6 research outputs found

    At the heart of the African Acheulean: the physical, social and cognitive landscapes of Kilombe

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    Kilombe is known as an extensive late Lower Pleistocene Acheulean site complex in the Rift Valley in Kenya. We report here on recent research which has explored a longer stratigraphic succession around the sites, casting light on landscape development and occupation through much of the last million years. With its position near the Equator the site complex is close to the geographic and chronological heart of the Acheulean, and ideally suited to investigations, because of the extent of preservation of ancient landscape, and the potential for dating and recovery of environmental information The new surveys have concentrated on studying the site area in its local setting near the foot of Kilombe volcano, which became extinct in the early Pleistocene, and formerly held a crater lake, currently under investigation. In 2011, bifaces were also found at the mouth of the volcano gorge. Events on the Acheulean main site terminated with a volcanic eruption which deposited the 3-banded tuff (3BT), now dated to ca. 990,000 years, but the sequence continues above this level, and is capped locally by an ashflow tuff (AFT) some 7 metres thick, the product of a landscape-transforming eruption probably deriving from an ancestor of the present day Menengai. To the east and west, the sequence then resumes with major exposures of tuffaceous sediments belonging to the Middle and Upper Pleistocene, and containing Middle Stone Age and Later Stone Age artefacts. These provide the chance to study newer landscapes within the same catchment. The Kilombe main site permits very rare opportunities to compare large numbers of bifaces and other artefacts which are of the same age across a distance of around 200 metres, and so build up a picture of local variability within a site complex. The site area allows comparisons – within the complex to explore its structure of variation, on a regional scale of site catchment, and then externally to help evaluate issues across the greater Acheulean world and through the Middle Stone Age. Although the development of the MSA can be seen only sketchily at present, the preservation of both contexts and artefacts demonstrates the potential to elaborate a longer record

    Drivers and trajectories of land cover change in East Africa: Human and environmental interactions from 6000 years ago to present

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    East African landscapes today are the result of the cumulative effects of climate and land-use change over millennial timescales. In this review, we compile archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data from East Africa to document land-cover change, and environmental, subsistence and land-use transitions, over the past 6000 years. Throughout East Africa there have been a series of relatively rapid and high-magnitude environmental shifts characterised by changing hydrological budgets during the mid- to late Holocene. For example, pronounced environmental shifts that manifested as a marked change in the rainfall amount or seasonality and subsequent hydrological budget throughout East Africa occurred around 4000, 800 and 300 radiocarbon years before present (yr BP). The past 6000 years have also seen numerous shifts in human interactions with East African ecologies. From the mid-Holocene, land use has both diversified and increased exponentially, this has been associated with the arrival of new subsistence systems, crops, migrants and technologies, all giving rise to a sequence of significant phases of land-cover change. The first large-scale human influences began to occur around 4000 yr BP, associated with the introduction of domesticated livestock and the expansion of pastoral communities. The first widespread and intensive forest clearances were associated with the arrival of iron-using early farming communities around 2500 yr BP, particularly in productive and easily-cleared mid-altitudinal areas. Extensive and pervasive land-cover change has been associated with population growth, immigration and movement of people. The expansion of trading routes between the interior and the coast, starting around 1300 years ago and intensifying in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries CE, was one such process. These caravan routes possibly acted as conduits for spreading New World crops such as maize (Zea mays), tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), although the processes and timings of their introductions remains poorly documented. The introduction of southeast Asian domesticates, especially banana (Musa spp.), rice (Oryza spp.), taro (Colocasia esculenta), and chicken (Gallus gallus), via transoceanic biological transfers around and across the Indian Ocean, from at least around 1300 yr BP, and potentially significantly earlier, also had profound social and ecological consequences across parts of the region

    Drivers and trajectories of land cover change in East Africa : human and environmental interactions from 6000 years ago to present

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    East African landscapes today are the result of the cumulative effects of climate and land-use change over millennial timescales. In this review, we compile archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data from East Africa to document land-cover change, and environmental, subsistence and land-use transitions, over the past 6000 years. Throughout East Africa there have been a series of relatively rapid and high-magnitude environmental shifts characterised by changing hydrological budgets during the mid- to late Holocene. For example, pronounced environmental shifts that manifested as a marked change in the rainfall amount or seasonality and subsequent hydrological budget throughout East Africa occurred around 4000, 800 and 300 radiocarbon years before present (yr BP). The past 6000 years have also seen numerous shifts in human interactions with East African ecologies. From the mid-Holocene, land use has both diversified and increased exponentially, this has been associated with the arrival of new subsistence systems, crops, migrants and technologies, all giving rise to a sequence of significant phases of land-cover change. The first large-scale human influences began to occur around 4000 yr BP, associated with the introduction of domesticated livestock and the expansion of pastoral communities. The first widespread and intensive forest clearances were associated with the arrival of iron-using early farming communities around 2500 yr BP, particularly in productive and easily-cleared mid-altitudinal areas. Extensive and pervasive land-cover change has been associated with population growth, immigration and movement of people. The expansion of trading routes between the interior and the coast, starting around 1300 years ago and intensifying in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries CE, was one such process. These caravan routes possibly acted as conduits for spreading New World crops such as maize (Zea mays), tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), although the processes and timings of their introductions remains poorly documented. The introduction of southeast Asian domesticates, especially banana (Musa spp.), rice (Oryza spp.), taro (Colocasia esculenta), and chicken (Gallus gallus), via transoceanic biological transfers around and across the Indian Ocean, from at least around 1300 yr BP, and potentially significantly earlier, also had profound social and ecological consequences across parts of the region. Through an interdisciplinary synthesis of information and metadatasets, we explore the different drivers and directions of changes in land-cover, and the associated environmental histories and interactions with various cultures, technologies, and subsistence strategies through time and across space in East Africa. This review suggests topics for targeted future research that focus on areas and/or time periods where our understanding of the interactions between people, the environment and land-cover change are most contentious and/or poorly resolved. The review also offers a perspective on how knowledge of regional land-use change can be used to inform and provide perspectives on contemporary issues such as climate and ecosystem change models, conservation strategies, and the achievement of nature-based solutions for development purposes