279 research outputs found

    Farmers' willingness to adopt silvopasture practices : investigating compensation claims using a contingent valuation approach among Swedish cattle producers

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    To mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss from cattle production in Sweden, it is particularly crucial to incentivize cattle producers to adopt silvopasture practices. To investigate cattle producers’ willingness to adopt silvopasture practices and the related compensation claims, a contingent valuation survey was conducted among cattle producers in Sweden. The theory of planned behaviour was additionally used to explain how underlying psychological constructs influence farmers’ decisions to adopt silvopasture practices. It is found that the adoption decision is negatively correlated with the female gender and the belief that silvopasture leads to higher management costs, and positively correlated with the farmers’ level of education and attitude. Furthermore, the related compensation claims are negatively correlated with the pastures size and the farmers’ confidence in benefiting from alternative sources of income, while positively correlated with the distance between the farm and the nearest city, the level of education and income. The overall mean compensation claim per year per hectare is estimated at SEK 3107.17. Although the obtained results are only preliminary estimates, they can be used for discussing and illustrating scaling up possibilities of silvopasture practices in Sweden. Accordingly, training programs, governmental expenditure, as well as increased recognition of silvopasture in the Common Agricultural Policy and its direct payments scheme are necessary to increase silvopasture implementation, respectively by enhancing knowledge around silvopasture practices and internalizing the non-market benefits of silvopasture

    A triple entente? : interplay between alphaherpesviruses and interferon in sensory neuronal cells

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    Alfaherpesvirussen bezitten de gemeenschappelijke eigenschap om een levenslange latente, slapende infectie te veroorzaken, veelal in sensorische neuronen. Het wordt steeds duidelijker dat het gastheer immuunsysteem, het neuron en het virus zich gedragen als een “triple entente” om dergelijke latente infectie te bekomen en behouden. De belangrijkste doelstelling van deze thesis was dan ook om een beter inzicht te verwerven in de interactie tussen het immuunsysteem, het neuron en het virus. In eerste instantie werd, door gebruik te maken van een in vitro tweekamer systeem van primaire porciene trigeminale ganglion neuronen, interferon α (IFN) geïdentificeerd als een molecule van het immuunsysteem die PRV en HSV-1 latentie kan induceren. Latentie wordt gekarakteriseerd door de afwezigheid van virale eiwitten, maar de aanwezigheid van viraal DNA dat kan reactiveren onder invloed van bepaalde stimuli (o.a. forskoline). Na voorbehandeling van de TG neuronen met IFN werd een stabiele onderdrukking van PRV en HSV-1 infectie bekomen die reactiveerbaar bleek na forskoline behandeling. De enige regio van het HSV-1 en PRV genoom die transcriptioneel actief is tijdens latentie is de LAT regio Er werd aangetoond dat tijdens IFN-geÏnduceerde latentie in vitro de LAT promoter actief is en LAT expressie kan worden teruggevonden. Er werd ook aangetoond dat de IFN-geïnduceerde latentie correleerde met een reductie van expressie van de virale ‘immediate-early’ (IE) genen IE180 bij PRV en zijn ortholoog ICP4 bij HSV-1. Om deze IFN-gemedieerde onderdrukking van virale IE genexpressie verder te bestuderen werd gebruik gemaakt van een neuronale continue cellijn, 50B11. Er werd aangetoond dat onder invloed van IFN het ICP4 (HSV-1) eiwit gehalte significant verlaagd is vroeg in infectie, terwijl dit voor IE180 (PRV) pas later in infectie optrad. Dit suggereertdat translatie van ICP4 snel en efficiënt onderdrukt wordt door IFN, terwijl dit minder efficiënt gebeurt voor IE180. IFN-gemedieerde inhibitie van translatie gebeurt o.a. door fosforylatie en inactivatie van de translatie initiatie factor eIF2α. Er werd aangetoond dat IFN inderdaad aanleiding geeft tot substantiële fosforylatie van eIF2α in HSV-1 geïnfecteerde cellen, terwijl dit niet het geval is in PRVgeïnfecteerde cellen. Hieruit blijkt dat PRV in staat is om de IFN-gemedieerde fosforylatie van eIF2α efficiënt tegen te werken. PRV-gemedieerde inhibitie van IFNgeïnduceerde fosforylatie van eIF2α was nog niet eerder beschreven, en werd dan ook meer in detail onderzocht. Om te achterhalen in welke fase van de infectie defosforylatie van eIF2α optreedt, werd een infectie-kinetiek uitgevoerd. Hieruit bleek dat defosforylatie reeds op 2h na inoculatie gebeurde. Experimenten met UV-geïnactiveerd PRV, cycloheximide en fosfono-azijnzuur bevestigden de betrokkenheid van vroege virale eiwit(ten) bij de defosforylatie van eIF2α. PRV codeert slecht één IE eiwit, nl. IE180. Door het uitvoeren van een combinatie-behandeling met cycloheximide en actinomycine D die enkel IE180 expressie toelaat werd aangetoond dat expressie van IE180 voldoende is om defosfoylatie van eIF2α te veroorzaken. Transfectie van IE180 bevestigde dit. Aangezien PRV geen eigen fosfatase codeert, maakt het virus vermoedelijk gebruik van een cellulair fosfatase om de defosforylatie te bewerkstelligen. Door gebruik te maken van inhibitoren werd aangetoond dat het cellulaire PP1 fosfatase betrokken is bij defosforylatie van eIF2α. In conclusie werd dus aangetoond dat PRV IE180 leidt tot defosforylatie van eIF2α. Tijdens latere stadia van infectie bleek behandeling met IFN zowel bij HSV-1 als PRV een onderdrukking van IE mRNA te veroorzaken, vermoedelijk via inhibitie van transcriptie. Om hierop dieper in te gaan, werd nagegaan of chromatine modificaties die aanleiding geven tot open of gesloten chromatine hierbij betrokken kunnen zijn. Histone deacetylases (HDAC) zijn hierbij centrale spelers en geven over het algemeen aanleiding tot een gesloten chromatine conformatie en daardoor onderdrukte transcriptie. Er werd aangetoond dat een HDAC inhibitor, trichostatin A (TSA), in staat is om de IFNgemedieerde reductie van HSV-1 ICP4 mRNA en eiwit expressie significant tegen te werken. Dit impliceert dat TSA het effect van IFN deels teniet doet. Er werd eveneens aangetoond dat IFN behandeling zorgt voor verhoogde expressie van de cellulaire factor CoREST die deel uitmaakt van het transcriptie onderdrukkende CoREST/REST/HDAC/LSD1 complex. Dit complex werd reeds meerde keren gekoppeld aan onderdrukking van transcriptie van alfa-herpesvirussen en werd reeds gesuggereerd om betrokken te zijn bij de inductie van latentie. Gecombineerd met onze huidige bevindingen leidt dit tot de hypothese dat IFN zorgt voor onderdrukking van HSV-1 en PRV transcriptie en inductie van latentie door stimulatie van het repressieve CoREST/REST/HDACV/LSD1 complex

    Interferon alpha suppresses alphaherpesvirus immediate early protein levels in sensory neurons, leading to the establishment of a latent infection

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    Alphaherpesviruses are a subfamily of the herpesviruses containing closely related human and animal pathogens, including human herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) and porcine pseudorabies virus (PRV)

    Made by motion: A conceptual framework for abstracted animation derived from motion-captured movements

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    Despite an increasing number of acclaimed abstract animations being created through the application of motion capture technologies there has been little detailed documentation and analysis of this approach for abstract animation production. More specifically, it is unclear what the key considerations are, and what issues practitioners might face, when integrating motion capture movement data into their practice. In response to this issue this study explored and documented the practice of generating abstract visual and temporal artefacts from motion captured dance movements that compose abstract animated short films. The study has resulted in a possible framework for this form of practice and outlines five key considerations which should be taken into account by practitioners who use motion capture in the production of abstract animated short films

    Single-cell analysis of pyroptosis dynamics reveals conserved GSDMD-mediated subcellular events that precede plasma membrane rupture

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    Pyroptosis is rapidly emerging as a mechanism of anti-microbial host defense, and of extracellular release of the inflammasome-dependent cytokines interleukin (IL)-1 beta and IL-18, which contributes to autoinflammatory pathology. Caspases 1, 4, 5 and 11 trigger this regulated form of necrosis by cleaving the pyroptosis effector gasdermin D (GSDMD), causing its pore-forming amino-terminal domain to oligomerize and perforate the plasma membrane. However, the subcellular events that precede pyroptotic cell lysis are ill defined. In this study, we triggered primary macrophages to undergo pyroptosis from three inflammasome types and recorded their dynamics and morphology using high-resolution live-cell spinning disk confocal laser microscopy. Based on quantitative analysis of single-cell subcellular events, we propose a model of pyroptotic cell disintegration that is initiated by opening of GSDMD-dependent ion channels or pores that are more restrictive than recently proposed GSDMD pores, followed by osmotic cell swelling, commitment of mitochondria and other membrane-bound organelles prior to sudden rupture of the plasma membrane and full permeability to intracellular proteins. This study provides a dynamic framework for understanding cellular changes that occur during pyroptosis, and charts a chronological sequence of GSDMD-mediated subcellular events that define pyroptotic cell death at the single-cell level

    Interferon Alpha Induces Establishment of Alphaherpesvirus Latency in Sensory Neurons In Vitro

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    Background: Several alphaherpesviruses, including herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and pseudorabies virus (PRV), establish lifelong latency in neurons of the trigeminal ganglion (TG). Although it is thought that efficient establishment of alphaherpesvirus latency is based on a subtle interplay between virus, neurons and the immune system, it is not clear which immune components are of major importance for the establishment of latency. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, using an in vitro model that enables a natural route of infection, we show that interferon alpha (IFNalpha) has the previously uncharacterized capacity to induce a quiescent HSV-1 and PRV infection in porcine TG neurons that shows strong similarity to in vivo latency. IFNalpha induced a stably suppressed HSV-1 and PRV infection in TG neurons in vitro. Subsequent treatment of neurons containing stably suppressed virus with forskolin resulted in reactivation of both viruses. HSV and PRV latency in vivo is often accompanied by the expression of latency associated transcripts (LATs). Infection of TG neurons with an HSV-1 mutant expressing LacZ under control of the LAT promoter showed activation of the LAT promoter and RT-PCR analysis confirmed that both HSV-1 and PRV express LATs during latency in vitro. Conclusions/Significance: These data represent a unique in vitro model of alphaherpesvirus latency and indicate tha

    Caspase-1 engagement and TLR-induced c-FLIP expression suppress ASC/caspase-8-dependent apoptosis by inflammasome sensors NLRP1b and NLRC4

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    The caspase activation and recruitment domain (CARD)-based inflammasome sensors NLRP1b and NLRC4 induce caspase-1-dependent pyroptosis independent of the inflammasome adaptor ASC. Here, we show that NLRP1b and NLRC4 trigger caspase-8-mediated apoptosis as an alternative cell death program in caspase-1(-/-) macrophages and intestinal epithelial organoids (IECs). The caspase-8 adaptor FADD was recruited to ASC specks, which served as cytosolic platforms for caspase-8 activation and NLRP1b/NLRC4-induced apoptosis. We further found that caspase-1 protease activity dominated over scaffolding functions in suppressing caspase-8 activation and induction of apoptosis of macrophages and IECs. Moreover, TLR-induced c-FLIP expression inhibited caspase-8-mediated apoptosis downstream of ASC speck assembly, but did not affect pyroptosis induction by NLRP1b and NLRC4. Moreover, unlike during pyroptosis, NLRP1b- and NLRC4-elicited apoptosis retained alarmins and the inflammasome-matured cytokines interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) and IL-18 intracellularly. This work identifies critical mechanisms regulating apoptosis induction by the inflammasome sensors NLRP1b and NLRC4 and suggests converting pyroptosis into apoptosis as a paradigm for suppressing inflammation

    An apoptotic caspase network safeguards cell death induction in pyroptotic macrophages

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    Pyroptosis has emerged as a key mechanism by which inflammasomes promote host defense against microbial pathogens and sterile inflammation. Gasdermin D (GSDMD)-mediated cell lysis is a hallmark of pyroptosis, but our understanding of cell death signaling during pyroptosis is fragmented. Here, we show that independently of GSDMD-mediated plasma membrane permeabilization, inflammasome receptors engage caspase-1 and caspase-8, both of which redundantly promote activation of apoptotic executioner caspase-3 and caspase-7 in pyroptotic macrophages. Impaired GSDMD pore formation downstream of caspase-1 and caspase-8 activation suffices to unmask the apoptotic phenotype of pyroptotic macrophages. Combined inactivation of initiator caspase-1 and caspase-8, or executioner caspase-3 and caspase-7, is required to abolish inflammasome-induced DEVDase activity during pyroptosis and in apoptotic Gsdmd(-/-) cells. Collectively, these results unveil a robust apoptotic caspase network that is activated in parallel to GSDMD-mediated plasma membrane permeabilization and safeguards cell death induction in pyroptotic macrophages

    DPP8/DPP9 inhibition elicits canonical Nlrp1b inflammasome hallmarks in murine macrophages

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    Activating germline mutations in the human inflammasome sensor NLRP1 causes palmoplantar dyskeratosis and susceptibility to Mendelian autoinflammatory diseases. Recent studies have shown that the cytosolic serine dipeptidyl peptidases DPP8 and DPP9 suppress inflammasome activation upstream of NLRP1 and CARD8 in human keratinocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of DPP8/DPP9 protease activity was shown to induce pyroptosis in murine C57BL/6 macrophages without eliciting other inflammasome hallmark responses. Here, we show that DPP8/DPP9 inhibition in macrophages that express a Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin (LeTx)–sensitive Nlrp1b allele triggered significantly accelerated pyroptosis concomitant with caspase-1 maturation, ASC speck assembly, and secretion of mature IL-1β and IL-18. Genetic ablation of ASC prevented DPP8/DPP9 inhibition-induced caspase-1 maturation and partially hampered pyroptosis and inflammasome-dependent cytokine release, whereas deletion of caspase-1 or gasdermin D triggered apoptosis in the absence of IL-1β and IL-18 secretion. In conclusion, blockade of DPP8/DPP9 protease activity triggers rapid pyroptosis and canonical inflammasome hallmarks in primary macrophages that express a LeTx-responsive Nlrp1b allele