38 research outputs found

    İşitme Engelli Öğrencilerin Okuma-Yazma Eğitiminde Mobil Uygulama Kullanımı

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    Literacy is a fundamental skill to function in society. However, hearing impaired are severely disadvantaged in literacy development by lack of access to language's phonemic system. Recent developments in information and communication technologies stimulated technology integration endeavors in special education field. Hearing impaired children’s literacy instruction stands a fruitful area of technology integration. Former studies generally reported development or examination of supportive tools like visual dictionaries, sign language support, vocabulary drills or storybooks. However, few studies developed an overall approach and reported whole technology integration procedures. This study reports findings from a research which investigated the affordances of mobile devices in hearing impaired children’s literacy instruction. Two mobile applications were built from scratch and optimized through design based research. Furthermore, affordances and integration guidelines of these applications were investigated in a case study. The research was conducted in Anadolu University’s Applied Research Center for Hearing Impaired Children (İÇEM). Participants of the study are hearing impaired children studying at İÇEM in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years. Data sources of the project were observations, video recordings, audio recordings of expert panels and semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed inductively using NVivo 10 software. Results suggested significant increase in student motivation towards the technology enriched instructional environment. This paper summarizes design and optimization studies along with technology integration guidelines to hearing impaired children’s literacy classes.Okuryazarlık, toplumda işlev görebilmek için gereken temel becerilerden biridir. Ancak işitme engelli bireyler, dilin fonetik sistemine erişememeleri nedeniyle okuryazarlık gelişiminde dezavantajlı durumdadır. Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki güncel gelişmeler, özel eğitim alanında teknoloji entegrasyonu çabalarını teşvik eder niteliktedir. Bu durum, işitme engelli çocuklara yönelik okuma-yazma eğitimi için verimli bir teknoloji entegrasyon alanı olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Alanyazındaki teknoloji entegrasyonu çalışmaları genellikle görsel sözlüklere, işaret diline, kelime egzersizlerine ya da hikâye kitaplarına yoğunlaşmaktadır. Bunun yanında, çalışmaların süreci değil, sonuçları raporladığı görülmektedir. Ancak, bütüncül bir yaklaşımla tüm teknoloji entegrasyonu sürecini betimleyen az sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, işitme engelli çocuklara okuma yazma öğretiminde mobil araçların uygulanabilirliğini inceleyen bir araştırma projesi kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, iki uygulama sıfırdan başlanarak geliştirilmiş, tasarım tabanlı araştırma yoluyla iyileştirilmiş ve durum çalışması yoluyla sınıf ortamında kullanımları incelenmiştir. Araştırma, işitme engelli bireylere işitsel ve sözel yöntemle eğitim veren, İşitme Engelli Çocuklar Eğitim Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi’nde (İÇEM) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın katılımcıları 2013-2014 ve 2014-2015 eğitim öğretim yıllarında İÇEM’de öğrenim gören ilkokul ve ortaokul kademesindeki işitme engelli öğrencilerdir. Araştırmanın her aşamasında farklı katılımcılar ile çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri gözlemler, video kayıtları, uzman panelleri, ses kayıtları ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yoluyla toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler tümevarım analizi yoluyla ve NVivo 10 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin analizi sonucunda öğrenme ortamında teknolojiden faydalanılmasının öğrencilerin derse yönelik ilgilerini ve motivasyonlarını arttırdığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışma, geliştirilen mobil uygulamalara yönelik tasarım, iyileştirme ve entegrasyon aşamalarını özetlemekte; işitme engelli çocukların okuma yazma öğretimine ilişkin öneriler sunmaktadır

    Sığırların bazı inflamatuar hastalıklarında serum amiloid a ve prokalsitoninin değerlendirilmesi

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    Recent study in humans and animals has been focused on inflammatory biomarkers that infectious diseases, such as serum amyloid A (SAA),procalcitonin (PCT), that may more accurately and efficiently diagnose inflammation. The aim of this study was to evaluate SAA and PCTlevels in the diagnosis of cattle with inflammatory disease. Ten healthy control cattle and 64 patients with systemic inflammatory responsesyndrome (SIRS) were included in cattle. Inflammatory disease in cattle was diagnosed based on clinical signs and the laboratory examinationin clinically suspected cases. SAA and PCT concentrations were measured with a commercial ELISA assay for cattle. SAA and PCT concentrationsin cattle with inflammatory disease were significantly higher than in the healthy controls (respectively, P<0.001, P<0.008). Concentrations ofSAA and PCT at admission were significantly (r = 0.376, P<0.01) correlated with outcome in cattle with inflammatory conditions. The cut-offvalue of SAA and PCT for healthy and inflammatory cattle was determined 28.52 μg/mL and 149.55 pg/mL. In conclusion, PCT levels may beused as an alternative to serum SAA measurement as an indicator of acute inflammation in cattle. Serum PCT concentrations were ~9 timeshigher in the cattle with peritonitis than in the healthy cattle, suggesting that PCT could be a useful marker of peritonitis in cattle.İnsanlarda ve hayvanlarda yapılan son çalışmalar, enfeksiyöz hastalıkları daha doğru ve etkili şekilde teşhis edebilmek için serum amiloid A (SAA) ve prokalsitonin (PCT) gibi infamasyon biyobeliteçlerine odaklanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, inflamatuar hastalığı olan sığırların tanısında SAA ve PCT seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesidir. On sağlıklı kontrol sığır ve sistemik inflamatuar yanıt sendromlu (SIRS) 64 hasta sığır dahil edildi. Sığırlarda inflamatuar hastalık klinik olarak şüpheli vakalarda, klinik bulgular ve laboratuvar incelemelerine dayanarak teşhis edildi. SAA ve PCT konsantrasyonları, sığırlar için ticari bir ELISA ile ölçüldü. Enflamatuar hastalığı olan sığırlarda SAA ve PCT konsantrasyonları sağlıklı kontrollerden anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (sırasıyla, P<0.001, P<0.008). SAA ve PCT’nin başvuru sırasındaki konsantrasyonları, enflamatuar koşulları olan sığırlarda, sonuçlar anlamlı derecede (r = 0.376, P<0.01) ilişkiliydi. Sağlıklı ve inflamatuar hastalıklı sığırlar için SAA ve PCT’nin cut-off değeri 28.52 μg/mL ve 149.55 pg/mL olarak belirlendi. Sonuç olarak; PCT düzeyleri, sığırlarda akut enflamasyonun bir göstergesi olarak serum SAA ölçümüne alternatif olarak kullanılabilir. Serum PCT konsantrasyonları, peritonitisli sığırlarda sağlıklı sığırlara göre yaklaşık 9 kat daha yüksekti; bu, PCT’nin sığırlarda faydalı bir peritonit belirteci olabileceğini düşündürmektedir

    Bir Kamusal Başarısızlık Ürünü Olarak Yolsuzluk ve Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları Üzerindeki Etkileri

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    Government intervention to economy is needed by society to cure market failures. However, in order for government to solve this problem, selfless politicians, bureaucrats and voters are required. Democracy does not always ensure the effectiveness of political decision making process. Thus, the government also fails. As an output of the government failure, corruption arises. Corruption has distortive effects on political decisions, public sector fiscal balance and market operations; damages allocative efficiency by increasing unfair competition and driving up costs, harms economic growth and has adverse effects on loyalty and confidence of citizens to public administration. An other significant consequence of corruption is its detrimental effect to investment environment and thus corruption diminishishes foreign direct investment (FDI) entries. However, regarding FDI – corruption relation, studies having reached conclusions in opposite directions exist.Devletin ekonomiye müdahalesine piyasa başarısızlıklarının çözümü için ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, devletin bu sorunu çözmesi yalnızca kendi faydasını düşünmeyen siyasetçilerin, bürokratların ve seçmenlerin varlığını gerektirir. Demokrasi her zaman siyasi karar alma sürecinin etkinliğini sağlamaz. Dolayısıyla, devlet de başarısız olabilir. Kamusal başarısızlıkların bir ürünü olarak yolsuzluk ortaya çıkar.Yolsuzluk siyasi kararlar, kamu sektörünün mali dengesi ve piyasanın işleyişi üzerinde olumsuz etki gösterir, haksız rekabeti ve üretim maliyetlerini artırmak suretiyle dağılım etkinliğini bozar, ekonomik büyümeye zarar verir ve halkın kamu idaresine bağlılığını ve güvenini azaltır. Yolsuzluğun bir diğer önemli sonucu da yatırım ortamına olumsuz etki etmesi ve özellikle doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımı (DYY) girişlerini azaltmasıdır. Bununla birlikte, yolsuzluk – DYY ilişkisinde farklı yönde sonuçlara ulaşan çalışmalar da bulunmaktadır

    Retrofit of non-seismically designed beam-column joints by post-tensioned superelastic shape memory alloy bars

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    A series of tests on three full-scale substandard exterior beam-column joints were performed to investigate the efficiency of the proposed retrofit configuration, which is the use of externally applied post-tensioned shape memory alloy (SMA) bars. A major group of structural deficiencies resulting from lack of shear reinforcement in the joint, use of low strength concrete and plain round bars were taken into account in the construction of test specimens. While the reference specimen represents the as-built subassembly, the other two were retrofitted by the post-tensioned SMA and steel bars to compare the contribution of superelastic and conventional material on the response. The specimens were exposed to quasi-static cyclic loading up to 8% drift ratio to simulate an intensive level of seismic hazard. The reference specimen underwent a brittle shear failure as excessive cracks mostly concentrated in the joint panel while there was almost no damage in the rest of the RC components. A joint failure with enhanced response quantities was observed in the specimen retrofitted by post-tensioned steel bars. The specimen incorporating the retrofit solution via post-tensioned SMA bars was capable of performing an adequate performance and promoting minimization of the damage in the joint panel, which results in more ductile behavior. The hysteretic response of the SMA retrofitted specimen was validated with a refined numerical model in ATENA Science software. Experimentally observed response was also verified by an analytical model based on fracture mechanics considering the nonlinear behavior of plain concrete under tension. Due to inherent uncertainties in material constitutive laws, the analytical model was evolved to a stochastic level to propose a more advanced model for estimating the capacity of the reference and retrofitted joint. It is found that the experimental results were within the prominent range of Probability Density Functions (i.e. mean +/- 1 SD) of the estimated joint tensile stress especially for the shear damaged specimens.A series of tests on three full-scale substandard exterior beam-column joints were performed to investigate the efficiency of the proposed retrofit configuration, which is the use of externally applied post-tensioned shape memory alloy (SMA) bars. A major group of structural deficiencies resulting from lack of shear reinforcement in the joint, use of low strength concrete and plain round bars were taken into account in the construction of test specimens. While the reference specimen represents the as-built subassembly, the other two were retrofitted by the post-tensioned SMA and steel bars to compare the contribution of superelastic and conventional material on the response. The specimens were exposed to quasi-static cyclic loading up to 8% drift ratio to simulate an intensive level of seismic hazard. The reference specimen underwent a brittle shear failure as excessive cracks mostly concentrated in the joint panel while there was almost no damage in the rest of the RC components. A joint failure with enhanced response quantities was observed in the specimen retrofitted by post-tensioned steel bars. The specimen incorporating the retrofit solution via post-tensioned SMA bars was capable of performing an adequate performance and promoting minimization of the damage in the joint panel, which results in more ductile behavior. The hysteretic response of the SMA retrofitted specimen was validated with a refined numerical model in ATENA Science software. Experimentally observed response was also verified by an analytical model based on fracture mechanics considering the nonlinear behavior of plain concrete under tension. Due to inherent uncertainties in material constitutive laws, the analytical model was evolved to a stochastic level to propose a more advanced model for estimating the capacity of the reference and retrofitted joint. It is found that the experimental results were within the prominent range of Probability Density Functions (i.e. mean +/- 1 SD) of the estimated joint tensile stress especially for the shear damaged specimens

    İşitme Engelli Bireylerin Okuma - Yazma Eğitimine Yönelik Mobil Uygulama Geliştirilmesi: Cümle Düzenleme Uygulaması

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    anemonİşitme engelli çocukların okuma yazma becerilerinin gelişimini destekleyen öğretimsel uygulamalarda kullanılan okuma materyalleri öğrenciler üzerinde doğrudan ve dolaylı bir etkiye sahip olup, akademik başarılarının yanı sıra sonraki yaşamlarını da etkileyen bir durumdur. İşitme engelli çocukların eğitiminde çeşitli teknolojilerin kullanılmasının, geliştirilecek öğretim materyalleri ile birlikte okuduğunu anlamada verimliliği artıracağı düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim düzeyindeki işitme engelli bireylerin okuma-yazma becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde kullanılacak bir mobil teknoloji uygulaması olan cümle düzenleme mobil uygulamasının geliştirilmesi, iyileştirilmesi, uygulanması ve öğretim süreci içerisinde değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışma iki aşamada ilerlemektedir. Birinci aşama olan iyileştirme aşamasında kullanılabilirlik çalışması ve tasarım tabanlı araştırma gerçekleştirilmiş ve değerlendirme aşamasında durum çalışması yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın her aşamasında farklı katılımcılar bulunmaktadır. Kullanılabilirlik çalışmasında 2013-2014 eğitim öğretim yılında 6., 7. ve 8. sınıflarda eğitim gören öğrenciler bulunmakta iken tasarım tabanlı araştırma aşamasında 2014-2015 eğitim öğretim yılında 4. sınıfta eğitim gören öğrenciler bulunmaktadır. Durum çalışmasında ise 2014-2015 eğitim öğretim yılında 4. sınıfta eğitim gören farklı bir grup bulunmaktadır. Çalışmada video kaydı ve alanda gözlem yapan gözlemcilerin alan notları ve günlükleri yoluyla veri elde edilmiş ve elde edilen verilen Nvivo 10 programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda cümle düzenleme mobil uygulamasının sınıf ortamında kullanılması aşamasında öncelikle öğrencilerin cümlenin yapısında önemli bir nokta olan söz dizimi bilgilerinin gözden geçirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Kelimeleri karışık sırada verilen cümlelerden birkaçının düzenlenmesi işlemlerinin öğretmenle birlikte yapılması gerektiği sonucuna da ulaşılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: İşitme Engelli Öğrenci, Okuma Yazma Eğitimi, Mobil Uygulama2241

    Stochastic-Based Nonlinear Numerical Modeling of Shear Critical RC Beam Repaired with Bonded CFRP Sheets

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    The response of a shear critical substandard reinforced concrete beam and the structural repair of the predamaged beam by carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer sheets (CFRPs) were investigated by advanced numerical modeling method. First, the specimen was tested up to failure under monotonic loading in a four-point bending test. Owing to spatial variability of the concrete mechanical properties over a specific region, the damage was concentrated on one side of the beam. The severe shear cracks on the damaged side were then successfully repaired by externally bonded CFRP sheets. The former load-carrying capacity of the repaired beam was recovered, and the crack formation was transferred to the other side of the specimen, which had not been repaired. After repairing the unrepaired side of the beam using the same process, the failure mode was characterized by concrete crushing when the limiting strain of the concrete was reached under compression. The unsymmetrical crack pattern in the as-built specimen due to the uneven distribution of the concrete mechanical properties was reproduced by a random fields approach that combines the nonlinear finite-element method with stochastic sampling. In addition, the nonlinear response of the repair processes on the predamaged beam was adequately reproduced in the finite-element environment. The crack patterns and capacities obtained in the numerical solutions matched well the experimentally observed responses of the as-built and twice-repaired specimens.The response of a shear critical substandard reinforced concrete beam and the structural repair of the predamaged beam by carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer sheets (CFRPs) were investigated by advanced numerical modeling method. First, the specimen was tested up to failure under monotonic loading in a four-point bending test. Owing to spatial variability of the concrete mechanical properties over a specific region, the damage was concentrated on one side of the beam. The severe shear cracks on the damaged side were then successfully repaired by externally bonded CFRP sheets. The former load-carrying capacity of the repaired beam was recovered, and the crack formation was transferred to the other side of the specimen, which had not been repaired. After repairing the unrepaired side of the beam using the same process, the failure mode was characterized by concrete crushing when the limiting strain of the concrete was reached under compression. The unsymmetrical crack pattern in the as-built specimen due to the uneven distribution of the concrete mechanical properties was reproduced by a random fields approach that combines the nonlinear finite-element method with stochastic sampling. In addition, the nonlinear response of the repair processes on the predamaged beam was adequately reproduced in the finite-element environment. The crack patterns and capacities obtained in the numerical solutions matched well the experimentally observed responses of the as-built and twice-repaired specimens

    A stochastic model for the capacity estimation of non-seismically designed beam-column joints

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    An analytical model based on nonlinear fracture mechanics was employed to evaluate the shear capacity of a substandard beam-column joint retrofitted by externally applied post-tensioned bars. The strength of the reference specimen was predicted as the capacity of plain concrete under tension with microcracks in the fracture process zone smeared over a band - i.e. crack band theory. Crack minimization effects in the specimens retrofitted by post-tensioned bars were considered by strain energy stored in the bars per unit fracture surface area. Due to the inherent uncertainty in material constitutive laws, the analytical model was evolved to a stochastic level to propose a more advanced model for estimating the capacity. It is found that the experimental results were within the prominent range of Probability Density Functions (i.e. mean ± one standard deviation) of the estimated joint tensile stress.An analytical model based on nonlinear fracture mechanics was employed to evaluate the shear capacity of a substandard beam-column joint retrofitted by externally applied post-tensioned bars. The strength of the reference specimen was predicted as the capacity of plain concrete under tension with microcracks in the fracture process zone smeared over a band - i.e. crack band theory. Crack minimization effects in the specimens retrofitted by post-tensioned bars were considered by strain energy stored in the bars per unit fracture surface area. Due to the inherent uncertainty in material constitutive laws, the analytical model was evolved to a stochastic level to propose a more advanced model for estimating the capacity. It is found that the experimental results were within the prominent range of Probability Density Functions (i.e. mean ± one standard deviation) of the estimated joint tensile stress

    Parameter sensitivity of CFRP retrofitted substandard joints by stochastic computational mechanics

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    The response of both substandard as-built and CFRP retrofitted RC beam-column joints was investigated by a stochastic study to identify the effect of inherent uncertainties in material constitutive models. Since the scatter of the capacity is inevitably influenced by material properties, the relative impact of each material property on the global response was measured by the sensitivity analysis. It was conducted by evaluating the partial correlation coefficient between material properties and simulated response. First, experimentally validated deterministic nonlinear numerical models were developed in FE environment. After that, they were evolved to the stochastic level, which considers the randomness in prominent material parameters. The basic statistical characteristics and probability density functions of response variables were then provided by the probabilistic assessment. Finally, the most influential material parameters characterizing the quasi-static cyclic behavior of the as-built and retrofitted joints were outlined in accordance with the results of sensitivity analyses. In addition, the hysteric response of the as-built and retrofitted specimens was not only well-characterized by the numerical model but also local damages, such as large diagonal cracks in the as-built specimen and shear cracks after CFRP rupture in the retrofitted specimen, were adequately reproduced in the finite element environment

    Field reconnaissance on seismic performance of RC buildings after the January 24, 2020 Elazig-Sivrice earthquake

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    A moderate earthquake with a magnitudeM(w)of 6.8 occurred in the Sivrice district of Elazig Province in Eastern Turkey on January 24th, 2020. The mainshock and long-term aftershocks gave rise to considerable structural damage and affected the local society. Remarkable property loss took place due to building damages and collapses. The reasons for the losses and structural damages are investigated by the post-earthquake field observations. The importance of earthquake-resistant design principles and applications outlined in the current and former seismic codes is verified through the field reconnaissance. To this end, the seismic damage observed after the Elazig-Sivrice Earthquake in the non-structural and structural elements of the RC structures is reported. The conflict between the code requirements and actual conditions of construction practices is also established. The seismic vulnerability of substandard RC buildings is quantified in association with the structural weaknesses and deficiencies observed in the earthquake-affected region. The reasons behind the unexpectedly extensive damage at the local and global level under such a moderate earthquake are based on the vulnerability of substandard buildings resulting from structural deficiencies, poor material qualities, and lack of control mechanism during construction.A moderate earthquake with a magnitudeM(w)of 6.8 occurred in the Sivrice district of Elazig Province in Eastern Turkey on January 24th, 2020. The mainshock and long-term aftershocks gave rise to considerable structural damage and affected the local society. Remarkable property loss took place due to building damages and collapses. The reasons for the losses and structural damages are investigated by the post-earthquake field observations. The importance of earthquake-resistant design principles and applications outlined in the current and former seismic codes is verified through the field reconnaissance. To this end, the seismic damage observed after the Elazig-Sivrice Earthquake in the non-structural and structural elements of the RC structures is reported. The conflict between the code requirements and actual conditions of construction practices is also established. The seismic vulnerability of substandard RC buildings is quantified in association with the structural weaknesses and deficiencies observed in the earthquake-affected region. The reasons behind the unexpectedly extensive damage at the local and global level under such a moderate earthquake are based on the vulnerability of substandard buildings resulting from structural deficiencies, poor material qualities, and lack of control mechanism during construction