional copy of the intron in a permuted form allows the ELVd molecule to be separated from the final product, a circular dsRNA molecule capped on both sides by small loops. Both molecules have regulatory activity: the viroid-dsRNA chimeras with homology to the smooth septate junction 1 gene of the corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) exhibit oral insecticidal activity against larvae similar to that of in vitro synthesized hairpins, and the circular dsRNAs without the viroid scaffold homologous to the vacuolar ATPase (subunit A) and ribosomal protein S13 genes efficiently silence those genes in adult Medfly (Ceratitis capitata); this case is of special relevance as it is the first demonstration of RNAi for the control of this pest. In conclusion, despite its limited agricultural relevance, the ELVd is useful for investigating the molecular biology of the Avsunviroidae family and a powerful biotechnological tool in combination with the E. coli expression system.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain; co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund) [BIO2017-83184-R] and [BIO2017‐ 91865‐EXP]; Universitat Politècnica de València [PAID-01-17]. We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Ortolá Navarro, B. (2023). Heterologous expression of circular RNAs in Escherichia coli for analyzing the ligation process of chloroplastic viroids and producing double-stranded RNAs with insecticidal activity [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19263

    Viroids: Non-Coding Circular RNAs Able to Autonomously Replicate and Infect Higher Plants

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    Viroids are a unique type of infectious agent, exclusively composed of a relatively small (246–430 nt), highly base-paired, circular, non-coding RNA. Despite the small size and non-coding nature, the more-than-thirty currently known viroid species infectious of higher plants are able to autonomously replicate and move systemically through the host, thereby inducing disease in some plants. After recalling viroid discovery back in the late 60s and early 70s of last century and discussing current hypotheses about their evolutionary origin, this article reviews our current knowledge about these peculiar infectious agents. We describe the highly base-paired viroid molecules that fold in rod-like or branched structures and viroid taxonomic classification in two families, Pospiviroidae and Avsunviroidae, likely gathering nuclear and chloroplastic viroids, respectively. We review current knowledge about viroid replication through RNA-to-RNA rolling-circle mechanisms in which host factors, notably RNA transporters, RNA polymerases, RNases, and RNA ligases, are involved. Systemic movement through the infected plant, plant-to-plant transmission and host range are also discussed. Finally, we focus on the mechanisms of viroid pathogenesis, in which RNA silencing has acquired remarkable importance, and also for the initiation of potential biotechnological applications of viroid molecules

    RNA Interference in Insects: From a Natural Mechanism of Gene Expression Regulation to a Biotechnological Crop Protection Promise

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    Insect pests rank among the major limiting factors in agricultural production worldwide. In addition to direct effect on crops, some phytophagous insects are efficient vectors for plant disease transmission. Large amounts of conventional insecticides are required to secure food production worldwide, with a high impact on the economy and environment, particularly when beneficial insects are also affected by chemicals that frequently lack the desired specificity. RNA interference (RNAi) is a natural mechanism gene expression regulation and protection against exogenous and endogenous genetic elements present in most eukaryotes, including insects. Molecules of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) or highly structured RNA are the substrates of cellular enzymes to produce several types of small RNAs (sRNAs), which play a crucial role in targeting sequences for transcriptional or post-transcriptional gene silencing. The relatively simple rules that underlie RNAi regulation, mainly based in Watson–Crick complementarity, have facilitated biotechnological applications based on these cellular mechanisms. This includes the promise of using engineered dsRNA molecules, either endogenously produced in crop plants or exogenously synthesized and applied onto crops, as a new generation of highly specific, sustainable, and environmentally friendly insecticides. Fueled on this expectation, this article reviews current knowledge about the RNAi pathways in insects, and some other applied questions such as production and delivery of recombinant RNA, which are critical to establish RNAi as a reliable technology for insect control in crop plants

    Viroids: Non-Coding Circular RNAs Able to Autonomously Replicate and Infect Higher Plants

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    Viroids are a unique type of infectious agent, exclusively composed of a relatively small (246–430 nt), highly base-paired, circular, non-coding RNA. Despite the small size and non-coding nature, the more-than-thirty currently known viroid species infectious of higher plants are able to autonomously replicate and move systemically through the host, thereby inducing disease in some plants. After recalling viroid discovery back in the late 60s and early 70s of last century and discussing current hypotheses about their evolutionary origin, this article reviews our current knowledge about these peculiar infectious agents. We describe the highly base-paired viroid molecules that fold in rod-like or branched structures and viroid taxonomic classification in two families, Pospiviroidae and Avsunviroidae, likely gathering nuclear and chloroplastic viroids, respectively. We review current knowledge about viroid replication through RNA-to-RNA rolling-circle mechanisms in which host factors, notably RNA transporters, RNA polymerases, RNases, and RNA ligases, are involved. Systemic movement through the infected plant, plant-to-plant transmission and host range are also discussed. Finally, we focus on the mechanisms of viroid pathogenesis, in which RNA silencing has acquired remarkable importance, and also for the initiation of potential biotechnological applications of viroid molecules

    Method for the production of DSRNA

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    The present invention relates to an isolated nucleotide acid sequence comprising a) the cDNAs of two strands of a target dsRNA separated by an autocatalytic intron flanked by exon fragments, and b) a plant viroid, wherein element (a) is inserted in the plant viroid sequence. The expression of this nucleotide sequence in a host cell, such as E. coli, along with a tRNA ligase, allows the production of high amounts of dsRNA specific for a target gene. This dsRNA can be used in the interfering RNA technology for silencing gene expression. Additionally, the present invention also relates to a method for producing said dsRNAPeer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Method for the production of DSRNA

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    [EN] The present invention relates to an isolated nucleotide acid sequence comprising a) the cDNAs of two strands of a target double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) separated by an autocatalytic intron flanked by exon fragments, and b) a plant viroid, wherein element (a) is inserted in the plant viroid sequence. The expression of this nucleotide sequence in a host cell, such as E. coli, along with a tRNA ligase, allows the production of high amounts of dsRNA specific for a target gene. This dsRNA can be used in the interfering RNA technology for silencing gene expression. Additionally, the present invention also relates to a method for producing said dsRNA[FR] La présente invention concerne une séquence d'acide nucléotidique isolée comprenant a) les ADNc de deux brins d'un ARN double brin cible (ARNdb)) séparés par un intron autocatalytique flanqué de fragments d'exon, et b) un viroïde végétal, l'élément (a) étant inséré dans la séquence viroïde végétale. L'expression de cette séquence nucléotidique dans une cellule hôte, telle que E. coli, conjointement avec une ligase d'ARNt, permet la production de quantités élevées d'ARNdb spécifique pour un gène cible. Cet ARNdb peut être utilisé dans la technologie d'ARN interférant pour le silençage de l'expression génique. De plus, la présente invention concerne également un procédé de production dudit ARNdbPeer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic