4 research outputs found

    Influence of well-being and quality of work-life on quality of care among healthcare professionals in southwest, Nigeria

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    The Nigerian healthcare industry is bedevilled with infrastructural dilapidations and a dysfunctional healthcare system. This study investigated the influence of healthcare professionals' well-being and quality of work-life (QoWL) on the quality of care (QoC) of patients in Nigeria. A multicentre cross-sectional study was conducted at four tertiary healthcare institutions in southwest, Nigeria. Participants' demographic information, well-being, quality of life (QoL), QoWL, and QoC were obtained using four standardised questionnaires. Data were summarised using descriptive statistics. Inferential statistics included Chi-square, Pearson's correlation, independent samples t-test, confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation model. Medical practitioners (n = 609) and nurses (n = 570) constituted 74.6% of all the healthcare professionals with physiotherapists, pharmacists, and medical laboratory scientists constituting 25.4%. The mean (SD) participants' well-being = 71.65% (14.65), QoL = 61.8% (21.31), QoWL = 65.73% (10.52) and QoC = 70.14% (12.77). Participants' QoL had a significant negative correlation with QoC while well-being and quality of work-life had a significant positive correlation with QoC. We concluded that healthcare professionals' well-being and QoWL are important factors that influence the QoC rendered to patients. Healthcare policymakers in Nigeria should ensure improved work-related factors and the well-being of healthcare professionals to ensure good QoC for patients

    Methodology and reporting quality of 544 studies related to ageing: a continued discussion in setting priorities for ageing research in Africa

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    # Background The quality assessment provides information on the overall strength of evidence and methodological quality of a research design, highlighting the level of confidence the reader should place on the findings for decision making. This paper aimed to assess the quality (methodology and quality of reporting) of ageing studies in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). # Method This paper is the second of a Four-Part Series paper of a previous systematic mapping review of peer-reviewed literature on ageing studies conducted in SSA. We updated the literature search to include additional 32 articles, a total of 544 articles included in this paper. Downs & Black checklist, Case Report guidelines checklist, the 45-items Lundgren et al. checklist, and the Mixed Method Appraisal Tool were used to assess the methodological quality of quantitative, case reports, qualitative, and mixed-method studies. Quality assessment was piloted and conducted in pairs for each study type. Depending on the checklist, each study was classified as excellent, good, fair, or poor. # Result Of the 544 articles, we performed the quality assessment of a total of 451 quantitative studies Randomizedcontroltrials(RCTs)andpre−post(n=15),longitudinal(n=122),case−control(n=15)andcross−sectional(n=300);4casereports,74qualitativeand15mixed−methodstudies.Only20.4Randomized control trials (RCTs) and pre-post (n=15), longitudinal (n=122), case-control (n=15) and cross-sectional (n=300); 4 case reports, 74 qualitative and 15 mixed-method studies. Only 20.4% (n=111) articles were of high quality \[one RCT, 27 longitudinal, 4 case-control, 48 cross-sectional studies, 19 qualitative, and 12 mixed-method studies. The remaining 433 were rated as moderate quality (n=292, 53.7%), fair quality (n = 96, 17.7%) and poor quality (n = 45, 8.2%). Most (80%) quantitative articles' sample size is small, resulting in insufficient power to detect a clinically or significant important effect. Three-quarter (75%) of the qualitative studies did not report their research team characteristics and a reflexivity component of the 45-items Lundgren et al. checklist. Mixed-method studies with low quality did not report the qualitative studies properly. # Conclusion We conclude that the methodological and quality reporting of published studies on ageing in SSA show variable quality, albeit primarily moderate quality, against high quality. Studies with a large sample size are recommended, and qualitative researchers should provide a section on research team members' characteristics and reflexivity in their paper or as an appendix

    Determinants of Outdoor Time in Children and Youth: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal and Intervention Studies

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    Spending more time outdoors can improve children’s social and cognitive development, physical activity, and vision. Our systematic review summarized the determinants of outdoor time (OT) based on the social-ecological model. We searched nine databases: MEDLINE, APA PsycINFO, Web of Science, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, ERIC, SocINDEX, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. To be included, studies needed to be quantitative and longitudinal, include ≥1 potential determinant of OT among 0- to 17-year-olds, and be published in English, French, Japanese, or Spanish. We extracted the authors, publication year, country, design, sample size, OT measures, follow-up period, potential determinants, main results, and potential moderators or mediators. Fifty-five studies examining 119 potential determinants met the inclusion criteria. OT was consistently higher in warmer seasons and among participants reporting more OT at baseline. All three interventions that included both parent sessions and additional resources to promote OT (e.g., specific advice and community guides) were effective. COVID-19 restrictions and sun safety interventions discouraging midday outdoor activities led to less OT. The quality of evidence was rated as weak for 46 studies. Most potential determinants were examined in ≤3 studies; thus, more longitudinal studies are needed to enable stronger conclusions about the consistency of evidence and meta-analyses