1,489 research outputs found

    Guiding signs in metabolic disease diagnosis

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    Los errores innatos del metabolismo son un grupo de enfermedades genéticas con sintomatología muy inespecífica y por tanto difícil diagnóstico si no existe una sospecha clínica elevada. Sin embargo existen algunos datos de la exploración física y de las pruebas complementarias que pueden enfocar el proceso diagnóstico hacia la solicitud de pruebas específicas que lo confirmen. El caso que presentamos trata de destacar algunos de estos datos que pueden hacer sospechar la existencia de un defecto congénito de la glucosilación de proteínas, trastorno infrecuente pero con algunas formas tratables, por lo que su sospecha y diagnóstico precoz es de vital importanciaInborn errors of metabolism are a group of genetic diseases with non specific symptoms and therefore difficult to diagnose without high clinical suspicion. However there are some physical examination data and laboratory tests that can focus the diagnostic process to the implementation of specific tests to confirm them. The case exposed highlights some of these data that can make us suspect the existence of a congenital defect of glycosylation of proteins, rare disorder but with some treatable variations, that make their suspicion and early diagnosis of great importanc

    Quantum Noise Limits for Nonlinear, Phase-Invariant Amplifiers

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    Any quantum device that amplifies coherent states of a field while preserving their phase generates noise. A nonlinear, phase-invariant amplifier may generate less noise, over a range of input field strengths, than any linear amplifier with the same amplification. We present explicit examples of such nonlinear amplifiers, and derive lower bounds on the noise generated by a nonlinear, phase-invariant quantum amplifier.Comment: RevTeX, 6 pages + 4 figures (included in file; hard copy sent on request

    Paliperidone Reversion of Maternal Immune Activation-Induced Changes on Brain Serotonin and Kynurenine Pathways

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    Emerging evidence indicates that early-life exposure to environmental factors may increase the risk for schizophrenia via inflammatory mechanisms. Inflammation can alter the metabolism of tryptophan through the oxidative kynurenine pathway to compounds with neurotoxic and neuroprotective activity and compromise serotonin (5-HT) synthesis. Here we investigate the role of serotonergic and kynurenine pathways in the maternal immune activation (MIA) animal model of schizophrenia. The potential reversion exerted by long-term antipsychotic treatment was also evaluated. MIA was induced by prenatal administration of polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly (I:C)) in mice. Expression of different proteins and the content of different metabolites involved in the function of serotonergic and kynurenine pathways was assessed by RT-PCR, immunoblot and ELISA analyses in frontal cortex of the offspring after puberty. MIA decreased tissue 5-HT content and promoted changes in the expression of serotonin transporter, 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors. Expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 2 (IDO2) and kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (KMO) was increased by poly (I:C) whereas kynurenine aminotransferase II and its metabolite kynurenic acid were not altered. Long-term paliperidone was able to counteract MIA-induced changes in 5-HT and KMO, and to increase tryptophan availability and tryptophan hydroxylase-2 expression in poly (I:C) mice but not in controls. MIA-induced increase of the cytotoxic risk ratio of kynurenine metabolites (quinolinic/kynurenic acid) was also reversed by paliperidone. MIA induces specific long-term brain effects on serotonergic activity. Such effects seem to be related with alternative activation of the kynurenine metabolic pathway towards a cytotoxic status. Atypical antipsychotic paliperodine partially remediates abnormalities observed after MIA.This work was supported by MINECO-FEDER Funds (SAF201675500-R to JL; SAF2017-88126-R to JM); Centro de Investigacion en Red de Salud Mental, CIBERSAM; and the Basque Government (IT1211-19). Editoria

    Protective Effect of Melatonin Against Mitomycin C-Induced Genotoxic Damage in Peripheral Blood of Rats

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    Mitomycin C (MMC) generates free radicals when metabolized. We investigated the effect of melatonin against MMC-induced genotoxicity in polychromatic erythrocytes and MMC-induced lipid peroxidation in brain and liver homogenates. Rats (N = 36) were classified into 4 groups: control, melatonin, MMC, and MMC + melatonin. Melatonin and MMC doses of 10 mg/kg and 2 mg/kg, respectively, were injected intraperitoneally. Peripheral blood samples were collected at 0, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours posttreatment and homogenates were obtained at 96 hours posttreatment. The number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MN-PCE) per 1000 PCE was used as a genotoxic marker. Malondialdehyde (MDA) plus 4-hydroxyalkenal (4-HDA) levels were used as an index of lipid peroxidation. The MMC group showed a significant increase in MN-PCE at 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours that was significantly reduced with melatonin begin coadministrated. No significant differences were found in lipid peroxidation. Our results indicate that MMC-induced genotoxicity can be reduced by melatonin

    Methylene blue? Therapeutic alternative in the management of septic shock refractory to norepinephrine

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    Introduction: Methylene blue is receiving special interest in perioperative and intensive care of patients with distributive shock due to its ability to block the action of nitric oxide and to antagonize deep vasodilation. Objective: The objective is to illustrate the use of the methylene blue, summarizing the perioperative management of a case with secondary vasoplegic syndrome due to a norepinephrine refractory septic shock and the response to methylene blue, reviewing the latest evidence of this therapeutic alternative. In practice:We describe the case of a 60-year-old man, paraplegic, with septic shock due to a long evolution decubitus pressure ulcer. After two hours of surgery, the patient remained with hemodynamic deterioration despite high doses of vasopressin (3 IU/hour) and norepinephrine (2 µg/kg /min), therefore methylene blue was administered with two intravenous bolus doses of 50 mg without adverse effects. After half an hour hemodynamic improvement was evidenced, allowing to decrease norepinephrine infusion and normalizing blood pressure. Finally, debridement of necrotic tissue, amputation and disarticulation of left coxofemoral joint was performed with subsequent transfer to the ICU and discharge to the spinal cord injury ward twenty eight days later. Conclusions: As it has been demonstrated in our patient, methylene blue is a therapeutic alternative to manage patients with persistent hypotension despite the use of various vasopressors during the management of vasoplegic syndrome secondary to septic shock

    New and revised maimetshid wasps from cretaceous ambers (Hymenoptera, Maimetshidae)

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    New material of the wasp family Maimetshidae (Apocrita) is presented from four Cretaceous amber de- posits- the Neocomian of Lebanon, the Early Albian of Spain, the latest Albian/earliest Cenomanian of France, and the Campanian of Canada. The new record from Canadian Cretaceous amber extends the temporal and paleogeographical range of the family. New material from France is assignable to Guyote- maimetsha enigmatica Perrichot et al. including the first females for the species, while a series of males and females from Spain are described and figured as Iberomaimetsha Ortega-Blanco, Perrichot & Engel, gen. n., with the two new species Iberomaimetsha rasnitsyni Ortega-Blanco, Perrichot & Engel, sp. n. and I. nihtmara Ortega-Blanco, Delclòs & Engel, sp. n.; a single female from Lebanon is described and figured as Ahiromaimetsha najlae Perrichot, Azar, Nel & Engel, gen. et sp. n., and a single male from Canada is described and figured as Ahstemiam cellula McKellar & Engel, gen. et sp. n. The taxa are compared with other maimetshids, a key to genera and species is given, and brief comments made on the family

    Dynamics of suspended sediment borne persistent organic pollutants in a large regulated Mediterranean river (Ebro, NE Spain)

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    Mediterranean rivers are characterized by highly variable hydrological regimes that are strongly dependent on the seasonal rainfall. Sediment transport is closely related to the occurrence of flash-floods capable to deliver enough kinetic energy to mobilize the bed and channel sediments. Contaminants accumulated in the sediments are likely to be mobilized as well during such events. However, whereas there are many studies characterizing contaminants in steady sediments, those devoted to the transport dynamics of suspended-sediment borne pollution are lacking. Here we examined the occurrence and transport of persistent organic microcontaminants present in the circulating suspended sediments during a controlled flushing flow in the low part of the River Ebro (NE Spain) 12km downstream of a well-known contaminated hot-spot associated to a nearby chloro-alkali industry. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and semi-volatile organochlorine pollutants (DDT and related compounds, DDX; polychlorinated byphenils, PCBs; and other organochlorine compound, OCs) were measured in the particulate material by GC-MS and GC-MS/MS, using previously developed analytical methods. The concentration levels observed were compared to previously reported values in steady sediments in the same river and discussed on a regulatory perspective. Hydrographs and sedigraphs recorded showed a peak-flow of 1300m3s-1 and a corresponding peak of suspended sediments of 315mgL-1. Combination of flow discharge, suspended sediments and pollutants' concentrations data allowed for quantifying the mass flows (mass per unit of time) and setting the load budgets (weight amount) of the different pollutants transported by the river during the monitored event. Mean mass-flows and total load values found were 20.2mgs-1 (400g) for PAHs, 38mgs-1 (940g) for DDX, 44mgs-1 (1038g) for PCBs and 8mgs-1 (200g) for OCs. The dynamic pattern behavior of PAHs differs substantially to that of organochlorine pollutants, thus reflecting different pollution origins.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 project SCARCE (CSD2009-00065) and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Consolidated Research Group: Water and Soil Quality Unit 2009-SGR-965). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Comunities 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 603629-ENV-2013-6.2.1-Globaqua.Peer reviewe

    Parathyroid hormone-related protein as a renal regulating factor: From Vessels to Glomeruli and Tubular Epithelium

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    Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related protein (PTHrP) produce similar biological effects through the PTH/PTHrP receptor. Less is known about the physiological role of PTHrP, which was first identified as the agent of the humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. Despite the widespread production of PTHrP in healthy individuals, the concentration of the protein is below the detectable limit of current assays, suggesting that PTHrP normally functions locally in an autocrine or paracrine manner. Thus, some differences in their biological activities have been described and they may be related to the presence of different receptors. In this regard, a second receptor that binds selectively to PTH has also been found. Recent studies have demonstrated the expression of both PTH/PTHrP receptor and protein in the renal glomeruli. Moreover, there are convincing data that support a direct role of PTH and PTHrP in modulating renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. This multifunctional protein, PSHrP, also has a proliferative effect on both glomerular mesangial cells and tubular epithelial cells. Increases in the expression of PTHrP have been observed in several experimental models of nephropathies, suggesting that PTHrP upregulation is a common event associated with the mechanism of renal injury and repair

    Determinación del contenido de compuestos fenólicos presentes en extractos alcohólicos de semilla de chía (Salvia hispánica L.)

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    La semilla de chía (Salvia hispánica L.) es considerada alimento funcional debido a su contenido de compuestos bioactivos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el contenido de compuestos fenólicos presentes en extractos alcohólicos de semilla de chía cultivada en el estado de Jalisco, México. Se realizaron extracciones metanólicas y etanólicas. Los polifenoles totales y flavonoides fueron cuantificados como equivalentes de ácido galico y como porcentaje de quercetina, respectivamente. Los compuestos fenólicos: ácido cafeico, ácido clorogénico, miricetina, quercetina y kaempferol, se cuantificaron mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC), tanto para la forma libre de los antioxidantes (agliconas), como para los conjugados con azúcar (glicósidos), mediante una hidrólisis ácida. El extracto metanólico presentó la mayor cantidad de flavonoides y el etanólico de polifenoles totales. Se encontraron polifenoles en forma de agliconas y glicósidos. Los ácidos clorogénico y cafeico se encontraron en forma libre, mientras que la mayor parte de los flavonoles (miricetina, kaempferol y quercetina) fueron encontrados en forma de glicósido en los extractos. De acuerdo con lo anterior, la chía puede ser considerada como un buen componente de la dieta ya que presenta alto contenido de compuestos fenólicos