1,434 research outputs found

    On Certain Large Random Hermitian Jacobi Matrices with Applications to Wireless Communications

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    In this paper we study the spectrum of certain large random Hermitian Jacobi matrices. These matrices are known to describe certain communication setups. In particular we are interested in an uplink cellular channel which models mobile users experiencing a soft-handoff situation under joint multicell decoding. Considering rather general fading statistics we provide a closed form expression for the per-cell sum-rate of this channel in high-SNR, when an intra-cell TDMA protocol is employed. Since the matrices of interest are tridiagonal, their eigenvectors can be considered as sequences with second order linear recurrence. Therefore, the problem is reduced to the study of the exponential growth of products of two by two matrices. For the case where KK users are simultaneously active in each cell, we obtain a series of lower and upper bound on the high-SNR power offset of the per-cell sum-rate, which are considerably tighter than previously known bounds

    Politics of Education and Teachers’ Support for High-Stakes Teacher Accountability Policies

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    Although educators are at the center of contentious high-stakes teacher accountability policies, we know very little about their attitudes toward these policies. This research gap is unfortunate because teachers are considered key actors in successful implementation of educational reforms. To what extent do the politics that accompany the introduction of high-stakes teacher accountability policies affect teachers’ support for the policies themselves? To address this gap, we used data from an experimental survey of teachers in New Jersey (n=444), where a new reform—Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for Children of New Jersey Act (TEACHNJ)—was signed into law in 2012 and implemented shortly after. The cornerstone of the reform is a new evaluation system that ties student performance on standardized tests to teachers’ evaluation. We found that the majority of teachers oppose the new evaluation system. Teachers’ attitudes were shaped by the politics of the key actors advocating for the policy, perceptions of implementation efforts, and beliefs in the potential outcome of the policy. Open-ended responses indicated that teachers question the validity of the evaluation system and are concerned about the negative intended and unintended consequences of the system. We conclude this paper by discussing the implications of these findings for policy studies and policymaking

    Política educativa e professores em apoio às políticas de prestação de contas

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    Although educators are at the center of contentious high-stakes teacher accountability policies, we know very little about their attitudes toward these policies. This research gap is unfortunate because teachers are considered key actors in successful implementation of educational reforms. To what extent do the politics that accompany the introduction of high-stakes teacher accountability policies affect teachers’ support for the policies themselves? To address this gap, we used data from an experimental survey of teachers in New Jersey (n=444), where a new reform—Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for Children of New Jersey Act (TEACHNJ)—was signed into law in 2012 and implemented shortly after. The cornerstone of the reform is a new evaluation system that ties student performance on standardized tests to teachers’ evaluation. We found that the majority of teachers oppose the new evaluation system. Teachers’ attitudes were shaped by the politics of the key actors advocating for the policy, perceptions of implementation efforts, and beliefs in the potential outcome of the policy. Open-ended responses indicated that teachers question the validity of the evaluation system and are concerned about the negative intended and unintended consequences of the system. We conclude this paper by discussing the implications of these findings for policy studies and policymaking.Aunque los educadores están en el centro de las polémicas políticas de responsabilidad de los maestros, sabemos muy poco acerca de sus actitudes hacia estas políticas. Esta brecha de investigación es desafortunada porque los maestros son considerados actores clave en la implementación exitosa de las reformas educativas. ¿Hasta qué punto la política que acompaña a la introducción de políticas de responsabilidad de maestros de alto riesgo afecta el apoyo de los profesores a las políticas mismas? Para abordar esta laguna, utilizamos datos de una encuesta experimental de maestros en New Jersey (n = 444), donde una nueva reforma -La Ley de Eficacia y Rendición de Cuentas de los Maestros de Niños de New Jersey (TEACHNJ) poco después. La piedra angular de la reforma es un nuevo sistema de evaluación que vincula el desempeño de los estudiantes en las pruebas estandarizadas con las evaluaciones de los maestros. Encontramos que la mayoría de los maestros en nuestro estudio se oponen al nuevo sistema de evaluación. Las actitudes de los maestros fueron moldeadas por la política de los actores claves que abogaban por la política, las percepciones de los esfuerzos de implementación y las creencias en el resultado potencial de la política. Las respuestas abiertas indican que los docentes cuestionan la validez del sistema de evaluación y están preocupados por las consecuencias negativas y no intencionales del sistema. Concluimos este trabajo discutiendo las implicaciones de estos hallazgos para los estudios de políticas y la formulación de políticas.Embora os educadores estejam no centro das controvertidas políticas de responsabilidade dos professores, sabemos muito pouco sobre suas atitudes em relação a essas políticas. Esta lacuna de pesquisa é lamentável porque os professores são considerados protagonistas da implementação bem-sucedida de reformas educacionais. Em que medida a política que acompanha a introdução de políticas de responsabilidade de professores de alto risco afeta o apoio dos professores às próprias políticas? Para abordar esta lacuna, utilizamos dados de uma Pesquisa de Professores Experimentais em New Jersey (n = 444), onde uma nova reforma - Lei de Responsabilidade e Responsabilidade dos Professores de Nova Jersey (TEACHNJ) pouco depois. A pedra angular da reforma é um novo sistema de avaliação que relaciona o desempenho do aluno em testes padronizados com avaliações de professores. Achamos que a maioria dos professores em nosso estudo se opõe ao novo sistema de avaliação. As atitudes dos professores foram moldadas pela política dos principais atores que defendiam políticas, percepções de esforços de implementação e crenças sobre o resultado potencial da política. As respostas abertas indicam que os professores questionam a validade do sistema de avaliação e estão preocupados com as conseqüências negativas e não intencionais do sistema. Concluímos este artigo discutindo as implicações desses achados para estudos de política e elaboração de políticas
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