68 research outputs found

    A Strategyproof Mechanism for Ownership Restructuring in Privately Owned Assets

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    It is unclear how to restructure ownership when an asset is privately held, and there is uncertainty about the owners' subjective valuations. When ownership is divided equally between two owners, a commonly used mechanism is called a BMBY mechanism. This mechanism works as follows: each owner can initiate a BMBY by naming her price. Once an owner declares a price, the other chooses to sell his holdings or buy the shares of the initiator at the given price. This mechanism is simple and tractable; however, it does not elicit actual owner valuations, does not guarantee an efficient allocation, and, most importantly, is limited to an equal partnership of two owners. In this paper, we extend this rationale to a multi-owner setting. Our proposed mechanism elicits owner valuations truthfully. Additionally, our proposed mechanism exhibits several desirable traits: it is easy to implement, budget balanced, robust to collusion (weakly group strategyproof), individually rational, and ex-post efficient

    Controlling Risk of Web Question Answering

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    Web question answering (QA) has become an indispensable component in modern search systems, which can significantly improve users' search experience by providing a direct answer to users' information need. This could be achieved by applying machine reading comprehension (MRC) models over the retrieved passages to extract answers with respect to the search query. With the development of deep learning techniques, state-of-the-art MRC performances have been achieved by recent deep methods. However, existing studies on MRC seldom address the predictive uncertainty issue, i.e., how likely the prediction of an MRC model is wrong, leading to uncontrollable risks in real-world Web QA applications. In this work, we first conduct an in-depth investigation over the risk of Web QA. We then introduce a novel risk control framework, which consists of a qualify model for uncertainty estimation using the probe idea, and a decision model for selectively output. For evaluation, we introduce risk-related metrics, rather than the traditional EM and F1 in MRC, for the evaluation of risk-aware Web QA. The empirical results over both the real-world Web QA dataset and the academic MRC benchmark collection demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieva

    Prolonged survival of a patient with active MDR-TB HIV co-morbidity: insights from a Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain with a unique genomic deletion

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    Coinfection of HIV and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) presents significant challenges in terms of the treatment and prognosis of tuberculosis, leading to complexities in managing the disease and impacting the overall outcome for TB patients. This study presents a remarkable case of a patient with MDR-TB and HIV coinfection who survived for over 8 years, despite poor treatment adherence and comorbidities. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of the infecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) strain revealed a unique genomic deletion, spanning 18 genes, including key genes involved in hypoxia response, intracellular survival, immunodominant antigens, and dormancy. This deletion, that we have called “Del-X,” potentially exerts a profound influence on the bacterial physiology and its virulence. Only few similar deletions were detected in other non-related Mtb genomes worldwide. In vivo evolution analysis identified drug resistance and metabolic adaptation mutations and their temporal dynamics during the patient’s treatment course

    Energetic eruptions leading to a peculiar hydrogen-rich explosion of a massive star

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    Every supernova so far observed has been considered to be the terminal explosion of a star. Moreover, all supernovae with absorption lines in their spectra show those lines decreasing in velocity over time, as the ejecta expand and thin, revealing slower-moving material that was previously hidden. In addition, every supernova that exhibits the absorption lines of hydrogen has one main light-curve peak, or a plateau in luminosity, lasting approximately 100 days before declining1. Here we report observations of iPTF14hls, an event that has spectra identical to a hydrogen-rich core-collapse supernova, but characteristics that differ extensively from those of known supernovae. The light curve has at least five peaks and remains bright for more than 600 days; the absorption lines show little to no decrease in velocity; and the radius of the line-forming region is more than an order of magnitude bigger than the radius of the photosphere derived from the continuum emission. These characteristics are consistent with a shell of several tens of solar masses ejected by the progenitor star at supernova-level energies a few hundred days before a terminal explosion. Another possible eruption was recorded at the same position in 1954. Multiple energetic pre-supernova eruptions are expected to occur in stars of 95 to 130 solar masses, which experience the pulsational pair instability2,3,4,5. That model, however, does not account for the continued presence of hydrogen, or the energetics observed here. Another mechanism for the violent ejection of mass in massive stars may be required