358 research outputs found

    Effect of Core Cooling on the Radius of Sub-Neptune Planets

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    Sub-Neptune planets are very common in our galaxy and show a large diversity in their mass-radius relation. In sub-Neptunes most of the planet mass is in the rocky part (hereafter core) which is surrounded by a modest hydrogen-helium envelope. As a result, the total initial heat content of such a planet is dominated by that of the core. Nonetheless, most studies contend that the core cooling will only have a minor effect on the radius evolution of the gaseous envelope, because the core's cooling is in sync with the envelope, i.e., most of the initial heat is released early on timescales of about 10-100 Myr. In this Letter we examine the importance of the core cooling rate for the thermal evolution of the envelope. Thus, we relax the early core cooling assumption and present a model where the core is characterized by two parameters: the initial temperature and the cooling time. We find that core cooling can significantly enhance the radius of the planet when it operates on a timescale similar to the observed age, i.e. several Gyr. Consequently, the interpretation of sub-Neptunes' mass-radius observations depends on the assumed core thermal properties and the uncertainty therein. The degeneracy of composition and core thermal properties can be reduced by obtaining better estimates of the planet ages (in addition to their radii and masses) as envisioned by future observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Dynamical rearrangement of super-Earths during disk dispersal I. Outline of the magnetospheric rebound model

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    The Kepler mission has discovered that multiple close-in super-Earth planets are common around solar-type stars, but their period ratios do not show strong pile-ups near mean motion resonances (MMRs). One scenario is that super-Earths form in a gas-rich disk, and they interact gravitationally with the surrounding gas, inducing their orbital migration. Disk migration theory predicts, however, that planets would end up at resonant orbits due to their differential migration speed. Motivated by the discrepancy between observation and theory, we seek for a mechanism that moves planets out of resonances. We examine the orbital evolution of planet pairs near the magnetospheric cavity during the gas disk dispersal phase. Our study determines the conditions under which planets can escape resonances. We perform two-planet N-body simulations, varying the planet masses, stellar magnetic field strengths, disk accretion rates and gas disk depletion timescales. As planets migrate outward with the expanding magnetospheric cavity, their dynamical configurations can be rearranged. Migration of planets is substantial (minor) in a massive (light) disk. When the outer planet is more massive than the inner planet, the period ratio of two planets increases through outward migration. On the other hand, when the inner planet is more massive, the final period ratio tends to remain similar to the initial one. Larger stellar magnetic field strengths result in planets stopping their migration at longer periods. We highlight \textit{magnetospheric rebound} as an important ingredient able to reconcile disk migration theory with observations. Even when planets are trapped into MMR during the early gas-rich stage, subsequent cavity expansion would induce substantial changes to their orbits, moving them out of resonance.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Coreshine in L1506C - Evidence for a primitive big-grain component or indication for a turbulent core history?

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    The recently discovered coreshine effect can aid in exploring the core properties and in probing the large grain population of the ISM. We discuss the implications of the coreshine detected from the molecular cloud core L1506C in the Taurus filament for the history of the core and the existence of a primitive ISM component of large grains becoming visible in cores. The coreshine surface brightness of L1506C is determined from IRAC Spitzer images at 3.6 micron. We perform grain growth calculations to estimate the grain size distribution in model cores similar in gas density, radius, and turbulent velocity to L1506C. Scattered light intensities at 3.6 micron are calculated for a variety of MRN and grain growth distributions to compare with the observed coreshine. For a core with the overall physical properties of L1506C, no detectable coreshine is predicted for an MRN size distribution. Extending the distribution to grain radii of about 0.65 μ\mum allows to reproduce the observed surface brightness level in scattered light. Assuming the properties of L1506C to be preserved, models for the growth of grains in cores do not yield sufficient scattered light to account for the coreshine within the lifetime of the Taurus complex. Only increasing the core density and the turbulence amplifies the scattered light intensity to a level consistent with the observed coreshine brightness. The grains could be part of primitive omni-present large grain population becoming visible in the densest part of the ISM, could grow under the turbulent dense conditions of former cores, or in L1506C itself. In the later case, L1506C must have passed through a period of larger density and stronger turbulence. This would be consistent with the surprisingly strong depletion usually attributed to high column densities, and with the large-scale outward motion of the core envelope observed today.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Closed-form expressions for particle relative velocities induced by turbulence

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    In this note we present complete, closed-form expressions for random relative velocities between colliding particles of arbitrary size in nebula turbulence. These results are exact for very small particles (those with stopping times much shorter than the large eddy overturn time) and are also surprisingly accurate in complete generality (that is, also apply for particles with stopping times comparable to, or much longer than, the large eddy overturn time). We note that some previous studies may have adopted previous simple expressions, which we find to be in error regarding the size dependence in the large particle regime.Comment: 8 pages, accepted as Research Note by A&

    Monte Carlo simulation of particle interactions at high dynamic range: Advancing beyond the Googol

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    We present a method which extends Monte Carlo studies to situations that require a large dynamic range in particle number. The underlying idea is that, in order to calculate the collisional evolution of a system, some particle interactions are more important than others and require more resolution, while the behavior of the less important, usually of smaller mass, particles can be considered collectively. In this approximation groups of identical particles, sharing the same mass and structural parameters, operate as one unit. The amount of grouping is determined by the zoom factor -- a free parameter that determines on which particles the computational effort is focused. Two methods for choosing the zoom factors are discussed: the `equal mass method,' in which the groups trace the mass density of the distribution, and the `distribution method,' which additionally follows fluctuations in the distribution. Both methods achieve excellent correspondence with analytic solutions to the Smoluchowski coagulation equation. The grouping method is furthermore applied to simulations involving runaway kernels, where the particle interaction rate is a strong function of particle mass, and to situations that include catastrophic fragmentation. For the runaway simulations previous predictions for the decrease of the runaway timescale with the initial number of particles N{\cal N} are reconfirmed, extending N{\cal N} to 1016010^{160}. Astrophysical applications include modeling of dust coagulation, planetesimal accretion, and the dynamical evolution of stars in large globular clusters. The proposed method is a powerful tool to compute the evolution of any system where the particles interact through discrete events, with the particle properties characterized by structural parameters.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Re-submitted to ApJ with comments of the referee include

    Effect of turbulence on collisions of dust particles with planetesimals in protoplanetary disks

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    Planetesimals in gaseous protoplanetary disks may grow by collecting dust particles. Hydrodynamical studies show that small particles generally avoid collisions with the planetesimals because they are entrained by the flow around them. This occurs when StSt, the Stokes number, defined as the ratio of the dust stopping time to the planetesimal crossing time, becomes much smaller than unity. However, these studies have been limited to the laminar case, whereas these disks are believed to be turbulent. We want to estimate the influence of gas turbulence on the dust-planetesimal collision rate and on the impact speeds. We used three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of a fixed sphere (planetesimal) facing a laminar and turbulent flow seeded with small inertial particles (dust) subject to a Stokes drag. A no-slip boundary condition on the planetesimal surface is modeled via a penalty method. We find that turbulence can significantly increase the collision rate of dust particles with planetesimals. For a high turbulence case (when the amplitude of turbulent fluctuations is similar to the headwind velocity), we find that the collision probability remains equal to the geometrical rate or even higher for St0.1St\geq 0.1, i.e., for dust sizes an order of magnitude smaller than in the laminar case. We derive expressions to calculate impact probabilities as a function of dust and planetesimal size and turbulent intensity

    Breaking through: The effects of a velocity distribution on barriers to dust growth

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    It is unknown how far dust growth can proceed by coagulation. Obstacles to collisional growth are the fragmentation and bouncing barriers. However, in all previous simulations of the dust-size evolution in protoplanetary disks, only the mean collision velocity has been considered, neglecting that a small but possibly important fraction of the collisions will occur at both much lower and higher velocities. We study the effect of the probability distribution of impact velocities on the collisional dust growth barriers. Assuming a Maxwellian velocity distribution for colliding particles to determine the fraction of sticking, bouncing, and fragmentation, we implement this in a dust-size evolution code. We also calculate the probability of growing through the barriers and the growth timescale in these regimes. We find that the collisional growth barriers are not as sharp as previously thought. With the existence of low-velocity collisions, a small fraction of the particles manage to grow to masses orders of magnitude above the main population. A particle velocity distribution softens the fragmentation barrier and removes the bouncing barrier. It broadens the size distribution in a natural way, allowing the largest particles to become the first seeds that initiate sweep-up growth towards planetesimal sizes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Contribution of the core to the thermal evolution of sub-Neptunes

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    Sub-Neptune planets are a very common type of planets. They are inferred to harbour a primordial (H/He) envelope, on top of a (rocky) core, which dominates the mass. Here, we investigate the long-term consequences of the core properties on the planet mass-radius relation. We consider the role of various core energy sources resulting from core formation, its differentiation, its solidification (latent heat), core contraction and radioactive decay. We divide the evolution of the rocky core into three phases: the formation phase, which sets the initial conditions, the magma ocean phase, characterized by rapid heat transport, and the solid state phase, where cooling is inefficient. We find that for typical sub-Neptune planets of ~2-10 Earth masses and envelope mass fractions of 0.5-10% the magma ocean phase lasts several Gyrs, much longer than for terrestrial planets. The magma ocean phase effectively erases any signs of the initial core thermodynamic state. After solidification, the reduced heat flux from the rocky core causes a significant drop in the rocky core surface temperature, but its effect on the planet radius is limited. In the long run, radioactive heating is the most significant core energy source in our model. Overall, the long term radius uncertainty by core thermal effects is up to 15%.Comment: ApJ Publishe

    Spinning up planetary bodies by pebble accretion

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    Most major planetary bodies in the solar system rotate in the same direction as their orbital motion: their spin is prograde. Theoretical studies to explain the direction as well as the magnitude of the spin vector have had mixed success. When the accreting building blocks are \sim km-size planetesimals -- as predicted by the classical model -- the accretion process is so symmetric that it cancels out prograde with retrograde spin contributions, rendering the net spin minute. For this reason, the currently-favored model for the origin of planetary rotation is the giant impact model, in which a single collision suffices to deliver a spin, which magnitude is close to the breakup rotation rate. However, the giant impact model does not naturally explain the preference for prograde spin. Similarly, an increasing number of spin-vector measurement of asteroids also shows that the spin vector of large (primordial) asteroids is not isotropic. Here, we re-assess the viability of smaller particles to bestow planetary bodies with a net spin, focusing on the pebble accretion model in which gas drag and gravity join forces to accrete small particles at a large cross section. Similar to the classical calculation for planetesimals, we integrate the pebble equation of motion and measure the angular momentum transfer at impact. We consider a variety of disk conditions and pebble properties and conduct our calculations in the limits of 2D (planar) and 3D (homogeneous) pebble distributions. We find that in certain regions of the parameter space the angular momentum transfer is significant, much larger than with planetesimals and on par with or exceeding the current spin of planetary bodies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icaru