281 research outputs found

    Ecologische kenmerken van weidevogeljongen en de invloed van beheer op overleving. Kennisoverzicht en effectiviteit van maatregelen

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    Rapport over de effectiviteit van beheersmaatregelen voor overleving van primaire weidevogelkuikens in graslanden, op basis van wetenschappelijke en niet-wetenschappelijke literatuur. Per sprake komen: Ecoprofielen weidevogeljongen van: Kievit (Vanellus vanellus); Grutto (Limosa limosa); Tureluur (Tringa totanus); Scholekster (Haematopus ostralegus); Watersnip (Gallinago gallinago); Kemphaan (Philomachus pugnax); Slobeend (Anas clypeata); Zomertaling (Anas querquedula); Kuifeend (Aythya fuligula); Veldleeuwerik (Alauda arvensis); Graspieper (Anthus pratensis); Gele kwikstaart (Motacilla flava

    Changes in kinematics and work physiology during progressive lifting in healthy adults

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    Purpose: To analyze progression of changes in kinematics and work physiology during progressive lifting in healthy adults. Methods: Healthy participants were recruited. A standardized lifting test from the WorkWell Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) was administered, with five progressive lifting low series of five repetitions. The criteria of the WorkWell observation protocol were studied: changes in muscle use (EMG), heart rate (heart rate monitor), base of support, posture and movement pattern (motion capture system). Repeated measures ANOVA's were used to analyze changes during progressive workloads. Results: 18 healthy young adults participated (8 men, 10 women; mean age 22 years). Mean maximum weight lifted was 66 (+/- 3.2) and 44 (+/- 7.4) kg for men and women, respectively. With progressive loads, statistically significant (p < 0.01) differences were observed: increase in secondary muscle use at moderate lifting, increase of heart rate, increase of base of support and movement pattern changes were observed; differences in posture were not significant. Conclusions: Changes in 4 out of 5 kinematic and work physiology parameters were objectively quantified using lab technology during progressive lifting in healthy adults. These changes appear in line with existing observation criteria

    Influence of respiration frequency on heart rate variability parameters:A randomized cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Many patients visiting physiotherapists for musculoskeletal disorders face psychosocial challenges which may form a large barrier to recover. There are only a limited number of evidence based psychosocial therapies, but they are mainly based on breathing exercises. OBJECTIVE: to study which respiration frequency would lead to the highest relaxation, reflected in vagal tone derived from the heart rate variability (HRV) in healthy subjects. METHODS: A randomized controlled cross sectional study was performed. Respiration cycles of four, five, six, seven and eight breaths per minute (BPM) were delivered in randomized order for two minutes each. HRV metrics were measured during the sessions with electrocardiogram (ECG). Repeated Measures ANOVA's were performed to analyze differences between breathing frequencies. RESULTS: 100 healthy volunteers were included (40 male). Standard Deviation of inter beat intervals (SDNN) values were significantly highest at 5 BPM, whereas the Root Mean Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD) values appeared highest at 7 breaths per minute (p < 0.01). High Frequency (HF) power was lowest at 4 BPM, whereas Low Frequency (LF) power was not significantly influenced by respiration frequency. CONCLUSIONS: Breathing at a frequency of 5 to 7 breaths per minute leads to highest HRV values, but there is no single respiration ratio that maximizes all metrics. Physiotherapists may use five to seven BPM as guidance to determine ideal breathing frequencies

    A Pharmaceutical Care Program to Improve Adherence to Statin Therapy:A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the well-known beneficial effects of statins, many patients do not adhere to chronic medication regimens. OBJECTIVE: To implement and assess the effectiveness of a community pharmacy based pharmaceutical care program developed to improve patients' adherence to statin therapy. METHODS: An open-label, prospective, randomized controlled trial was conducted at 26 community pharmacies in the Netherlands. New users of statins who were aged 18 years or older were randomly assigned to receive either usual care or a pharmacist intervention. The intervention consisted of 5 individual counseling sessions by a pharmacist during a 1-year period. During these sessions, patients received structured education about the importance of medication adherence, lipid levels were measured, and the association between adherence and lipid levels was discussed. Adherence to statin therapy was assessed as discontinuation rates 6 and 12 months after statin initiation, and as the medication possession ratio (MPR), and compared between the pharmaceutical care and usual care groups. RESULTS: A total of 899 subjects (439 in the pharmaceutical care group and 460 in the usual care group) were evaluable for effectiveness analysis. The pharmaceutical care program resulted in a significantly lower rate of discontinuation within 6 months after initiating therapy versus usual care (HR 0.66, 95% Cl 0.46 to 0.96). No significant difference between groups was found in discontinuation at 12 months (HR 0.84, 95% Cl 0.65 to 1.10). Median MPR was very high (>99%) in both groups and did not differ between groups. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of a community pharmacy based pharmaceutical care program to improve medication adherence in new users of statins. Frequent counseling sessions (every 3 months) are necessary to maintain the positive effects on discontinuation. Although improvements are modest, the program can be applied easily to a larger population and have a large impact, as the interventions are relatively inexpensive and easy to, implement in clinical practice

    Intra-articular temperatures of the knee in sports – An in-vivo study of jogging and alpine skiing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Up to date, no information exists about the intra-articular temperature changes of the knee related to activity and ambient temperature.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 6 healthy males, a probe for intra-articular measurement was inserted into the notch of the right knee. Each subject was jogging on a treadmill in a closed room at 19°C room temperature and skiing in a ski resort at -3°C outside temperature for 60 minutes. In both conditions, temperatures were measured every fifteen minutes intra-articulary and at the skin surface of the knee. A possible influence on joint function and laxity was evaluated before and after activity. Statistical analysis of intra-articular and skin temperatures was done using nonparametric Wilcoxon's sign rank sum test and Mann-Whitney's-U-Test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Median intra-articular temperatures increased from 31.4°C before activity by 2.1°C, 4°C, 5.8°C and 6.1°C after 15, 30, 45 and 60 min of jogging (all p ≤ 0.05). Median intra-articular temperatures dropped from 32.2°C before activity by 0.5°C, 1.9°C, 3.6°C and 1.1°C after 15, 30, 45 and 60 min of skiing (all n.s.). After 60 minutes of skiing (jogging), the median intra-articular temperature was 19.6% (8.7%) higher than the skin surface temperature at the knee. Joint function and laxity appeared not to be different before and after activity within both groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrates different changes of intra-articular and skin temperatures during sports in jogging and alpine skiing and suggests that changes are related to activity and ambient temperature.</p

    Op naar kerngebieden voor weidevogels in Nederland : werkdocument met randvoorwaarden en handreiking

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    Een methode is uitgewerkt om kerngebieden te identificeren voor weidevogels. Als gidssoort is de grutto gebruikt, implicaties voor de andere weidevogelsoorten zijn aangeduid. Als zoekgebied voor kerngebieden zijn aangeduid gebieden die voldoen aan minumumdichtheden (15 dan wel 30 bp/100 ha). Aan de hand van trendgegevens is geanalyseerd welke factoren bepalend zijn voor de aantalsontwikkeling. De resultaten hiervan zijn als randvoorwaarden gehanteerd voor de nadere invulling van de kerngebieden. Met een metapopulatiemodel is verkend aan welke ruimtelijke voorwaarden kerngebieden moeten voldoen: o.a. omvang en onderlinge afstanden, in relatie tot de ruimtelijke kwaliteit. Scenarioberekeningen zijn uitgevoerd naar verschillende ruimtelijke invullingen. Er is een handreiking opgesteld als voorbeeld hoe kerngebieden in de praktijk geidentificeerd en uitgewerkt zouden kunnen worden

    Increasing Performance of Professional Soccer Players and Elite Track and Field Athletes with Peak Performance Training and Biofeedback:A Pilot Study

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    The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the effects of an intervention consisting of mental coaching combined with either electro encephalogram (EEG) alpha power feedback or heart rate variability (HRV) feedback on HRV, EEG outcomes and self-reported factors related to stress, performance, recovery and sleep quality in elite athletes. A prospective pilot study was performed with two distinct cohorts. Soccer players were provided with four sessions of mental coaching combined with daily HRV biofeedback (Group A); track and field athletes were provided with four sessions of mental coaching in combination with daily neurofeedback (Group B). Measurements were performed at baseline, post intervention and at 5 weeks follow-up. Objective measures: EEG and ECG. Subjective measures: Numeric Rating Scale for performance, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Rest and Stress Questionnaire and Sports Improvement-60. Group characteristics were too distinct to compare the interventions. Linear mixed models were used to analyze differences within groups over time. In Group A, significant changes over time were present in alpha power at 5 of 7 EEG locations (p <0.01-0.03). LF/HF ratio significantly increased (p = 0.02) and the concentration (p = 0.02) and emotional scale (p = 0.03) of the SIM-60 increased significantly (p = 0.04). In Group B, the HRV low frequency power and recovery scale of the REST-Q significantly increased (p = 0.02 and <0.01 resp.). Other measures remained stable or improved non-significantly. A mental coaching program combined with either HRV or EEG alpha power feedback may increase HRV and alpha power and may lead to better performance-related outcomes and stress reduction. Further research is needed to elucidate the effects of either type of feedback and to compare effects with a control group

    Geolocators lead to better measures of timing and renesting in black-tailed godwits and reveal the bias of traditional observational methods

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    Long-term population studies can identify changes in population dynamics over time. However, to realize meaningful conclusions, these studies rely on accurate measurements of individual traits and population characteristics. Here, we evaluate the accuracy of the observational methods used to measure reproductive traits in individually marked black-tailed godwits (Limosa limosa limosa). By comparing estimates from traditional methods with data obtained from light-level geolocators, we provide an accurate estimate of the likelihood of renesting in godwits and the repeatability of the lay dates of first clutches. From 2012 to 2018, we used periods of shading recorded on the light-level geolocators carried by 68 individual godwits to document their nesting behaviour. We then compared these estimates to those simultaneously obtained by our long-term observational study. We found that among recaptured geolocator-carrying godwits, all birds renested after a failed first clutch, regardless of the date of nest loss or the number of days already spent incubating. We also found that 43% of these godwits laid a second replacement clutch after a failed first replacement, and that 21% of these godwits renested after a hatched first clutch. However, the observational study correctly identified only 3% of the replacement clutches produced by geolocator-carrying individuals and designated as first clutches a number of nests that were actually replacement clutches. Additionally, on the basis of the observational study, the repeatability of lay date was 0.24 (95% CI 0.17-0.31), whereas it was 0.54 (95% CI 0.28-0.75) using geolocator-carrying individuals. We use examples from our own and other godwit studies to illustrate how the biases in our observational study discovered here may have affected the outcome of demographic estimates, individual-level comparisons, and the design, implementation and evaluation of conservation practices. These examples emphasize the importance of improving and validating field methodologies and show how the addition of new tools can be transformational
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