305 research outputs found

    Hacia una educación inclusiva. La Educación Especial ayer, hoy y mañana

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    Al inicio del nuevo milenio bien pudiera hacerse una visión retrospectiva sobre la situación de la educación especial, con el fin de ir cerrando algunas puertas e ir abriendo algunas ventanas que renueven el aire en el que vayamos a respirar desde la teoría y desde la práctica en el ámbito de la diversidad. De ahí que en este artículo hagamos una revisión tanto a nivel terminológico como conceptual para centrarnos sobre todo en la perspectiva de futuro que se nos ofrece desde la filosofía de una educación inclusiva y la buena práctica de una escuela para todos. Avanzamos la idea de propiciar un medio ambiente enriquecedor, manteniendo las diferencias en un mundo diverso, potenciando las posibilidades personales y multiculturales para crecer todos juntos en un mundo sin barreras físicas, morales o sociales. Si por nuestra parte hay actitud favorable hacia las personas con discapacidad, y si por nuestra parte arbitramos las medidas necesarias para dar respuesta a las posibles necesidades, sería factible acoger a todo el que llegue, darle la bienvenida y brindarle las ayudas necesarias para que cada uno –junto a todos los suyos– encuentre su trayectoria en la vida

    Towards an Inclusive Education. Special Education Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

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    In the beginning of the new millennium, it is possible to look back on the situation of special education, in order to close some doors and open some windows to help renew the air that we are going to breath in the areas of theory and practice in the diversity field. Therefore, this paper is a review at a terminology and conceptual level in order to focus on future perspectives of the philosophy of educational inclusion and good practices in a school for all. We advance the idea of promoting a rich environment while maintaining the differences of a diverse world, and of improving personal and multicultural capabilities in order to grow in a world without physical, moral, or social barriers. If we have positive attitudes toward persons with disabilities, and if we develop the required strategies to answer possible needs, it will be possible to host everyone who comes, welcome them, and offer them the required supports to help them find –together with their significant ones– the pathway for their lives.Al inicio del nuevo milenio bien pudiera hacerse una visión retrospectiva sobre la situación de la educación especial, con el fin de ir cerrando algunas puertas e ir abriendo algunas ventanas que renueven el aire en el que vayamos a respirar desde la teoría y desde la práctica en el ámbito de la diversidad. De ahí que en este artículo hagamos una revisión tanto a nivel terminológico como conceptual para centrarnos sobre todo en la perspectiva de futuro que se nos ofrece desde la filosofía de una educación inclusiva y la buena práctica de una escuela para todos. Avanzamos la idea de propiciar un medio ambiente enriquecedor, manteniendo las diferencias en un mundo diverso, potenciando las posibilidades personales y multiculturales para crecer todos juntos en un mundo sin barreras físicas, morales o sociales. Si por nuestra parte hay actitud favorable hacia las personas con discapacidad, y si por nuestra parte arbitramos las medidas necesarias para dar respuesta a las posibles necesidades, sería factible acoger a todo el que llegue, darle la bienvenida y brindarle las ayudas necesarias para que cada uno –junto a todos los suyos– encuentre su trayectoria en la vida

    Cataract surgery astigmatism incisional management. Manual relaxing incision versus femtosecond laser-assisted arcuate keratotomy. A systematic review

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    Purpose: This systematic review aims to compare corneal astigmatism correction in cataract surgery through corneal relaxing incision, manually and femtosecond laser assisted. Methods: The study was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement recommendations. We used PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science (WOS) as databases from January 2010 to March 30, 2021. Patients with keratoconus, corneal ectasia, and a previous history of eye surgery were excluded because our aim was to analyze only healthy eyes. Results: A total of 1025 eyes were evaluated from 946 patients (mean age was 68.90 ± 5.12) in manual incision group articles, while 1905 eyes of 1483 patients (mean age was 65.05 ± 4.57) were evaluated in femtosecond laser arcuate keratotomy (FLAK) articles. The mean uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) was 0.19 ± 0.12 and 0.15 ± 0.05 logMAR for manual incision and FLAK articles, respectively (p = 0.39). The mean correction index (CI) was similar in both groups: 0.77 ± 0.18 in manual incision and 0.79 ± 0.17 in femtosecond laser assisted incision (p = 0.70). Refractive stability was found after 3 months and no serious complications were reported during the follow-up in any group. Conclusion: Both techniques are safe and moderately effective in corneal astigmatism correction in cataract surgery. FLAK represents a more precise and predictable approach. However, since visual and refractive outcomes appear to be similar in both cases, the cost-benefit analysis is controversial

    Comparison of wound architecture in implantable collamer lens surgery: Self-sealing single-plane opposite clear corneal incision versus main surgical incision

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    Purpose: Incision architecture can play an important role in corneal astigmatism management through peripheral corneal relaxing incisions. The aim of this study was to compare the incision architecture of single-plane opposite clear corneal incisions (OCCIs) and main surgical incisions (MSIs) in patients undergoing implantable collamer lens (ICL) surgery. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional tomographic analysis of MSI and OCCI architectures was performed 6 months after ICL surgery. Image acquisition was performed using spectral-domain anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Results: A total of 31 OCCIs and 24 MSIs were evaluated. The mean incision angle was 42.83 ± 5.69 degrees for MSIs and 48.26 ± 6.07 degrees for OCCIs (p < 0.01), and the mean MSI and OCCI length was 1146.70 ± 150.48 µm and 976.68 ± 140.19 µm, respectively (p < 0.01). The mean increase in epithelium depth in the wound was 37.63 ± 11.91 µm in the MSI group and 47.64 ± 15.45 µm in the OCCI group (p = 0.02). Endothelial misalignment was observed in both types of incisions. However, the misalignment with MSI was greater than with OCCI, 106.67 ± 31.84 µm versus 83.75 ± 23.39 µm (p = 0.01), respectively. Conclusion: Both types of incisions, OCCI and MSI, were shown to be safe with complete wound sealing and healing 6 months postoperatively. The MSIs performed in the temporal position were more angled and longer, with greater endothelial retraction and minor epithelial thickening in the wound area compared with astigmatic incisions without manipulation

    Protegiendo el medio ambiente desde la fiscalidad y la empresa

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    En una primera parte se analizaron las iniciativas de protección del medio ambiente desde la normativa tributaria como respuesta a los compromisos de protección ambiental en cuestiones de energía. En la segunda parte se reflexionó sobre los ODS y el Pacto Verde Europeo mediante el estudio de los compromisos adoptados por empresas españolas.2021-2
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