8 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Prefreezing Semen Sapi Jawa sebagai Parameter Keberhasilan Processing Semen Beku

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the prefreezing effectiveness for motility and the percentage of live spermatozoa in cattle Java. The material used was semen of Java cattle originated from 6 times ejaculation. The Complete Randomized Design (CRD) was used with four treatments (T0 : control; T1 : prefreezing time of 5 minutes; T2 : prefreezing time of 9 minutes and T3 : prefreezing time of 13 minutes) and six replications at each treatment. Parameters observed were motility and percentage of live spermatozoa. The results showed that the difference in the length of time of prefreezing did not significant (P> 0.05) on sperm motility and percentage of live cattle Java. It was concluded that there was not significant different on parameters observed. It is recommended that further research should be done on other parameters, such as the semen abnormalities, evaluation of plasma membrane integrity both on plasma membrane and the acrosome integrities

    Kualitas Semen Berdasarkan Umur pada Sapi Jantan Jawa

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of age on semen quality in Java bull. This research was conducted from July to August 2011, and continued in June 2012, located at farmer group of Cikoneng Sejahtera, Banjarharjo, Brebes, Central Java. The materials used were 8 heads of Java bulls, those were 2 heads of <2 years old, 3 heads of 2-3 years old, and 3 heads of >3 years old. All of materials were raised at farmer group in the same management. A number of bulls at each age group were assumed as the replication. Statistical design used was One Way Classification with unbalanced data. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, then followed by Duncan test if there is effect of the bull age. The results showed that age affects semen volume, but did not affect other parameters such as color, pH, consistency, concentration, motility, mortality and normality

    Penampilan Berahi Sapi Jawa Berdasarkan Poel 1, Poel 2, dan Poel 3

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of Java cattle estrus that includes length of estrous, changes in the vulva, the presence of cervical mucus, and the behavior on different ages Java cattle. The study was conducted on July 18, 2011 until August 11, 2011 in KTT Cikoneng Sejahtera, Sub Banjarharjo, Brebes regency, Central Java. Materials used in this study were 11 cows Java has Poel 1 (1 ½ - 2 years) 4 heads, Poel 2 (over 2-3 years) 3 heads, and Poel 3 (above 3-3 ½ years) 4 heads. The parameters measured were the appearance of the vulva, cervix mucus abundance, behavior, and estrous length. The results showed that vulva performance scores of Java cattle Poel 1, Poel 2, and Poel 3 respectively are 1; 1; 1.5. The cervical mucus of Java cattle Poel 1, Poel 2, and Poel 3 respectively are 1; 1; and 2,5. Behavior score for Poel 1, Poel 2, and Poel 3 respectively are 1, 1; 1.5. Estrous length of Java cattle poel 1, 2, and 3 respectively is 10 hours, 12 hours, and 13.5 hours. The conclusion of this research is a female cow Java Poel 3 shows the appearance of a relatively more obvious passion and longer than females Java cows Poel Poel 1 and 2

    Pengaruh Jarak Dan Waktu Tempuh Terhadap Post Thawing Motility, Abnormalitas Dan Spermatozoa Hidup Semen Beku (the Effect of Travel Distance and Travel TIME Toward Post Thawing Motility, Abnormality and Life Sperm of Frozen Semen)

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of distance and time from the postal of Artificial Insemination (AI) to the acceptor of AI on frozen semen to observed the Post Thawing Motility (PTM), sperm abnormality and life sperm. A total of 36 frozen semen from cattle Simental bull were used in this research. A Factorial completely randomized design was used in the experiment with the first factor A was distance (1 = 0-3 kilometer and 2 = >3-6 kilometer)and thefactor B was time (1 = 1-5 minute dan 2 = >5-10 minute). Statistical data were then analyzed with F test and Duncan's multiple range test. Results of this research showed that percentage of PTM on A1B1 (60%); A1B2 (57.78%) and A2B1 (55.6%) were significantly different (P<0,05) to A2B2 (50%). Percentage of sperm abnormality A1B1 (16.4%) has no different with A1B2 (16.5%) but highly significantly different (P<0.01) to A2B1 (19.01%) and A2B2 (21.07%). Percentage of life spermatozoa on A1B1 (67.92%); A1B2 (65.5%) and A2B1 (63.92%) were significantly different (P<0.05) to A2B2 (62.28%). The study concluded that A1B1 was the best treatment

    Korelasi Antara Bobot Badan Induk Dengan Litter Size, Bobot Lahir Dan Mortalitas Anak Kelinci New Zealand White

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between body weight of does with litter size, birth weight and mortality in New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits. The research was conducted at the Central Breeding and Raising Non Ruminant Livestock unit Balekambang, Surakarta, Central Java. The material used in this study was 35 does that had sexual maturity and have given birth at least once aged maximum 3 years old. In addition, the study also used 7 bucks aged approximately 2 years. Data were analysed using simple linear regression analysis. The study found that the weight of the does had a very weak correlation value to litter size, birth weight and mortality of young rabbits

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Waktu Pelepasan Water Jacket dalam Proses Ekuilibrasi terhadap Kualitas Semen Beku Sapi Jawa pada Tahap Before Freezing dan Post Thawing

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    This experiment was conducted to investigate effect of different water jacket release time on frozen semen quality with two step methods. The semen was collected from four heads Java cattle, extended with skim-egg yolk extender. The extended semen packed with water jacket then release with different time (treatments) T0 (35 minutes), T1 (10 minutes) and T2 (60 minutes) until all equilibration process was finish. Data analysis preparing with normality and homogenity testing, when the data was normal and homogeneous will be followed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result showed average of semen quality before freezing T0; T1 and T2 for pH 6,27; 6,27 and 6,43; motility (%) 40,83; 36,67 and 32,50; live sperm percentage (%) 29,68; 33,97 and 22,20; sperm abnormality (%) 20,82; 13,26 and 14,16 respectively. Average of post thawing T0; T1 and T2 for pH 6,27; 6,27 and 6,27; motility (%) 5; 2,92 and 0,42; live sperm percentage (%) 11,21; 12,90 and 19,24; sperm abnormality (%) 22,11; 19,26 and 22,82 respectively. Statistical analysis showed the different water jacket release time did not significantly different (P>0,05) to quality semen of Java bulls at before freezing or post thawing observation

    Hubungan Penampilan Induk Anak Domba Dari Berbagai Tipe Kelahiran

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    The objectives of the study was to analyse the relationship between dam and their offspring on the basis of body measurement and body weight at some partus types. In this study, 85 ewes and 127 lamb were used as materials. Purposive sampling was used to determine the samples of partum type of ewes having single (A1), twin (A2) and more than two lambs (AL2). Parameters measured were the body length, shoulder height, hip width, chest circumference and chest width. The results showed that all body measurement of dam related to the lambs. The highest correlation were in ≥ P2 for shoulder height, chest circumference, hip width and body length. Those were 0.310: 0.702: - 0.655 and 0.373 respectively. In conclusion, there was relationship on all birth type and parameters between dam and lambs. The AL2 showed closer relationship as compared to that of A1 and A2. Those were body length, shoulder height, chest circumference and hip width