6,317 research outputs found

    Overcoming Problems in the Measurement of Biological Complexity

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    In a genetic algorithm, fluctuations of the entropy of a genome over time are interpreted as fluctuations of the information that the genome's organism is storing about its environment, being this reflected in more complex organisms. The computation of this entropy presents technical problems due to the small population sizes used in practice. In this work we propose and test an alternative way of measuring the entropy variation in a population by means of algorithmic information theory, where the entropy variation between two generational steps is the Kolmogorov complexity of the first step conditioned to the second one. As an example application of this technique, we report experimental differences in entropy evolution between systems in which sexual reproduction is present or absent.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Emergence of New Successful Export Activities in Latin America: The Case of Chile

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    This paper surveys overall export growth in Chile and focuses on three case studies of the emergence of successful export activities in Chile: wine, pork and blueberries. Each case study discusses how companies, associations, and governments at various levels have addressed market failures and facilitated the provision of public goods necessary for each activity. The case studies additionally profile first movers in each activity and describe the positive externalities they provide to imitators, particularly diffusion of export knowledge. Also included are counterfactual cases of a less successful firm or activity (an unsuccessful wine exporter, other types of berries, and commodity pork production rather than custom cuts, respectively) and a discussion of policy implications.Exports, Agriculture, Chile

    Relation-based Galois connections: towards the residual of a relation

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    Inma P. Cabrera, Pablo Cordero, Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Relation-based Galois connections: towards the residual of a relation, CMMSE 2017: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering ( ISBN: 978-84-617-8694-7) , pp. 469--475We explore a suitable generalization of the notion of Galois connection in which their components are binary relations. Many different approaches are possible depending both on the (pre-)order relation between subsets in the underlying powerdomain and the chosen type of relational composition.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Totalistarism and human rights

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    Este trabajo se dedica a analizar los caracteres que son comunes a todas las doctrinas totalitarias. A pesar de que existen diferencias entre fascismo, nazismo y estalinismo hay ciertos elementos compartidos que se centran en la negación del sistema democrático, por un lado, y en la negación de los derechos humanos, por el otro. Además, los sistemas totalitarios no dudaron en utilizar el terror y la violencia para la consecución de estos objetivos.This essay is devoted to analyse the features which are common to totalitarian doctrines. Notwithstanding the differences between fascism, nazism and stalinism, they have certain shared elements focused in the denial of democracy and of human rights. Besides, the totalitarian regimes did to hesitate to employ terror and violence to further these aims

    Reflexiones sobre los llamados "derechos morales"

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    Welfare Policies and Solidarity Toward the Elderly

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    In this paper we analyze the effect of welfare policies oriented toward the elderly on solidarity toward the elderly in a sample of European countries. The research question is whether more generous welfare policies crowd out solidarity. For this purpose, we analyze four waves of the SHARE database. We use multilevel analysis to estimate the effect of national variables on transfers toward the elderly, controlling for individual level variables. At the national level we focus on the effect of public spending on policies oriented toward the elderly after controlling for some other relevant variables, such as the proportion of elderly people, female labor force participation and unemployment. Our results indicate that expenditure in social protection toward the elderly has a positive and significant (albeit moderate) effect on the economic support received by the elderly (which is in line with the Crowding-in hypothesis). However, in the case of time transfers, we find that expenditure in social protection toward the elderly has a negative and significant impact on the time transfers received by the elderly (which is consistent with the Crowding-out hypothesis).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Numerical tool for tsunami risk assessment in the southern coast of Dominican Republic

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    The southern coast of Dominican Republic is a very populated region, with several important cities including Santo Domingo, its capital. Important activities are rooted in the southern coast including tourism, industry, commercial ports, and, energy facilities, among others. According to historical reports, it has been impacted by big earthquakes accompanied by tsunamis as in Azua in 1751 and recently Pedernales in 2010, but their sources are not clearly identified. The aim of the present work is to develop a numerical tool to simulate the impact in the southern coast of the Dominican Republic of tsunamis generated in the Caribbean Sea. This tool, based on the Tsunami-HySEA model from EDANYA group (University of Malaga, Spain), could be used in the framework of a Tsunami Early Warning Systems due the very short computing times when only propagation is computed or it could be used to assess inundation impact, computing inundation with a initial 5 meter resolution. Numerical results corresponding to three theoretical sources are used to test the numerical tool.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish Government Research project SIMURISK (MTM2015-70490-C2-1-R), the Junta de Andalucía research project TESELA (P11-RNM7069), and Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. The GPU and multi-GPU computations were performed at the Unit of Numerical Methods (UNM) of the Research Support Central Services (SCAI) of the University of Malaga
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