8 research outputs found

    Invernadero robotizado: perspectiva de dise帽o desde los sistemas ciber-f铆sicos

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    Los Sistemas Ciber-F铆sicos (SCF) son una nueva disciplina de investigaci贸n que involucra a la ingenier铆a el茅ctrica, electr贸nica, inform谩tica, control y comunicaciones interactuando con los procesos f铆sicos. Esto lleva a un dominio de gesti贸n conjunta donde los dos mundos (cibern茅tica y f铆sica) deben tenerse en cuenta para decidir las acciones a tomar. Por lo tanto, un aspecto fundamental en el desarrollo de sistemas ciber-f铆sicos es la comprensi贸n del problema, el medio ambiente y de las entidades involucradas. En este sentido, este trabajo presenta el dise帽o de un invernadero robotizado, que involucra la construcci贸n f铆sica del invernadero y de un robot m贸vil interactuando con el medio f铆sico (recolectando datos y accionando sobre las plantas).Secci贸n: Dise帽o de hardware FPGACentro de T茅cnicas Anal贸gico-Digitale

    Ingenier铆a de Requerimientos Aplicada al Dise帽o de un Biodigestor

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    Las fuentes no tradicionales de energ铆a, como la radiaci贸n solar, el viento, la biomasa y el biog谩s, se han vuelto cada vez m谩s populares. En particular, la digesti贸n anaer贸bica, para producci贸n de biogas, involucra diversos grupos de microorganismos en un proceso complejo. As铆, un mejor monitoreo y control es importante para alcanzar la estabilidad del proceso y optimizar la producci贸n de biogas, sin el riesgo de una falla del mismo. El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de un proyecto de investigaci贸n y desarrollo de t茅cnicas y mecanismos que optimicen el desempe帽o del proceso de biodigesti贸n anaer贸bica para producci贸n de biogas. En este sentido, este art铆culo es el resultado de la primera etapa del proceso de desarrollo mencionado: la ingenier铆a de requerimientos del sistema. En particular, los objetivos de este trabajo son los siguientes: 1) presentar un m茅todo sistem谩tico para capturar y especificar requerimientos en sistemas de control en tiempo real; y 2) mostrar la aplicaci贸n de dicho m茅todo al caso de un biodigestor.Non-traditional sources of energy such as solar radiation, wind, biomass and biogas, have become increasingly popular. In particular, anaerobic digestion for biogas production involves several groups of organisms in a complex process. Thus, better monitoring and control is important for the stability of the process and optimizing the production of biogas, without the risk of failure thereof. This work is part of a research and development project about techniques and mechanisms that optimize the performance of anaerobic bio)digestion process for biogas production. In this sense, this article is the result of the first stage of the development process mentioned: system requirements engineering. In particular, the objectives of this study are: 1) to present a systematic method to capture and specify requirements in real)time control systems; and 2) to show the application of this method to the case of a digester.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Propuesta metodol贸gica para la caracterizaci贸n de ciudades inteligentes y destinos tur铆sticos inteligentes en ciudades intermedias tur铆sticas: El caso Puerto Madryn

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    Las ciudades inteligentes (CI) se caracterizan por emplear las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y la Comunicaci贸n (TIC) con el prop贸sito de lograr un desarrollo sostenible y mejorar la calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos. Por su parte, los Destinos Tur铆sticos Inteligentes (DTI) son destinos tur铆sticos innovadores que utilizan las TIC con el objetivo de mejorar la experiencia del turista en el destino y la calidad de vida del residente. A partir de estos conceptos y sus v铆nculos, el presente trabajo analiza las caracter铆sticas de las CI y los DTI que se implementan en ciudades intermedias tur铆sticas, y en este caso se tom贸 para su estudio a la ciudad de Puerto Madryn. Para ello, se propone un abordaje metodol贸gico que consiste en un an谩lisis de contenido documental y bibliogr谩fico, relevamiento de software tanto de aplicaciones m贸viles como de sistemas de acceso p煤blico, y observaci贸n de campo.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Extending the 4-Variable Approach to Cyber-Physical Systems: A Practical Experience

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    Abstract. Cyber-physical systems are a new research discipline that involves many areas. The key concept behind this discipline has to do with a strong interaction between the physical world and a computing system, which should be transparent to an external observer. Thus, it cannot be determined whether the system's behavior is due to the influence of the environment or the actions of the computing system. In this paper, a requirement analysis approach for these systems is presented. It is called 3D Approach and it is based on the well-known 4-Variable Model. The 3D Approach came out as the result of systematizing practical experiences taken from the design of a biodigester

    A Cyclist Traffic Simulation and Analysis Tool

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    The movement in favor of the use of bicycles as an alternative to mobility has been booming in the last two decades. This has been inserted within the policy of revaluation of the urban environment and improvement of the quality of life in the city. In this work we expose: an analytical model of cyclist transit, the design of a cycling simulator and a path analysis and visualization tool. The objective of this simulator is to determine the appropriate streets to install bikeways in the city of Puerto Madryn. The results of this work can be extrapolated to other intermediate cities, which present low density and high population growth, with a size of less than 150,000 inhabitants

    Time is not Enough: Dealing with Behavior in Real-Time Systems

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    In this paper, the Behavioral Importance Priority Server (BIPS) algorithm is proposed to schedule sets of hard/soft real-time tasks. The mechanism postpones or advances the execution of the next instance of a task according to the value obtained from a function properly associated to the behavior of the task; as a consequence, there is a flexible adaptation of the bandwidth required by each server. A synchronization method is introduced to prevent deadlocks and priority inversions in the case of sets of tasks sharing resources along with the necessary and sufficient conditions for the schedulability analysis. A software framework proposing an abstract architecture of a system based on BIPS is also presented. The BIPS software framework intends to bridge the gap between theoretical scheduling aspects and the actual implementation of them. Since BIPS is capable of managing very different sets of tasks, it covers a wide variety of applications found in the real world

    A Cyclist Traffic Simulation and Analysis Tool

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    The movement in favor of the use of bicycles as an alternative to mobility has been booming in the last two decades. This has been inserted within the policy of revaluation of the urban environment and improvement of the quality of life in the city. In this work we expose: an analytical model of cyclist transit, the design of a cycling simulator and a path analysis and visualization tool. The objective of this simulator is to determine the appropriate streets to install bikeways in the city of Puerto Madryn. The results of this work can be extrapolated to other intermediate cities, which present low density and high population growth, with a size of less than 150,000 inhabitants