216 research outputs found

    The Structure of the Chemokine Receptor CXCR1 in Phospholipid Bilayers and Interactions with IL-8

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    CXCR1 is one of two high-affinity receptors for the CXC chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8), a major mediator of immune and inflammatory responses implicated in many disorders, including tumor growth(1-3). IL-8, released in response to inflammatory stimuli, binds to the extracellular side of CXCR1. The ligand-activated intracellular signaling pathways result in neutrophil migration to the site of inflammation(2). CXCR1 is a class-A, rhodopsin-like G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), the largest class of integral membrane proteins responsible for cellular signal transduction and targeted as drug receptors(4-7). Despite its importance, its molecular mechanism is poorly understood due to the limited structural information available. Recently, structure determination of GPCRs has advanced by tailoring the receptors with stabilizing mutations, insertion of the protein T4 lysozyme and truncations of their amino acid sequences(8), as well as addition of stabilizing antibodies and small molecules(9) that facilitate crystallization in cubic phase monoolein mixtures(10). The intracellular loops of GPCRs are critical for G-protein interactions(11) and activation of CXCR1 involves both N-terminal residues and extracellular loops(2,12,13). Our previous NMR studies indicate that IL-8 binding to the N-terminal residues is mediated by the membrane, underscoring the importance of the phospholipid bilayer for physiological activity(14). Here we report the three-dimensional structure of human CXCR1 determined by NMR spectroscopy. The receptor is in liquid crystalline phospholipid bilayers, without modification of its amino acid sequence and under physiological conditions. Features important for intracellular G-protein activation and signal transduction are revealed

    Exploring Chromophore-Binding Pocket: High-Resolution Solid-State 1H–13C Interfacial Correlation NMR Spectra with Windowed PMLG Scheme

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    High-resolution two-dimensional (2D) 1H–13C heteronuclear correlation spectra are recorded for selective observation of interfacial 3–5.5 Å contacts of the uniformly 13C-labeled phycocyanobilin (PCB) chromophore with its unlabeled binding pocket. The experiment is based on a medium- and long-distance heteronuclear correlation (MELODI–HETCOR) method. For improving 1H spectral resolution, a windowed phase-modulated Lee–Goldburg (wPMLG) decoupling scheme is applied during the t1 evolution period. Our approach allows for identification of chromophore–protein interactions, in particular for elucidation of the hydrogen-bonding networks and charge distributions within the chromophore-binding pocket. The resulting pulse sequence is tested on the cyanobacterial (Cph1) phytochrome sensory module (residues 1–514, Cph1Δ2) containing uniformly 13C- and 15N-labeled PCB chromophore (u-[13C,15N]-PCB-Cph1Δ2) at 17.6 T

    Viruses: incredible nanomachines. New advances with filamentous phages

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    During recent decades, bacteriophages have been at the cutting edge of new developments in molecular biology, biophysics, and, more recently, bionanotechnology. In particular filamentous viruses, for example bacteriophage M13, have a virion architecture that enables precision building of ordered and defect-free two and three-dimensional structures on a nanometre scale. This could not have been possible without detailed knowledge of coat protein structure and dynamics during the virus reproduction cycle. The results of the spectroscopic studies conducted in our group compellingly demonstrate a critical role of membrane embedment of the protein both during infectious entry of the virus into the host cell and during assembly of the new virion in the host membrane. The protein is effectively embedded in the membrane by a strong C-terminal interfacial anchor, which together with a simple tilt mechanism and a subtle structural adjustment of the extreme end of its N terminus provides favourable thermodynamical association of the protein in the lipid bilayer. This basic physicochemical rule cannot be violated and any new bionanotechnology that will emerge from bacteriophage M13 should take this into account

    Structural Analysis of a Peptide Fragment of Transmembrane Transporter Protein Bilitranslocase

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    Using a combination of genomic and post-genomic approaches is rapidly altering the number of identified human influx carriers. A transmembrane protein bilitranslocase (TCDB 2.A.65) has long attracted attention because of its function as an organic anion carrier. It has also been identified as a potential membrane transporter for cellular uptake of several drugs and due to its implication in drug uptake, it is extremely important to advance the knowledge about its structure. However, at present, only the primary structure of bilitranslocase is known. In our work, transmembrane subunits of bilitranslocase were predicted by a previously developed chemometrics model and the stability of these polypeptide chains were studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Furthermore, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles were used as a model of cell membrane and herein we present a high-resolution 3D structure of an 18 amino acid residues long peptide corresponding to the third transmembrane part of bilitranslocase obtained by use of multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. It has been experimentally confirmed that one of the transmembrane segments of bilitranslocase has alpha helical structure with hydrophilic amino acid residues oriented towards one side, thus capable of forming a channel in the membrane

    Orientation and dynamics of transmembrane peptides: the power of simple models

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    In this review we discuss recent insights obtained from well-characterized model systems into the factors that determine the orientation and tilt angles of transmembrane peptides in lipid bilayers. We will compare tilt angles of synthetic peptides with those of natural peptides and proteins, and we will discuss how tilt can be modulated by hydrophobic mismatch between the thickness of the bilayer and the length of the membrane spanning part of the peptide or protein. In particular, we will focus on results obtained on tryptophan-flanked model peptides (WALP peptides) as a case study to illustrate possible consequences of hydrophobic mismatch in molecular detail and to highlight the importance of peptide dynamics for the experimental determination of tilt angles. We will conclude with discussing some future prospects and challenges concerning the use of simple peptide/lipid model systems as a tool to understand membrane structure and function

    Recent developments in solid-state magic-angle spinning, nuclear magnetic resonance of fully and significantly isotopically labelled peptides and proteins.

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    In recent years, a large number of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques have been developed and applied to the study of fully or significantly isotopically labelled ((13)C, (15)N or (13)C/(15)N) biomolecules. In the past few years, the first structures of (13)C/(15)N-labelled peptides, Gly-Ile and Met-Leu-Phe, and a protein, Src-homology 3 domain, were solved using magic-angle spinning NMR, without recourse to any structural information obtained from other methods. This progress has been made possible by the development of NMR experiments to assign solid-state spectra and experiments to extract distance and orientational information. Another key aspect to the success of solid-state NMR is the advances made in sample preparation. These improvements will be reviewed in this contribution. Future prospects for the application of solid-state NMR to interesting biological questions will also briefly be discussed

    Membrane Anchoring by a C-terminal Tryptophan Enables HIV-1 Vpu to Displace Bone Marrow Stromal Antigen 2 (BST2) from Sites of Viral Assembly.

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    The restriction factor BST2 (tetherin) prevents the release of enveloped viruses from the host cell and is counteracted by HIV-1 Vpu. Vpu and BST2 interact directly via their transmembrane domains. This interaction enables Vpu to induce the surface down-regulation and the degradation of BST2, but neither of these activities fully accounts for the ability of Vpu to enhance virion release. During a study of naturally occurring Vpu proteins, we found that a tryptophan residue near the Vpu C terminus is particularly important for enhancing virion release. Vpu proteins with a W76G polymorphism degraded and down-regulated BST2 from the cell surface, yet they inefficiently stimulated virion release. Here we explore the mechanism of this anomaly. We find that Trp-76 is critical for the ability of Vpu to displace BST2 from sites of viral assembly in the plane of the plasma membrane. This effect does not appear to involve a general reorganization of the membrane microdomains associated with virion assembly, but rather is a specific effect of Vpu on BST2. Using NMR spectroscopy, we find that the cytoplasmic domain of Vpu and Trp-76 specifically interact with lipids. Moreover, paramagnetic relaxation enhancement studies show that Trp-76 inserts into the lipid. These data are consistent with a model whereby Trp-76 anchors the C terminus of the cytoplasmic tail of Vpu to the plasma membrane, enabling the movement of Vpu-bound BST2 away from viral assembly sites

    Structural studies of the HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu in langmuir monolayers: synchrotron X-ray reflectivity.

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    Vpu is an 81 amino acid integral membrane protein encoded by the HIV-1 genome with a N-terminal hydrophobic domain and a C-terminal hydrophilic domain. It enhances the release of virus from the infected cell and triggers degradation of the virus receptor CD4. Langmuir monolayers of mixtures of Vpu and the phospholipid 1,2-dilignoceroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLgPC) at the water-air interface were studied by synchrotron radiation-based x-ray reflectivity over a range of mole ratios at constant surface pressure and for several surface pressures at a maximal mole ratio of Vpu/DLgPC. Analysis of the x-ray reflectivity data by both slab model-refinement and model-independent box-refinement methods firmly establish the monolayer electron density profiles. The electron density profiles as a function of increasing Vpu/DLgPC mole ratio at a constant, relatively high surface pressure indicated that the amphipathic helices of the cytoplasmic domain lie on the surface of the phospholipid headgroups and the hydrophobic transmembrane helix is oriented approximately normal to the plane of monolayer within the phospholipid hydrocarbon chain layer. At maximal Vpu/DLgPC mole ratio, the tilt of the transmembrane helix with respect to the monolayer normal decreases with increasing surface pressure and the conformation of the cytoplasmic domain varies substantially with surface pressure