4 research outputs found

    Finding Experts in a Corporate Environment

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    Finding employees with a specific level of expertise, experts, is vital for knowledge sharing and information reuse. A company benefits when its employees have access to an efficient system for expert finding, because time spent searching is time lost. Many companies, however, do not have such a system. We propose a solution that can be used to automate the manual expert finding process of a company. Our solution builds upon existing Expert Finding techniques and requires only existing documents as input. We perform a case study at the company Tam Tam in which we implement and test our solution. We show that our solution performs at least as good as the current manual approach of Tam Tam. The performance of our solution in terms of MAP is 0,420. We motivate why our solution applied to another company would perform equally well. Finally, we investigate improvements on the used technique and propose an addition that in our case study increased the performance with 33%.Information Architecture TrackSoftware TechnologyElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Bepaling van capaciteitseisen in ontkoppelde temporele netwerken

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    Software TechnologyElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Operationalizing Framing to Support Multiperspective Recommendations of Opinion Pieces

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    Diversity in personalized news recommender systems is often defined as dissimilarity, and operationalized based on topic diversity (e.g., corona versus farmers strike). Diversity in news media, however, is understood as multiperspectivity (e.g., different opinions on corona measures), and arguably a key responsibility of the press in a democratic society. While viewpoint diversity is often considered synonymous with source diversity in communication science domain, in this paper,we take a computational view.We operationalize the notion of framing, adopted from communication science. We apply this notion to a re-ranking of topic-relevant recommended lists, to form the basis of a novel viewpoint diversification method. Our offline evaluation indicates that the proposed method is capable of enhancing the viewpoint diversity of recommendation lists according to a diversity metric from literature. In an online study, on the Blendle platform, a Dutch news aggregator, with more than 2000 users, we found that users are willing to consume viewpoint diverse news recommendations.We also found that presentation characteristics significantly influence the reading behaviour of diverse recommendations. These results suggest that future research on presentation aspects of recommendations can be just as important as novel viewpoint diversification methods to truly achieve multiperspectivity in online news environments.Web Information System

    Determining Resource Needs of Autonomous Agents in Decoupled Plans

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    At airports, the turnaround process of aircraft is crucial for a timely and efficient handling of air traffic. During this process, a number of services need to be provided during the time the aircraft is at the gate: e.g., de-boarding, cleaning, catering, fuelling, and boarding. These services are provided by different service providers (agents), who have to coordinate their activities in order to respect the turnaround timeslot, the required service times and existing regulations. These temporal dependencies between services can be planned, but if disruptions occur re-planning is complex and often impossible. For this reason, in previous research a methodology and prototype have been devised to simplify the planning process by decoupling the overall plan into local plans for each agent. This paper builds on this research and introduces an important extension to the existing methodology and prototype: a new algorithm is introduced to take into account the minimal number of resources each service provider will need to accomplish its task.Computer ScienceElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc