145 research outputs found

    Expectativas de los medios de información frente a la formación de periodistas. Análisis comparativo entre Colombia y Puerto Rico /

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    El artículo1 expone los resultados de una investigación que contrastó las opiniones de los supervisores de los medios informativos en Colombia y Puerto Rico sobre las destrezas que esperan sean desarrolladas por los programas académicos que forman periodistas. Para ello, se aplicaron encuestas con preguntas estructuradas y se condujo un análisis comparativo descriptivo. Se determinó que los supervisores en ambos países consideran importante que la academia forme periodistas generalistas -con destrezas digitales y multimedia -, que puedan producir para plataformas múltiples y que dominen destrezas tradicionalmente asociadas a la profesión. No obstante, mientras los de Colombia piensan que el énfasis educativo debe cimentarse en el pensamiento crítico; los de Puerto Rico, en el adiestramiento profesional. Ambos países conciben que los currículos deben responder a las demandas de la industria.Universidad Autónoma del Carib

    Balancing porosity and mechanical properties of titanium samples to favor cellular growth against bacteria

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    Two main problems limit the success of titanium implants: bacterial infection, which restricts their osseointegration capacity; and the stiffness mismatch between the implant and the host cortical bone, which promotes bone resorption and risk of fracture. Porosity incorporation may reduce this difference in stiffness but compromise biomechanical behavior. In this work, the relationship between the microstructure (content, size, and shape of pores) and the antibacterial and cellular behavior of samples fabricated by the space-holder technique (50 vol % NH4HCO3 and three ranges of particle sizes) is established. Results are discussed in terms of the best biomechanical properties and biofunctional activity balance (cell biocompatibility and antibacterial behavior). All substrates achieved suitable cell biocompatibility of premioblast and osteoblast in adhesion and proliferation processes. It is worth to highlighting that samples fabricated with the 100–200 μm space-holder present better mechanical behavior—in terms of stiffness, microhardness, and yield strength—which make them a very suitable material to replace cortical bone tissues. Those results exposed the relationship between the surface properties and the race of bacteria and mammalian cells for the surface with the aim to promote cellular growth over bacteria.University of Seville (Spain) VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia—US 2018, I.3A

    The Kernel Estimation in Biosystems Engineering.

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    In many fields of biosystems engineering, it is common to find works in which statistical information is analysed that violates the basic hypotheses necessary for the conventional forecasting methods. For those situations, it is necessary to find alternative methods that allow the statistical analysis considering those infringements. Non-parametric function estimation includes methods that fit a target function locally, using data from a small neighbourhood of the point. Weak assumptions, such as continuity and differentiability of the target function, are rather used than “a priori” assumption of the global target function shape (e.g., linear or quadratic). In this paper a few basic rules of decision are enunciated, for the application of the non-parametric estimation method. These statistical rules set up the first step to build an interface usermethod for the consistent application of kernel estimation for not expert users. To reach this aim, univariate and multivariate estimation methods and density function were analysed, as well as regression estimators. In some cases the models to be applied in different situations, based on simulations, were defined. Different biosystems engineering applications of the kernel estimation are also analysed in this review

    Tuning and hybrid parallelization of a genetic-based multi-point statistics simulation code

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    One of the main difficulties using multi-point statistical (MPS) simulation based on annealing techniques or genetic algorithms concerns the excessive amount of time and memory that must be spent in order to achieve convergence. In this work we propose code optimizations and parallelization schemes over a genetic-based MPS code with the aim of speeding up the execution time. The code optimizations involve the reduction of cache misses in the array accesses, avoid branching instructions and increase the locality of the accessed data. The hybrid parallelization scheme involves a fine-grain parallelization of loops using a shared-memory programming model (OpenMP) and a coarse-grain distribution of load among several computational nodes using a distributed-memory programming model (MPI). Convergence, execution time and speed-up results are presented using 2D training images of sizes 100 × 100 × 1 and 1000 × 1000 × 1 on a distributed-shared memory supercomputing facility.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Multi-stage methodology for long-term open-pit mine production planning under ore grade uncertainty

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    ABSTRACT: The strategic planning of open pit operations defines the best strategy for extraction of the mineral deposit to maximize the net present value. The process of strategic planning must deal with several sources of uncertainty; therefore, many authors have proposed models to incorporate it at each of its stages: Computation of the ultimate pit, optimization of pushbacks, and production scheduling. However, most works address it at each level independently, with few aiming at the whole process. In this work, we propose a methodology based on new mathematical optimization models and the application of conditional simulation of the deposit for addressing the geological uncertainty at all stages. We test the method in a real case study and evaluate whether incorporating uncertainty increases the quality of the solutions. Moreover, we benefit from our integrated framework to evaluate the relative impact of uncertainty at each stage. This could be used by decision-makers as a guide for detecting risks and focusing efforts

    Influence of the temperature and the genotype of the HSP90AA1 gene over sperm chromatin stability in Manchega rams

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    The present study addresses the effect of heat stress on males' reproduction ability. For that, we have evaluated the sperm DNA fragmentation (DFI) by SCSA of ejaculates incubated at 37°C during 0, 24 and 48 hours after its collection, as a way to mimic the temperature circumstances to which spermatozoa will be subject to in the ewe uterus. The effects of temperature and temperature-humidity index (THI) from day 60 prior collection to the date of semen collection on DFI were examined. To better understand the causes determining the sensitivity of spermatozoa to heat, this study was conducted in 60 males with alternative genotypes for the SNP G/C-660 of the HSP90AA1 promoter, which encode for the Hsp90α protein. The Hsp90α protein predominates in the brain and testis, and its role in spermatogenesis has been described in several species. Ridge regression analyses showed that days 29 to 35 and 7 to 14 before sperm collection (bsc) were the most critical regarding the effect of heat stress over DFI values. Mixed model analyses revealed that DFI increases over a threshold of 30°C for maximum temperature and 22 for THI at days 29 to 35 and 7 to 14 bsc only in animals carrying the GG-660 genotype. The period 29-35 bsc coincide with the meiosis I process for which the effect of the Hsp90α has been described in mice. The period 7-14 bsc may correspond with later stages of the meiosis II and early stages of epididymal maturation in which the replacement of histones by protamines occurs. Because of GG-660 genotype has been associated to lower levels of HSP90AA1 expression, suboptimal amounts of HSP90AA1 mRNA in GG-660 animals under heat stress conditions make spermatozoa DNA more susceptible to be fragmented. Thus, selecting against the GG-660 genotype could decrease the DNA fragmentation and spermatozoa thermal susceptibility in the heat season, and its putative subsequent fertility gains.This work was supported by RTA2009-00098-00-00 INIA project (Subprograma de Investigación Fundamental orientada a los Recursos y Tecnologías Agrarias).Peer Reviewe

    Efecto de diferentes estrategias de riego sobre la nutrición, la calidad y el pardeamiento interior de la corteza de la granada.

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    El granado (Punica granatum L.) es un frutal tradicional en zonas subtropicales cálidas y semi-áridas, recientemente considerado como cultivo alternativo. La disponibilidad de agua para el riego es un factor limitante en el sureste peninsular español, la zona de producción más importante de la granada en España. En los últimos años se está observando una alteración fisiológica en la granada que ocasiona el pardeamiento de la cara interior de la corteza y que se muestra más aparente tras la conservación en cámara frigorífica. El presente ensayo trata de determinar el efecto manejo de riego sobre la nutrición de la planta, la calidad de la fruta y el pardeamiento interior de la corteza del fruto. Los tratamientos ensayados (T1 a T6) han sido de aplicación de dos dosis de riego (para reponer el 100% de la ETc y de riego deficitario sostenido (RDS, restricción del 50 % durante todo el ciclo de cultivo) con el empleo en las líneas portagoteros de emisores de diferente caudal (8, 4 y 2 L/h, respectivamente). Se ha realizado el análisis de macro y microelementos minerales en el fruto y los parámetros de calidad de la fruta de color exterior de la corteza y del zumo (CIELab*), SST (ºBrix), pH, acidez titulable e índice de madurez del zumo y el índice de pardeamiento de la corteza. En los resultados obtenidos, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los parámetros medidos debidas al caudal del emisor. El RDS aumentó la coloración externa del fruto, el rendimiento en zumo y el índice de madurez, redujo el espesor de la corteza y no afectó al color del zumo. El riego deficitario redujo la afección de pardeamiento interno tras la conservación

    Preliminary results on the application of the aminoacid racemization technique in the Murcia Region (SE Iberian Peninsula) and their interest in paleoseismological research

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    Geochronology is a critical issue in paleoseismological research. The aminoacid racemization technique shows important advantages respect to more traditional dating methods; not just for the lower costs and promptness, also because the object to analyze is relatively frequent, in this study: terrestrial gastropods. Furthermore, the costs of the analysis are by far faster and cheaper compared to other dating techniques. Racemization results allow comparing the relative age from different sedimentary units from one trench to another.Additionally, the racemization technique can also be used as a geochronological tool, provided a calibration curve has been first obtained for the particular climate for the area and, ideally, for a particular genus. In this study we show the results obtained from the analysis of 40 samples of terrestrial gastropods from 7 different trenches located in the Murcia Region (SE Spain). Making use of the D/L ratio of aspartic acid we show the coherence found between relative stratigraphic ages and the racemization age. Finally, we show a provisional conversion equation between age of racemization, obtained from Torres et al. (1997) algorithm, and the likely age of the samEl control geocronológico es una cuestión crítica en los estudios de paleosismología. La técnica de racemización de aminoácidos ofrece importantes ventajas respecto a otros métodos de datación, tanto en los costes y rapidez, como en la facilidad de encontrar el objeto de análisis; en este estudio, gasterópodos terrestres. Los resultados permiten comparar la edad relativa entre unidades sedimentarias diferentes de unas zanjas a otras. La técnica de racemización también es una herramienta geocronológica, si bien es necesario primero establecer una curva de calibración para el ambiente climático de la zona e, idealmente, para un género concreto. En este estudio se muestran los resultados obtenidos en 40 muestras de gasterópodos terrestres recogidas en 7 zanjas de investigación paleosismológica en la Región de Murcia. Haciendo uso de la relación D/L del ácido aspártico mostramos la coherencia entre las edades relativas estratigráficas y su edad de racemización. Finalmente, proponemos una relación provisional de conversión entre las edades de racemización obtenidas por el algoritmo de Torres et al. (1997) para gasterópodos de la zona central de la Península Ibérica y la edad probable de las muestra

    Bacterial behavior on coated porous titanium substrates for biomedical applications

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    In this work, bacterial behavior on dense and porous titanium substrates is discussed. Porous titanium was fabricated by a space holder technique (using 50 vol%, NH4HCO3 with particle sizes between 250 and 355 μm). These substrates were coated by sulfonated PEEK (termed SPEEK). Characterization of the porous substrate was carried out using the Archimedes Method, Image Analysis, and three-dimensional X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography (including total and interconnected porosity, equivalent diameter, and pore shape factor), as well as mechanical characterization (specifically stiffness and yield strength). A detailed study was performed here to investigate the influence of substrate porosity on the adhesion and proliferation of E. coli, MRSA, and P. aeruginosa (common causes of orthopedic device-associated infections). Bacterial colonization was examined in terms of the initial bacterial concentration, as well as bacterial adherence to and growth on the surface and inside the pores. Results suggest that fully dense titanium supported the least bacterial colonization, while the porous titanium promoted bacterial growth in the medium and inside the cavities. Furthermore, the SPEEK coating deposited onto the samples inhibited bacteria growth inside the porous materials. In this manner, this study showed for the first time that SPEEK could have potential antibacterial properties to offset the increase in bacteria growth commonly observed in porous materials.Junta de Andalucía-FEDER (Spain) Ref. P12-TEP-1401Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, MAT2015-71284-