74 research outputs found

    Analisis Finansial USAhabudidaya Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus) Di Karamba Jaring Tancap Di Desa Sinuiankecamatan Remboken

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui keadaan umum Desa Sinuian Kecamatan Remboken dan mengetahui apakah USAha budidaya ikan di karamba jaring tancap layak atau tidak layak untuk dijalankan. Metode dasar dari penelitian ini yaitu studi kasus, pengambilan data dilakukan secara sensus dimana responden yang diambil adalah 100% dari populasi nelayan pembudidaya ikan nila di Desa Sinuian, data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer yaitu data yang terkumpul dengan cara observasi dan data sekunder berupa bukti, catatan atau laporan historis yang telah tersusun dalam arsip untuk menganalisis USAha budidaya ikan dengan metode analisis data seperti operating profit, net profit, profit rate, benefit cost ratio, rentabilitas, break event point, payback period, net present value, dan internal rate of return.Berdasarkan hasil analisis secara finansial, USAha budidaya ikan di karamba jaring tancap di Desa Sinuian layak untuk dijalankan karena nilai operating profit positif, profit rate dari USAha budidaya ikan ini mencapai 57,23%, rentabilitas 92,22%, nilai benefit cost ratio >1 yaitu 1,57; BEP atau titik impas yaitu BEP penjualan Rp. 24,562,016dan BEP satuan 982.48kg selanjutnya tingkat pengembalian investasi dari USAha budidaya ikan nila ini adalah 1 tahun 1 bulan, dengan IRR 92,09%, NPV 329,059,572.14


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    Introduction The experimentally observed lifetimes of charmed baryons differ by as much as a factor of three between ø (\Xi + c ) = 350 +70 \Gamma40 fs and ø (\Xi 0 c ) = 98 +23 \Gamma15 fs 1;2 . This large variance is understood to be the consequence of the strong interaction between the quarks involved and of W-exchange between the charm quark and a d-quark 3 . If both decay modes are possible, the direct decay of the c-quark by emission of a W + (c ! sud) and W-exchange with a d-quark of the baryon (cd ! su), the lifetime is short, as is the case for the \Xi 0 c . If only direct decay is possible, the lifetime is long, as is the case for \Xi + c . Furthe

    Verification and Measurement of Thrust Vectoring Using Thermal Mapping Techniques

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    Presented at AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum 2020The feasibility of thrust vectoring measurement using thermal mapping techniques was investigated. In this study, thermal maps are represented by generated figures which display temperatures spatially using a grid of evenly spaced thermocouples. For the purpose of measurement of thrust vectoring, thermal maps as well as the distance from the engine nozzle exit to the thermocouple grid were used to triangulate the vectored angle. This investigation was intended to be conducted using a small gas turbine engine in instrumented experiments. The assessment of feasibility was based on cost analysis, as well as the accuracy of experimental results

    Prioritizing interdependent production processes using leontief input-output model

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    This paper proposes a methodology in identifying key production processes in an interdependent production system. Previous approaches on this domain have drawbacks that may potentially affect the reliability of decision-making. The proposed approach adopts the Leontief input-output model (L-IOM) which was proven successful in analyzing interdependent economic systems. The motivation behind such adoption lies in the strength of L-IOM in providing a rigorous quantitative framework in identifying key components of interdependent systems. In this proposed approach, the consumption and production flows of each process are represented respectively by the material inventory produced by the prior process and the material inventory produced by the current process, both in monetary values. A case study in a furniture production system located in central Philippines was carried out to elucidate the proposed approach. Results of the case were reported in this work