821 research outputs found

    Medios técnico-tácticos colectivos en boloncesto en categorías de formación

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    The objectives of this study were: a) record the view of basketball coaches on how they should evolve along the different stages of training, some Basic Tactical Media Collective (MTCBs), b) recording the views of basketball coaches on how to evolve along different stages of training some Complex Tactical Media Collective (MTCC). A questionnaire was administered to 102 coaches. The most significant results indicated that: a) formation increases with age, it is necessary to devote more time to MTCBs except to pass and progression, which should hold in the infant category, b) in the category minibasket and children, only develop MTCBs Pass and Progression and Establishment of the Odd, c) blocks begin to be important in the cadet category, d) development of counter-attack, followed by individual collective defense dominated in all categories, e) in the categories minibasket and children, he devotes little importance only to the collective defense and counterattack individual f) from the cadet category, when it puts more emphasis on improving the positional attack, g) is only dedicated to the importance zonal defense, from the junior category, and g) in all categories, it gives more importance to collective defense, which improved positional attack.Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a) registrar la opinión de entrenadores de baloncesto sobre cómo deben evolucionar a lo largo de las diferentes etapas de formación, algunos Medios Técnico-tácticos Colectivos Básicos (MTCBs); b) registrar la opinión de entrenadores de baloncesto sobre cómo deben evolucionar a lo largo de las diferentes etapas de formación algunos Medios Técnico-tácticos Colectivos Complejos (MTCC). Se administró un cuestionario a 102 entrenadores. Los resultados más significativos indicaron que: a) con forme incrementa la edad, es necesario dedicar más tiempo a los MTCBs, salvo al pase y progresión, que debe estar afianzando en la categoría infantil; b) en la categoría minibasket e infantil, únicamente se desarrollan los MTCBs de Pase y Progresión y Fijación del Impar; c) los bloqueos empiezan a tener importancia en la categoría cadete; d) el desarrollo del contraataque, seguido de la defensa colectiva individual, predomina en todas las categorías; e) en las categorías minibasket e infantil, apenas se le dedica importancia solo al contraataque y a la defensa colectiva individual; f) a partir de la categoría cadete, es cuando se le dedica más importancia a la mejora del ataque posicional; g) sólo se le dedica importancia a la defensa colectiva zonal, a partir de la categoría júnior; y g) en todas las categorías, se le aporta más importancia a la defensas colectivas, que a la mejora del ataque posicional

    A prefix encoding for a constructed language

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    This work focuses in the formal and technical analysis of some aspects of a constructed language. As a first part of the work, a possible coding for the language will be studied, emphasizing the pre x coding, for which an extension of the Hu man algorithm from binary to n-ary will be implemented. Because of that in the language we can't know a priori the frequency of use of the words, a study will be done and several strategies will be proposed for an open words system, analyzing previously the existing number of words in current natural languages. As a possible upgrade of the coding, we'll take also a look to the synchronization loss problem, as well as to its solution: the self-synchronization, a t-codes study with the number of possible words for the language, as well as other alternatives. Finally, and from a less formal approach, several applications for the language have been developed: A voice synthesizer, a speech recognition system and a system font for the use of the language in text processors. For each of these applications, the process used for its construction, as well as the problems encountered and still to solve in each will be detailed

    Modificación de reglas y competición en baloncesto : opinión de padres y entrenadores

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    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los niveles de satisfacción de padres y entrenadores tras la aplicación de un torneo en el que se modifica el reglamento y el sistema de competición en categoría preinfantil. Se desarrolló un torneo "Basket a 2.80", dividido en cinco mini-competiciones (lanzamiento, habilidad, uno contra uno, cuatro contra cuatro y cinco contra cinco) y en el que se adaptaron el equipamiento (canasta a dos metros ochenta y balón seis). Se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas a nueve padres y cuatro entrenadores de baloncesto. Mediante el procedimiento de análisis del contenido se analizaron los datos por tres codificadores. Las reglas más valoradas fueron el balón seis, el cuatro contra cuatro y la reducción de la altura de la canasta. Favorecer el proceso de aprendizaje, incrementar la participación, el espacio de juego y la eficacia y la satisfacción de los jugadores, son asociados con las nuevas reglas. Frente al 55,5% de los padres que opta por los dos sistemas de competición (actual y sistema de minicompeticiones) el resto y los entrenadores prefieren la competición actual. La formación integral y una mayor participación de los jugadores, la variedad y el carácter lúdico es lo destacado en el sistema de competición planteado. Ante las virtudes apuntadas se hace necesario seguir planteando este tipo de propuestas que permitan analizar y cuestionarse el reglamento y la competición actual.The aim of this study was to analyze the levels of satisfaction of parents and coaches after the application of a tournament in which the regulation and the competition system in U'14 are modified. A "Basket to 2.80" tournament was developed, divided into five mini-competitions (shots, skill competition, one-on-one, four-on-four and five-on-five) and in which the equipment was adapted (basket to two meters and eighty and ball six). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine parents and four basketball coaches. Using the content analysis procedure, the data were analyzed by three coders. The most valued rules were the ball six, the four-on-four and the reduction of the height of the basket. To favor the learning process, to increase the participation, the space of game and the efficiency and the satisfaction of the players, are associated with the new rules. Faced with 55.5% of the parents who opt for the two competition systems (current and mini-competitions system) the rest and the coaches prefer the current competition. Integral training and a greater participation of the players, the variety and the playful character is highlighted in the system of competition raised. Given the virtues pointed out, it is necessary to continue proposing these types of proposals that allow to analyze and question the regulation and the current competition

    Self-concept, sport, and physical activity practice in university students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between being physically active and participating in sport (or not) and self-concept in Spanish university students. The sample consisted of 372 female university students. The instruments used were the Autoconcepto Forma 5 questionnaire and an ad hoc questionnaire to collect demographic data and data related to physical activity. The results showed that the groups of university students who are physically active and/or participate in sport had higher levels of physical and emotional self-concept compared to the groups of university students who were not physically active and did not participate in sport. It is concluded that college students who exercise or practice sport have better physical and emotional self-concept than those who do not

    Teaching speaking skill through language games in a fifth grade of a public school from Pereira

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    El propósito de este Proyecto de aula se enfocó en implementar unos juegos de lenguaje para enseñar la habilidad del habla en un colegio público de la ciudad de Pereira. El objetivo de enseñanza de este proyecto de aula fue promover la fluidez en la habilidad del habla en los estudiantes para tener una buena comunicación en inglés, y el objetivo de aprendizaje fue desarrollar la fluidez en el idioma inglés para interactuar oralmente en los juegos de lenguaje. El proyecto de aula fue llevado a cabo desde el 1º de octubre hasta el 19 de noviembre del 2014. La implementación tomo lugar en una escuela primaria pública en la ciudad de Pereira. El tema de la implementación fueron los estudiantes de quinto grado; treinta y cuatro estudiantes. El presente proyecto de aula fue llevado a cabo en ocho lecciones, los cuales fueron dos clases por semana. Cada clase consistió en una seria de pasos los cuales fueron: planear las lecciones, implementar los juegos de lenguaje, observar cada clase, y reflexionar sobre el proceso de aprendizaje. La información fue reunida a través de las observaciones, videos, fotografías y diarios personales. Las observaciones fueron sistematizadas en notas de campo en el respaldo de cada plan de lección. Las conclusiones de la información obtenida reportan las fortalezas y desafíos en términos de crecimiento profesional, la respuesta de los estudiantes referente a los juegos de lenguaje y los resultados lingüísticos

    Theoretical–Experimental Study of the Action of Trace Amounts of Formaldehyde, Propionaldehyde, and Butyraldehyde as Inhibitors of the Ziegler–Natta Catalyst and the Synthesis of an Ethylene–Propylene Copolymer

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    The copolymer synthesis process can be affected by failures in the production process or by contaminating compounds such as ketones, thiols, and gases, among others. These impurities act as an inhibiting agent of the Ziegler–Natta (ZN) catalyst affecting its productivity and disturbing the polymerization reaction. In this work, the effect of formaldehyde, propionaldehyde,and butyraldehyde on the ZN catalyst and the way in which it affects the final properties of the ethylene-propylene copolymer is presented by analyzing 30 samples with different concentrations of the mentioned aldehydes along with three control samples. It was determined that the presence of formaldehyde 26 ppm, propionaldehyde 65.2 ppm, and butyraldehyde 181.2 ppm considerably affect the productivity levels of the ZN catalyst; this effect increases as the concentration of aldehydes is higher in the process; likewise, these impurities affect the properties of the final product, such as the fluidity index (MFI), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), bending, tension, and impact, which leads to a polymer with low-quality standards and less resistance to breakage. The computational analysis showed that the complexes formed by formaldehyde, propionaldehyde, and butyraldehyde with the active center of the catalyst are more stable than those obtained by the ethylene-Ti and propylene-Ti complexes, presenting values of −40.5, −47.22, −47.5, −5.2 and −1.3 kcal mol−1 respectively

    Game-related statistics that discriminated winning and losing teams from the spanish mens professional basketball teams

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    The purpose of the present study was to analyse men’s basketball competitions, trying to identify which game-related statistics allow to discriminate winning and losing teams. The sample used corresponded to 306 games from the 2004– 2005 Regular Season of the Spanish Men’s Professional League. The game-related statistics gathered were: 2 and 3 points field-goals (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), offensive and defensive rebounds, blocks, assists, fouls, turnovers and steals. The data were analysed in two groups: balanced games (final score differences equal or below 12 points) and unbalanced games (final score differences above 12 points). Discriminant analysis allowed to conclude the following: (i) in balanced games, the variable that best differentiate both groups were the defensive rebounds; (ii) in unbalanced games, the variables that discriminate between both groups were the successful 2 points field-goals, the defensive rebounds and the assists; and (iii) in all games, the statistical analysis identified two variables that discriminate winning and losing teams (defensive rebounds and assists). The defensive rebounds were the only game-related statistic that discriminates both groups in all performed analysis. Coaches and players should be aware of these different profiles in order to increase knowledge about game cognitive and motor solicitation and, therefore, to enhance specificity at the time of practice and game planning

    Game location influences basketball players performance across playing positions.

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    Home advantage in sport has been the subject of much empirical work, although the 3 causes underlying this effect are still unclear. In team sports such as Basketball, available 4 literature has analyzed home versus away performances at a team level. The present study 5 investigated the presence of home advantage at the level of the individual player’s position. It 6 also attempted to identify a subset of game-related statistics that could discriminate home and 7 away performances according to each player’s position. To achieve these aims, archival data 8 were obtained from 225 games for the 2004-2005 Euroleague. Players were subdivided so 9 that the “point guards” and “offguards” were pooled as guards (n=493), the “small forwards” 10 and “power forwards” were grouped as forwards (n=485) and the centres (n=233). A 2x3 11 (game location: home and away; playing position: guards, forwards and centres) factorial 12 MANOVA followed by a discriminant analysis was performed. For the guards, the 13 discriminant function was significant and the game-related statistics that differentiated most 14 home and away performances were the successful two point field-goals, defensive rebounds, 15 assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The forwards’ home and away performances were 16 discriminated by successful free-throws, assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The 17 function for centres was non significant. Results suggested a differential effect of home 18 advantage in basketball players by role in the team, with guards from home teams playing 19 more assertively, whereas in away teams forwards played more assertively. These results 20 provide initial evidence to support a position specific approach when preparing for home and 21 away games in team sports

    CMSA algorithm for solving the prioritized pairwise test data generation problem in software product lines

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    In Software Product Lines (SPLs) it may be difficult or even impossible to test all the products of the family because of the large number of valid feature combinations that may exist. Thus, we want to find a minimal subset of the product family that allows us to test all these possible combinations (pairwise). Furthermore, when testing a single product is a great effort, it is desirable to first test products composed of a set of priority features. This problem is called Prioritized Pairwise Test Data Generation Problem. State-of-the-art algorithms based on Integer Linear Programming for this problema are faster enough for small and medium instances. However, there exists some real instances that are too large to be computed with these algorithms in a reasonable time because of the exponential growth of the number of candidate solutions. Also, these heuristics not always lead us to the best solutions. In this work we propose a new approach based on a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm called Construct, Merge, Solve & Adapt. We compare this matheuristic with four algorithms: a Hybrid algorithm based on Integer Linear Programming ((HILP), a Hybrid algorithm based on Integer Nonlinear Programming (HINLP), the Parallel Prioritized Genetic Solver (PPGS), and a greedy algorithm called prioritized-ICPL. The analysis reveals that CMSA results in statistically significantly better quality solutions in most instances and for most levels of weighted coverage, although it requires more execution time.Comment: Preprint of the submitted version of the article in Journal of Heuristic

    Evolución de la forma de ejecución y eficacia de la colocación en voleibol femenino en función del grupo de edad y el nivel de competición

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the technical profile of performance in setters according to the age group and competitive level in women’s volleyball. Material and methods: a total of 9,977 game phases from the under-14 age group to the international level were analyzed. The variables analyzed were: age group & level of competition, game phase, reception/dig efficacy, setting technique, setting zone, distance from the net in which the setting was executed, starting position of the setter, and setting efficacy. Results: as the level of competition increased, there was an increase in the frequency of the jump set and its efficacy, and the setting was less conditioned by the previous action (service reception/defense). Conclusion: there was a relationship between the level of competition the quality of the set and the frequency of use of the jump set. The results provide normative profiles of the set through the different stages of development of volleyball female players.Propósito: El objetivo del estudio del estudio fue analizar el perfil técnico de rendimiento de las colocadoras en función de su grupo de edad y nivel de competición. Material y métodos: Se analizaron un total de 9,977 acciones de juego desde categoría infantil nacional (U-14) a categoría senior internacional. Las variables analizadas fueron: grupo de edad y nivel de competición, fase de juego, eficacia de la recepción/defensa, técnica de colocación, zona de colocación, distancia de la red a la que la colocación fue ejecutada, zona del campo en la que se encuentra el colocador en la rotación, y eficacia de la rotación. Resultados: Cuando el nivel de competición se incrementa, hay un incremento en la frecuencia de colocaciones en salto y en la eficacia de la colocación, y las colocaciones están menos condicionadas por las acciones previas (recepción/defensa). Conclusiones: Hay una relación entre el nivel de competición y la calidad de la colocación y la frecuencia de uso de la colocación en salto. Los resultados proporcionan el perfil de rendimiento de la colocación a través de las diferentes etapas de desarrollo de la jugadora de voleibol