305 research outputs found

    Two-Loop Bosonic Electroweak Corrections to the Muon Lifetime and M_Z-M_W Interdependence

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    The two-loop electroweak bosonic correction to the muon lifetime and the M_W-M_Z interdependece is computed using analytical methods of asymptotic expansion. Combined with previous calculations this copmletes the full two-loop correction to Δr\Delta r in the Standard Model. The shift to the prediction of W-boson mass due to two-loop bosonic corrections does not exceed 1 MeV for the range of the Higgs mass from 100 to 1000 GeV.Comment: 8 pp, 3 figs, LaTeX, replaced with journal versio

    Plasma waves in a relativistic, strongly anisotropic plasma propagated along a strong magnetic field

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    The dispersion properties of plasma waves in a relativistic homogeneous plasma propagated along a strong magnetic field are studied. It is shown that the non-damping plasma waves exist in the frequency range omega sub p or = omega or = omega sub L. The values of omega sub p and omega sub L are calculated for an arbitrary homogeneous relativistic function of the particle distribution. In the case of a power ultrarelativistic distribution, it is shown that, if the ultrarelativistic tail of the distribution drops very rapidly, slightly damping plasma waves are possible with the phase velocity (omega/K)c

    Two-loop O(as^2) MSSM corrections to the pole masses of heavy quarks

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    We present the results for two-loop MSSM corrections to the relation between pole and running masses of heavy quarks up to the order O(as^2). The running masses are defined in the DR scheme, usually used in multiloop calculations in supersymmetric theories. The analysis of the value of these corrections in different regions of the parameter space is provided.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, LaTeX2e file; minor changes, files mb.res, mt.res replaced by new one

    Трансформація гендерних стереотипів у контексті революційних подій 1917 року (Transformation of Gender Stereotypes in the Context of Revolutionary Events of 1917)

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    У статті розглянуто зміну гендерних стереотипів під впливом революційних змін протягом 1917 року. Проаналізовано причини розширення сфер застосування жіночої праці. Визначено основні сфери професійної зайнятості жінок різних соціальних прошарків. Висвітлено здобуття жінками права голосу, що дозволило їм стати активними членами суспільства та взяти участь у виборчих кампаніях 1917 року. (The First World War was the main factor that influenced the crush of gender stereotypes in the early twentieth century. Mass men leaving for military service significantly reduced the number of men in the manufacturing sector, which boosted the share of women in industry and transport during 1917. However, increase the demand for labor of women does not affect the financial situation of working women in the industry, in agriculture, women were paid much lower than men’s. The main achievement of women can be considered the Empire obtain active and passive suffrage. In 1917 increased in the number of women in the field of public service, law, medicine, education among teachers of different types and levels. Women’s military forces existed though not long, however, the gender stereotype of women’s inability to fight was shaken. It should be noted that women fought in the White Army, and in the units of the Bolsheviks. Thus, the use of female labor in different spheres of life was seen as a temporary necessity, needed step, dictated by the demands of war. In addition, the development of the revolutionary events of 1917 contributed to the intensification of emancipation processes in society, which is reflected in the appearance of women in professions and spheres of political life previously closed and inaccessible.

    Ретроспектива законодательства в сфере добычи (приобретения) диких животных с целью их содержания и разведения в полувольных условиях или в неволе

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    Досліджено спеціальну юридичну літературу та нормативно-правову базу виникнення та поетапного становлення законодавства у сфері добування (придбання) диких тварин з метою їх утримання та розведення у напіввільних умовах чи в неволі. Об’єктивно та ґрунтовно досліджено історію процесу утворення, формування й становлення екологічного законодавства в цій сфері. Відповідно до проаналізованих джерел виділено основні етапи розвитку законодавства щодо спеціального права використання тваринного світу.The purpose of the article is to analyze and thoroughly study the special legal literature and the legal and regulatory framework for the emergence and gradual formation of legislation in the field of obtaining (purchasing) wild animals for the purpose of their maintenance and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity. The importance of the scientific article is indisputable, since the question of the formation and development of the legislative framework, through which becomes possible regulation of environmental relations in the field of acquisition (acquisition) of wild animals for the purpose of their maintenance and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity, is a complex historical and legal phenomenon, that has its own periodization. In the scientific work the author objectively and thoroughly investigates the history of the process of formation, formation and formation of environmental legislation in the field of obtaining (purchasing) wild animals for the purpose of keeping and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity. The author’s point of view is fair, according to which in Ukraine there is currently no effective system of normative legal acts, that ensure the proper regulation of the use and protection of wild animals, that are in a semi-free condition or in captivity. At the same time in order to preserve the diversity of wildlife and successfully restore their numbers it is necessary to have an effective and reliable national legal system, ecological and legal norms and regulations that would regulate the legal regime of wild animals in semi-free conditions or in captivity. The key point is the author’s position, that the formation of a retrospective of legislation in the field of acquisition (purchase) of wild animals for the purpose of their maintenance and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity should be divided into four main periods: the ancient period, medieval period, the period of the influence of tsarist Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire on Ukrainian lands and the period of formation and development of legislation within the Soviet Union. In the conclusions the author summarizes the analysis of the development of environmental legislation in the field of acquisition (purchase) of wild animals for the purpose of their maintenance and breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity.Исследованы специальная юридическая литература и нормативно-правовая база возникновения и поэтапного становления законодательства в сфере добычи (приобретения) диких животных с целью их содержания и разведения в полувольных условиях или в неволе. Объективно и основательно изучена история процесса образования, формирования и становления экологического законодательства в данной сфере. Согласно проанализированным источникам выделены основные этапы развития законодательства о специальном праве использования животного мира

    A study of cell membranes in nasal epithelial cells from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps by means of a fluorescent probe

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    Aim. To assess the state of membranes in nasal epithelial cells obtained from the patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) with the help of the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole. Methods. The state of membrane phospholipid bilayer in suspensions of nasal epithelial cells isolated from ten patients with CRSwNP was evaluated using the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole that reacts on the physico-chemical properties of its microenvironment. Changes in fluorescence spectra were determined using a Thermo Scientific Lumina fluorescence spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) 1 hour after the addition of the probe to nasal epithelial cell suspensions. Results. CRSwNP was found to be associated with a higher rate of nasal epithelial cell membrane hydration in the region of phospholipid glycerol moiety, carbonyl groups and aliphatic chains of fatty acids attached to the carbonyl groups. Conclusion. Our findings suggest that CRSwNP is accompanied by the elevated hydration rate of the most polar region, namely polar heads of phospholipids of nasal epithelial cell membranes

    A study of cell membranes in nasal epithelial cells from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps by means of a fluorescent probe

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    Aim. To assess the state of membranes in nasal epithelial cells obtained from the patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) with the help of the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole. Methods. The state of membrane phospholipid bilayer in suspensions of nasal epithelial cells isolated from ten patients with CRSwNP was evaluated using the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole that reacts on the physico-chemical properties of its microenvironment. Changes in fluorescence spectra were determined using a Thermo Scientific Lumina fluorescence spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) 1 hour after the addition of the probe to nasal epithelial cell suspensions. Results. CRSwNP was found to be associated with a higher rate of nasal epithelial cell membrane hydration in the region of phospholipid glycerol moiety, carbonyl groups and aliphatic chains of fatty acids attached to the carbonyl groups. Conclusion. Our findings suggest that CRSwNP is accompanied by the elevated hydration rate of the most polar region, namely polar heads of phospholipids of nasal epithelial cell membranes

    Generation of zonal flows by Rossby waves in the atmosphere

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    International audienceA novel mechanism for the short-scale Rossby waves interacting with long-scale zonal flows in the Earth's atmosphere is studied. The model is based on the parametric excitation of convective cells by finite amplitude Rossby waves. We use a set of coupled equations describing the nonlinear interaction of Rossby waves and zonal flows which admits the excitation of zonal flows. The generation of such flows is due to the Reynolds stresses of the finite amplitude Rossby waves. It is found that the wave vector of the fastest growing mode is perpendicular to that of the pump Rossby wave. We calculate the maximum instability growth rate and deduce the optimal spatial dimensions of the zonal flows as well as their azimuthal propagation speed. A comparison with previous results is made. The present theory can be used for the interpretation of existing observations of Rossby type waves in the Earth's atmosphere