127 research outputs found

    Analgesic Activity of Conyza Floribunda Extracts in Swiss Albino Mice

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    Traditional medicine still plays an important role in managing infections especially in Africa. Extracts of Conyza floribunda Kunth are used to treat sore throat, ringworm and other skin related infections, toothache and to stop bleeding from injuries. Extracts from the plant have been reported to exhibit antibacterial and antifungal activities. Previous phytochemical studies on the plant yielded terpenoid, sterols and flavonoids. The aim of the present study was to determine the analgesic activity Conyza floribunda extracts. Methanol, DCM and n-hexane extracts of the plant were subjects to toxicity, hot plate latency and acetic acid induced-writhing tests using Swiss Albino Mice. The plant extract showed analgesic activity in both hot plate latency and acetic acid induced-writhing tests. The extracts significantly increased the response time in the animals compared to the negative control. In the hot plate latency test, the analgesic activity of the extracts and that of morphine rose over time to peak at 90 minutes and then decreased afterwards. In the acetic acid-induces writhing test, administration of the plant extracts significantly reduced the number of abdominal contractions compared to the negative control. The percentage inhibitions of abdominal contractions were 67.2, 46.5 and 39.4 for methanol, DCM and n-hexane extracts respectively. The findings from this study have confirmed the folkloric information that extracts from C. floribunda have analgesic properties. We therefore recommend the extracts from the plant for use in pain management. Further studies should be carried out to isolate and characterize the analgesic principles from the plant. Keywords: Conyza floribunda, Toxicity test, Analgesic activity, Hot plate test, Writhing test DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/12-12-01 Publication date:June 30th 2021

    Effect of Acid Treatment on the Chemical Properties of Clays from Selected Sites in Murang’a and Nyeri counties, Kenya

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    Assessing improvement on the quality of clay has been conducted by treatment with different concentrations of hydrochloric and oxalic acid. This project intended to assess the effect of acid treatment on the elemental composition of clays from selected sites. The clays were leached using hydrochloric and oxalic acid separately at a concentration of 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2M. The elemental composition of raw and acid-treated clays was determined using AAS. Elemental composition of the acid-treated clays, in oxide form were in the ranges of 40.80-65.16 % SiO2, 7.16 -30.33 % Al2O3, 0.33-7.62 %TiO2, 0.24-2.65 % K2O, 0.01-1.82 % MgO. The findings of this study showed that the quality of clays could be improved by acid treatment hence the clays can be used as a source of raw materials for industrial applications. Keywords: Acid-treatment, Elemental, raw materials DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/11-22-05 Publication date: November 30th 202

    An exploratory study of community factors relevant for participatory malaria control on Rusinga Island, western Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Capacity strengthening of rural communities, and the various actors that support them, is needed to enable them to lead their own malaria control programmes. Here the existing capacity of a rural community in western Kenya was evaluated in preparation for a larger intervention.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Focus group discussions and semi-structured individual interviews were carried out in 1,451 households to determine (1) demographics of respondent and household; (2) socio-economic status of the household; (3) knowledge and beliefs about malaria (symptoms, prevention methods, mosquito life cycle); (4) typical practices used for malaria prevention; (5) the treatment-seeking behaviour and household expenditure for malaria treatment; and (6) the willingness to prepare and implement community-based vector control.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Malaria was considered a major threat to life but relevant knowledge was a chimera of scientific knowledge and traditional beliefs, which combined with socio-economic circumstances, leads to ineffective malaria prevention. The actual malaria prevention behaviour practiced by community members differed significantly from methods known to the respondents. Beside bednet use, the major interventions implemented were bush clearing and various hygienic measures, even though these are ineffective for malaria prevention. Encouragingly, most respondents believed malaria could be controlled and were willing to contribute to a community-based malaria control program but felt they needed outside assistance.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Culturally sensitive but evidence-based education interventions, utilizing participatory tools, are urgently required which consider traditional beliefs and enable understanding of causal connections between mosquito ecology, parasite transmission and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. Community-based organizations and schools need to be equipped with knowledge through partnerships with national and international research and tertiary education institutions so that evidence-based research can be applied at the grassroots level.</p

    Effects Of Catha edulis’ Leaf Extract on Blood Chemistry and Kidney Tissues in Small East African Male Goats from Rift Valley Province of Kenya

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    Objectives: To determine the serum electrolytes levels in animals treated with Catha edulis leaf extract.Design: Experimental studySetting: Department of Biological Sciences at the Chepkoilel University College, Moi UniversitySubjects: Fourteen (14) reproductively mature and healthy small East African male goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) from Kerio Valley in Rift Valley province of Kenya.Intervention: Plasma electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Cl-), urea, creatine and glucose levels were investigated in eight control and fourteen experimental small East African male goats before and after treatment with Catha edulis leaf extracts. At the end of the study the animals’ were sacrificed and their kidneys extracted for histological examination.Results: mean sodium and calcium levels were lower in treated animals than nontreated animals (138 v/s 143.6 mmol/L and 3.3 v/s 2.2 mmol/L respectively), p&lt;0.001 Plasma glucose levels also declined from  4.0-4.1mmol/L to 3.3-3.5mmol/L following the Catha edulis leaf extract treatment. However serum nitrogenous metabolites levels increased significantly in Catha edulis treated animals (urea; 6.5 v/s 5.2 mmol/L andcreatine; 69.9 v/s 55.4 mmol/L). Histological examination of renal tissue of Catha edulis treated animals revealed degenerative changes and hypercellularity in the glomeruli as well as interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration. Nuclei of proximal convoluted tubule cells also appeared pyknotic while those of the macula densa appeared granular.Conclusion: The present study showed that Catha edulis treatment was associated with electrolyte imbalance which may have been as a result of degenerative changes in the renal system. The findings are a pointer to the fact that Catha edulis use may predispose the users to renal disorders and subsequent electrolyte imbalance

    Sexual vulnerability and HIV seroprevalence among the deaf and hearing impaired in Cameroon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This quantitative cross-sectional study examines sexual behaviour of a target group of hearing-impaired persons in Yaounde, the capital city of the Republic of Cameroon. It measures their HIV prevalence to enable assessment of their sexual vulnerability and to help reduce the gap in existing HIV serology data among people with disabilities in general and the deaf in particular.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The snowball sampling procedure was adopted as an adequate approach to meet this hard-to-reach group. A total of 118 deaf participants were interviewed for the behavioural component, using sign language as a means of data collection, while 101 participants underwent HIV serology testing. Descriptive analyses were done for behavioural data with Epi info software, while sera were tested by health personnel, using rapid and confirmation test reagents.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the results, it was clear that the hearing impaired were highly involved in risky sexual practices, as observed through major sexual indicators, such as: age at first sexual intercourse; condom use; and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections and AIDS. Furthermore, it was noted that the HIV prevalence rate of the hearing impaired in the capital of Cameroon was 4%, close to the prevalence in the city's general population (4.7%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Such results suggest that there is a need for in-depth behavioural research and serological studies in this domain to better understand the determinants of risky sexual behaviour among the hearing impaired, and to propose operational prevention approaches for this group.</p

    The effects of zooprophylaxis and other mosquito control measures against malaria in Nouna, Burkina Faso

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the absence of large scale, organized vector control programmes, individual protective measures against mosquitoes are essential for reducing the transmission of diseases like malaria. Knowledge of the types and effectiveness of mosquito control methods used by households can aid in the development and promotion of preventive measures.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A matched, population-based case control study was carried out in the semi-urban region of Nouna, Burkina Faso. Surveys and mosquito captures were conducted for each participating household. Data were analysed using conditional logistic regression and Pearson's product-moment correlations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In Nouna, Burkina Faso, the main types of reported mosquito control measures used included sleeping under bed nets (insecticide-treated and untreated) and burning mosquito coils. Most of the study households kept animals within the compound or house at night. Insecticide house sprays, donkeys, rabbits and pigs were significantly associated with a reduced risk of malaria only in univariate analyses.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Given the conflicting results of the effects of zooprophylaxis from previous studies, other community-based preventive measures, such as bed nets, coils and insecticide house-spraying, may be of more benefit.</p

    Studies of pigeonpea insect pests and their management in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda

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    Systematic surveys were conducted in farmers= fields in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda to determine the incidence, distribution and damage levels due to insect pests of pigeonpea seeds. Three surveys were conducted in eastern Kenya, one in 1992 and two in 1995. Two surveys, one per country per year - were conducted in Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda in 1995 and 1996. Key insect pests were pod sucking bugs (dominated by Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal), pod and seed boring Lepidoptera (Helicoverpa armigera HĂŒbner, Maruca vitrata (= testulalis) Geyer, Etiella zinkenella Treitschke), and pod fly (Melanagromyza chalcosoma Spencer). Seed damage due to insect pests were 22, 15, 14, and 16% in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda, respectively. Damage levels indicated that pod sucking bugs were more damaging in Malawi (caused 69% of total seed damage) and Kenya (43%), while pod borers caused more damage in Tanzania (50%) and Uganda (54%). Pod fly caused more damage in Kenya than in the other countries. Pod borer damage was high in early maturing crops and pod fly in late maturing crops, while pod sucking bugs damage was high regardless of crop maturity period. Greater variations in seed damage were observed between locations in Kenya, Malawi, and Tanzania than in Uganda. Warm and dry locations had less seed damage than warm and humid, cool and dry, or cool and humid locations in Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania. None of the farmers visited in Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda used conventional pesticides on pigeonpea in the field. Over 80% of these farmers used traditional methods in storage pest management. In contrast, 35 and 53% of farmers in Kenya had used conventional pesticides on long-duration pigeonpea genotypes in their fields

    Improving access to health care for malaria in Africa: a review of literature on what attracts patients

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing access to health care services is considered central to improving the health of populations. Existing reviews to understand factors affecting access to health care have focused on attributes of patients and their communities that act as 'barriers' to access, such as education level, financial and cultural factors. This review addresses the need to learn about provider characteristics that encourage patients to attend their health services. METHODS: This literature review aims to describe research that has identified characteristics that clients are looking for in the providers they approach for their health care needs, specifically for malaria in Africa. Keywords of 'malaria' and 'treatment seek*' or 'health seek*' and 'Africa' were searched for in the following databases: Web of Science, IBSS and Medline. Reviews of each paper were undertaken by two members of the team. Factors attracting patients according to each paper were listed and the strength of evidence was assessed by evaluating the methods used and the richness of descriptions of findings. RESULTS: A total of 97 papers fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. The review of these papers identified several characteristics that were reported to attract patients to providers of all types, including lower cost of services, close proximity to patients, positive manner of providers, medicines that patients believe will cure them, and timeliness of services. Additional categories of factors were noted to attract patients to either higher or lower-level providers. The strength of evidence reviewed varied, with limitations observed in the use of methods utilizing pre-defined questions and the uncritical use of concepts such as 'quality', 'costs' and 'access'. Although most papers (90%) were published since the year 2000, most categories of attributes had been described in earlier papers. CONCLUSION: This paper argues that improving access to services requires attention to factors that will attract patients, and recommends that public services are improved in the specific aspects identified in this review. It also argues that research into access should expand its lens to consider provider characteristics more broadly, especially using methods that enable open responses. Access must be reconceptualized beyond the notion of barriers to consider attributes of attraction if patients are to receive quality care quickly

    Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort

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    Inferring molecular networks is a central challenge in computational biology. However, it has remained unclear whether causal, rather than merely correlational, relationships can be effectively inferred in complex biological settings. Here we describe the HPN-DREAM network inference challenge that focused on learning causal influences in signaling networks. We used phosphoprotein data from cancer cell lines as well as in silico data from a nonlinear dynamical model. Using the phosphoprotein data, we scored more than 2,000 networks submitted by challenge participants. The networks spanned 32 biological contexts and were scored in terms of causal validity with respect to unseen interventional data. A number of approaches were effective and incorporating known biology was generally advantageous. Additional sub-challenges considered time-course prediction and visualization. Our results constitute the most comprehensive assessment of causal network inference in a mammalian setting carried out to date and suggest that learning causal relationships may be feasible in complex settings such as disease states. Furthermore, our scoring approach provides a practical way to empirically assess the causal validity of inferred molecular networks
